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For web design services, please contact info@kingdesk.com. */ ######################################################################################################### ######################################################################################################### ## ## parseText assumes no HTML markup in text (except for special html characters like >) ## ## if multibyte characters are passed, encoding must be UTF-8 ## ######################################################################################################### ######################################################################################################### class parseText { var $mb = FALSE; //changes to this must occur prior to load var $parsedHTML; var $text = array(); /* $text structure: ARRAY: index => ARRAY: tokenized Text // REQUIRED "type" => STRING: "space" | "punctuation" | "word" | "other" "value" => STRING: token content "parents" => ARRAY: parent tags: "index" => array("tagName" => tagName, "attributes" => array(name => value, ... )) // elements must be assigned this value if it has a parent HTML element */ #======================================================================= #======================================================================= #== METHODS #======================================================================= #======================================================================= ######################################################################## # ( UN | RE )LOAD, UPDATE AND CLEAR METHODS # # Params: $rawText STRING containing HTML markup OR ARRAY containg a single parseHTML token # Action: Tokenizes $rawText (or $rawText["value"] - as the case may be) and saves it to $this->text # Returns: TRUE on completion function load($rawText) { $this->clear(); if(is_string($rawText)) { // not passed a token of class parseHTML so we will fake it $this->parsedHTML = ""; } elseif(is_array($rawText)) { // passed an instance of a parseHTML token $this->parsedHTML = $rawText; $rawText = $rawText["value"]; } else { // we have an error return FALSE; } $encodings = array("ASCII","UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1"); $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($rawText."a", $encodings); if("UTF-8" == $encoding) { $this->mb = TRUE; if(!function_exists('mb_strlen')) return FALSE; } elseif("ASCII" != $encoding) { return FALSE; } $utf8 = ($this->mb) ? "u" : ""; $tokens = array(); # find spacing FIRST (as it is the primary delimiter) # find the HTML character representation for the following characters: # tab | line feed | carriage return | space | non-breaking space | ethiopic wordspace # ogham space mark | en quad space | em quad space | en-space | three-per-em space # four-per-em space | six-per-em space | figure space | punctuation space | em-space # thin space | hair space | narrow no-break space # medium mathematical space | ideographic space # Some characters are used inside words, we will not count these as a space for the purpose # of finding word boundaries: # zero-width-space ("​", "​") # zero-width-joiner ("‌", "‌", "‍") # zero-width-non-joiner ("‍", "‍", "‌") $htmlSpaces = ' (?: (?: # alpha matches & (?: nbsp|ensp|emsp|thinsp ) ; ) | (?: # decimal