<?php /** * @file src/App.php */ namespace Friendica; use Detection\MobileDetect; use Exception; use Friendica\Core\Config; use Friendica\Core\L10n; use Friendica\Core\PConfig; use Friendica\Core\System; use Friendica\Database\DBA; require_once 'boot.php'; require_once 'include/dba.php'; require_once 'include/text.php'; /** * * class: App * * @brief Our main application structure for the life of this page. * * Primarily deals with the URL that got us here * and tries to make some sense of it, and * stores our page contents and config storage * and anything else that might need to be passed around * before we spit the page out. * */ class App { const MODE_LOCALCONFIGPRESENT = 1; const MODE_DBAVAILABLE = 2; const MODE_DBCONFIGAVAILABLE = 4; const MODE_MAINTENANCEDISABLED = 8; /** * @deprecated since version 2008.08 Use App->isInstallMode() instead to check for install mode. */ const MODE_INSTALL = 0; /** * @deprecated since version 2008.08 Use the precise mode constant to check for a specific capability instead. */ const MODE_NORMAL = App::MODE_LOCALCONFIGPRESENT | App::MODE_DBAVAILABLE | App::MODE_DBCONFIGAVAILABLE | App::MODE_MAINTENANCEDISABLED; public $module_loaded = false; public $module_class = null; public $query_string = ''; public $config = []; public $page = []; public $pager = []; public $page_offset; public $profile; public $profile_uid; public $user; public $cid; public $contact; public $contacts; public $page_contact; public $content; public $data = []; public $error = false; public $cmd = ''; public $argv; public $argc; public $module; public $mode = App::MODE_INSTALL; public $strings; public $basepath; public $urlpath; public $hooks = []; public $timezone; public $interactive = true; public $addons; public $addons_admin = []; public $apps = []; public $identities; public $is_mobile = false; public $is_tablet = false; public $is_friendica_app; public $performance = []; public $callstack = []; public $theme_info = []; public $backend = true; public $nav_sel; public $category; // Allow themes to control internal parameters // by changing App values in theme.php public $sourcename = ''; public $videowidth = 425; public $videoheight = 350; public $force_max_items = 0; public $theme_events_in_profile = true; /** * @brief An array for all theme-controllable parameters * * Mostly unimplemented yet. Only options 'template_engine' and * beyond are used. */ public $theme = [ 'sourcename' => '', 'videowidth' => 425, 'videoheight' => 350, 'force_max_items' => 0, 'stylesheet' => '', 'template_engine' => 'smarty3', ]; /** * @brief An array of registered template engines ('name'=>'class name') */ public $template_engines = []; /** * @brief An array of instanced template engines ('name'=>'instance') */ public $template_engine_instance = []; public $process_id; public $queue; private $ldelim = [ 'internal' => '', 'smarty3' => '{{' ]; private $rdelim = [ 'internal' => '', 'smarty3' => '}}' ]; private $scheme; private $hostname; private $curl_code; private $curl_content_type; private $curl_headers; /** * @brief App constructor. * * @param string $basepath Path to the app base folder */ public function __construct($basepath) { if (!static::directory_usable($basepath, false)) { throw new Exception('Basepath ' . $basepath . ' isn\'t usable.'); } BaseObject::setApp($this); $this->basepath = rtrim($basepath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $this->performance['start'] = microtime(true); $this->performance['database'] = 0; $this->performance['database_write'] = 0; $this->performance['cache'] = 0; $this->performance['cache_write'] = 0; $this->performance['network'] = 0; $this->performance['file'] = 0; $this->performance['rendering'] = 0; $this->performance['parser'] = 0; $this->performance['marktime'] = 0; $this->performance['markstart'] = microtime(true); $this->callstack['database'] = []; $this->callstack['database_write'] = []; $this->callstack['cache'] = []; $this->callstack['cache_write'] = []; $this->callstack['network'] = []; $this->callstack['file'] = []; $this->callstack['rendering'] = []; $this->callstack['parser'] = []; // The order of the following calls is important to ensure proper initialization $this->loadConfigFiles(); $this->loadDatabase(); $this->determineMode(); $this->determineUrlPath(); Config::load(); if ($this->mode & self::MODE_DBAVAILABLE) { Core\Addon::loadHooks(); $this->loadAddonConfig(); } $this->loadDefaultTimezone(); $this->page = [ 'aside' => '', 'bottom' => '', 'content' => '', 'end' => '', 'footer' => '', 'htmlhead' => '', 