<?php require_once("include/datetime.php"); require_once('include/bbcode.php'); require_once('include/ForumManager.php'); require_once('include/group.php'); require_once("mod/proxy.php"); require_once('include/xml.php'); function ping_init(&$a) { $xmlhead = "<"."?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?".">"; if (local_user()){ // Different login session than the page that is calling us. if (intval($_GET['uid']) && intval($_GET['uid']) != local_user()) { $data = array("invalid" => 1); header("Content-type: text/xml"); echo xml::from_array(array("result" => $data), $xml); killme(); } $notifs = ping_get_notifications(local_user()); $sysnotify = 0; // we will update this in a moment $tags = array(); $comments = array(); $likes = array(); $dislikes = array(); $friends = array(); $posts = array(); $regs = array(); $mails = array(); $home = 0; $network = 0; $groups_unseen = array(); $forums_unseen = array(); $r = q("SELECT `item`.`id`,`item`.`parent`, `item`.`verb`, `item`.`wall`, `item`.`author-name`, `item`.`contact-id`, `item`.`author-link`, `item`.`author-avatar`, `item`.`created`, `item`.`object`, `pitem`.`author-name` as `pname`, `pitem`.`author-link` as `plink` FROM `item` INNER JOIN `item` as `pitem` ON `pitem`.`id`=`item`.`parent` WHERE `item`.`unseen` = 1 AND `item`.`visible` = 1 AND `item`.`deleted` = 0 AND `item`.`uid` = %d AND `pitem`.`parent` != 0 AND `item`.`contact-id` != %d ORDER BY `item`.`created` DESC", intval(local_user()), intval(local_user()) ); if (dbm::is_result($r)) { $arr = array('items' => $r); call_hooks('network_ping', $arr); foreach ($r as $it) { if ($it['wall']) $home ++; else $network ++; switch($it['verb']){ case ACTIVITY_TAG: $obj = parse_xml_string($xmlhead.$it['object']); $it['tname'] = $obj->content; $tags[] = $it; break; case ACTIVITY_LIKE: $likes[] = $it; break; case ACTIVITY_DISLIKE: $dislikes[] = $it; break; case ACTIVITY_FRIEND: $obj = parse_xml_string($xmlhead.$it['object']); $it['fname'] = $obj->title; $friends[] = $it; break; default: if ($it['parent']!=$it['id']) { $comments[] = $it; } else { if (!$it['wall']) $posts[] = $it; } } } } if ($network) { if (intval(feature_enabled(local_user(),'groups'))) { // Find out how unseen network posts are spread across groups $groups_unseen = groups_count_unseen(); } if (intval(feature_enabled(local_user(),'forumlist_widget'))) { $forums_unseen = ForumManager::count_unseen_items(); } } $intros1 = q("SELECT `intro`.`id`, `intro`.`datetime`, `fcontact`.`name`, `fcontact`.`url`, `fcontact`.`photo` FROM `intro` LEFT JOIN `fcontact` ON `intro`.`fid` = `fcontact`.`id` WHERE `intro`.`uid` = %d AND `intro`.`blocked` = 0 AND `intro`.`ignore` = 0 AND `intro`.`fid`!=0", intval(local_user()) ); $intros2 = q("SELECT `intro`.`id`, `intro`.`datetime`, `contact`.`name`, `contact`.`url`, `contact`.`photo` FROM `intro` LEFT JOIN `contact` ON `intro`.`contact-id` = `contact`.`id` WHERE `intro`.`uid` = %d AND `intro`.`blocked` = 0 AND `intro`.`ignore` = 0 AND `intro`.`contact-id`!=0", intval(local_user()) ); $intro = count($intros1) + count($intros2); $intros = $intros1+$intros2; $myurl = $a->get_baseurl() . '/profile/' . $a->user['nickname'] ; $mails = q("SELECT * FROM `mail` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `seen` = 0 AND `from-url` != '%s' ", intval(local_user()), dbesc($myurl) ); $mail = count($mails); if ($a->config['register_policy'] == REGISTER_APPROVE && is_site_admin()){ $regs = q("SELECT `contact`.