<?php /** * @file mod/message.php */ use Friendica\App; use Friendica\Content\Nav; use Friendica\Content\Pager; use Friendica\Content\Text\BBCode; use Friendica\Core\ACL; use Friendica\Core\L10n; use Friendica\Core\Renderer; use Friendica\Database\DBA; use Friendica\DI; use Friendica\Model\Contact; use Friendica\Model\Mail; use Friendica\Module\Security\Login; use Friendica\Util\DateTimeFormat; use Friendica\Util\Proxy as ProxyUtils; use Friendica\Util\Strings; use Friendica\Util\Temporal; function message_init(App $a) { $tabs = ''; if ($a->argc > 1 && is_numeric($a->argv[1])) { $tabs = render_messages(get_messages(local_user(), 0, 5), 'mail_list.tpl'); } $new = [ 'label' => DI::l10n()->t('New Message'), 'url' => 'message/new', 'sel' => $a->argc > 1 && $a->argv[1] == 'new', 'accesskey' => 'm', ]; $tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('message_side.tpl'); DI::page()['aside'] = Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, [ '$tabs' => $tabs, '$new' => $new, ]); $base = DI::baseUrl(); $head_tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('message-head.tpl'); DI::page()['htmlhead'] .= Renderer::replaceMacros($head_tpl, [ '$baseurl' => DI::baseUrl()->get(true), '$base' => $base ]); } function message_post(App $a) { if (!local_user()) { notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } $replyto = !empty($_REQUEST['replyto']) ? Strings::escapeTags(trim($_REQUEST['replyto'])) : ''; $subject = !empty($_REQUEST['subject']) ? Strings::escapeTags(trim($_REQUEST['subject'])) : ''; $body = !empty($_REQUEST['body']) ? Strings::escapeHtml(trim($_REQUEST['body'])) : ''; $recipient = !empty($_REQUEST['messageto']) ? intval($_REQUEST['messageto']) : 0; $ret = Mail::send($recipient, $body, $subject, $replyto); $norecip = false; switch ($ret) { case -1: notice(DI::l10n()->t('No recipient selected.') . EOL); $norecip = true; break; case -2: notice(DI::l10n()->t('Unable to locate contact information.') . EOL); break; case -3: notice(DI::l10n()->t('Message could not be sent.') . EOL); break; case -4: notice(DI::l10n()->t('Message collection failure.') . EOL); break; default: info(DI::l10n()->t('Message sent.') . EOL); } // fake it to go back to the input form if no recipient listed if ($norecip) { $a->argc = 2; $a->argv[1] = 'new'; } else { DI::baseUrl()->redirect(DI::args()->getCommand() . '/' . $ret); } } function message_content(App $a) { $o = ''; Nav::setSelected('messages'); if (!local_user()) { notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return Login::form(); } $myprofile = DI::baseUrl() . '/profile/' . $a->user['nickname']; $tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('mail_head.tpl'); if ($a->argc > 1 && $a->argv[1] == 'new') { $button = [ 'label' => DI::l10n()->t('Discard'), 'url' => '/message', 'sel' => 'close', ]; } else { $button = [ 'label' => DI::l10n()->t('New Message'), 'url' => '/message/new', 'sel' => 'new', 'accesskey' => 'm', ]; } $header = Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, [ '$messages' => DI::l10n()->t('Messages'), '$button' => $button, ]); if (($a->argc == 3) && ($a->argv[1] === 'drop' || $a->argv[1] === 'dropconv')) { if (!intval($a->argv[2])) { return; } // Check if we should do HTML-based delete confirmation if (!empty($_REQUEST['confirm'])) { // <form> can't take arguments in its "action" parameter // so add any arguments as hidden inputs $query = explode_querystring(DI::args()->getQueryString()); $inputs = []; foreach ($query['args'] as $arg) { if (strpos($arg, 'confirm=') === false) { $arg_parts = explode('=', $arg); $inputs[] = ['name' => $arg_parts[0], 