<?php /** * @copyright Copyright (C) 2020, Friendica * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * @see https://web.archive.org/web/20160405005550/http://portablecontacts.net/draft-spec.html */ use Friendica\App; use Friendica\Content\Text\BBCode; use Friendica\Core\Logger; use Friendica\Core\Protocol; use Friendica\Core\Renderer; use Friendica\Database\DBA; use Friendica\DI; use Friendica\Model\GServer; use Friendica\Util\DateTimeFormat; use Friendica\Util\Strings; use Friendica\Util\XML; function poco_init(App $a) { $system_mode = false; if (intval(DI::config()->get('system', 'block_public')) || (DI::config()->get('system', 'block_local_dir'))) { throw new \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\ForbiddenException(); } if ($a->argc > 1) { $nickname = Strings::escapeTags(trim($a->argv[1])); } if (empty($nickname)) { if (!DBA::exists('profile', ['net-publish' => true])) { throw new \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\ForbiddenException(); } $system_mode = true; } $format = ($_GET['format'] ?? '') ?: 'json'; $justme = false; $global = false; if ($a->argc > 1 && $a->argv[1] === '@server') { // List of all servers that this server knows $ret = GServer::getActive(); header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode($ret); exit(); } if ($a->argc > 1 && $a->argv[1] === '@global') { // Global is not supported anymore throw new \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\NotFoundException(); } if ($a->argc > 2 && $a->argv[2] === '@me') { $justme = true; } if ($a->argc > 3 && $a->argv[3] === '@all') { $justme = false; } if ($a->argc > 3 && $a->argv[3] === '@self') { $justme = true; } if ($a->argc > 4 && intval($a->argv[4]) && $justme == false) { $cid = intval($a->argv[4]); } if (!$system_mode && !$global) { $user = DBA::selectFirst('owner-view', ['uid', 'nickname'], ['nickname' => $nickname, 'hide-friends' => false]); if (!DBA::isResult($user)) { throw new \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\NotFoundException(); } } if ($justme) { $sql_extra = " AND `contact`.`self` = 1 "; } else { $sql_extra = ""; } if (!empty($cid)) { $sql_extra = sprintf(" AND `contact`.`id` = %d ", intval($cid)); } if (!empty($_GET['updatedSince'])) { $update_limit = date(DateTimeFormat::MYSQL, strtotime($_GET['updatedSince'])); } if ($system_mode) { $totalResults = DBA::count('profile', ['net-publish' => true]); } else { $contacts = q("SELECT count(*) AS `total` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND NOT `blocked` AND NOT `pending` AND NOT `unsearchable` AND NOT `archive` AND NOT `failed` AND `network` IN ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s') $sql_extra", intval($user['uid']), DBA::escape(Protocol::DFRN), DBA::escape(Protocol::DIASPORA), DBA::escape(Protocol::OSTATUS), DBA::escape(Protocol::STATUSNET) ); } if (empty($totalResults) && DBA::isResult($contacts)) { $totalResults = intval($contacts[0]['total']); } elseif (empty($totalResults)) { $totalResults = 0; } if (!empty($_GET['startIndex'])) { $startIndex = intval($_GET['startIndex']); } else { $startIndex = 0; } $itemsPerPage = ((!empty($_GET['count'])) ? intval($_GET['count']) : $totalResults); if ($system_mode) { Logger::log("Start system mode query", Logger::DEBUG); $contacts = DBA::selectToArray('owner-view', [], ['net-publish' => true], ['limit' => [$startIndex, $itemsPerPage]]); } else { Logger::log("Start query for user " . $user['nickname'], Logger::DEBUG); $contacts = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND NOT `blocked` AND NOT `pending` AND NOT `hiddden` AND NOT `archive` AND NOT `failed` AND NOT `unsearchable` AND `network` IN ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s') $sql_extra LIMIT %d, %d", intval($user['uid']), DBA::escape(Protocol::DFRN), DBA::escape(Protocol::DIASPORA), DBA::escape(Protocol::OSTATUS), DBA::escape(Protocol::STATUSNET), intval($startIndex), intval($itemsPerPage) ); } Logger::log("Query done", Logger::DEBUG); $ret = []; if (!empty($_GET['sorted'])) { $ret['sorted'] = false; } if (!empty($_GET['filtered'])) { $ret['filtered'] = false; } if (!empty($_GET['updatedSince']) && ! $global) { $ret['updatedSince'] = false; } $ret['startIndex'] = (int) $startIndex; $ret['itemsPerPage'] = (int) $itemsPerPage; $ret['totalResults'] = (int) $totalResults; $ret['entry'] = []; $fields_ret = [ 'id' => false, 'displayName' => false, 'urls' => false, 'updated' => false, 'preferredUsername' => false, 'photos' => false, 'aboutMe' => false, 