= "a") && ($char <= "z")) { $cleaned .= $char; } if (!(strpos(" #;:0123456789-_.%", $char) === false)) { $cleaned .= $char; } } return $cleaned; } private static function tagToBBCode(DOMDocument $doc, $tag, $attributes, $startbb, $endbb) { do { $done = self::tagToBBCodeSub($doc, $tag, $attributes, $startbb, $endbb); } while ($done); } private static function tagToBBCodeSub(DOMDocument $doc, $tag, $attributes, $startbb, $endbb) { $savestart = str_replace('$', '\x01', $startbb); $replace = false; $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); $list = $xpath->query("//" . $tag); foreach ($list as $node) { $attr = []; if ($node->attributes->length) { foreach ($node->attributes as $attribute) { $attr[$attribute->name] = $attribute->value; } } $replace = true; $startbb = $savestart; $i = 0; foreach ($attributes as $attribute => $value) { $startbb = str_replace('\x01' . ++$i, '$1', $startbb); if (strpos('*' . $startbb, '$1') > 0) { if ($replace && (@$attr[$attribute] != '')) { $startbb = preg_replace($value, $startbb, $attr[$attribute], -1, $count); // If nothing could be changed if ($count == 0) { $replace = false; } } else { $replace = false; } } else { if (@$attr[$attribute] != $value) { $replace = false; } } } if ($replace) { $StartCode = $doc->createTextNode($startbb); $EndCode = $doc->createTextNode($endbb); $node->parentNode->insertBefore($StartCode, $node); if ($node->hasChildNodes()) { foreach ($node->childNodes as $child) { $newNode = $child->cloneNode(true); $node->parentNode->insertBefore($newNode, $node); } } $node->parentNode->insertBefore($EndCode, $node); $node->parentNode->removeChild($node); } } return $replace; } /** * Made by: ike@piratenpartei.de * Originally made for the syncom project: http://wiki.piratenpartei.de/Syncom * https://github.com/annando/Syncom * * @brief Converter for HTML to BBCode * @param string $message * @param string $basepath * @return string */ public static function toBBCode($message, $basepath = '') { $message = str_replace("\r", "", $message); // Removing code blocks before the whitespace removal processing below $codeblocks = []; $message = preg_replace_callback( '#
#iUs', function ($matches) use (&$codeblocks) { $return = '[codeblock-' . count($codeblocks) . ']'; $prefix = '[code]'; if ($matches[1] != '') { $prefix = '[code=' . $matches[1] . ']'; } $codeblocks[] = $prefix . PHP_EOL . trim($matches[2]) . PHP_EOL . '[/code]'; return $return; }, $message ); $message = str_replace( [ "
  • ", "

  • ", ], [ "
  • ", "
  • ", ], $message ); // remove namespaces $message = preg_replace('=<(\w+):(.+?)>=', '', $message); $message = preg_replace('==', '', $message); $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $message = mb_convert_encoding($message, 'HTML-ENTITIES', "UTF-8"); @$doc->loadHTML($message); XML::deleteNode($doc, 'style'); XML::deleteNode($doc, 'head'); XML::deleteNode($doc, 'title'); XML::deleteNode($doc, 'meta'); XML::deleteNode($doc, 'xml'); XML::deleteNode($doc, 'removeme'); $xpath = new DomXPath($doc); $list = $xpath->query("//pre"); foreach ($list as $node) { // Ensure to escape unescaped & - they will otherwise raise a warning $safe_value = preg_replace('/&(?!\w+;)/', '&', $node->nodeValue); $node->nodeValue = str_replace("\n", "\r", $safe_value); } $message = $doc->saveHTML(); $message = str_replace(["\n<", ">\n", "\r", "\n", "\xC3\x82\xC2\xA0"], ["<", ">", "
    ", " ", ""], $message); $message = preg_replace('= [\s]*=i', " ", $message); @$doc->loadHTML($message); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'html', [], "", ""); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'body', [], "", ""); // Outlook-Quote - Variant 1 self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'p', ['class' => 'MsoNormal', 'style' => 'margin-left:35.4pt'], '[quote]', '[/quote]'); // Outlook-Quote - Variant 2 self::tagToBBCode( $doc, 'div', ['style' => 'border:none;border-left:solid blue 1.5pt;padding:0cm 0cm 0cm 4.0pt'], '[quote]', '[/quote]' ); // MyBB-Stuff self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'span', ['style' => 'text-decoration: underline;'], '[u]', '[/u]'); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'span', ['style' => 'font-style: italic;'], '[i]', '[/i]'); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'span', ['style' => 'font-weight: bold;'], '[b]', '[/b]'); /* self::node2BBCode($doc, 'font', array('face'=>'/([\w ]+)/', 'size'=>'/(\d+)/', 'color'=>'/(.