Roland Häder 4a22710b3b Moved global PAGE_* to Profile class (#5500)
* Rewrites:
- moved PAGE_* to Friendica\Model\Profile class

* Fixed more rewrites from plain (global namespace) PAGE_* to Friendica\Models\Profile class

* CR request:
- moved all PAGE_* constants to Friendica\Model\Contact class
- fixed all references of both classes

* CR request:
- moved ACCOUNT_TYPE_* constants from boot.php to Contact::ACCOUNT_TYPE_*

* Just copy-pasted this code from boot.php, needs to be changed to `const ACCOUNT_TYPE_FOO = x;`

* Ops, melting brain cells here ... :-/
2018-07-27 19:25:57 -04:00
HTTPException Line endings are converted to unix style 2018-02-09 03:49:49 +00:00
FKOAuth1.php Rename DBA::is_result to DBA::isResult 2018-07-23 11:04:14 -04:00
FKOAuthDataStore.php Rename DBA::is_result to DBA::isResult 2018-07-23 11:04:14 -04:00
HTTPException.php Line endings are converted to unix style 2018-02-09 03:49:49 +00:00
Probe.php Moved global PAGE_* to Profile class (#5500) 2018-07-27 19:25:57 -04:00