<?php /** * @brief translation support * * Get the language setting directly from system variables, bypassing get_config() * as database may not yet be configured. * * If possible, we use the value from the browser. * */ require_once("include/dba.php"); if(! function_exists('get_browser_language')) { /** * @brief get the prefered language from the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE header */ function get_browser_language() { if (x($_SERVER,'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE')) { // break up string into pieces (languages and q factors) preg_match_all('/([a-z]{1,8}(-[a-z]{1,8})?)\s*(;\s*q\s*=\s*(1|0\.[0-9]+))?/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], $lang_parse); $lang_list = []; if (count($lang_parse[1])) { // go through the list of prefered languages and add a generic language // for sub-linguas (e.g. de-ch will add de) if not already in array for ($i=0; $i<count($lang_parse[1]); $i++) { $lang_list[] = strtolower($lang_parse[1][$i]); if ( strlen($lang_parse[1][$i])>3 ) { $dashpos = strpos($lang_parse[1][$i], '-'); if (! in_array(substr($lang_parse[1][$i], 0, $dashpos), $lang_list ) ) { $lang_list[] = strtolower(substr($lang_parse[1][$i], 0, $dashpos)); } } } } } // check if we have translations for the preferred languages and pick the 1st that has for ($i=0; $i<count($lang_list); $i++) { $lang = $lang_list[$i]; if(file_exists("view/lang/$lang") && is_dir("view/lang/$lang")) { $preferred = $lang; break; } } if(isset($preferred)) return $preferred; // in case none matches, get the system wide configured language, or fall back to English $a = get_app(); return ((isset($a->config['system']['language'])) ? $a->config['system']['language'] : 'en'); }} function push_lang($language) { global $lang, $a; $a->langsave = $lang; if($language === $lang) return; if(isset($a->strings) && count($a->strings)) { $a->stringsave = $a->strings; } $a->strings = array(); load_translation_table($language); $lang = $language; } function pop_lang() { global $lang, $a; if($lang === $a->langsave) return; if(isset($a->stringsave)) $a->strings = $a->stringsave; else $a->strings = array(); $lang = $a->langsave; } // l if(! function_exists('load_translation_table')) { /** * load string translation table for alternate language * * first plugin strings are loaded, then globals * * @param string $lang language code to load */ function load_translation_table($lang) { global $a; $a->strings = array(); // load enabled plugins strings $plugins = q("SELECT name FROM addon WHERE installed=1;"); if ($plugins!==false) { foreach($plugins as $p) { $name = $p['name']; if(file_exists("addon/$name/lang/$lang/strings.php")) { include("addon/$name/lang/$lang/strings.php"); } } } if(file_exists("view/lang/$lang/strings.php")) { include("view/lang/$lang/strings.php"); } }} // translate string if translation exists if(! function_exists('t')) { function t($s) { $a = get_app(); if(x($a->strings,$s)) { $t = $a->strings[$s]; return is_array($t)?$t[0]:$t; } return $s; }} if(! function_exists('tt')){ function tt($singular, $plural, $count){ global $lang; $a = get_app(); if(x($a->strings,$singular)) { $t = $a->strings[$singular]; $f = 'string_plural_select_' . str_replace('-','_',$lang); if(! function_exists($f)) $f = 'string_plural_select_default'; $k = $f($count); return is_array($t)?$t[$k]:$t; } if ($count!=1){ return $plural; } else { return $singular; } }} // provide a fallback which will not collide with // a function defined in any language file if(! function_exists('string_plural_select_default')) { function string_plural_select_default($n) { return ($n != 1); }} /** * Return installed languages as associative array * [ * lang => lang, * ... * ] */ function get_avaiable_languages() { $lang_choices = array(); $langs = glob('view/lang/*/strings.php'); /**/ if(is_array($langs) && count($langs)) { if(! in_array('view/lang/en/strings.php',$langs)) $langs[] = 'view/lang/en/'; asort($langs); foreach($langs as $l) { $t = explode("/",$l); $lang_choices[$t[2]] = $t[2]; } } return $lang_choices; }