+)/'), '[font=$1][size=$2][color=$3]', '[/color][/size][/font]'); self::node2BBCode($doc, 'font', array('size'=>'/(\d+)/', 'color'=>'/(.+)/'), '[size=$1][color=$2]', '[/color][/size]'); self::node2BBCode($doc, 'font', array('face'=>'/([\w ]+)/', 'size'=>'/(.+)/'), '[font=$1][size=$2]', '[/size][/font]'); self::node2BBCode($doc, 'font', array('face'=>'/([\w ]+)/', 'color'=>'/(.+)/'), '[font=$1][color=$3]', '[/color][/font]'); self::node2BBCode($doc, 'font', array('face'=>'/([\w ]+)/'), '[font=$1]', '[/font]'); self::node2BBCode($doc, 'font', array('size'=>'/(\d+)/'), '[size=$1]', '[/size]'); self::node2BBCode($doc, 'font', array('color'=>'/(.+)/'), '[color=$1]', '[/color]'); */ // Untested //self::node2BBCode($doc, 'span', array('style'=>'/.*font-size:\s*(.+?)[,;].*font-family:\s*(.+?)[,;].*color:\s*(.+?)[,;].*/'), '[size=$1][font=$2][color=$3]', '[/color][/font][/size]'); //self::node2BBCode($doc, 'span', array('style'=>'/.*font-size:\s*(\d+)[,;].*/'), '[size=$1]', '[/size]'); //self::node2BBCode($doc, 'span', array('style'=>'/.*font-size:\s*(.+?)[,;].*/'), '[size=$1]', '[/size]'); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'span', ['style' => '/.*color:\s*(.+?)[,;].*/'], '[color="$1"]', '[/color]'); //self::node2BBCode($doc, 'span', array('style'=>'/.*font-family:\s*(.+?)[,;].*/'), '[font=$1]', '[/font]'); //self::node2BBCode($doc, 'div', array('style'=>'/.*font-family:\s*(.+?)[,;].*font-size:\s*(\d+?)pt.*/'), '[font=$1][size=$2]', '[/size][/font]'); //self::node2BBCode($doc, 'div', array('style'=>'/.*font-family:\s*(.+?)[,;].*font-size:\s*(\d+?)px.*/'), '[font=$1][size=$2]', '[/size][/font]'); //self::node2BBCode($doc, 'div', array('style'=>'/.*font-family:\s*(.+?)[,;].*/'), '[font=$1]', '[/font]'); // Importing the classes - interesting for importing of posts from third party networks that were exported from friendica // Test //self::node2BBCode($doc, 'span', array('class'=>'/([\w ]+)/'), '[class=$1]', '[/class]'); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'span', ['class' => 'type-link'], '[class=type-link]', '[/class]'); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'span', ['class' => 'type-video'], '[class=type-video]', '[/class]'); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'strong', [], '[b]', '[/b]'); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'em', [], '[i]', '[/i]'); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'b', [], '[b]', '[/b]'); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'i', [], '[i]', '[/i]'); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'u', [], '[u]', '[/u]'); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 's', [], '[s]', '[/s]'); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'del', [], '[s]', '[/s]'); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'strike', [], '[s]', '[/s]'); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'big', [], "[size=large]", "[/size]"); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'small', [], "[size=small]", "[/size]"); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'blockquote', [], '[quote]', '[/quote]'); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'br', [], "\n", ''); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'p', ['class' => 'MsoNormal'], "\n", ""); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'div', ['class' => 