`name`, `contact`.`url`, `contact`.`micro`, `register`.`created`, COUNT(*) as `total` FROM `contact` RIGHT JOIN `register` ON `register`.`uid`=`contact`.`uid` WHERE `contact`.`self`=1"); if ($regs) $register = $regs[0]['total']; } else { $register = "0"; } $all_events = 0; $all_events_today = 0; $events = 0; $events_today = 0; $birthdays = 0; $birthdays_today = 0; $ev = q("SELECT count(`event`.`id`) as total, type, start, adjust FROM `event` WHERE `event`.`uid` = %d AND `start` < '%s' AND `finish` > '%s' and `ignore` = 0 ORDER BY `start` ASC ", intval(local_user()), dbesc(datetime_convert('UTC','UTC','now + 7 days')), dbesc(datetime_convert('UTC','UTC','now')) ); if (dbm::is_result($ev)) { $all_events = intval($ev[0]['total']); if ($all_events) { $str_now = datetime_convert('UTC',$a->timezone,'now','Y-m-d'); foreach($ev as $x) { $bd = false; if ($x['type'] === 'birthday') { $birthdays ++; $bd = true; } else { $events ++; } if (datetime_convert('UTC',((intval($x['adjust'])) ? $a->timezone : 'UTC'), $x['start'],'Y-m-d') === $str_now) { $all_events_today ++; if ($bd) $birthdays_today ++; else $events_today ++; } } } } $data = array(); $data["intro"] = $intro; $data["mail"] = $mail; $data["net"] = $network; $data["home"] = $home; if ($register!=0) $data["register"] = $register; $groups = array(); if (dbm::is_result($groups_unseen)) { $count = 0; foreach ($groups_unseen as $it) if ($it['count'] > 0) { $count++; $groups[$count.":group"] = $it['count']; $groups[$count.":@attributes"] = array("id" => $it['id']); } $data["groups"] = $groups; } $forums = array(); if (dbm::is_result($forums_unseen)) { $count = 0; foreach ($forums_unseen as $it) if ($it['count'] > 0) { $count++; $forums[$count.":forum"] = $it['count']; $forums[$count.":@attributes"] = array("id" => $it['id']); } $data["forums"] = $forums; } $data["all-events"] = $all_events; $data["all-events-today"] = $all_events_today; $data["events"] = $events; $data["events-today"] = $events_today; $data["birthdays"] = $birthdays; $data["birthdays-today"] = $birthdays_today; if (dbm::is_result($notifs) && !$sysnotify) { foreach ($notifs as $zz) { if ($zz['seen'] == 0) $sysnotify ++; } } // merge all notification types in one array if (dbm::is_result($intros)) { foreach ($intros as $i) { $n = array( 'href' => $a->get_baseurl().'/notifications/intros/'.$i['id'], 'name' => $i['name'], 'url' => $i['url'], 'photo' => $i['photo'], 'date' => $i['datetime'], 'seen' => false, 'message' => t("{0} wants to be your friend"), ); $notifs[] = $n; } } if (dbm::is_result($mails)) { foreach ($mails as $i) { $n = array( 'href' => $a->get_baseurl().'/message/'.$i['id'], 'name' => $i['from-name'], 'url' => $i['from-url'], 'photo' => $i['from-photo'], 'date' => $i['created'], 'seen' => false, 'message' => t("{0} sent you a message"), ); $notifs[] = $n; } } if (dbm::is_result($regs)) { foreach ($regs as $i) { $n = array( 'href' => $a->get_baseurl().'/admin/users/', 'name' => $i['name'], 'url' => $i['url'], 'photo' => $i['micro'], 'date' => $i['created'], 'seen' => false, 'message' => t("{0} requested registration"), ); $notifs[] = $n; } } // sort notifications by $[]['date'] $sort_function = function($a, $b) { $adate = date($a['date']); $bdate = date($b['date']); if ($adate == $bdate) { return 0; } return ($adate < $bdate) ? 