 * Filebrowser - Friendica Communications Server
 * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 the Friendica Project
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This code handle user interaction for image/file upload/browser dialog.
 * Is loaded from filebrowser_plain.tpl
 * To load filebrowser in colorbox, call
 *     $.colorbox({href: ulr, iframe:true,innerWidth:'500px',innerHeight:'400px'})
 * where url is:
 * 		<baseurl>/fbrowser/<type>/?mode=minimal[#<eventname>-<id>]
 * 		baseurl: baseurl from friendica
 * 		type: one of "image", "file"
 * 		eventname: event name to catch return value
 * 		id: id returned to event handler
 * 	When user select an item, an event in fired in parent page, on body element
 * 	The event is named
 * 		fbrowser.<type>.[<eventname>]
 * 	with params:
 * 		filemane: filename of item choosed by user
 * 		embed: bbcode to embed element into posts
 * 		id: id from url
 *  example:
 *  	// open dialog for select an image for a textarea with id "myeditor"
 *		var id="myeditor";
 *		$.colorbox({href: baseurl + "/fbrowser/image/?mode=minimal#example-"+id, iframe:true,innerWidth:'500px',innerHeight:'400px'})
 *		// setup event handler to get user selection
 *		$("body").on("fbrowser.image.example", function(event, filename, bbcode, id) {
 *			// close colorbox
 *			$.colorbox.close();
 *			// replace textxarea text with bbcode
 *			$(id).value = bbcode;
 *		});
var FileBrowser = {
	nickname : "",
	type : "",
	event: "",
	id : null,
	init: function(nickname, type) {
		FileBrowser.nickname = nickname;
		FileBrowser.type = type;
		FileBrowser.event = "fbrowser."+type;
		if (location['hash']!=="") {
			var h = location['hash'].replace("#","");
			FileBrowser.event = FileBrowser.event + "." + h.split("-")[0];
			FileBrowser.id = h.split("-")[1];
		console.log("FileBrowser:", nickname, type,FileBrowser.event, FileBrowser.id );
		$(".folders a, .path a").on("click", function(e){
			var url = baseurl + "/fbrowser/" + FileBrowser.type + "/" + this.dataset.folder + "?mode=minimal" + location['hash'];
			location.href = url;
		$(".photo-album-photo-link").on('click', function(e){
			var embed = "";
			if (FileBrowser.type == "image") {
				embed = "[url="+this.dataset.link+"][img]"+this.dataset.img+"[/img][/url]";
			if (FileBrowser.type=="file") {
				// attachment links are "baseurl/attach/id"; we need id
				embed = "[attachment]"+this.dataset.link.split("/").pop()+"[/attachment]";
			console.log(FileBrowser.event, this.dataset.filename, embed, FileBrowser.id);
			parent.$("body").trigger(FileBrowser.event, [
		if ($("#upload-image").length)
			var image_uploader = new window.AjaxUpload(
				{ action: 'wall_upload/'+FileBrowser.nickname,
					name: 'userfile',
					onSubmit: function(file,ext) { $('#profile-rotator').show(); },
					onComplete: function(file,response) {
						location = baseurl + "/fbrowser/image/?mode=minimal"+location['hash'];

		if ($("#upload-file").length)
			var file_uploader = new window.AjaxUpload(
				{ action: 'wall_attach/'+FileBrowser.nickname,
					name: 'userfile',
					onSubmit: function(file,ext) { $('#profile-rotator').show(); },
					onComplete: function(file,response) {
						location = baseurl + "/fbrowser/file/?mode=minimal"+location['hash'];
						location.reload(true);				}				 