matches &\# (?: 09|1[03]|32|160|4961|5760|819[2-9]|820[0-2]|8239|8287|12288 ) ; ) | (?: # hexidecimal matches &\#x (?: 000[9ad]|0020|00a0|1361|1680|200[0-9a]|202f|205f|3000 ) ; ) | (?: # actual characters \x{0009}|\x{000a}|\x{000d}|\x{0020}|\x{00a0}|\x{1361}|\x{2000}|\x{2001}|\x{2002}|\x{2003}| \x{2004}|\x{2005}|\x{2006}|\x{2007}|\x{2008}|\x{2009}|\x{200a}|\x{202f}|\x{205f}|\x{3000} ) ) '; // required modifiers: x (multiline pattern) i (case insensitive) u (utf8) $space = "(?:\s|$htmlSpaces)+"; // required modifiers: x (multiline pattern) i (case insensitive) $utf8 # find punctuation and symbols before words (to capture preceeding delimiating characters like hyphens or underscores) # see http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2000.pdf # see http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2E00.pdf # find punctuation and symbols # dec matches = 33-44|46-47|58-60|62-64|91-94|96|123-126|161-172|174-191|215|247|710|732|977-978|982|8211-8231|8240-8286|8289-8292|8352-8399|8448-8527|8592-9215|9632-9983|11776-11903 # hex matches = 0021-002c|002e-002f|003a-003c|003e-0040|005b-e|0060|007b-007e|00a1-00ac|00ae-00bf|00d7|00f7|02c6|02dc|03d1-03d2| # 03d6|2013-2027|2030-205e|2061-2064|20a0-20cf|2100-214f|2190-23ff|25a0-26ff|2e00-2e7f # # Some characters are used inside words, we will not count these as a space for the purpose # of finding word boundaries: # hyphens ("-", "­", "‐", "‑", "‒", "-", "­", "‐", "‑", "‒", "­") # underscore ("_", "_") $htmlPunctuation = ' (?: (?: # alpha matches & (?:quot|amp|frasl|lt|gt|iexcl|cent|pound|curren|yen|brvbar|sect|uml|pound|ordf|laquo|not|reg|macr|deg|plusmn|sup2|sup3|acute|micro|para|middot|cedil|sup1|ordm|raquo|frac14|frac12|frac34|iquest|times|divide|circ|tilde|thetasym|upsih|piv|ndash|mdash|lsquo|rsquo|sbquo|ldquo|rdquo|bdquo|dagger|Dagger|bull|hellip|permil|prime|Prime|lsaquo|rsaquo|oline|frasl|euro|trade|alefsym|larr|uarr|rarr|darr|harr|crarr|lArr|uArr|rArr|dArr|hArr|forall|part|exist|emptyn|abla|isin|notin|ni|prod|sum|minus|lowast|radic|prop|infin|ang|and|orc|ap|cup|int|there4|simc|ong|asymp|ne|equiv|le|ge|sub|supn|sub|sube|supe|oplus|otimes|perp|sdot|lceil|rceil|lfloor|rfloor|lang|rang|loz|spades|clubs|hearts|diams) ; ) | (?: # decimal matches &\# (?: 3[3-9]|4[0-467]|5[89]|6[02-4]|9[1-46]|12[3-6]|16[1-9]|17[0-24-9]|18[0-9]|19[01]|215|247|710|732|97[78]|982|821[1-9]|822[0-9]|823[01]|82[4-7][0-9]|828[0-6]|8289|829[0-2]|835[2-9]|86[6-9][0-9]|844[89]|84[5-9][0-9]|851[0-9]|852[0-7]|859[2-9]|85[6-9][0-9]|8[6-9][0-9][0-9]|9[01][0-9][0-9]|920[0-9]|921[0-5]|963[2-9]|96[4-9][0-9]|9[78][0-9][0-9]|99[0-7][0-9]|998[0-3]|1177[6-9]|117[89][0-9]|118[0-9][0-9]|1190[0-3] ) ; ) | (?: # hexidecimal matches &\#x (?: 002[1-9a-cef]|003[a-cef]|0040|005[b-e]|0060|007[b-e]|00a[1-9a-cef]|00b[0-9a-f]|00d7|00f7|02c6|02dc|03d[126]|201[3-9a-f]|202[0-7]|20[34][0-9a-f]|205[0-9a-e]|206[1-4]|20[a-c][0-9a-f]|21[0-4][0-9a-f]|219[0-9a-f]|2[23][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]|25[a-f][0-9a-f]|23[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]|2e[0-7][0-9a-f] ) ; ) ) '; // required modifiers: x (multiline pattern) i (case insensitive) u (utf8) $punctuation = " (?: (?: [^\w\s\&\/\@] # assume characters that are not word spaces or whitespace are punctuation # exclude & as that is an illegal