% % The above mentioned file should become obsolete, % and the author of the original file should preferaby modify this file instead. % % Modificatios were needed in order to support native UTF-8 engines, % but functionality (hopefully) didn't change in any way,at least not intentionally. % This file is no longer stand-alone; at least for 8-bit engines % you probably want to use loadhyph-foo.tex (which will load this file) instead. % % Modifications were done by Jonathan Kew, Mojca Miklavec & Arthur Reutenauer % with help & support from: % - Karl Berry,w ho gave us free hands and all resources % - Taco Hoekwater, with useful macros % - Hans Hagen, who did the unicodifisation of patterns already long before % and helped with testing, suggestions and bug reports % - Norbert Preining, who tested & integrated patterns into TeX Live % % However, the 'copyright/copyleft' owner of patterns remains the original author. % % The copyright statement of this file is thus: % % Do with this file whatever needs to be done in future for the sake of % 'a better world' as long as you respect the copyright of original file. % If you're the original author of patterns or taking over a new revolution, % plese remove all of the TUG comments & credits that we added here - % you are the Queen / the King, we are only the servants. % % If you want to change this file, rather than uploading directly to CTAN, % we would be grateful if you could send it to us (http://tug.org/tex-hyphen) % or ask for credentials for SVN repository and commit it yourself; % we will then upload the whole 'package' to CTAN. % % Before a new 'pattern-revolution' starts, % please try to follow some guidelines if possible: % % - \lccode is *forbidden*, and I really mean it % - all the patterns should be in UTF-8 % - the only 'allowed' TeX commands in this file are: \patterns, \hyphenation, % and if you really cannot do without, also \input and \message % - in particular, please no \catcode or \lccode changes, % they belong to loadhyph-foo.tex, % and no \lefthyphenmin and \righthyphenmin, % they have no influence here and belong elsewhere % - \begingroup and/or \endinput is not needed % - feel free to do whatever you want inside comments % % We know that TeX is extremely powerful, but give a stupid parser % at least a chance to read your patterns. % % For more unformation see % % http://tug.org/tex-hyphen % %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % % Hyphenation patterns for Catalan. % This is version 1.11 % Compiled by Gonçal Badenes and Francina Turon, % December 1991-January 1995. % % Copyright (C) 1991-2003 Gonçal Badenes % % ----------------------------------------------------------------- % IMPORTANT NOTICE: % % This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms % of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN % archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either % version 1 of the License, or any later version. % ----------------------------------------------------------------- % %%% ==================================================================== %%% @TeX-hyphen-file{ %%% author = 