/* Jappix - An open social platform These are the chat JS scripts for Jappix ------------------------------------------------- License: AGPL Authors: Vanaryon, Eric Last revision: 16/10/11 */ // Correctly opens a new chat function checkChatCreate(xid, type, nickname, password, title) { // No XID? if(!xid) return false; // We generate some stuffs var hash = hex_md5(xid); var name; // Gets the name of the user/title of the room if(title) name = title; else { // Private groupchat chat if(type == 'private') name = thisResource(xid); // XMPP-ID else if(xid.indexOf('@') != -1) name = getBuddyName(xid); // Gateway else name = xid; } // If the target div does not exist if(!exists('#' + hash)) { // We check the type of the chat to open if((type == 'chat') || (type == 'private')) chatCreate(hash, xid, name, type); else if(type == 'groupchat') { // Try to read the room stored configuration if(!isAnonymous() && (!nickname || !password || !title)) { // Catch the room data var fData = $(XMLFromString(getDB('favorites', xid))); var fNick = fData.find('nick').text(); var fPwd = fData.find('password').text(); var fName = fData.find('name').text(); // Apply the room data if(!nickname && fNick) nickname = fNick; if(!password && fPwd) password = fPwd; if(!title && fName) name = fName; } groupchatCreate(hash, xid, name, nickname, password); } } // Switch to the newly-created chat switchChan(hash); return false; } // Generates the chat DOM elements function generateChat(type, id, xid, nick) { // Generate some stuffs var path = '#' + id + ' .'; var escaped_xid = escape(xid); // Special code var specialAttributes, specialAvatar, specialName, specialCode, specialLink, specialDisabled, specialStyle; // Groupchat special code if(type == 'groupchat') { specialAttributes = ' data-type="groupchat"'; specialAvatar = ''; specialName = '

' + _e("Subject") + ' ' + _e("no subject defined for this room.") + '

'; specialCode = '

' + _e("Moderators") + '

' + _e("Participants") + '

' + _e("Visitors") + '

' + _e("Others") + '

'; specialLink = ''; specialStyle = ''; // Is this a gateway? if(xid.match(/%/)) specialDisabled = ''; else specialDisabled = ' disabled=""'; } // Chat (or other things?!) special code else { specialAttributes = ' data-type="chat"'; specialAvatar = '
'; specialName = '

'; specialCode = '
'; specialLink = ''; specialStyle = ' style="display: none;"'; specialDisabled = ''; } // Not a groupchat private chat, we can use the buddy add icon if((type == 'chat') || (type == 'groupchat')) { var addTitle; if(type == 'chat') addTitle = _e("Add this contact to your friends"); else addTitle = _e("Add this groupchat to your favorites"); specialLink += ''; } // IE DOM parsing bug fix var specialStylePicker = '
' + '' + '
'; if((BrowserDetect.browser == 'Explorer') && (BrowserDetect.version < 9)) specialStylePicker = ''; // Append the chat HTML code $('#page-engine').append( '
' + '
' + specialAvatar + '
' + '

' + nick.htmlEnc() + '

' + specialName + '
' + '
' + specialCode + '
' + '' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
' ); // Click event: chat cleaner $(path + 'tools-clear').click(function() { cleanChat(id); }); // Click event: user-infos $(path + 'tools-infos').click(function() { openUserInfos(xid); }); } // Generates the chat switch elements function generateSwitch(type, id, xid, nick) { // Path to the element var chat_switch = '#page-switch .'; // Special code var specialClass = ' unavailable'; var show_close = true; // Groupchat if(type == 'groupchat') { specialClass = ' groupchat-default'; if(isAnonymous() && (xid == generateXID(ANONYMOUS_ROOM, 'groupchat'))) show_close = false; } // Generate the HTML code var html = '
' + '
' + '
' + nick.htmlEnc() + '
'; // Show the close button if not MUC and not anonymous if(show_close) html += '
'; // Close the HTML html += '
'; // Append the HTML code $(chat_switch + 'chans, ' + chat_switch + 'more-content').append(html); } // Cleans given the chat lines function cleanChat(chat) { $('#page-engine #' + chat + ' .content .one-group').remove(); $(document).oneTime(10, function() { $('#page-engine #' + chat + ' .text .message-area').focus(); }); } // Creates a new chat function chatCreate(hash, xid, nick, type) { logThis('New chat: ' + xid, 3); // Create the chat content generateChat(type, hash, xid, nick); // Create the chat switcher generateSwitch(type, hash, xid, nick); // If the user is not in our buddy-list if(type == 'chat') { // Add button if(!exists('#buddy-list .buddy[data-xid=' + escape(xid) + ']')) $('#' + hash + ' .tools-add').click(function() { // Hide the icon (to tell the user all is okay) $(this).hide(); // Send the subscribe request addThisContact(xid, nick); }).show(); // Archives button else if(enabledArchives() || enabledArchives('auto') || enabledArchives('manual') || enabledArchives('manage')) $('#' + hash + ' .tools-archives').click(function() { // Open the archives popup openArchives(); // Get the archives for this user $('#archives .filter .friend').val(xid); updateArchives(); }).show(); } // We catch the user's informations (like this avatar, vcard, and so on...) getUserInfos(hash, xid, nick, type); // The icons-hover functions tooltipIcons(xid, hash); // The event handlers var inputDetect = $('#page-engine #' + hash + ' .message-area'); inputDetect.focus(function() { chanCleanNotify(hash); }) inputDetect.keypress(function(e) { // Enter key if(e.keyCode == 13) { // Add a new line if(e.shiftKey) inputDetect.val(inputDetect.val() + '\n'); // Send the message else { // Send the message sendMessage(hash, 'chat'); // Reset the composing database entry setDB('chatstate', xid, 'off'); } return false; } }); // Chatstate events eventsChatState(inputDetect, xid, hash); }