stand-alone character (and would interfere with HTML character representations # exclude slash \/as to not include the last slash in a URL # exclude @ as to keep twitter names together | $htmlPunctuation # catch any HTML reps of punctuation )+ ) ";// required modifiers: x (multiline pattern) i (case insensitive) u (utf8) // duplicated in get_words // letter connectors allowed in words # hyphens ("-", "­", "‐", "‑", "‒", "-", "­", "‐", "‑", "‒", "­") # underscore ("_", "_") # zero-width-space ("​", "​") # zero-width-joiner ("‌", "‌", "‍") # zero-width-non-joiner ("‍", "‍", "‌") $htmlLetterConnectors = ' (?: (?: # alpha matches & (?: shy|zwj|zwnj ) ; ) | (?: # decimal matches &\# (?: 45|95|173|820[3-589]|8210 ) ; ) | (?: # hexidecimal matches &\#x (?: 002d|005f|00ad|200[b-d]|201[0-2] ) ; ) | (?: # actual characters \x{002d}|\x{005f}|\x{00ad}|\x{200b}|\x{200c}|\x{200d}|\x{2010}|\x{2011}|\x{2012} ) ) '; // required modifiers: x (multiline pattern) i (case insensitive) u (utf8) // word character html entities // character 0-9__ A-Z__ a-z___ other_special_chrs_____ // decimal 48-57 65-90 97-122 192-214,216-246,248-255, 256-383 // hex 31-39 41-5a 61-7a c0-d6 d8-f6 f8-ff 0100-017f $htmlLetters = ' (?: (?: # alpha matches & (?:Agrave|Aacute|Acirc|Atilde|Auml|Aring|AElig|Ccedil|Egrave|Eacute|Ecirc|Euml|Igrave|Iacute|Icirc|Iuml|ETH|Ntilde|Ograve|Oacute|Ocirc|Otilde|Ouml|Oslash|Ugrave|Uacute|Ucirc|Uuml|Yacute|THORN|szlig|agrave|aacute|acirc|atilde|auml|aring|aelig|ccedil|egrave|eacute|ecirc|euml|igrave|iacute|icirc|iuml|eth|ntilde|ograve|oacute|ocirc|otilde|ouml|oslash|ugrave|uacute|ucirc|uuml|yacute|thorn|yuml) ; ) | (?: # decimal matches &\# (?: 4[89]|5[0-7]|9[7-9]|1[01][0-9]|12[0-2]|19[2-9]|20[0-9]|21[0-46-9]|2[23][0-9]|24[0-68-9]|2[5-9][0-9]|3[0-7][0-9]|38[0-3] ) ; ) | (?: # hexidecimal matches (?: &\#x00 (?: 3[1-9]|4[1-9a-f]|5[0-9a]|6[1-9a-f]|7[0-9a]|c[0-9a-f]|d[0-689]|e[0-9a-f]|f[0-689a-f] ) ; ) | (?: &\#x01[0-7][0-9a-f]; ) ) | (?: # actual characters [0-9A-Za-z]|\x{00c0}|\x{00c1}|\x{00c2}|\x{00c3}|\x{00c4}|\x{00c5}|\x{00c6}|\x{00c7}|\x{00c8}|\x{00c9}| \x{00ca}|\x{00cb}|\x{00cc}|\x{00cd}|\x{00ce}|\x{00cf}|\x{00d0}|\x{00d1}|\x{00d2}|\x{00d3}|\x{00d4}| \x{00d5}|\x{00d6}|\x{00d8}|\x{00d9}|\x{00da}|\x{00db}|\x{00dc}|\x{00dd}|\x{00de}|\x{00df}|\x{00e0}| \x{00e1}|\x{00e2}|\x{00e3}|\x{00e4}|\x{00e5}|\x{00e6}|\x{00e7}|\x{00e8}|\x{00e9}|\x{00ea}|\x{00eb}| \x{00ec}|\x{00ed}|\x{00ee}|\x{00ef}|\x{00f0}|\x{00f1}|\x{00f2}|\x{00f3}|\x{00f4}|\x{00f5}|\x{00f6}| \x{00f8}|\x{00f9}|\x{00fa}|\x{00fb}|\x{00fc}|\x{00fd}|\x{00fe}|\x{00ff}|\x{0100}|\x{0101}|\x{0102}| \x{0103}|\x{0104}|\x{0105}|\x{0106}|\x{0107}|\x{0108}|\x{0109}|\x{010a}|\x{010b}|\x{010c}|\x{010d}| \x{010e}|\x{010f}|\x{0110}|\x{0111}|\x{0112}|\x{0113}|\x{0114}|\x{0115}|\x{0116}|\x{0117}|\x{0118}| \x{0119}|\x{011a}|\x{011b}|\x{011c}|\x{011d}|\x{011e}|\x{011f}|\x{0120}|\x{0121}|\x{0122}|\x{0123}| \x{0124}|\x{0125}|\x{0126}|\x{0127}|\x{0128}|\x{0129}|\x{012a}|\x{012b}|\x{012c}|\x{012d}|\x{012e}| \x{012f}|\x{0130}|\x{0131}|\x{0132}|\x{0133}|\x{0134}|\x{0135}|\x{0136}|\x{0137}|\x{0138}|\x{0139}| \x{013a}|\x{013b}|\x{013c}|\x{013d}|\x{013e}|\x{013f}|\x{0140}|\x{0141}|\x{0142}|\x{0143}|\x{0144}| \x{0145}|\x{0146}|\x{0147}|\x{0148}|\x{0149}|\x{014a}|\x{014b}|\x{014c}|\x{014d}|\x{014e}|\x{014f}| \x{0150}|\x{0151}|\x{0152}|\x{0153}|\x{0154}|\x{0155}|\x{0156}|\x{0157}|\x{0158}|\x{0159}|\x{015a}| \x{015b}|\x{015c}|\x{015d}|\x{015e}|\x{015f}|\x{0160}|\x{0161}|\x{0162}|\x{0163}|\x{0164}|\x{0165}| \x{0166}|\x{0167}|\x{0168}|\x{0169}|\x{016a}|\x{016b}|\x{016c}|\x{016d}|\x{016e}|\x{016f}|\x{0170}| \x{0171}|\x{0172}|\x{0173}|\x{0174}|\x{0175}|\x{0176}|\x{0177}|\x{0178}|\x{0179}|\x{017a}|\x{017b}| \x{017c}|\x{017d}|\x{017e}|\x{017f} ) ) '; // required