'nav' => '', 'page_title' => '', 'right_aside' => '', 'template' => '', 'title' => '' ]; $this->process_id = System::processID('log'); set_time_limit(0); // This has to be quite large to deal with embedded private photos ini_set('pcre.backtrack_limit', 500000); $this->scheme = 'http'; if ((x($_SERVER, 'HTTPS') && $_SERVER['HTTPS']) || (x($_SERVER, 'HTTP_FORWARDED') && preg_match('/proto=https/', $_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED'])) || (x($_SERVER, 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO') && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'https') || (x($_SERVER, 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL') && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL'] == 'on') || (x($_SERVER, 'FRONT_END_HTTPS') && $_SERVER['FRONT_END_HTTPS'] == 'on') || (x($_SERVER, 'SERVER_PORT') && (intval($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) == 443)) // XXX: reasonable assumption, but isn't this hardcoding too much? ) { $this->scheme = 'https'; } if (x($_SERVER, 'SERVER_NAME')) { $this->hostname = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; if (x($_SERVER, 'SERVER_PORT') && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 80 && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 443) { $this->hostname .= ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; } } set_include_path( get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $this->basepath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include' . PATH_SEPARATOR . $this->basepath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'library' . PATH_SEPARATOR . $this->basepath); if ((x($_SERVER, 'QUERY_STRING')) && substr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 0, 9) === 'pagename=') { $this->query_string = substr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 9); } elseif ((x($_SERVER, 'QUERY_STRING')) && substr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 0, 2) === 'q=') { $this->query_string = substr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 2); } // removing trailing / - maybe a nginx problem $this->query_string = ltrim($this->query_string, '/'); if (!empty($_GET['pagename'])) { $this->cmd = trim($_GET['pagename'], '/\\'); } elseif (!empty($_GET['q'])) { $this->cmd = trim($_GET['q'], '/\\'); } // fix query_string $this->query_string = str_replace($this->cmd . '&', $this->cmd . '?', $this->query_string); // unix style "homedir" if (substr($this->cmd, 0, 1) === '~') { $this->cmd = 'profile/' . substr($this->cmd, 1); } // Diaspora style profile url if (substr($this->cmd, 0, 2) === 'u/') { $this->cmd = 'profile/' . substr($this->cmd, 2); } /* * Break the URL path into C style argc/argv style arguments for our * modules. Given "http://example.com/module/arg1/arg2", $this->argc * will be 3 (integer) and $this->argv will contain: * [0] => 'module' * [1] => 'arg1' * [2] => 'arg2' * * * There will always be one argument. If provided a naked domain * URL, $this->argv[0] is set to "home". */ $this->argv = explode('/', $this->cmd); $this->argc = count($this->argv); if ((array_key_exists('0', $this->argv)) && strlen($this->argv[0])) { $this->module = str_replace('.', '_', $this->argv[0]); $this->module = str_replace('-', '_', $this->module); } else { $this->argc = 1; $this->argv = ['home']; $this->module = 'home'; } // See if there is any page number information, and initialise pagination $this->pager['page'] = ((x($_GET, 'page') && intval($_GET['page']) > 0) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1); $this->pager['itemspage'] = 50; $this->pager['start'] = ($this->pager['page'] * $this->pager['itemspage']) - $this->pager['itemspage']; if ($this->pager['start'] < 0) { $this->pager['start'] = 0; } $this->pager['total'] = 0; // Detect mobile devices $mobile_detect = new MobileDetect(); $this->is_mobile = $mobile_detect->isMobile(); $this->is_tablet = $mobile_detect->isTablet(); // Friendica-Client $this->is_friendica_app = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] == 'Apache-HttpClient/UNAVAILABLE (java 1.4)'; // Register template engines $this->register_template_engine('Friendica\Render\FriendicaSmartyEngine'); } /** * Load the configuration files * * First loads the default value for all the configuration keys, then the legacy configuration files, then the * expected local.ini.php */ private function loadConfigFiles() { $this->loadConfigFile($this->basepath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.ini.php'); $this->loadConfigFile($this->basepath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'settings.ini.php'); // Legacy .htconfig.php support if (file_exists($this->basepath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.htpreconfig.php')) { $a = $this; include $this->basepath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.htpreconfig.php'; } // Legacy .htconfig.php support if (file_exists($this->basepath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.htconfig.php')) { $a = $this; include $this->basepath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.htconfig.php'; $this->setConfigValue('database', 'hostname', $db_host); $this->setConfigValue('database', 'username', $db_user); $this->setConfigValue('database', 'password', $db_pass); $this->setConfigValue('database', 'database', $db_data); if (isset($a->config['system']['db_charset'])) { $this->setConfigValue('database', 'charset', $a->config['system']['db_charset']); } unset($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_data); if (isset($default_timezone)) { $this->setConfigValue('system', 'default_timezone', $default_timezone); unset($default_timezone); } if (isset($pidfile)) { $this->setConfigValue('system', 'pidfile', $pidfile); unset($pidfile); } if (isset($lang)) { $this->setConfigValue('system', 'language', $lang); unset($lang); } } if (file_exists($this->basepath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'local.ini.php')) { $this->loadConfigFile($this->basepath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'local.ini.php'); } } /** * Tries to load the specified configuration file into the App->config array. * Overwrites previously set values. * * The config format is INI and the template for configuration files is the following: * * <?php return <<<INI * * [section] * key = value * * INI; * // Keep this line * * @param type $filepath * @throws Exception */ public function loadConfigFile($filepath) { if (!file_exists($filepath)) { throw new Exception('Error parsing non-existent config file ' . $filepath); } $contents = include($filepath); $config = parse_ini_string($contents, true, INI_SCANNER_TYPED); if ($config === false) { throw new Exception('Error parsing config file ' . $filepath); } foreach ($config as $category => $values) { foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $this->setConfigValue($category, $key, $value); } } } /** * Loads addons configuration files * * First loads all activated addons default configuration throught the load_config hook, then load the local.ini.php * again to overwrite potential local addon configuration. */ private function loadAddonConfig() { // Loads addons default config Core\Addon::callHooks('load_config'); // Load the local addon config file to overwritten default addon config values if (file_exists($this->basepath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'addon.ini.php')) { $this->loadConfigFile($this->basepath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'addon.ini.php'); } } /** * Loads the default timezone * * Include support for legacy $default_timezone * * @global string $default_timezone */ private function loadDefaultTimezone() { if ($this->getConfigValue('system', 'default_timezone')) { $this->timezone = $this->getConfigValue('system', 'default_timezone'); } else { global $default_timezone; $this->timezone = !empty($default_timezone) ? $default_timezone : 'UTC'; } if ($this->timezone) { date_default_timezone_set($this->timezone); } } /** * Figure out if we are running at the top of a domain or in a sub-directory and adjust accordingly */ private function determineUrlPath() { $this->urlpath = $this->getConfigValue('system', 'urlpath'); /* SCRIPT_URL gives /path/to/friendica/module/parameter * QUERY_STRING gives pagename=module/parameter * * To get /path/to/friendica we perform dirname() for as many levels as there are slashes in the QUERY_STRING */ if (!empty($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URL'])) { // Module if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $path = trim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URL'], substr_count(trim($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], '/'), '/') + 1), '/'); } else { // Root page $path = trim($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URL'], '/'); } if ($path && $path != $this->urlpath) { $this->urlpath = $path; } } } /** * Sets the App mode * * - App::MODE_INSTALL : Either the database connection can't be established or the config table doesn't exist * - App::MODE_MAINTENANCE: The maintenance mode has been set * - App::MODE_NORMAL : Normal run