Add ability to generate EARL report.

This commit is contained in:
Dave Longley 2013-05-03 10:24:45 -04:00
parent 5ed2f4ea35
commit 02eb5913c5

View file

@ -15,6 +15,47 @@ ini_set('display_errors', 'stdout');
$isCli = defined('STDIN');
$eol = $isCli ? "\n" : '<br/>';
// EARL report
$earl = (object)array(
'@context' => (object)array(
'doap' => '',
'foaf' => '',
'dc' => '',
'earl' => '',
'xsd' => '',
'doap:homepage' => (object)array('@type' => '@id'),
'doap:license' => (object)array('@type' => '@id'),
'dc:creator' => (object)array('@type' => '@id'),
'foaf:homepage' => (object)array('@type' => '@id'),
'subjectOf' => (object)array('@reverse' => 'earl:subject'),
'earl:assertedBy' => (object)array('@type' => '@id'),
'earl:mode' => (object)array('@type' => '@id'),
'earl:test' => (object)array('@type' => '@id'),
'earl:outcome' => (object)array('@type' => '@id'),
'dc:date' => (object)array('@type' => 'xsd:date')
'@id' => '',
'@type' => array('doap:Project', 'earl:TestSubject', 'earl:Software'),
'doap:name' => 'php-json-ld',
'dc:title' => 'php-json-ld',
'doap:homepage' => '',
'doap:license' => '',
'doap:description' => 'A JSON-LD processor for PHP',
'doap:programming-language' => 'PHP',
'dc:creator' => '',
'doap:developer' => (object)array(
'@id' => '',
'@type' => array('foaf:Person', 'earl:Assertor'),
'foaf:name' => 'Dave Longley',
'foaf:homepage' => ''
'dc:date' => array(
'@value' => gmdate('Y-m-d'),
'@type' => 'xsd:date'
'subjectOf' => array()
function error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
global $eol;
echo "$eol$errstr$eol";
@ -270,6 +311,8 @@ class TestRunner {
echo 'Expect: ' . jsonld_encode($expect) . $eol;
echo 'Result: ' . jsonld_encode($result) . $eol;
return $pass;
public function load($filepath) {
@ -310,6 +353,7 @@ class TestRunner {
throw $e;
$manifest->filename = $file;
$manifest->filepath = $filepath;
$manifests[] = $manifest;
@ -333,17 +377,21 @@ class TestRunner {
global $eol;
global $earl;
foreach($manifests as $manifest) {
if(property_exists($manifest, 'name')) {
$filepath = $manifest->filepath;
$idBase = '' .
foreach($manifest->sequence as $test) {
// read test input files
$type = $test->{'@type'};
$options = array(
'base' => '' . $test->input);
$pass = false;
try {
if(in_array('jld:ApiErrorTest', $type)) {
echo "Skipping test \"{$test->name}\" of type: " .
@ -403,13 +451,25 @@ class TestRunner {
// check results
$this->check($test, $test->expect, $result, $type);
$pass = $this->check($test, $test->expect, $result, $type);
catch(JsonLdException $e) {
echo $eol . $e;
$this->failed += 1;
echo "FAIL$eol";
$earl->subjectOf[] = (object)array(
'@type' => 'earl:Assertion',
'earl:assertedBy' => $earl->{'doap:developer'}->{'@id'},
'earl:mode' => 'earl:automatic',
'earl:test' => $idBase . $test->{'@id'},
'earl:result' => (object)array(
'@type' => 'earl:TestResult',
'dc:date' => gmdate(DateTime::ISO8601),
'earl:outcome' => 'earl:' . ($pass ? 'passed' : 'failed'),
if(property_exists($manifest, 'name')) {
@ -419,10 +479,11 @@ class TestRunner {
// get command line options
$options = getopt('d:');
$options = getopt('d:e:');
if($options === false || !array_key_exists('d', $options)) {
$var = 'path to';
echo "Usage: php jsonld-tests.php -d <$var>$eol";
$dvar = 'path to';
$evar = 'file to write EARL report to';
echo "Usage: php jsonld-tests.php -d <$dvar> [-e <$evar>]$eol";
@ -433,4 +494,11 @@ $tr->run($tr->load($options['d']));
echo "Done. Total:{$tr->total} Passed:{$tr->passed} Failed:{$tr->failed}$eol";
// write out EARL report
if(array_key_exists('e', $options)) {
$fd = fopen($options['e'], 'w');
fwrite($fd, jsonld_encode($earl));
/* end of file, omit ?> */