% % The above mentioned file should become obsolete, % and the author of the original file should preferaby modify this file instead. % % Modificatios were needed in order to support native UTF-8 engines, % but functionality (hopefully) didn't change in any way, at least not intentionally. % This file is no longer stand-alone; at least for 8-bit engines % you probably want to use loadhyph-foo.tex (which will load this file) instead. % % Modifications were done by Jonathan Kew, Mojca Miklavec & Arthur Reutenauer % with help & support from: % - Karl Berry, who gave us free hands and all resources % - Taco Hoekwater, with useful macros % - Hans Hagen, who did the unicodifisation of patterns already long before % and helped with testing, suggestions and bug reports % - Norbert Preining, who tested & integrated patterns into TeX Live % % However, the 'copyright/copyleft' owner of patterns remains the original author. % % The copyright statement of this file is thus: % % Do with this file whatever needs to be done in future for the sake of % 'a better world' as long as you respect the copyright of original file. % If you're the original author of patterns or taking over a new revolution, % plese remove all of the TUG comments & credits that we added here - % you are the Queen / the King, we are only the servants. % % If you want to change this file, rather than uploading directly to CTAN, % we would be grateful if you could send it to us (http://tug.org/tex-hyphen) % or ask for credentials for SVN repository and commit it yourself; % we will then upload the whole 'package' to CTAN. % % Before a new 'pattern-revolution' starts, % please try to follow some guidelines if possible: % % - \lccode is *forbidden*, and I really mean it % - all the patterns should be in UTF-8 % - the only 'allowed' TeX commands in this file are: \patterns, \hyphenation, % and if you really cannot do without, also \input and \message % - in particular, please no \catcode or \lccode changes, % they belong to loadhyph-foo.tex, % and no \lefthyphenmin and \righthyphenmin, % they have no influence here and belong elsewhere % - \begingroup and/or \endinput is not needed % - feel free to do whatever you want inside comments % % We know that TeX is extremely powerful, but give a stupid parser % at least a chance to read your patterns. % % For more unformation see % % http://tug.org/tex-hyphen % %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% ROHYPHEN.TEX, version 1.1 <29.10.1996> R [7.11.1996] %% %% (C) 1995-1996 Adrian Rezus [adriaan@{sci,cs}.kun.nl] %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Romanian TeX hyphenation table: NFSS 2 encoding, medium. %% Contents: 647 Romanian hyphen patterns, with diacritics. %% %% This file is part of the Romanian TeX system. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Romanian TeX, version 1.3R <29.10.1996> %% %% (C) 1994-1996 Adrian Rezus %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% History: %% ROHYPHEN.TEX 1.0 <10.02.1995>: Plain TeX and LaTeX 2.09. %% ROHYPHEN.TEX 1.1 <29.10.1996>: Plain TeX and LaTeX2e. % % ------------------------------------------------------------------- % TODO: fix the notice below - it only holds for the old patterns % NB This file must be used in conjunction with either one of % % (1) ROMANIAN.TEX v1.2(R) [1994-1995] [(La)TeX] or % (2) ROMANIAN.STY v1.3R [1996] [(La)TeX(2e)] % % NB Romanian has LR-HYPHEN-MINs [2 2] (like German)! % NB Romanian has STRUCTURAL HYPHEN-AMBIGUA: % i.e., words that canNOT be hyphenated correctly without % additional (e.g., semantic, stress-mark) information. % -------------------------------------------------------- % The Romanian TeX encoding of the Romanian diacritics: % -------------------------------------------------------- % Romanian TeX DQ-macro encodings = (La)TeX macros % -------------------------------------------------------- % ă = \u{a} [-] \u{A} [not encoded] % â = \^{a} [-] \^{A} [not encoded] % î = \^{\i} 'I = \^{I} % ș = \c{s} 'S = \c{S} % ț = \c{t} 'T = \c{T} % ------------------------------------------------------------- % NB Romanian \^{a} behaves like \^{\i} as regards hyphenation. % NB The capital \u{A} and \^{A} are rare in script; as such, % they occur only in records of the Romanian substandard. % ------------------------------------------------------------------- % % original patterns generated by PatGen2-output hyphen-level 9: do NOT modify the list by hand! //============================================================================================================ */ $patgenLanguage = 'Romanian'; $patgenExceptions = array(); $patgenMaxSeg = 7; $patgen = array( 'begin'=>array( 'aic'=>'0300', 'anis'=>'04300', 'az'=>'020', 'cre'=>'0001', 'deaj'=>'00200', 'dez'=>'0021', 'g'=>'04', 'ia'=>'020', 'ie'=>'020', 'iț'=>'030', 'iu'=>'043', 'iv'=>'030', 'îm'=>'040', 'n'=>'02', 'ni'=>'002', 'p'=>'04', 'preș'=>'00030', 's'=>'04', 'ș'=>'04', 'ui'=>'040', 'uni'=>'0500', 'z'=>'02' ), 'end'=>array( 'an'=>'200', 'ăti'=>'0200', 'b'=>'20', 'bia'=>'0020', 'bține'=>'000400', 'c'=>'40', 'chi'=>'2000', 'ci'=>'200', 'd'=>'40', 'f'=>'20', 'fi'=>'200', 'g'=>'20', 'ghi'=>'2000', 'gi'=>'200', 'h'=>'20', 'hi'=>'200', 'i'=>'40', 'j'=>'20', 'ji'=>'200', 'l'=>'40', 'li'=>'400', 'm'=>'20', 'mi'=>'400', 'n'=>'40', 'ni'=>'400', 'obi'=>'0200', 'omedie'=>'0000020', 'orte'=>'00200', 'p'=>'20', 'pi'=>'200', 'pie'=>'0030', 'pți'=>'0400', 'r'=>'40', 'ri'=>'400', 's'=>'40', 'sc'=>'400', 'see'=>'0040', 'ș'=>'40', 'și'=>'400', 'ști'=>'4000', 't'=>'40', 'ti'=>'400', 'tii'=>'3000', 'tî'=>'200', 'tru'=>'3000', 'ț'=>'20', 'ți'=>'200', 'ția'=>'0030', 'u'=>'60', 'ua'=>'020', 'v'=>'20', 'vi'=>'200', 'x'=>'20', 'z'=>'20', 'zi'=>'200' ), 'all'=>array( 'a'=>'01', 'acă'=>'2000', 'achi'=>'00005', 'ae'=>'030', 'afo'=>'0003', 'aia'=>'0320', 'aie'=>'0320', 'ail'=>'0300', 'ais'=>'0032', 'aiu'=>'0300', 'alie'=>'00006', 'alt'=>'2000', 'am'=>'020', 'an'=>'020', 'ane'=>'0520', 'anie'=>'00020', 'aniș'=>'00034', 'ans'=>'0040', 'anu'=>'2000', 'anz'=>'0020', 'aog'=>'0020', 'atia'=>'00040', 'atr'=>'2000', 'atu'=>'0540', 'ața'=>'2000', 'ață'=>'2000', 'au'=>'200', 'aua'=>'0300', 'aud'=>'0300', 'aug'=>'0300', 'aul'=>'0300', 