with all features enabled * * @return type */ private function determineMode() { $this->mode = 0; if (!file_exists($this->basepath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'local.ini.php') && !file_exists($this->basepath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.htconfig.php')) { return; } $this->mode |= App::MODE_LOCALCONFIGPRESENT; if (!DBA::connected()) { return; } $this->mode |= App::MODE_DBAVAILABLE; if (DBA::fetchFirst("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'config'") === false) { return; } $this->mode |= App::MODE_DBCONFIGAVAILABLE; if (Config::get('system', 'maintenance')) { return; } $this->mode |= App::MODE_MAINTENANCEDISABLED; } public function loadDatabase() { if (DBA::connected()) { return; } $db_host = $this->getConfigValue('database', 'hostname'); $db_user = $this->getConfigValue('database', 'username'); $db_pass = $this->getConfigValue('database', 'password'); $db_data = $this->getConfigValue('database', 'database'); $charset = $this->getConfigValue('database', 'charset'); // Use environment variables for mysql if they are set beforehand if (!empty(getenv('MYSQL_HOST')) && (!empty(getenv('MYSQL_USERNAME')) || !empty(getenv('MYSQL_USER'))) && getenv('MYSQL_PASSWORD') !== false && !empty(getenv('MYSQL_DATABASE'))) { $db_host = getenv('MYSQL_HOST'); if (!empty(getenv('MYSQL_PORT'))) { $db_host .= ':' . getenv('MYSQL_PORT'); } if (!empty(getenv('MYSQL_USERNAME'))) { $db_user = getenv('MYSQL_USERNAME'); } else { $db_user = getenv('MYSQL_USER'); } $db_pass = (string) getenv('MYSQL_PASSWORD'); $db_data = getenv('MYSQL_DATABASE'); } $stamp1 = microtime(true); DBA::connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_data, $charset); unset($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_data, $charset); $this->save_timestamp($stamp1, 'network'); } /** * Install mode is when the local config file is missing or the DB schema hasn't been installed yet. * * @return bool */ public function isInstallMode() { return !($this->mode & App::MODE_LOCALCONFIGPRESENT) || !($this->mode & App::MODE_DBCONFIGAVAILABLE); } /** * @brief Returns the base filesystem path of the App * * It first checks for the internal variable, then for DOCUMENT_ROOT and * finally for PWD * * @return string */ public function get_basepath() { $basepath = $this->basepath; if (!$basepath) { $basepath = Config::get('system', 'basepath'); } if (!$basepath && x($_SERVER, 'DOCUMENT_ROOT')) { $basepath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; } if (!$basepath && x($_SERVER, 'PWD')) { $basepath = $_SERVER['PWD']; } return self::realpath($basepath); } /** * @brief Returns a normalized file path * * This is a wrapper for the "realpath" function. * That function cannot detect the real path when some folders aren't readable. * Since this could happen with some hosters we need to handle this. * * @param string $path The path that is about to be normalized * @return string normalized path - when possible */ public static function realpath($path) { $normalized = realpath($path); if (!is_bool($normalized)) { return $normalized; } else { return $path; } } public function get_scheme() { return $this->scheme; } /** * @brief Retrieves the Friendica instance base URL * * This function assembles the base URL from multiple parts: * - Protocol is determined either by the request or a combination of * system.ssl_policy and the $ssl parameter. * - Host name is determined either by system.hostname or inferred from request * - Path is inferred from SCRIPT_NAME * * Note: $ssl parameter value doesn't directly correlate with the resulting protocol * * @param bool $ssl Whether to append http or https under SSL_POLICY_SELFSIGN * @return string Friendica server base URL */ public function get_baseurl($ssl = false) { $scheme = $this->scheme; if (Config::get('system', 'ssl_policy') == SSL_POLICY_FULL) { $scheme = 'https'; } // Basically, we have $ssl = true on any links which can only be seen by a logged in user // (and also the login link). Anything seen by an outsider will have it turned off. if (Config::get('system', 'ssl_policy') == SSL_POLICY_SELFSIGN) { if ($ssl) { $scheme = 'https'; } else { $scheme = 'http'; } } if (Config::get('config', 'hostname') != '') { $this->hostname = Config::get('config', 'hostname'); } return $scheme . '://' . $this->hostname . (!empty($this->urlpath) ? '/' . $this->urlpath : '' ); } /** * @brief Initializes the baseurl components * * Clears the baseurl cache to prevent inconsistencies * * @param string $url */ public function set_baseurl($url) { $parsed = @parse_url($url); $hostname = ''; if (x($parsed)) { if (!empty($parsed['scheme'])) { $this->scheme = $parsed['scheme']; } if (!empty($parsed['host'])) { $hostname = $parsed['host']; } if (x($parsed, 'port')) { $hostname .