'currentLocation' => false, 'network' => false, 'tags' => false, 'address' => false, 'contactType' => false, 'generation' => false ]; if (empty($_GET['fields']) || ($_GET['fields'] === '@all')) { foreach ($fields_ret as $k => $v) { $fields_ret[$k] = true; } } else { $fields_req = explode(',', $_GET['fields']); foreach ($fields_req as $f) { $fields_ret[trim($f)] = true; } } if (!is_array($contacts)) { throw new \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException(); } if (DBA::isResult($contacts)) { foreach ($contacts as $contact) { if (!isset($contact['updated'])) { $contact['updated'] = ''; } if (! isset($contact['generation'])) { if ($global) { $contact['generation'] = 3; } elseif ($system_mode) { $contact['generation'] = 1; } else { $contact['generation'] = 2; } } if (($contact['keywords'] == "") && isset($contact['pub_keywords'])) { $contact['keywords'] = $contact['pub_keywords']; } if (isset($contact['account-type'])) { $contact['contact-type'] = $contact['account-type']; } $about = DI::cache()->get("about:" . $contact['updated'] . ":" . $contact['nurl']); if (is_null($about)) { $about = BBCode::convert($contact['about'], false); DI::cache()->set("about:" . $contact['updated'] . ":" . $contact['nurl'], $about); } // Non connected persons can only see the keywords of a Diaspora account if ($contact['network'] == Protocol::DIASPORA) { $contact['location'] = ""; $about = ""; } $entry = []; if ($fields_ret['id']) { $entry['id'] = (int)$contact['id']; } if ($fields_ret['displayName']) { $entry['displayName'] = $contact['name']; } if ($fields_ret['aboutMe']) { $entry['aboutMe'] = $about; } if ($fields_ret['currentLocation']) { $entry['currentLocation'] = $contact['location']; } if ($fields_ret['generation']) { $entry['generation'] = (int)$contact['generation']; } if ($fields_ret['urls']) { $entry['urls'] = [['value' => $contact['url'], 'type' => 'profile']]; if ($contact['addr'] && ($contact['network'] !== Protocol::MAIL)) { $entry['urls'][] = ['value' => 'acct:' . $contact['addr'], 'type' => 'webfinger']; } } if ($fields_ret['preferredUsername']) { $entry['preferredUsername'] = $contact['nick']; } if ($fields_ret['updated']) { if (! $global) { $entry['updated'] = $contact['success_update']; if ($contact['name-date'] > $entry['updated']) { $entry['updated'] = $contact['name-date']; } if ($contact['uri-date'] > $entry['updated']) { $entry['updated'] = $contact['uri-date']; } if ($contact['avatar-date'] > $entry['updated']) { $entry['updated'] = $contact['avatar-date']; } } else { $entry['updated'] = $contact['updated']; } $entry['updated'] = date("c", strtotime($entry['updated'])); } if ($fields_ret['photos']) { $entry['photos'] = [['value' => $contact['photo'], 'type' => 'profile']]; } if ($fields_ret['network']) { $entry['network'] = $contact['network']; if ($entry['network'] == Protocol::STATUSNET) { $entry['network'] = Protocol::OSTATUS; } if (($entry['network'] == "") && ($contact['self'])) { $entry['network'] = Protocol::DFRN; } } if ($fields_ret['tags']) { $tags = str_replace(",", " ", $contact['keywords']); $tags = explode(" ", $tags); $cleaned = []; foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tag = trim(strtolower($tag)); if ($tag != "") { $cleaned[] = $tag; } } $entry['tags'] = [$cleaned]; } if ($fields_ret['address']) { $entry['address'] = []; // Deactivated. It just reveals too much data. (Although its from the default profile) //if (isset($rr['address'])) // $entry['address']['streetAddress'] = $rr['address']; if (isset($contact['locality'])) { $entry['address']['locality'] = $contact['locality']; } if (isset($contact['region'])) { $entry['address']['region'] = $contact['region']; } // See above //if (isset($rr['postal-code'])) // $entry['address']['postalCode'] = $rr['postal-code']; if (isset($contact['country'])) { $entry['address']['country'] = $contact['country']; } } if ($fields_ret['contactType']) { $entry['contactType'] = intval($contact['contact-type']); } $ret['entry'][] = $entry; } } else { $ret['entry'][] = []; } Logger::log("End of poco", Logger::DEBUG); if ($format === 'xml') { header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo Renderer::replaceMacros(Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('poco_xml.tpl'), XML::arrayEscape(['$response' => $ret])); exit(); } if ($format === 'json') { header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode($ret); exit(); } else { throw new \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException(); } }