modifiers: x (multiline pattern) i (case insensitive) u (utf8) $word = " (?: (? 'space', "value" => $part, ); } elseif(preg_match("/\A$punctuation\Z/sxiu", $part)) { $tokens[$index] = array( "type" => 'punctuation', "value" => $part, ); } elseif(preg_match("/\A$word\Z/xu", $part)) { //make sure that things like email addresses and URLs are not broken up into words and punctuation // not preceeded by an "other" if($index-1 >= 0 && $tokens[$index-1]['type'] == 'other') { $oldPart = $tokens[$index-1]['value']; $tokens[$index-1] = array( "type" => 'other', "value" => $oldPart.$part, ); $index = $index-1; // not preceeded by a non-space + punctuation } elseif($index-2 >= 0 && $tokens[$index-1]['type'] == 'punctuation' && $tokens[$index-2]['type'] != 'space') { $oldPart = $tokens[$index-1]['value']; $olderPart = $tokens[$index-2]['value']; $tokens[$index-2] = array( "type" => 'other', "value" => $olderPart.$oldPart.$part, ); unset($tokens[$index-1]); $index = $index-2; } else { $tokens[$index] = array( "type" => 'word', "value" => $part, ); } } else { //make sure that things like email addresses and URLs are not broken up into words and punctuation // not preceeded by an "other" or "word" if($index-1 >= 0 && ($tokens[$index-1]['type'] == 'word' || $tokens[$index-1]['type'] == 'other')) { $index = $index-1; $oldPart = $tokens[$index]['value']; $tokens[$index] = array( "type" => 'other', "value" => $oldPart.$part, ); // not preceeded by a non-space + punctuation } elseif($index-2 >= 0 && $tokens[$index-1]['type'] == 'punctuation' && $tokens[$index-2]['type'] != 'space') { $oldPart = $tokens[$index-1]['value']; $olderPart = $tokens[$index-2]['value']; $tokens[$index-2] = array( "type" => 'other', "value" => $olderPart.$oldPart.$part, ); unset($tokens[$index-1]); $index = $index-2; } else { $tokens[$index] = array( "type" => 'other', "value" => $part, ); } } if(isset($this->parsedHTML["parents"])) $tokens[$index]["parents"] = $this->parsedHTML["parents"]; $index++; } } $this->text = $tokens; return TRUE; } # Action: reloads $this->text (i.e. capture new inserted text, or remove those whose values are deleted) # Returns: TRUE on completion # WARNING: Tokens previously acquired through "get" methods may not match new tokenization function reload() { return $this->load($this->unload()); } # Action: outputs Text as string # Returns: STRING of Text (if string was initially loaded), or ARRAY of function unload() { $reassembledText = ""; foreach($this->text as $token) { $reassembledText .