'Gonçal Badenes', %%% version = '1.11', %%% date = '15 July 2003', %%% time = '15:08:12 CET', %%% filename = 'cahyph.tex', %%% email = 'g.badenes@ieee.org', %%% codetable = 'UTF-8', %%% keywords = 'TeX, hyphen, catalan', %%% supported = 'yes', %%% abstract = 'Catalan hyphenation patterns', %%% docstring = 'This file contains the hyphenation patterns %%% for the catalan language', %%% } %%% ==================================================================== % % NOTICE: Version 1.11 is identical to version 1.10 (issued on January 17, % 1995) except for the updated copyright notice above. % % The macros used were created for ghyph31.tex by Bernd Raichle (see the % German hyphenation pattern files for further details) % % This patterns have been created using standard, conservative % hyphenation rules for catalan. The results have refined running them % through patgen. In that way, the number of hits has been increased. % % These rules produce no wrong patterns (Results checked against the % ``Diccionari Ortogr\`afic i de Pron\'uncia'', Enciclop\`edia % Catalana. The percentage of valid hyphen misses is lower than 1% % % Some of the patterns below represent combinations that never % happen in Catalan. We have tried to keep them to a minimum. % % *** IMPORTANT *** % \lefthyphenmin and \righthyphenmin should be set to 2 and 2 % respectively. If you set them below these values incorrect breaks % will happen (specially at the beginning of foreign words and words % which begin with some prefixes). % *** IMPORTANT *** % % Please report any problem you might have to the authors!!! % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \message{Catalan Hyphenation Patterns `cahyphen' Version 1.11 <2003/07/15>} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //============================================================================================================ */ $patgenLanguage = 'Catalan'; $patgenExceptions = array( 'curie'=>'cu-rie', 'curies'=>'cu-ries', 'geisha'=>'gei-sha', 'geishes'=>'gei-shes', 'gouache'=>'goua-che', 'gouaches'=>'goua-ches', 'hippy'=>'hip-py', 'hippies'=>'hip-pies', 'hobby'=>'hob-by', 'hobbies'=>'hob-bies', 'jeep'=>'jeep', 'jeeps'=>'jeeps', 'joule'=>'joule', 'joules'=>'joules', 'kleenex'=>'klee-nex', 'kleenexs'=>'klee-nexs', 'larghetti'=>'lar-ghet-ti', 'larghetto'=>'lar-ghet-to', 'lied'=>'lied', 'lieder'=>'lieder', 'nosaltres'=>'nos-al-tres', 'royalties'=>'ro-yal-ties', 'royalty'=>'ro-yal-ty', 'vosaltres'=>'vos-al-tres', 'whisky'=>'whis-ky', 'whiskies'=>'whis-kies' ); $patgenMaxSeg = 10; $patgen = array( 'begin'=>array( 'hia'=>'0020', 'hie'=>'0020', 'hio'=>'0020', 'hiu'=>'0020', 'hua'=>'0020', 'hue'=>'0020', 'hui'=>'0020', 'huo'=>'0020', 'iè'=>'020', 'iò'=>'020', 'uè'=>'020', 'uò'=>'020', 'hié'=>'0020', 'hió'=>'0020', 'hiú'=>'0020', 'hià'=>'0020', 'hiè'=>'0020', 'hiò'=>'0020', 'hué'=>'0020', 'huí'=>'0020', 'huó'=>'0020', 'huà'=>'0020', 'huè'=>'0020', 'huò'=>'0020', 'antihi'=>'0000002', 'ben'=>'0020', 'bes'=>'0020', 'bis'=>'0020', 'cap'=>'0020', 'cel'=>'0020', 'clar'=>'00020', 'coll'=>'00200', 'con'=>'0020', 'cor'=>'0020', 'des'=>'0020', 'dis'=>'0020', 'ena'=>'0030', 