<?php /** * When I installed docblox, I had the experience that it does not generate any output at all. * This script may be used to find that kind of problems with the documentation build process. * If docblox generates output, use another approach for debugging. * * Basically, docblox takes a list of files to build documentation from. This script assumes there is a file or set of files * breaking the build when it is included in that list. It tries to calculate the smallest list containing these files. * Unfortunatly, the original problem is NP-complete, so what the script does is a best guess only. * * So it starts with a list of all files in the project. * If that list can't be build, it cuts it in two parts and tries both parts independently. If only one of them breaks, * it takes that one and tries the same independently. If both break, it assumes this is the smallest set. This assumption * is not necessarily true. Maybe the smallest set consists of two files and both of them were in different parts when * the list was divided, but by now it is my best guess. To make this assumption better, the list is shuffled after every step. * * After that, the script tries to remove a file from the list. It tests if the list breaks and if so, it * assumes that the file it removed belongs to the set of errorneous files. * This is done for all files, so, in the end removing one file leads to a working doc build. * * @package util * @author Alexander Kampmann */ /** * This function generates a comma seperated list of file names. * * @package util * * @param array $fileset Set of file names * * @return string comma-seperated list of the file names */ function namesList($fileset) { $fsparam=""; foreach($fileset as $file) { $fsparam=$fsparam.",".$file; } return $fsparam; }; /** * This functions runs phpdoc on the provided list of files * @package util * * @param array $fileset Set of filenames * * @return bool true, if that set can be built */ function runs($fileset) { $fsParam=namesList($fileset); exec('docblox -t phpdoc_out -f '.$fsParam); if(file_exists("phpdoc_out/index.html")) { echo "\n Subset ".$fsParam." is okay. \n"; exec('rm -r phpdoc_out'); return true; } else { echo "\n Subset ".$fsParam." failed. \n"; return false; } }; /** * This functions cuts down a fileset by removing files until it finally works. * it was meant to be recursive, but php's maximum stack size is to small. So it just simulates recursion. * * In that version, it does not necessarily generate the smallest set, because it may not alter the elements order enough. * * @package util * * @param array $fileset set of filenames * @param int $ps number of files in subsets * * @return array a part of $fileset, that crashes */ function reduce($fileset, $ps) { //split array... $parts=array_chunk($fileset, $ps); //filter working subsets... $parts=array_filter($parts, "runs"); //melt remaining parts together if(is_array($parts)) { return array_reduce($parts, "array_merge", []); } return []; }; //return from util folder to frindica base dir $dir='..'; //stack for dirs to search $dirstack=[]; //list of source files $filelist=[]; //loop over all files in $dir while($dh=opendir($dir)) { while($file=readdir($dh)) { if(is_dir($dir."/".$file)) { //add to directory stack if($file!=".." && $file!=".") { array_push($dirstack, $dir."/".$file); echo "dir ".$dir."/".$file."\n"; } } else { //test if it is a source file and add to filelist if(substr($file, strlen($file)-4)==".php") { array_push($filelist, $dir."/".$file); echo $dir."/".$file."\n"; } } } //look at the next dir $dir=array_pop($dirstack); } //check the entire set if(runs($filelist)) { echo "I can not detect a problem. \n"; exit; } //check half of the set and discard if that half is okay $res=$filelist; $i=0; do { $i=count($res); echo $i."/".count($fileset)." elements remaining. \n"; $res=reduce($res, count($res)/2); shuffle($res); } while(count($res)<$i); //check one file after another $needed=[]; while(count($res)!=0) { $file=array_pop($res); if(runs(array_merge($res, $needed))) { echo "needs: ".$file." and file count ".count($needed); array_push($needed, $file); } } echo "\nSmallest Set is: ".namesList($needed)." with ".count($needed)." files. ";