= $token["value"]; } if($this->parsedHTML != "") { // the initial value loaded was a single token of class parseHTML, so we will return in the same format $this->parsedHTML["value"] = $reassembledText; $output = $this->parsedHTML; } else { // the initial value loaded was a string, so we will return in the same format $output = $reassembledText; } $this->clear(); return $output; } # Action: unsets $this->text # Returns: TRUE on completion function clear() { $this->text = array(); $this->parsedHTML = ""; return TRUE; } # Parameter: ARRAY of tokens # Action: overwrite "value" for all matching tokens # Returns: TRUE on completion function update($tokens) { foreach($tokens as $index => $token) { $this->text[$index]["value"] = $token["value"]; } return TRUE; } ######################################################################## # GET METHODS # # Returns: ARRAY of sought tokens function get_all() { return $this->text; } function get_spaces() { return $this->get_type("space"); } function get_punctuation() { return $this->get_type("punctuation"); } # Parameter: $abc letter-only match OPTIONAL INT -1=>prohibit, 0=>allow, 1=>require # $caps capital-only match (allows non letter chrs) OPTIONAL INT -1=>prohibit, 0=>allow, 1=>require function get_words($abc = 0, $caps = 0) { $words = $this->get_type("word"); $tokens = array(); //duplicated from load $htmlLetterConnectors = ' (?: (?: # alpha matches & (?: shy|zwj|zwnj ) ; ) | (?: # decimal matches &\# (?: 45|95|173|820[3-589]|8210 ) ; ) | (?: # hexidecimal matches &\#x (?: 002d|005f|00ad|200[b-d]|201[0-2] ) ; ) | (?: # actual characters \x{002d}|\x{005f}|\x{00ad}|\x{200b}|\x{200c}|\x{200d}|\x{2010}|\x{2011}|\x{2012} ) ) '; // required modifiers: x (multiline pattern) i (case insensitive) u (utf8) foreach($words as $index => $token) { if($this->mb) { $capped = mb_strtoupper($token["value"], "UTF-8"); $lettered = preg_replace("/".$htmlLetterConnectors."|[0-9\-_&#;\/]/ux", "", $token["value"]); } else { $capped = strtoupper($token["value"]); $lettered = preg_replace("/".$htmlLetterConnectors."|[0-9\-_&#;\/]/ux", "", $token["value"]); } if( ($abc == -1 && $lettered != $token["value"]) && ($caps == -1 && $capped != $token["value"]) ) $tokens[$index] = $token; elseif( ($abc == -1 && $lettered != $token["value"]) && $caps == 0 ) $tokens[$index] = $token; elseif( ($abc == -1 && $lettered != $token["value"]) && ($caps == 1 && $capped == $token["value"]) ) $tokens[$index] = $token; elseif( $abc == 0 && ($caps == -1 && $capped != $token["value"]) ) $tokens[$index] = $token; elseif( $abc == 0 && $caps == 0 ) $tokens[$index] = $token; elseif( $abc == 0 && ($caps == 1 && $capped == $token["value"]) ) $tokens[$index] = $token; elseif( ($abc == 1 && $lettered == $token["value"]) && ($caps == -1 && $capped != $token["value"]) ) $tokens[$index] = $token; elseif( ($abc == 1 && $lettered == $token["value"]) && $caps == 0 ) $tokens[$index] = $token; elseif( ($abc == 1 && $lettered == $token["value"]) && ($caps == 1 && $capped == $token["value"]) ) $tokens[$index] = $token; } return $tokens; } function get_other() { return $this->get_type("other"); } #======================================================================= #======================================================================= #== MISC. METHODS #======================================================================= #======================================================================= # Params: STRING type to get function get_type($type) { $tokens = array(); foreach($this->text as $index => $token) { if($token["type"] == $type) $tokens[$index] = $token; } return $tokens; } } // end class parseText