<?php function friendica_init(&$a) { if ($a->argv[1]=="json"){ $register_policy = Array('REGISTER_CLOSED', 'REGISTER_APPROVE', 'REGISTER_OPEN'); $sql_extra = ''; if(x($a->config,'admin_nickname')) { $sql_extra = sprintf(" AND nickname = '%s' ",dbesc($a->config['admin_nickname'])); } if (isset($a->config['admin_email']) && $a->config['admin_email']!=''){ $adminlist = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $a->config['admin_email'])); //$r = q("SELECT username, nickname FROM user WHERE email='%s' $sql_extra", dbesc($a->config['admin_email'])); $r = q("SELECT username, nickname FROM user WHERE email='%s' $sql_extra", dbesc($adminlist[0])); $admin = array( 'name' => $r[0]['username'], 'profile'=> App::get_baseurl().'/profile/'.$r[0]['nickname'], ); } else { $admin = false; } $visible_plugins = array(); if(is_array($a->plugins) && count($a->plugins)) { $r = q("select * from addon where hidden = 0"); if (dbm::is_result($r)) foreach($r as $rr) $visible_plugins[] = $rr['name']; } load_config('feature_lock'); $locked_features = array(); if(is_array($a->config['feature_lock']) && count($a->config['feature_lock'])) { foreach($a->config['feature_lock'] as $k => $v) { if($k === 'config_loaded') continue; $locked_features[$k] = intval($v); } } $data = Array( 'version' => FRIENDICA_VERSION, 'url' => z_root(), 'plugins' => $visible_plugins, 'locked_features' => $locked_features, 'register_policy' => $register_policy[$a->config['register_policy']], 'admin' => $admin, 'site_name' => $a->config['sitename'], 'platform' => FRIENDICA_PLATFORM, 'info' => ((x($a->config,'info')) ? $a->config['info'] : ''), 'no_scrape_url' => App::get_baseurl().'/noscrape' ); echo json_encode($data); killme(); } } function friendica_content(&$a) { $o = ''; $o .= '<h3>Friendica</h3>'; $o .= '<p></p><p>'; $o .= t('This is Friendica, version') . ' ' . FRIENDICA_VERSION . ' '; $o .= t('running at web location') . ' ' . z_root() . '</p><p>'; $o .= t('Please visit <a href="http://friendica.com">Friendica.com</a> to learn more about the Friendica project.') . '</p><p>'; $o .= t('Bug reports and issues: please visit') . ' ' . '<a href="https://github.com/friendica/friendica/issues?state=open">'.t('the bugtracker at github').'</a></p><p>'; $o .= t('Suggestions, praise, donations, etc. - please email "Info" at Friendica - dot com') . '</p>'; $o .= '<p></p>'; $visible_plugins = array(); if(is_array($a->plugins) && count($a->plugins)) { $r = q("select * from addon where hidden = 0"); if (dbm::is_result($r)) foreach($r as $rr) $visible_plugins[] = $rr['name']; } if(count($visible_plugins)) { $o .= '<p>' . t('Installed plugins/addons/apps:') . '</p>'; $sorted = $visible_plugins; $s = ''; sort($sorted); foreach($sorted as $p) { if(strlen($p)) { if(strlen($s)) $s .= ', '; $s .= $p; } } $o .= '<div style="margin-left: 25px; margin-right: 25px;">' . $s . '</div>'; } else $o .= '<p>' . t('No installed plugins/addons/apps') . '</p>'; call_hooks('about_hook', $o); return $o; }