'hiper'=>'000020', 'hipermn'=>'00000020', 'inac'=>'00300', 'inad'=>'00300', 'inap'=>'00300', 'ines'=>'00300', 'ino'=>'0030', 'inter'=>'000020', 'mal'=>'0020', 'malthus'=>'00012000', 'pan'=>'0020', 'per'=>'0020', 'peri'=>'00300', 'post'=>'00020', 'psal'=>'00020', 'rebes'=>'000020', 'red'=>'0020', 'sub'=>'0020', 'subo'=>'00030', 'subdes'=>'0000020', 'super'=>'000020', 'trans'=>'000020', 'ch'=>'002', 'th'=>'002' ), 'end'=>array( 'aisme'=>'010000', 'eisme'=>'010000', 'iisme'=>'010000', 'oisme'=>'010000', 'uisme'=>'010000', 'aista'=>'010000', 'eista'=>'010000', 'iista'=>'010000', 'oista'=>'010000', 'uista'=>'010000', 'aum'=>'0100', 'eum'=>'0100', 'ium'=>'0100', 'oum'=>'0100', 'uum'=>'0100' ), 'all'=>array( 'ba'=>'100', 'be'=>'100', 'bi'=>'100', 'bo'=>'100', 'bu'=>'100', 'ca'=>'100', 'ce'=>'100', 'ci'=>'100', 'co'=>'100', 'cu'=>'100', 'da'=>'100', 'de'=>'100', 'di'=>'100', 'do'=>'100', 'du'=>'300', 'fa'=>'100', 'fe'=>'100', 'fi'=>'100', 'fo'=>'100', 'fu'=>'100', 'ga'=>'100', 'ge'=>'100', 'gi'=>'100', 'go'=>'100', 'gu'=>'100', 'ha'=>'100', 'he'=>'100', 'hi'=>'100', 'ho'=>'100', 'hu'=>'100', 'ja'=>'100', 'je'=>'100', 'ji'=>'100', 'jo'=>'100', 'ju'=>'100', 'la'=>'100', 'le'=>'100', 'li'=>'100', 'lo'=>'100', 'lu'=>'100', 'ma'=>'100', 'me'=>'100', 'mi'=>'100', 'mo'=>'100', 'mu'=>'100', 'na'=>'100', 'ne'=>'100', 'ni'=>'300', 'no'=>'100', 'nu'=>'100', 'pa'=>'100', 'pe'=>'300', 'pi'=>'300', 'po'=>'300', 'pu'=>'100', 'qu'=>'100', 'ra'=>'100', 're'=>'100', 'ri'=>'100', 'ro'=>'100', 'ru'=>'100', 'sa'=>'100', 'se'=>'100', 'si'=>'100', 'so'=>'100', 'su'=>'100', 'ta'=>'100', 'te'=>'100', 'ti'=>'100', 'to'=>'100', 'tu'=>'100', 'va'=>'100', 've'=>'100', 'vi'=>'100', 'vo'=>'100', 'vu'=>'100', 'xa'=>'100', 'xe'=>'100', 'xi'=>'100', 'xo'=>'100', 'xu'=>'100', 'za'=>'100', 'ze'=>'100', 'zi'=>'100', 'zo'=>'100', 'zu'=>'100', 'bé'=>'100', 'bí'=>'100', 'bó'=>'100', 'bú'=>'100', 'bà'=>'100', 'bè'=>'100', 'bò'=>'100', 'cé'=>'100', 'cí'=>'100', 'có'=>'100', 'cú'=>'100', 'cà'=>'100', 'cè'=>'100', 'cò'=>'100', 'ço'=>'100', 'ça'=>'100', 'çu'=>'100', 'çó'=>'100', 'çú'=>'100', 'çà'=>'100', 'çò'=>'100', 'dé'=>'100', 'dí'=>'100', 'dó'=>'100', 'dú'=>'100', 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'quí'=>'0020', 'quó'=>'0020', 'quà'=>'0020', 'què'=>'0020', 'quò'=>'0020', 'güe'=>'0020', 'güé'=>'0020', 'güí'=>'0020', 'güè'=>'0020', 'güi'=>'0020', 'qüe'=>'0020', 'qüé'=>'0020', 'qüí'=>'0020', 'qüè'=>'0020', 'qüi'=>'0020', 'gno'=>'0200', 'psi'=>'0200', 'pse'=>'0200', 'pneu'=>'02000', 'gnò'=>'0200', 'psí'=>'0200', 'einstein'=>'000120000', 'rutherford'=>'00120000000', 'nietzsche'=>'0020010200', 'exp'=>'3000', 'nef'=>'3000', 'nei'=>'3000', 'pr'=>'300', 'ser'=>'3000', 'ane'=>'0300', 'ari'=>'0300', 'bise'=>'00300', 'desag'=>'000300', 'desar'=>'000300', 'desav'=>'000300', 'desenc'=>'0003000', 'eism'=>'03000', 'ele'=>'0300', 'erio'=>'03000', 'eris'=>'03000', 'esaco'=>'003000', 'esaf'=>'00300', 'esap'=>'00300', 'esarr'=>'003000', 'esas'=>'00300', 'esint'=>'003000', 'ign'=>'0030', 'inex'=>'00300', 'nsi'=>'0300', 'oro'=>'0300', 'quie'=>'00030', 'semp'=>'03000', 'sesp'=>'03000', 'suba'=>'00030', 'uiet'=>'00300', 'ognò'=>'03000' ) ); ?>