'aun'=>'0300', 'aur'=>'0300', 'aus'=>'0300', 'aute'=>'03000', 'auț'=>'0320', 'auz'=>'0300', 'ă'=>'21', 'ăi'=>'030', 'ăie'=>'0020', 'ăm'=>'022', 'ănu'=>'0003', 'ărgi'=>'00005', 'ăș'=>'030', 'ășt'=>'0430', 'ătie'=>'00040', 'ău'=>'030', 'ăv'=>'030', 'ăzi'=>'0200', 'b'=>'10', 'baț'=>'0020', 'bănu'=>'00005', 'bc'=>'200', 'bd'=>'200', 'biat'=>'00200', 'bie'=>'0020', 'bii'=>'3000', 'bl'=>'020', 'blim'=>'34000', 'blu'=>'0400', 'bo'=>'001', 'boric'=>'003000', 'bs'=>'200', 'bt'=>'200', 'bț'=>'200', 'bu'=>'003', 'c'=>'10', 'caut'=>'00300', 'căc'=>'0020', 'cătu'=>'00005', 'cc'=>'200', 'cea'=>'0020', 'ceț'=>'0020', 'ciale'=>'003000', 'cio'=>'0020', 'cis'=>'0002', 'cisp'=>'00300', 'ciza'=>'00002', 'cl'=>'040', 'cm'=>'200', 'cn'=>'250', 'copiată'=>'00000200', 'coț'=>'0020', 'cs'=>'200', 'ct'=>'200', 'cț'=>'200', 'cuim'=>'00300', 'cul'=>'3000', 'cuț'=>'0020', 'cv'=>'200', 'd'=>'10', 'dam'=>'0040', 'daț'=>'0020', 'dc'=>'200', 'desc'=>'00400', 'dezin'=>'000300', 'dian'=>'00200', 'diată'=>'000200', 'dj'=>'200', 'dm'=>'200', 'dn'=>'210', 'doil'=>'00400', 'du'=>'300', 'eac'=>'0100', 'eaj'=>'0100', 'eal'=>'0100', 'eaș'=>'0100', 'eat'=>'0100', 'eaț'=>'0020', 'eav'=>'0100', 'ebui'=>'00050', 'ec'=>'200', 'ecia'=>'00020', 'eclare'=>'0000200', 'ediulu'=>'0004000', 'ee'=>'030', 'eea'=>'0020', 'efa'=>'1000', 'eh'=>'010', 'eia'=>'0320', 'eie'=>'0320', 'eii'=>'0300', 'eil'=>'0300', 'eim'=>'0300', 'ein'=>'0300', 'eio'=>'0320', 'eis'=>'0332', 'eit'=>'0300', 'eiu'=>'0340', 'eî'=>'010', 'el'=>'200', 'em'=>'020', 'emon'=>'00005', 'en'=>'200', 'ene'=>'0500', 'eo'=>'011', 'eon'=>'0300', 'er'=>'010', 'era'=>'2000', 'eră'=>'2000', 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'isp'=>'4000', 'ișt'=>'0030', 'iti'=>'0500', 'iția'=>'00020', 'ițio'=>'03020', 'iua'=>'0300', 'iul'=>'0300', 'ium'=>'0300', 'iund'=>'03000', 'iunu'=>'03000', 'ius'=>'0300', 'iut'=>'0300', 'izv'=>'0030', 'î'=>'02', 'îd'=>'030', 'îe'=>'030', 'îlo'=>'0300', 'îna'=>'0003', 'înș'=>'0050', 'îri'=>'0300', 'îrî'=>'0300', 'îrș'=>'0050', 'îșt'=>'0030', 'ît'=>'030', 'îti'=>'0400', 'îț'=>'030', 'îți'=>'0400', 'îții'=>'05000', 'îz'=>'030', 'j'=>'10', 'jd'=>'200', 'jiț'=>'0020', 'jl'=>'200', 'ju'=>'040', 'jut'=>'0030', 'k'=>'10', 'l'=>'10', 'larați'=>'0000002', 'lăti'=>'00200', 'lătu'=>'00005', 'lb'=>'200', 'lc'=>'200', 'ld'=>'200', 'lea'=>'0020', 'lf'=>'200', 'lg'=>'200', 'lia'=>'0030', 'lie'=>'0030', 'lio'=>'0030', 'lm'=>'200', 'ln'=>'250', 'lp'=>'200', 'ls'=>'200', 'lș'=>'230', 'lt'=>'200', 'lț'=>'200', 'lu'=>'300', 'lv'=>'200', 'm'=>'10', 'ma'=>'300', 'mă'=>'300', 'mb'=>'200', 'mblîn'=>'000003', 'me'=>'300', 'mez'=>'0020', 'mf'=>'200', 'mi'=>'300', 'miț'=>'0020', 'mî'=>'300', 'mn'=>'210', 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'vorbito'=>'00000002', 'vr'=>'300', 'x'=>'10', 'xa'=>'300', 'xă'=>'300', 'xe'=>'300', 'xez'=>'0020', 'xi'=>'300', 'xo'=>'300', 'xu'=>'300', 'z'=>'10', 'zaț'=>'0020', 'zb'=>'200', 'zg'=>'220', 'zian'=>'00200', 'ziar'=>'00200', 'zii'=>'3000', 'zil'=>'3000', 'zm'=>'040', 'zn'=>'210', 'zol'=>'3200', 'zon'=>'3000', 'zuț'=>'0020', 'zv'=>'220', 'zvă'=>'0300' ) ); ?>