'MsoNormal'], "\r", ""); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'span', [], "", ""); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'span', [], "", ""); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'pre', [], "", ""); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'div', [], "\r", "\r"); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'p', [], "\n", "\n"); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'ul', [], "[list]", "[/list]"); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'ol', [], "[list=1]", "[/list]"); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'li', [], "[*]", ""); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'hr', [], "[hr]", ""); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'table', [], "", ""); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'tr', [], "\n", ""); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'td', [], "\t", ""); //self::node2BBCode($doc, 'table', array(), "[table]", "[/table]"); //self::node2BBCode($doc, 'th', array(), "[th]", "[/th]"); //self::node2BBCode($doc, 'tr', array(), "[tr]", "[/tr]"); //self::node2BBCode($doc, 'td', array(), "[td]", "[/td]"); //self::node2BBCode($doc, 'h1', array(), "\n\n[size=xx-large][b]", "[/b][/size]\n"); //self::node2BBCode($doc, 'h2', array(), "\n\n[size=x-large][b]", "[/b][/size]\n"); //self::node2BBCode($doc, 'h3', array(), "\n\n[size=large][b]", "[/b][/size]\n"); //self::node2BBCode($doc, 'h4', array(), "\n\n[size=medium][b]", "[/b][/size]\n"); //self::node2BBCode($doc, 'h5', array(), "\n\n[size=small][b]", "[/b][/size]\n"); //self::node2BBCode($doc, 'h6', array(), "\n\n[size=x-small][b]", "[/b][/size]\n"); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'h1', [], "[h1]", "[/h1]"); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'h2', [], "[h2]", "[/h2]"); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'h3', [], "[h3]", "[/h3]"); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'h4', [], "[h4]", "[/h4]"); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'h5', [], "[h5]", "[/h5]"); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'h6', [], "[h6]", "[/h6]"); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'a', ['href' => '/mailto:(.+)/'], '[mail=$1]', '[/mail]'); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'a', ['href' => '/(.+)/'], '[url=$1]', '[/url]'); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'img', ['src' => '/(.+)/', 'width' => '/(\d+)/', 'height' => '/(\d+)/'], '[img=$2x$3]$1', '[/img]'); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'img', ['src' => '/(.+)/'], '[img]$1', '[/img]'); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'video', ['src' => '/(.+)/'], '[video]$1', '[/video]'); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'audio', ['src' => '/(.+)/'], '[audio]$1', '[/audio]'); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'iframe', ['src' => '/(.+)/'], '[iframe]$1', '[/iframe]'); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'key', [], '[code]', '[/code]'); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'code', [], '[code]', '[/code]'); $message = $doc->saveHTML(); // I'm removing something really disturbing // Don't know exactly what it is $message = str_replace(chr(194) . chr(160), ' ', $message); $message = str_replace(" ", " ", $message); // removing multiple DIVs $message = preg_replace('=\r *\r=i', "\n", $message); $message = str_replace("\r", "\n", $message); Addon::callHooks('html2bbcode', $message); $message = strip_tags($message); $message = html_entity_decode($message, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $message = str_replace(["<"], ["<"], $message); // remove quotes if they don't make sense $message = preg_replace('=\[/quote\][\s]*\[quote\]=i', "\n", $message); $message = preg_replace('=\[quote\]\s*=i', "[quote]", $message); $message = preg_replace('=\s*\[/quote\]=i', "[/quote]", $message); do { $oldmessage = $message; $message = str_replace("\n \n", "\n\n", $message); } while ($oldmessage != $message); do { $oldmessage = $message; $message = str_replace("\n\n\n", "\n\n", $message); } while ($oldmessage != $message); do { $oldmessage = $message; $message = str_replace( [ "[/size]\n\n", "\n[hr]", "[hr]\n", "\n[list", "[/list]\n", "\n[/", "[list]\n", "[list=1]\n", "\n[*]"], [ "[/size]\n", "[hr]", "[hr]", "[list", "[/list]", "[/", "[list]", "[list=1]", "[*]"], $message ); } while ($message != $oldmessage); $message = str_replace( ['[b][b]', '[/b][/b]', '[i][i]', '[/i][/i]'], ['[b]', '[/b]', '[i]', '[/i]'], $message ); // Handling Yahoo style of mails $message = str_replace('[hr][b]From:[/b]', '[quote][b]From:[/b]', $message); // Restore code blocks $message = preg_replace_callback( '#\[codeblock-([0-9]+)\]#iU', function ($matches) use ($codeblocks) { $return = ''; if (isset($codeblocks[intval($matches[1])])) { $return = $codeblocks[$matches[1]]; } return $return; }, $message ); $message = trim($message); if ($basepath != '') { $message = self::qualifyURLs($message, $basepath); } return $message; } /** * @brief Sub function to complete incomplete URL * * @param array $matches Result of preg_replace_callback * @param string $basepath Basepath that is used to complete the URL * * @return string The expanded URL */ private static function qualifyURLsSub($matches, $basepath) { $base = parse_url($basepath); unset($base['query']); unset($base['fragment']); $link = $matches[0]; $url = $matches[1]; $parts = array_merge($base, parse_url($url)); $url2 = Network::unparseURL($parts); return str_replace($url, $url2, $link); } /** * @brief Complete incomplete URLs in BBCode * * @param string $body Body with URLs * @param string $basepath Base path that is used to complete the URL * * @return string Body with expanded URLs */ private static function qualifyURLs($body, $basepath) { $URLSearchString = "^\[\]"; $matches = ["/\[url\=([$URLSearchString]*)\].*?\[\/url\]/ism", "/\[url\]([$URLSearchString]*)\[\/url\]/ism", "/\[img\=[0-9]*x[0-9]*\](.*?)\[\/img\]/ism", "/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/ism", "/\[zmg\=[0-9]*x[0-9]*\](.*?)\[\/img\]/ism", "/\[zmg\](.*?)\[\/zmg\]/ism", "/\[video\](.*?)\[\/video\]/ism", "/\[audio\](.*?)\[\/audio\]/ism", ]; foreach ($matches as $match) { $body = preg_replace_callback( $match, function ($match) use ($basepath) { return self::qualifyURLsSub($match, $basepath); }, $body ); } return $body; } private static function breakLines($line, $level, $wraplength = 75) { if ($wraplength == 0) { $wraplength = 2000000; } $wraplen = $wraplength - $level; $newlines = []; do { $oldline = $line; $subline = substr($line, 0, $wraplen); $pos = strrpos($subline, ' '); if ($pos == 0) { $pos = strpos($line, ' '); } if (($pos > 0) && strlen($line) > $wraplen) { $newline = trim(substr($line, 0, $pos)); if ($level > 0) { $newline = str_repeat(">", $level) . ' ' . $newline; } $newlines[] = $newline . " "; $line = substr($line, $pos + 1); } } while ((strlen($line) > $wraplen) && !($oldline == $line)); if ($level > 0) { $line = str_repeat(">", $level) . ' ' . $line; } $newlines[] = $line; return implode($newlines, "\n"); } private static function quoteLevel($message, $wraplength = 75) { $lines = explode("\n", $message); $newlines = []; $level = 0; foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = trim($line); $startquote = false; while (strpos("*" . $line, '[quote]') > 0) { $level++; $pos = strpos($line, '[quote]'); $line = substr($line, 0, $pos) . substr($line, $pos + 7); $startquote = true; } $currlevel = $level; while (strpos("*" . $line, '[/quote]') > 0) { $level--; if ($level < 0) { $level = 0; } $pos = strpos($line, '[/quote]'); $line = substr($line, 0, $pos) . substr($line, $pos + 8); } if (!$startquote || ($line != '')) { $newlines[] = self::breakLines($line, $currlevel, $wraplength); } } return implode($newlines, "\n"); } private static function collectURLs($message) { $pattern = '/(.*?)<\/a>/is'; preg_match_all($pattern, $message, $result, PREG_SET_ORDER); $urls = []; foreach ($result as $treffer) { $ignore = false; // A list of some links that should be ignored $list = ["/user/", "/tag/", "/group/", "/profile/", "/search?search=", "/search?tag=", "mailto:", "/u/", "/node/", "//plus.google.com/", "//twitter.com/"]; foreach ($list as $listitem) { if (strpos($treffer[1], $listitem) !== false) { $ignore = true; } } if ((strpos($treffer[1], "//twitter.com/") !== false) && (strpos($treffer[1], "/status/") !== false)) { $ignore = false; } if ((strpos($treffer[1], "//plus.google.com/") !