1 : -1; }; usort($notifs, $sort_function); if (dbm::is_result($notifs)) { // Are the nofications calles from the regular process or via the friendica app? $regularnotifications = (intval($_GET['uid']) AND intval($_GET['_'])); $count = 0; foreach($notifs as $n) { $count++; if ($a->is_friendica_app() OR !$regularnotifications) $n['message'] = str_replace("{0}", $n['name'], $n['message']); $notifications[$count.":note"] = $n['message']; $contact = get_contact_details_by_url($n['url']); if (isset($contact["micro"])) $n['photo'] = proxy_url($contact["micro"], false, PROXY_SIZE_MICRO); else $n['photo'] = proxy_url($n['photo'], false, PROXY_SIZE_MICRO); $local_time = datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),$n['date']); call_hooks('ping_xmlize', $n); $notifications[$count.":@attributes"] = array("id" => $n["id"], "href" => $n['href'], "name" => $n['name'], "url" => $n['url'], "photo" => $n['photo'], "date" => relative_date($n['date']), "seen" => $n['seen'], "timestamp" => strtotime($local_time)); } } $data["notif"] = $notifications; $data["@attributes"] = array("count" => $sysnotify + $intro + $mail + $register); } $sysmsg = array(); if (x($_SESSION,'sysmsg')){ $count = 0; foreach ($_SESSION['sysmsg'] as $m){ $count++; $sysmsg[$count.":notice"] = $m; } unset($_SESSION['sysmsg']); } if (x($_SESSION,'sysmsg_info')){ $count = 0; foreach ($_SESSION['sysmsg_info'] as $m){ $count++; $sysmsg[$count.":info"] = $m; } unset($_SESSION['sysmsg_info']); } $data["sysmsgs"] = $sysmsg; header("Content-type: text/xml"); echo xml::from_array(array("result" => $data), $xml); killme(); } /** * @brief Retrieves the notifications array for the given user ID * * @param int $uid * @return array */ function ping_get_notifications($uid) { $result = array(); $offset = 0; $seen = false; $seensql = "NOT"; $order = "DESC"; $quit = false; $a = get_app(); do { $r = q("SELECT `notify`.*, `item`.`visible`, `item`.`spam`, `item`.`deleted` FROM `notify` LEFT JOIN `item` ON `item`.`id` = `notify`.`iid` WHERE `notify`.`uid` = %d AND `notify`.`msg` != '' AND NOT (`notify`.`type` IN (%d, %d)) AND $seensql `notify`.`seen` ORDER BY `notify`.`date` $order LIMIT %d, 50", intval($uid), intval(NOTIFY_INTRO), intval(NOTIFY_MAIL), intval($offset) ); if (!$r AND !$seen) { $seen = true; $seensql = ""; $order = "DESC"; $offset = 0; } elseif (!$r) { $quit = true; } else { $offset += 50; } foreach ($r AS $notification) { if (is_null($notification["visible"])) { $notification["visible"] = true; } if (is_null($notification["spam"])) { $notification["spam"] = 0; } if (is_null($notification["deleted"])) { $notification["deleted"] = 0; } if ($notification["msg_cache"]) { $notification["name"] = $notification["name_cache"]; $notification["message"] = $notification["msg_cache"]; } else { $notification["name"] = strip_tags(bbcode($notification["name"])); $notification["message"] = format_notification_message($notification["name"], strip_tags(bbcode($notification["msg"]))); q("UPDATE `notify` SET `name_cache` = '%s', `msg_cache` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d", dbesc($notification["name"]), dbesc($notification["message"]), intval($notification["id"]) ); } $notification["href"] = $a->get_baseurl() . "/notify/view/" . $notification["id"]; if ($notification["visible"] AND !$notification["spam"] AND !$notification["deleted"] AND !is_array($result[$notification["parent"]])) { $result[$notification["parent"]] = $notification; } } } while ((count($result) < 50) AND !$quit); return($result); }