internalRedirect(); // NOTREACHED } // Otherwise it's probably an openid. try { $openid = new LightOpenID($a->getHostName()); $openid->identity = $openid_url; Session::set('openid', $openid_url); Session::set('remember', $remember); $openid->returnUrl = $a->getBaseURL(true) . '/openid'; $openid->optional = ['namePerson/friendly', 'contact/email', 'namePerson', 'namePerson/first', 'media/image/aspect11', 'media/image/default']; System::externalRedirect($openid->authUrl()); } catch (Exception $e) { notice(L10n::t('We encountered a problem while logging in with the OpenID you provided. Please check the correct spelling of the ID.') . '

' . L10n::t('The error message was:') . ' ' . $e->getMessage()); } } /** * Attempts to authenticate using login/password * * @param string $username User name * @param string $password Clear password * @param bool $remember Whether to set the session remember flag * @param string $openid_identity OpenID identity * @param string $openid_server OpenID URL * @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ public static function passwordAuthentication($username, $password, $remember, $openid_identity, $openid_server) { $record = null; $addon_auth = [ 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'authenticated' => 0, 'user_record' => null ]; $a = self::getApp(); /* * An addon indicates successful login by setting 'authenticated' to non-zero value and returning a user record * Addons should never set 'authenticated' except to indicate success - as hooks may be chained * and later addons should not interfere with an earlier one that succeeded. */ Hook::callAll('authenticate', $addon_auth); try { if ($addon_auth['authenticated']) { $record = $addon_auth['user_record']; if (empty($record)) { throw new Exception(L10n::t('Login failed.')); } } else { $record = DBA::selectFirst( 'user', [], ['uid' => User::getIdFromPasswordAuthentication($username, $password)] ); } } catch (Exception $e) { Logger::warning('authenticate: failed login attempt', ['action' => 'login', 'username' => Strings::escapeTags($username), 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']]); info('Login failed. Please check your credentials.' . EOL); $a->internalRedirect(); } if (!$remember) { Authentication::setCookie(0); // 0 means delete on browser exit } // if we haven't failed up this point, log them in. Session::set('remember', $remember); Session::set('last_login_date', DateTimeFormat::utcNow()); if (!empty($openid_identity) || !empty($openid_server)) { DBA::update('user', ['openid' => $openid_identity, 'openidserver' => $openid_server], ['uid' => $record['uid']]); } Session::setAuthenticatedForUser($a, $record, true, true); $return_path = Session::get('return_path', ''); Session::remove('return_path'); $a->internalRedirect($return_path); } /** * @brief Tries to auth the user from the cookie or session * * @todo Should be moved to Friendica\Core\Session when it's created */ public static function sessionAuth() { $a = self::getApp(); // When the "Friendica" cookie is set, take the value to authenticate and renew the cookie. if (isset($_COOKIE["Friendica"])) { $data = json_decode($_COOKIE["Friendica"]); if (isset($data->uid)) { $user = DBA::selectFirst( 'user', [], [ 'uid' => $data->uid, 'blocked' => false, 'account_expired' => false, 'account_removed' => false, 'verified' => true, ] ); if (DBA::isResult($user)) { if (!hash_equals( Authentication::getCookieHashForUser($user), $data->hash )) { Logger::log("Hash for user " . $data->uid . " doesn't fit."); Authentication::deleteSession(); $a->internalRedirect(); } // Renew the cookie // Expires after 7 days by default, // can be set via system.auth_cookie_lifetime $authcookiedays = Config::get('system', 'auth_cookie_lifetime', 7); Authentication::setCookie($authcookiedays * 24 * 60 * 60, $user); // Do the authentification if not done by now if (!isset($_SESSION) || !isset($_SESSION['authenticated'])) { Session::setAuthenticatedForUser($a, $user); if (Config::get('system', 'paranoia')) { $_SESSION['addr'] = $data->ip; } } } } } if (!empty($_SESSION['authenticated'])) { if (!empty($_SESSION['visitor_id']) && empty($_SESSION['uid'])) { $contact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', [], ['id' => $_SESSION['visitor_id']]); if (DBA::isResult($contact)) { self::getApp()->contact = $contact; } } if (!empty($_SESSION['uid'])) { // already logged in user returning $check = Config::get('system', 'paranoia'); // extra paranoia - if the IP changed, log them out if ($check && ($_SESSION['addr'] != $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { Logger::log('Session address changed. Paranoid setting in effect, blocking session. ' . $_SESSION['addr'] . ' != ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); Authentication::deleteSession(); $a->internalRedirect(); } $user = DBA::selectFirst( 'user', [], [ 'uid' => $_SESSION['uid'], 'blocked' => false, 'account_expired' => false, 'account_removed' => false, 'verified' => true, ] ); if (!DBA::isResult($user)) { Authentication::deleteSession(); $a->internalRedirect(); } // Make sure to refresh the last login time for the user if the user // stays logged in for a long time, e.g. with "Remember Me" $login_refresh = false; if (empty($_SESSION['last_login_date'])) { $_SESSION['last_login_date'] = DateTimeFormat::utcNow(); } if (strcmp(DateTimeFormat::utc('now - 12 hours'), $_SESSION['last_login_date']) > 0) { $_SESSION['last_login_date'] = DateTimeFormat::utcNow(); $login_refresh = true; } Session::setAuthenticatedForUser($a, $user, false, false, $login_refresh); } } } /** * @brief Calculate the hash that is needed for the "Friendica" cookie * * @param array $user Record from "user" table * * @return string Hashed data * @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ public static function getCookieHashForUser($user) { return hash_hmac( "sha256", hash_hmac("sha256", $user["password"], $user["prvkey"]), Config::get("system", "site_prvkey") ); } /** * @brief Set the "Friendica" cookie * * @param int $time * @param array $user Record from "user" table * @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ public static function setCookie($time, $user = []) { if ($time != 0) { $time = $time + time(); } if ($user) { $value = json_encode([ "uid" => $user["uid"], "hash" => self::getCookieHashForUser($user), "ip" => ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ?? '') ?: '' ]); } else { $value = ""; } setcookie("Friendica", $value, $time, "/", "", (Config::get('system', 'ssl_policy') == App\BaseURL::SSL_POLICY_FULL), true); } /** * @brief Kills the "Friendica" cookie and all session data */ public static function deleteSession() { self::setCookie(-3600); // make sure cookie is deleted on browser close, as a security measure session_unset(); session_destroy(); } public static function twoFactorCheck($uid, App $a) { // Check user setting, if 2FA disabled return if (!PConfig::get($uid, '2fa', 'verified')) { return; } // Check current path, if 2fa authentication module return if ($a->argc > 0 && in_array($a->argv[0], ['2fa', 'view', 'help', 'api', 'proxy', 'logout'])) { return; } // Case 1: 2FA session present and valid: return if (Session::get('2fa')) { return; } // Case 2: No valid 2FA session: redirect to code verification page if ($a->isAjax()) { throw new ForbiddenException(); } else { $a->internalRedirect('2fa'); } } }