= ':' . $parsed['port']; } if (x($parsed, 'path')) { $this->urlpath = trim($parsed['path'], '\\/'); } if (file_exists($this->basepath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.htpreconfig.php')) { include $this->basepath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.htpreconfig.php'; } if (Config::get('config', 'hostname') != '') { $this->hostname = Config::get('config', 'hostname'); } if (!isset($this->hostname) || ($this->hostname == '')) { $this->hostname = $hostname; } } } public function get_hostname() { if (Config::get('config', 'hostname') != '') { $this->hostname = Config::get('config', 'hostname'); } return $this->hostname; } public function get_path() { return $this->urlpath; } public function set_pager_total($n) { $this->pager['total'] = intval($n); } public function set_pager_itemspage($n) { $this->pager['itemspage'] = ((intval($n) > 0) ? intval($n) : 0); $this->pager['start'] = ($this->pager['page'] * $this->pager['itemspage']) - $this->pager['itemspage']; } public function set_pager_page($n) { $this->pager['page'] = $n; $this->pager['start'] = ($this->pager['page'] * $this->pager['itemspage']) - $this->pager['itemspage']; } public function init_pagehead() { $interval = ((local_user()) ? PConfig::get(local_user(), 'system', 'update_interval') : 40000); // If the update is 'deactivated' set it to the highest integer number (~24 days) if ($interval < 0) { $interval = 2147483647; } if ($interval < 10000) { $interval = 40000; } // compose the page title from the sitename and the // current module called if (!$this->module == '') { $this->page['title'] = $this->config['sitename'] . ' (' . $this->module . ')'; } else { $this->page['title'] = $this->config['sitename']; } /* put the head template at the beginning of page['htmlhead'] * since the code added by the modules frequently depends on it * being first */ if (!isset($this->page['htmlhead'])) { $this->page['htmlhead'] = ''; } // If we're using Smarty, then doing replace_macros() will replace // any unrecognized variables with a blank string. Since we delay // replacing $stylesheet until later, we need to replace it now // with another variable name if ($this->theme['template_engine'] === 'smarty3') { $stylesheet = $this->get_template_ldelim('smarty3') . '$stylesheet' . $this->get_template_rdelim('smarty3'); } else { $stylesheet = '$stylesheet'; } $shortcut_icon = Config::get('system', 'shortcut_icon'); if ($shortcut_icon == '') { $shortcut_icon = 'images/friendica-32.png'; } $touch_icon = Config::get('system', 'touch_icon'); if ($touch_icon == '') { $touch_icon = 'images/friendica-128.png'; } // get data wich is needed for infinite scroll on the network page $invinite_scroll = infinite_scroll_data($this->module); $tpl = get_markup_template('head.tpl'); $this->page['htmlhead'] = replace_macros($tpl, [ '$baseurl' => $this->get_baseurl(), '$local_user' => local_user(), '$generator' => 'Friendica' . ' ' . FRIENDICA_VERSION, '$delitem' => L10n::t('Delete this item?'), '$showmore' => L10n::t('show more'), '$showfewer' => L10n::t('show fewer'), '$update_interval' => $interval, '$shortcut_icon' => $shortcut_icon, '$touch_icon' => $touch_icon, '$stylesheet' => $stylesheet, '$infinite_scroll' => $invinite_scroll, '$block_public' => intval(Config::get('system', 'block_public')), ]) . $this->page['htmlhead']; } public function init_page_end() { if (!isset($this->page['end'])) { $this->page['end'] = ''; } $tpl = get_markup_template('end.tpl'); $this->page['end'] = replace_macros($tpl, [ '$baseurl' => $this->get_baseurl() ]) . $this->page['end']; } public function set_curl_code($code) { $this->curl_code = $code; } public function get_curl_code() { return $this->curl_code; } public function set_curl_content_type($content_type) { $this->curl_content_type = $content_type; } public function get_curl_content_type() { return $this->curl_content_type; } public function set_curl_headers($headers) { $this->curl_headers = $headers; } public function get_curl_headers() { return $this->curl_headers; } /** * @brief Removes the base url from an url. This avoids some mixed content problems. * * @param string $orig_url * * @return string The cleaned url */ public function remove_baseurl($orig_url) { // Remove the hostname from the url if it is an internal link $nurl = normalise_link($orig_url); $base = normalise_link($this->get_baseurl()); $url = str_replace($base . '/', '', $nurl); // if it is an external link return the orignal value if ($url == normalise_link($orig_url)) { return $orig_url; } else { return $url; } } /** * @brief Register template engine class * * @param string $class */ private function register_template_engine($class) { $v = get_class_vars($class); if (x($v, 'name')) { $name = $v['name']; $this->template_engines[$name] = $class; } else { echo "template engine <tt>$class</tt> cannot be registered without a name.