'value' => $arg_parts[1]]; } } //DI::page()['aside'] = ''; return Renderer::replaceMacros(Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('confirm.tpl'), [ '$method' => 'get', '$message' => DI::l10n()->t('Do you really want to delete this message?'), '$extra_inputs' => $inputs, '$confirm' => DI::l10n()->t('Yes'), '$confirm_url' => $query['base'], '$confirm_name' => 'confirmed', '$cancel' => DI::l10n()->t('Cancel'), ]); } // Now check how the user responded to the confirmation query if (!empty($_REQUEST['canceled'])) { DI::baseUrl()->redirect('message'); } $cmd = $a->argv[1]; if ($cmd === 'drop') { $message = DBA::selectFirst('mail', ['convid'], ['id' => $a->argv[2], 'uid' => local_user()]); if(!DBA::isResult($message)){ info(DI::l10n()->t('Conversation not found.') . EOL); DI::baseUrl()->redirect('message'); } if (DBA::delete('mail', ['id' => $a->argv[2], 'uid' => local_user()])) { info(DI::l10n()->t('Message deleted.') . EOL); } $conversation = DBA::selectFirst('mail', ['id'], ['convid' => $message['convid'], 'uid' => local_user()]); if(!DBA::isResult($conversation)){ info(DI::l10n()->t('Conversation removed.') . EOL); DI::baseUrl()->redirect('message'); } DI::baseUrl()->redirect('message/' . $conversation['id'] ); } else { $r = q("SELECT `parent-uri`,`convid` FROM `mail` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($a->argv[2]), intval(local_user()) ); if (DBA::isResult($r)) { $parent = $r[0]['parent-uri']; if (DBA::delete('mail', ['parent-uri' => $parent, 'uid' => local_user()])) { info(DI::l10n()->t('Conversation removed.') . EOL); } } DI::baseUrl()->redirect('message'); } } if (($a->argc > 1) && ($a->argv[1] === 'new')) { $o .= $header; $tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('msg-header.tpl'); DI::page()['htmlhead'] .= Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, [ '$baseurl' => DI::baseUrl()->get(true), '$nickname' => $a->user['nickname'], '$linkurl' => DI::l10n()->t('Please enter a link URL:') ]); $preselect = isset($a->argv[2]) ? [$a->argv[2]] : []; $prename = $preurl = $preid = ''; if ($preselect) { $r = q("SELECT `name`, `url`, `id` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval(local_user()), intval($a->argv[2]) ); if (!DBA::isResult($r)) { $r = q("SELECT `name`, `url`, `id` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `nurl` = '%s' LIMIT 1", intval(local_user()), DBA::escape(Strings::normaliseLink(base64_decode($a->argv[2]))) ); } if (!DBA::isResult($r)) { $r = q("SELECT `name`, `url`, `id` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `addr` = '%s' LIMIT 1", intval(local_user()), DBA::escape(base64_decode($a->argv[2])) ); } if (DBA::isResult($r)) { $prename = $r[0]['name']; $preid = $r[0]['id']; $preselect = [$preid]; } else { $preselect = []; } } $prefill = $preselect ? $prename : ''; // the ugly select box $select = ACL::getMessageContactSelectHTML('messageto', 'message-to-select', $preselect, 4, 10); $tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('prv_message.tpl'); $o .= Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, [ '$header' => DI::l10n()->t('Send Private Message'), '$to' => DI::l10n()->t('To:'), '$showinputs' => 'true', '$prefill' => $prefill, '$preid' => $preid, '$subject' => DI::l10n()->t('Subject:'), '$subjtxt' => $_REQUEST['subject'] ?? '', '$text' => $_REQUEST['body'] ?? '', '$readonly' => '', '$yourmessage'=> DI::l10n()->t('Your message:'), '$select' => $select, '$parent' => '', '$upload' => DI::l10n()->t('Upload photo'), '$insert' => DI::l10n()->t('Insert web link'), '$wait' => DI::l10n()->t('Please wait'), '$submit' => DI::l10n()->t('Submit') ]); return $o; } $_SESSION['return_path'] = DI::args()->getQueryString(); if ($a->argc == 1) { // List messages $o .