A good place to start can be to help new people find their way around Friendica in the [general support forum](https://forum.friendi.ca/prufile/helpers).
Friendica uses [Composer](https://getcomposer.org) to manage dependencies libraries and the class autoloader both for libraries and namespaced Friendica classes.
It's a command-line tool that downloads required libraries into the `vendor` folder and makes any namespaced class in `src` available through the whole application through `boot.php`.
For the sake of consistency between contribution and general code readability, Friendica follows the widespread [PSR-2 coding standards](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-2/) to the exception of a few rules.
Here's a few primers if you are new to Friendica or to the PSR-2 coding standards:
* By default, strings are enclosed in single quotes, but feel free to use double quotes if it makes more sense (SQL queries, adding tabs and line feeds).
* Operators are wrapped by spaces, e.g. `$var === true`, `$var = 1 + 2` and `'string' . $concat . 'enation'`
* Braces are mandatory in conditions
* Boolean operators are `&&` and `||` for PHP conditions, `AND` and `OR` for SQL queries
If you're getting a massive list of standards violations when running `phpcs`, it can be annoying to fix all the violations by hand.
Thankfully, PHP Code Sniffer is shipped with an automatic code fixer that can take care of the tedious task for you.
Here's the command to automatically fix the files you created/modified:
$> phpcbf --standard=PSR2 <fileordirectory>
If the command-line tools `diff` and `patch` are unavailabe for you, `phpcbf` can use slightly slower PHP equivalents by using the `--no-patch` argument.
If you are interested in having the documentation of the Friendica code outside of the code files, you can use [Doxygen](http://doxygen.org) to generate it.
* Let us know about your plans [in the dev forum](https://forum.friendi.ca/profile/developers) or the [theme developer forum](https://friendica.eu/profile/ftdevs).
* SailfishOS: **Friendiy** [src](https://kirgroup.com/projects/fabrixxm/harbour-friendly) - developed by [Fabio](https://kirgroup.com/profile/fabrixxm/?tab=profile)
* Windows: **Friendica Mobile** for Windows versions [before 8.1](http://windowsphone.com/s?appid=e3257730-c9cf-4935-9620-5261e3505c67) and [Windows 10](https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9nblggh0fhmn) - developed by [Gerhard Seeber](http://mozartweg.dyndns.org/friendica/profile/gerhard/?tab=profile)