\n"; die(); } } /** * @brief Return template engine instance. * * If $name is not defined, return engine defined by theme, * or default * * @return object Template Engine instance */ public function template_engine() { $template_engine = 'smarty3'; if (x($this->theme, 'template_engine')) { $template_engine = $this->theme['template_engine']; } if (isset($this->template_engines[$template_engine])) { if (isset($this->template_engine_instance[$template_engine])) { return $this->template_engine_instance[$template_engine]; } else { $class = $this->template_engines[$template_engine]; $obj = new $class; $this->template_engine_instance[$template_engine] = $obj; return $obj; } } echo "template engine <tt>$template_engine</tt> is not registered!\n"; killme(); } /** * @brief Returns the active template engine. * * @return string */ public function get_template_engine() { return $this->theme['template_engine']; } public function set_template_engine($engine = 'smarty3') { $this->theme['template_engine'] = $engine; } public function get_template_ldelim($engine = 'smarty3') { return $this->ldelim[$engine]; } public function get_template_rdelim($engine = 'smarty3') { return $this->rdelim[$engine]; } public function save_timestamp($stamp, $value) { if (!isset($this->config['system']['profiler']) || !$this->config['system']['profiler']) { return; } $duration = (float) (microtime(true) - $stamp); if (!isset($this->performance[$value])) { // Prevent ugly E_NOTICE $this->performance[$value] = 0; } $this->performance[$value] += (float) $duration; $this->performance['marktime'] += (float) $duration; $callstack = System::callstack(); if (!isset($this->callstack[$value][$callstack])) { // Prevent ugly E_NOTICE $this->callstack[$value][$callstack] = 0; } $this->callstack[$value][$callstack] += (float) $duration; } public function get_useragent() { return FRIENDICA_PLATFORM . " '" . FRIENDICA_CODENAME . "' " . FRIENDICA_VERSION . '-' . DB_UPDATE_VERSION . '; ' . $this->get_baseurl(); } public function is_friendica_app() { return $this->is_friendica_app; } /** * @brief Checks if the site is called via a backend process * * This isn't a perfect solution. But we need this check very early. * So we cannot wait until the modules are loaded. * * @return bool Is it a known backend? */ public function is_backend() { static $backends = [ '_well_known', 'api', 'dfrn_notify', 'fetch', 'hcard', 'hostxrd', 'nodeinfo', 'noscrape', 'p', 'poco', 'post', 'proxy', 'pubsub', 'pubsubhubbub', 'receive', 'rsd_xml', 'salmon', 'statistics_json', 'xrd', ]; // Check if current module is in backend or backend flag is set return (in_array($this->module, $backends) || $this->backend); } /** * @brief Checks if the maximum number of database processes is reached * * @return bool Is the limit reached? */ public function isMaxProcessesReached() { // Deactivated, needs more investigating if this check really makes sense return false; /* * Commented out to suppress static analyzer issues * if ($this->is_backend()) { $process = 'backend'; $max_processes = Config::get('system', 'max_processes_backend'); if (intval($max_processes) == 0) { $max_processes = 5; } } else { $process = 'frontend'; $max_processes = Config::get('system', 'max_processes_frontend'); if (intval($max_processes) == 0) { $max_processes = 20; } } $processlist = DBA::processlist(); if ($processlist['list'] != '') { logger('Processcheck: Processes: ' . $processlist['amount'] . ' - Processlist: ' . $processlist['list'], LOGGER_DEBUG); if ($processlist['amount'] > $max_processes) { logger('Processcheck: Maximum number of processes for ' . $process . ' tasks (' . $max_processes . ') reached.', LOGGER_DEBUG); return true; } } return false; */ } /** * @brief Checks if the minimal memory is reached * * @return bool Is the memory limit reached? */ public function min_memory_reached() { $min_memory = Config::get('system', 'min_memory', 0); if ($min_memory == 0) { return false; } if (!is_readable('/proc/meminfo')) { return