From 4b384b9345cef316c46a06cace15e79f972d3100 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tobias Diekershoff <>
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2012 10:35:29 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] SN/Twitter relay updated the README file

 statusnet/README | 33 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 twitter/README   |  8 ++++----
 2 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/statusnet/README b/statusnet/README
index 32c11c7e..f172f2ce 100755
--- a/statusnet/README
+++ b/statusnet/README
@@ -42,12 +42,35 @@ ___ Configuration ___
 __ Global Configuration __
-If you enabled an administrator account, please use the admin panel to cofigure
-the StatusNet relay.
+If you have configured an admin account, you can configure this plugin from
+the admin panel. First activate it from the plugin section of the panel.
+Afterwards you will have a separate configuration page for the plugin, where
+you can provide a set of globally available OAuth credentials for different
+StatusNet pages which will be available for all users of your server.
-To activate this addon add statusnet to the list of active addons in your
-.htconfig.php file 
-    $a->config['system']['addon'] = "statusnet, ...".
+If you don't use the admin panel, you can configure the relay using the
+.htconfig.php file of your friendica installation. To activate the relay add
+it's name to the list of activated addons.
+ $a->config['system']['addon'] = "statusnet, ..."
+If you want to provide preconfigured StatusNet instances for your user add the
+credentials for them by adding
+$a->config['statusnet']['sites'] = array (
+   array ('sitename' => '', 'apiurl' => '',
+     'consumersecret' => 'OAuth Consumer Secret here', 'consumerkey' => 'OAuth
+     Consumer Key here'),
+   array ('sitename' => 'Some other Server', 'apiurl' =>
+     '', 'consumersecret'  => 'OAuth
+     Consumer Secret here', 'consumerkey' => 'OAuth Consumer Key here')
+to the config file.
+Regardless of providing global OAuth credentials for your users or not, they
+can always add their own OAuth-Key and -Secret thus enable the relay for any
+StatusNet instance they may have an account at.
 __ User Configuration __
diff --git a/twitter/README b/twitter/README
index 3b8f0e85..56dbc7e2 100755
--- a/twitter/README
+++ b/twitter/README
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ ___ Configuration ___
 __ Global Configuration __
-If you enabled an administrator account, please use the admin panel to cofigure
-the Twitter relay.  If you for any reason prefer to use a configuration file instead 
+If you enabled an administrator account, please use the admin panel to configure
+the Twitter relay. If you for any reason prefer to use a configuration file instead 
 of the admin panels, please refer to the Alternative Configuration below. 
 Activate the plugin from the plugins section of your admin panel.  When you have
@@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ done so, add your consumer key and consumer secret in the settings section of th
 plugin page.
 When this is done your user can now configure their Twitter connection at
-"Settings -> Plugin Settings" and enable the forwarding of their *public*
+"Settings -> Connector Settings" and enable the forwarding of their *public*
 messages to Twitter.
 __ Alternative Configuration __
--To activate this addon add @twitter@ to the list of active addons in your
+To activate this addon add @twitter@ to the list of active addons in your
 .htconfig.php file 
 $a->config['system']['addon'] = "twitter, ..."