== false) && (strpos($treffer[1], "/posts") !== false)) { $ignore = false; } if ((strpos($treffer[1], "//plus.google.com/") !== false) && (strpos($treffer[1], "/photos") !== false)) { $ignore = false; } if (!$ignore) { $urls[$treffer[1]] = $treffer[1]; } } return $urls; } public static function toPlaintext($html, $wraplength = 75, $compact = false) { $message = str_replace("\r", "", $html); $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $message = mb_convert_encoding($message, 'HTML-ENTITIES', "UTF-8"); @$doc->loadHTML($message); $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); $list = $xpath->query("//pre"); foreach ($list as $node) { $node->nodeValue = str_replace("\n", "\r", $node->nodeValue); } $message = $doc->saveHTML(); $message = str_replace(["\n<", ">\n", "\r", "\n", "\xC3\x82\xC2\xA0"], ["<", ">", "
    ", " ", ""], $message); $message = preg_replace('= [\s]*=i', " ", $message); // Collecting all links $urls = self::collectURLs($message); @$doc->loadHTML($message); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'html', [], '', ''); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'body', [], '', ''); // MyBB-Auszeichnungen /* self::node2BBCode($doc, 'span', array('style'=>'text-decoration: underline;'), '_', '_'); self::node2BBCode($doc, 'span', array('style'=>'font-style: italic;'), '/', '/'); self::node2BBCode($doc, 'span', array('style'=>'font-weight: bold;'), '*', '*'); self::node2BBCode($doc, 'strong', array(), '*', '*'); self::node2BBCode($doc, 'b', array(), '*', '*'); self::node2BBCode($doc, 'i', array(), '/', '/'); self::node2BBCode($doc, 'u', array(), '_', '_'); */ if ($compact) { self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'blockquote', [], "»", "«"); } else { self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'blockquote', [], '[quote]', "[/quote]\n"); } self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'br', [], "\n", ''); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'span', [], "", ""); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'pre', [], "", ""); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'div', [], "\r", "\r"); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'p', [], "\n", "\n"); //self::node2BBCode($doc, 'ul', array(), "\n[list]", "[/list]\n"); //self::node2BBCode($doc, 'ol', array(), "\n[list=1]", "[/list]\n"); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'li', [], "\n* ", "\n"); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'hr', [], "\n" . str_repeat("-", 70) . "\n", ""); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'tr', [], "\n", ""); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'td', [], "\t", ""); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'h1', [], "\n\n*", "*\n"); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'h2', [], "\n\n*", "*\n"); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'h3', [], "\n\n*", "*\n"); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'h4', [], "\n\n*", "*\n"); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'h5', [], "\n\n*", "*\n"); self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'h6', [], "\n\n*", "*\n"); // Problem: there is no reliable way to detect if it is a link to a tag or profile //self::node2BBCode($doc, 'a', array('href'=>'/(.+)/'), ' $1 ', ' ', true); //self::node2BBCode($doc, 'a', array('href'=>'/(.+)/', 'rel'=>'oembed'), ' $1 ', '', true); //self::node2BBCode($doc, 'img', array('alt'=>'/(.+)/'), '$1', ''); //self::node2BBCode($doc, 'img', array('title'=>'/(.+)/'), '$1', ''); //self::node2BBCode($doc, 'img', array(), '', ''); if (!$compact) { self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'img', ['src' => '/(.+)/'], ' [img]$1', '[/img] '); } else { self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'img', ['src' => '/(.+)/'], ' ', ' '); } self::tagToBBCode($doc, 'iframe', ['src' => '/(.+)/'], ' $1 ', ''); $message = $doc->saveHTML(); if (!