false; } $memdata = explode("\n", file_get_contents('/proc/meminfo')); $meminfo = []; foreach ($memdata as $line) { list($key, $val) = explode(':', $line); $meminfo[$key] = (int) trim(str_replace('kB', '', $val)); $meminfo[$key] = (int) ($meminfo[$key] / 1024); } if (!isset($meminfo['MemAvailable']) || !isset($meminfo['MemFree'])) { return false; } $free = $meminfo['MemAvailable'] + $meminfo['MemFree']; $reached = ($free < $min_memory); if ($reached) { logger('Minimal memory reached: ' . $free . '/' . $meminfo['MemTotal'] . ' - limit ' . $min_memory, LOGGER_DEBUG); } return $reached; } /** * @brief Checks if the maximum load is reached * * @return bool Is the load reached? */ public function isMaxLoadReached() { if ($this->is_backend()) { $process = 'backend'; $maxsysload = intval(Config::get('system', 'maxloadavg')); if ($maxsysload < 1) { $maxsysload = 50; } } else { $process = 'frontend'; $maxsysload = intval(Config::get('system', 'maxloadavg_frontend')); if ($maxsysload < 1) { $maxsysload = 50; } } $load = current_load(); if ($load) { if (intval($load) > $maxsysload) { logger('system: load ' . $load . ' for ' . $process . ' tasks (' . $maxsysload . ') too high.'); return true; } } return false; } /** * Executes a child process with 'proc_open' * * @param string $command The command to execute * @param array $args Arguments to pass to the command ( [ 'key' => value, 'key2' => value2, ... ] */ public function proc_run($command, $args) { if (!function_exists('proc_open')) { return; } $cmdline = $this->getConfigValue('config', 'php_path', 'php') . ' ' . $command; foreach ($args as $key => $value) { if (!is_null($value) && is_bool($value) && !$value) { continue; } $cmdline .= ' --' . $key; if (!is_null($value) && !is_bool($value)) { $cmdline .= ' ' . $value; } } $cmdline = escapeshellarg($cmdline); if ($this->min_memory_reached()) { return; } if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') { $resource = proc_open('cmd /c start /b ' . $cmdline, [], $foo, $this->get_basepath()); } else { $resource = proc_open($cmdline . ' &', [], $foo, $this->get_basepath()); } if (!is_resource($resource)) { logger('We got no resource for command ' . $cmdline, LOGGER_DEBUG); return; } proc_close($resource); } /** * @brief Returns the system user that is executing the script * * This mostly returns something like "www-data". * * @return string system username */ private static function systemuser() { if (!function_exists('posix_getpwuid') || !function_exists('posix_geteuid')) { return ''; } $processUser = posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid()); return $processUser['name']; } /** * @brief Checks if a given directory is usable for the system * * @return boolean the directory is usable */ public static function directory_usable($directory, $check_writable = true) { if ($directory == '') { logger('Directory is empty. This shouldn\'t happen.', LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } if (!file_exists($directory)) { logger('Path "' . $directory . '" does not exist for user ' . self::systemuser(), LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } if (is_file($directory)) { logger('Path "' . $directory . '" is a file for user ' . self::systemuser(), LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } if (!is_dir($directory)) { logger('Path "' . $directory . '" is not a directory for user ' . self::systemuser(), LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } if ($check_writable && !is_writable($directory)) { logger('Path "' . $directory . '" is not writable for user ' . self::systemuser(), LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } return true; } /** * @param string $cat Config category * @param string $k Config key * @param mixed $default Default value if it isn't set */ public function getConfigValue($cat, $k, $default = null) { $return = $default; if ($cat === 'config') { if (isset($this->config[$k])) { $return = $this->config[$k]; } } else { if (isset($this->config[$cat][$k])) { $return = $this->config[$cat][$k]; } } return $return; } /** * Sets a value in the config cache. Accepts raw output from the config table * * @param string $cat Config category * @param string $k Config key * @param mixed $v Value to set */ public function setConfigValue($cat, $k, $v) { // Only arrays are serialized in database, so we have to unserialize sparingly $value = is_string($v) && preg_match("|^a:[0-9]+:{.