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* ejabberd extauth script for the integration with friendica
* Originally written for joomla by Dalibor Karlovic <>
* modified for Friendica by Michael Vogel <>
* published under GPL
* Latest version of the original script for joomla is available at:
* Installation:
* - Change it's owner to whichever user is running the server, ie. ejabberd
* $ chown ejabberd:ejabberd /path/to/friendica/include/auth_ejabberd.php
* - Change the access mode so it is readable only to the user ejabberd and has exec
* $ chmod 700 /path/to/friendica/include/auth_ejabberd.php
* - Edit your ejabberd.cfg file, comment out your auth_method and add:
* {auth_method, external}.
* {extauth_program, "/path/to/friendica/include/auth_ejabberd.php"}.
* - Restart your ejabberd service, you should be able to login with your friendica auth info
* Other hints:
* - if your users have a space or a @ in their nickname, they'll run into trouble
* registering with any client so they should be instructed to replace these chars
* " " (space) is replaced with "%20"
* "@" is replaced with "(a)"
if (sizeof($_SERVER["argv"]) == 0)
$directory = dirname($_SERVER["argv"][0]);
if (substr($directory, 0, 1) != "/")
$directory = $_SERVER["PWD"]."/".$directory;
$directory = realpath($directory."/..");
global $a, $db;
if(is_null($a)) {
$a = new App;
if(is_null($db)) {
$db = new dba($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_data);
unset($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_data);
// the logfile to which to write, should be writeable by the user which is running the server
$sLogFile = get_config('jabber','logfile');
// set true to debug if needed
$bDebug = get_config('jabber','debug');
$oAuth = new exAuth($sLogFile, $bDebug);
class exAuth
private $sLogFile;
private $bDebug;
private $rLogFile;
public function __construct($sLogFile, $bDebug)
global $db;
// setter
$this->sLogFile = $sLogFile;
$this->bDebug = $bDebug;
// ovo ne provjeravamo jer ako ne mozes kreirati log file, onda si u kvascu :)
if ($this->sLogFile != '')
$this->rLogFile = fopen($this->sLogFile, "a") or die("Error opening log file: ". $this->sLogFile);
$this->writeLog("[exAuth] start");
// ovdje bi trebali biti spojeni na MySQL, imati otvoren log i zavrtit cekalicu
do {
$iHeader = fgets(STDIN, 3);
$aLength = unpack("n", $iHeader);
$iLength = $aLength["1"];
if($iLength > 0) {
// ovo znaci da smo nesto dobili
$sData = fgets(STDIN, $iLength + 1);
$this->writeDebugLog("[debug] received data: ". $sData);
$aCommand = explode(":", $sData);
if (is_array($aCommand)){
switch ($aCommand[0]){
case "isuser":
// provjeravamo je li korisnik dobar
if (!isset($aCommand[1])){
$this->writeLog("[exAuth] invalid isuser command, no username given");
fwrite(STDOUT, pack("nn", 2, 0));
} else {
// ovdje provjeri je li korisnik OK
$sUser = str_replace(array("%20", "(a)"), array(" ", "@"), $aCommand[1]);
$this->writeDebugLog("[debug] checking isuser for ". $sUser);
$sQuery = "SELECT `uid` FROM `user` WHERE `nickname`='". $db->escape($sUser) ."'";
$this->writeDebugLog("[debug] using query ". $sQuery);
if ($oResult = q($sQuery)){
if ($oResult) {
// korisnik OK
$this->writeLog("[exAuth] valid user: ". $sUser);
fwrite(STDOUT, pack("nn", 2, 1));
} else {
// korisnik nije OK
$this->writeLog("[exAuth] invalid user: ". $sUser);
fwrite(STDOUT, pack("nn", 2, 0));
} else {
$this->writeLog("[MySQL] invalid query: ". $sQuery);
fwrite(STDOUT, pack("nn", 2, 0));
case "auth":
// provjeravamo autentifikaciju korisnika
if (sizeof($aCommand) != 4){
$this->writeLog("[exAuth] invalid auth command, data missing");
fwrite(STDOUT, pack("nn", 2, 0));
} else {
// ovdje provjeri prijavu
$sUser = str_replace(array("%20", "(a)"), array(" ", "@"), $aCommand[1]);
$this->writeDebugLog("[debug] doing auth for ". $sUser);
//$sQuery = "SELECT `uid`, `password` FROM `user` WHERE `password`='".hash('whirlpool',$aCommand[3])."' AND `nickname`='". $db->escape($sUser) ."'";
$sQuery = "SELECT `uid`, `password` FROM `user` WHERE `nickname`='". $db->escape($sUser) ."'";
$this->writeDebugLog("[debug] using query ". $sQuery);
if ($oResult = q($sQuery)){
$Error = ($oResult[0]["password"] != hash('whirlpool',$aCommand[3]));
if ($oResult[0]["password"] == hash('whirlpool',$aCommand[3])) {
// korisnik OK
$this->writeLog("[exAuth] authentificated user ". $sUser ."@". $aCommand[2]);
fwrite(STDOUT, pack("nn", 2, 1));
} else {
// korisnik nije OK
$this->writeLog("[exAuth] authentification failed for user ". $sUser ."@". $aCommand[2]);
fwrite(STDOUT, pack("nn", 2, 0));
} else {
$this->writeLog("[MySQL] invalid query: ". $sQuery);
$Error = true;
if ($Error) {
$oConfig = q("SELECT `v` FROM `pconfig` WHERE `uid`=1 AND `cat` = 'xmpp' AND `k`='password' LIMIT 1;");
$this->writeLog("[exAuth] got password ".$oConfig[0]["v"]);
$Error = ($aCommand[3] != $oConfig[0]["v"]);
if ($Error) {
$this->writeLog("[exAuth] authentification failed for user ". $sUser ."@". $aCommand[2]);
fwrite(STDOUT, pack("nn", 2, 0));
} else {
$this->writeLog("[exAuth] authentificated user ". $sUser ."@". $aCommand[2]);
fwrite(STDOUT, pack("nn", 2, 1));
case "setpass":
// postavljanje zaporke, onemoguceno
$this->writeLog("[exAuth] setpass command disabled");
fwrite(STDOUT, pack("nn", 2, 0));
// ako je uhvaceno ista drugo
$this->writeLog("[exAuth] unknown command ". $aCommand[0]);
fwrite(STDOUT, pack("nn", 2, 0));
} else {
$this->writeDebugLog("[debug] invalid command string");
fwrite(STDOUT, pack("nn", 2, 0));
unset ($iHeader);
unset ($aLength);
unset ($iLength);
} while (true);
public function __destruct()
// zatvori log file
$this->writeLog("[exAuth] stop");
if (is_resource($this->rLogFile)){
private function writeLog($sMessage)
if (is_resource($this->rLogFile)) {
fwrite($this->rLogFile, date("r") ." ". $sMessage ."\n");
private function writeDebugLog($sMessage)
if ($this->bDebug){