= $header; $total = 0; $r = q("SELECT count(*) AS `total`, ANY_VALUE(`created`) AS `created` FROM `mail` WHERE `mail`.`uid` = %d GROUP BY `parent-uri` ORDER BY `created` DESC", intval(local_user()) ); if (DBA::isResult($r)) { $total = $r[0]['total']; } $pager = new Pager(DI::args()->getQueryString()); $r = get_messages(local_user(), $pager->getStart(), $pager->getItemsPerPage()); if (!DBA::isResult($r)) { info(DI::l10n()->t('No messages.') . EOL); return $o; } $o .= render_messages($r, 'mail_list.tpl'); $o .= $pager->renderFull($total); return $o; } if (($a->argc > 1) && (intval($a->argv[1]))) { $o .= $header; $message = DBA::fetchFirst(" SELECT `mail`.*, `contact`.`name`, `contact`.`url`, `contact`.`thumb` FROM `mail` LEFT JOIN `contact` ON `mail`.`contact-id` = `contact`.`id` WHERE `mail`.`uid` = ? AND `mail`.`id` = ? LIMIT 1", local_user(), $a->argv[1] ); if (DBA::isResult($message)) { $contact_id = $message['contact-id']; $params = [ local_user(), $message['parent-uri'] ]; if ($message['convid']) { $sql_extra = "AND (`mail`.`parent-uri` = ? OR `mail`.`convid` = ?)"; $params[] = $message['convid']; } else { $sql_extra = "AND `mail`.`parent-uri` = ?"; } $messages_stmt = DBA::p(" SELECT `mail`.*, `contact`.`name`, `contact`.`url`, `contact`.`thumb` FROM `mail` LEFT JOIN `contact` ON `mail`.`contact-id` = `contact`.`id` WHERE `mail`.`uid` = ? $sql_extra ORDER BY `mail`.`created` ASC", ...$params ); $messages = DBA::toArray($messages_stmt); DBA::update('mail', ['seen' => 1], ['parent-uri' => $message['parent-uri'], 'uid' => local_user()]); if ($message['convid']) { // Clear Diaspora private message notifications DBA::update('notify', ['seen' => 1], ['type' => NOTIFY_MAIL, 'parent' => $message['convid'], 'uid' => local_user()]); } // Clear DFRN private message notifications DBA::update('notify', ['seen' => 1], ['type' => NOTIFY_MAIL, 'parent' => $message['parent-uri'], 'uid' => local_user()]); } else { $messages = false; } if (!DBA::isResult($messages)) { notice(DI::l10n()->t('Message not available.') . EOL); return $o; } $tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('msg-header.tpl'); DI::page()['htmlhead'] .= Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, [ '$baseurl' => DI::baseUrl()->get(true), '$nickname' => $a->user['nickname'], '$linkurl' => DI::l10n()->t('Please enter a link URL:') ]); $mails = []; $seen = 0; $unknown = false; foreach ($messages as $message) { if ($message['unknown']) { $unknown = true; } if ($message['from-url'] == $myprofile) { $from_url = $myprofile; $sparkle = ''; } else { $from_url = Contact::magicLink($message['from-url']); $sparkle = ' sparkle'; } $extracted = item_extract_images($message['body']); if ($extracted['images']) { $message['body'] = item_redir_and_replace_images($extracted['body'], $extracted['images'], $message['contact-id']); } $from_name_e = $message['from-name']; $subject_e = $message['title']; $body_e = BBCode::convert($message['body']); $to_name_e = $message['name']; $contact = Contact::getDetailsByURL($message['from-url']); if (isset($contact["thumb"])) { $from_photo = $contact["thumb"]; } else { $from_photo = $message['from-photo']; } $mails[] = [ 'id' => $message['id'], 'from_name' => $from_name_e, 'from_url' => $from_url, 'from_addr' => $contact['addr'], 'sparkle' => $sparkle, 'from_photo' => ProxyUtils::proxifyUrl($from_photo, false, ProxyUtils::SIZE_THUMB), 'subject' => $subject_e, 'body' => $body_e, 'delete' => DI::l10n()->t('Delete message'), 'to_name' => $to_name_e, 'date' => DateTimeFormat::local($message['created'], DI::l10n()->t('D, d M Y - g:i A')), 'ago' => Temporal::getRelativeDate($message['created']), ]; $seen = $message['seen']; } $select = $message['name'] . '<input type="hidden" name="messageto" value="' . $contact_id . '" />'; $parent = '<input type="hidden" name="replyto" value="' . $message['parent-uri'] . '" />'; $tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('mail_display.tpl'); $o = Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, [ '$thread_id' => $a->argv[1], '$thread_subject' => $message['title'], '$thread_seen' => $seen, '$delete' => DI::l10n()->t('Delete conversation'), '$canreply' => (($unknown) ? false : '1'), '$unknown_text' => DI::l10n()->t("No secure communications available. You <strong>may</strong> be able to respond from the sender's profile page."), '$mails' => $mails, // reply '$header' => DI::l10n()->t('Send Reply'), '$to' => DI::l10n()->t('To:'), '$showinputs' => '', '$subject' => DI::l10n()->t('Subject:'), '$subjtxt' => $message['title'], '$readonly' => ' readonly="readonly" style="background: #BBBBBB;" ', '$yourmessage' => DI::l10n()->t('Your message:'), '$text' => '', '$select' => $select, '$parent' => $parent, '$upload' => DI::l10n()->t('Upload photo'), '$insert' => DI::l10n()->t('Insert web link'), '$submit' => DI::l10n()->t('Submit'), '$wait' => DI::l10n()->t('Please wait') ]); return $o; } } /** * @param int $uid * @param int $start * @param int $limit * @return array */ function get_messages($uid, $start, $limit) { return DBA::toArray(DBA::p('SELECT m.`id`, m.`uid`, m.`guid`, m.`from-name`, m.`from-photo`, m.`from-url`, m.`contact-id`, m.`convid`, m.`title`, m.`body`, m.`seen`, m.`reply`, m.`replied`, m.`unknown`, m.`uri`, m.`parent-uri`, m.`created`, c.`name`, c.`url`, c.`thumb`, c.`network`, m2.`count`, m2.`mailcreated`, m2.`mailseen` FROM `mail` m JOIN ( SELECT `parent-uri`, MIN(`id`) AS `id`, COUNT(*) AS `count`, MAX(`created`) AS `mailcreated`, MIN(`seen`) AS `mailseen` FROM `mail` WHERE `uid` = ? GROUP BY `parent-uri` ) m2 ON m.`parent-uri` = m2.`parent-uri` AND m.`id` = m2.`id` LEFT JOIN `contact` c ON m.`contact-id` = c.`id` WHERE m.`uid` = ? ORDER BY m2.`mailcreated` DESC LIMIT ?, ?' , $uid, $uid, $start, $limit)); } function render_messages(array $msg, $t) { $a = DI::app(); $tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate($t); $rslt = ''; $myprofile = DI::baseUrl() . '/profile/' . $a->user['nickname']; foreach ($msg as $rr) { if ($rr['unknown']) { $participants = DI::l10n()->t("Unknown sender - %s", $rr['from-name']); } elseif (Strings::compareLink($rr['from-url'], $myprofile)) { $participants = DI::l10n()->t("You and %s", $rr['name']); } else { $participants = DI::l10n()->t("%s and You", $rr['from-name']); } $body_e = $rr['body']; $to_name_e = $rr['name']; $contact = Contact::getDetailsByURL($rr['url']); if (isset($contact["thumb"])) { $from_photo = $contact["thumb"]; } else { $from_photo = (($rr['thumb']) ? $rr['thumb'] : $rr['from-photo']); } $rslt .= Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, [ '$id' => $rr['id'], '$from_name' => $participants, '$from_url' => Contact::magicLink($rr['url']), '$from_addr' => $contact['addr'] ?? '', '$sparkle' => ' sparkle', '$from_photo' => ProxyUtils::proxifyUrl($from_photo, false, ProxyUtils::SIZE_THUMB), '$subject' => $rr['title'], '$delete' => DI::l10n()->t('Delete conversation'), '$body' => $body_e, '$to_name' => $to_name_e, '$date' => DateTimeFormat::local($rr['mailcreated'], DI::l10n()->t('D, d M Y - g:i A')), '$ago' => Temporal::getRelativeDate($rr['mailcreated']), '$seen' => $rr['mailseen'], '$count' => DI::l10n()->tt('%d message', '%d messages', $rr['count']), ]); } return $rslt; }