*}$|s", $v) ? unserialize($v) : $v; if ($cat === 'config') { $this->config[$k] = $value; } else { if (!isset($this->config[$cat])) { $this->config[$cat] = []; } $this->config[$cat][$k] = $value; } } /** * Deletes a value from the config cache * * @param string $cat Config category * @param string $k Config key */ public function deleteConfigValue($cat, $k) { if ($cat === 'config') { if (isset($this->config[$k])) { unset($this->config[$k]); } } else { if (isset($this->config[$cat][$k])) { unset($this->config[$cat][$k]); } } } /** * Retrieves a value from the user config cache * * @param int $uid User Id * @param string $cat Config category * @param string $k Config key * @param mixed $default Default value if key isn't set */ public function getPConfigValue($uid, $cat, $k, $default = null) { $return = $default; if (isset($this->config[$uid][$cat][$k])) { $return = $this->config[$uid][$cat][$k]; } return $return; } /** * Sets a value in the user config cache * * Accepts raw output from the pconfig table * * @param int $uid User Id * @param string $cat Config category * @param string $k Config key * @param mixed $v Value to set */ public function setPConfigValue($uid, $cat, $k, $v) { // Only arrays are serialized in database, so we have to unserialize sparingly $value = is_string($v) && preg_match("|^a:[0-9]+:{.*}$|s", $v) ? unserialize($v) : $v; if (!isset($this->config[$uid])) { $this->config[$uid] = []; } if (!isset($this->config[$uid][$cat])) { $this->config[$uid][$cat] = []; } $this->config[$uid][$cat][$k] = $value; } /** * Deletes a value from the user config cache * * @param int $uid User Id * @param string $cat Config category * @param string $k Config key */ public function deletePConfigValue($uid, $cat, $k) { if (isset($this->config[$uid][$cat][$k])) { unset($this->config[$uid][$cat][$k]); } } /** * Generates the site's default sender email address * * @return string */ public function getSenderEmailAddress() { $sender_email = Config::get('config', 'sender_email'); if (empty($sender_email)) { $hostname = $this->get_hostname(); if (strpos($hostname, ':')) { $hostname = substr($hostname, 0, strpos($hostname, ':')); } $sender_email = 'noreply@' . $hostname; } return $sender_email; } /** * Returns the current theme name. * * @return string */ public function getCurrentTheme() { if ($this->isInstallMode()) { return ''; } //// @TODO Compute the current theme only once (this behavior has /// already been implemented, but it didn't work well - /// https://github.com/friendica/friendica/issues/5092) $this->computeCurrentTheme(); return $this->current_theme; } /** * Computes the current theme name based on the node settings, the user settings and the device type * * @throws Exception */ private function computeCurrentTheme() { $system_theme = Config::get('system', 'theme'); if (!$system_theme) { throw new Exception(L10n::t('No system theme config value set.')); } // Sane default $this->current_theme = $system_theme; $allowed_themes = explode(',', Config::get('system', 'allowed_themes', $system_theme)); $page_theme = null; // Find the theme that belongs to the user whose stuff we are looking at if ($this->profile_uid && ($this->profile_uid != local_user())) { // Allow folks to override user themes and always use their own on their own site. // This works only if the user is on the same server $user = DBA::selectFirst('user', ['theme'], ['uid' => $this->profile_uid]); if (DBA::isResult($user) && !PConfig::get(local_user(), 'system', 'always_my_theme')) { $page_theme = $user['theme']; } } if (!empty($_SESSION)) { $user_theme = defaults($_SESSION, 'theme', $system_theme); } else { $user_theme = $system_theme; } // Specific mobile theme override if (($this->is_mobile || $this->is_tablet) && defaults($_SESSION, 'show-mobile', true)) { $system_mobile_theme = Config::get('system', 'mobile-theme'); $user_mobile_theme = defaults($_SESSION, 'mobile-theme', $system_mobile_theme); // --- means same mobile theme as desktop if (!empty($user_mobile_theme) && $user_mobile_theme !== '---') { $user_theme = $user_mobile_theme; } } if ($page_theme) { $theme_name = $page_theme; } else { $theme_name = $user_theme; } if ($theme_name && in_array($theme_name, $allowed_themes) && (file_exists('view/theme/' . $theme_name . '/style.css') || file_exists('view/theme/' . $theme_name . '/style.php')) ) { $this->current_theme = $theme_name; } } /** * @brief Return full URL to theme which is currently in effect. * * Provide a sane default if nothing is chosen or the specified theme does not exist. * * @return string */ public function getCurrentThemeStylesheetPath() { return Core\Theme::getStylesheetPath($this->getCurrentTheme()); } }