$compact) { $message = str_replace("[img]", "", $message); $message = str_replace("[/img]", "", $message); } // was ersetze ich da? // Irgendein stoerrisches UTF-Zeug $message = str_replace(chr(194) . chr(160), ' ', $message); $message = str_replace(" ", " ", $message); // Aufeinanderfolgende DIVs $message = preg_replace('=\r *\r=i', "\n", $message); $message = str_replace("\r", "\n", $message); $message = strip_tags($message); $message = html_entity_decode($message, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); if (!$compact && ($message != '')) { foreach ($urls as $id => $url) { if ($url != '' && strpos($message, $url) === false) { $message .= "\n" . $url . ' '; } } } $message = str_replace("\n«", "«\n", $message); $message = str_replace("»\n", "\n»", $message); do { $oldmessage = $message; $message = str_replace("\n\n\n", "\n\n", $message); } while ($oldmessage != $message); $message = self::quoteLevel(trim($message), $wraplength); return trim($message); } /** * Converts provided HTML code to Markdown. The hardwrap parameter maximizes * compatibility with Diaspora in spite of the Markdown standards. * * @param string $html * @return string */ public static function toMarkdown($html) { $converter = new HtmlConverter(['hard_break' => true]); $markdown = $converter->convert($html); return $markdown; } /** * @brief Convert video HTML to BBCode tags * * @param string $s */ public static function toBBCodeVideo($s) { $s = preg_replace( '#]+>(.*?)https?://www.youtube.com/((?:v|cp)/[A-Za-z0-9\-_=]+)(.*?)#ism', '[youtube]$2[/youtube]', $s ); $s = preg_replace( '#](.*?)https?://www.youtube.com/embed/([A-Za-z0-9\-_=]+)(.*?)#ism', '[youtube]$2[/youtube]', $s ); $s = preg_replace( '#](.*?)https?://player.vimeo.com/video/([0-9]+)(.*?)#ism', '[vimeo]$2[/vimeo]', $s ); return $s; } /** * transform link href and img src from relative to absolute * * @param string $text * @param string $base base url * @return string */ public static function relToAbs($text, $base) { if (empty($base)) { return $text; } $base = rtrim($base, '/'); $base2 = $base . "/"; // Replace links $pattern = "/]*) href=\"(?!http|https|\/)([^\"]*)\"/"; $replace = "'; } /** * Loader for infinite scrolling * @return string html for loader */ public static function scrollLoader() { $tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate("scroll_loader.tpl"); return Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, [ 'wait' => L10n::t('Loading more entries...'), 'end' => L10n::t('The end') ]); } /** * Get html for contact block. * * @template contact_block.tpl * @hook contact_block_end (contacts=>array, output=>string) * @return string */ public static function contactBlock() { $o = ''; $a = get_app(); $shown = PConfig::get($a->profile['uid'], 'system', 'display_friend_count', 24); if ($shown == 0) { return; } if (!is_array($a->profile) || $a->profile['hide-friends']) { return $o; } $r = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND NOT `self` AND NOT `blocked` AND NOT `pending` AND NOT `hidden` AND NOT `archive` AND `network` IN ('%s', '%s', '%s')", intval($a->profile['uid']), DBA::escape(Protocol::DFRN), DBA::escape(Protocol::OSTATUS), DBA::escape(Protocol::DIASPORA) ); if (DBA::isResult($r)) { $total = intval($r[0]['total']); } if (!$total) { $contacts = L10n::t('No contacts'); $micropro = null; } else { // Splitting the query in two parts makes it much faster $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND NOT `self` AND NOT `blocked` AND NOT `pending` AND NOT `hidden` AND NOT `archive` AND `network` IN ('%s', '%s', '%s') ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT %d", intval($a->profile['uid']), DBA::escape(Protocol::DFRN), DBA::escape(Protocol::OSTATUS), DBA::escape(Protocol::DIASPORA), intval($shown) ); if (DBA::isResult($r)) { $contacts = []; foreach ($r as $contact) { $contacts[] = $contact["id"]; } $r = q("SELECT `id`, `uid`, `addr`, `url`, `name`, `thumb`, `network` FROM `contact` WHERE `id` IN (%s)", DBA::escape(implode(",", $contacts)) ); if (DBA::isResult($r)) { $contacts = L10n::tt('%d Contact', '%d Contacts', $total); $micropro = []; foreach ($r as $rr) { $micropro[] = self::micropro($rr, true, 'mpfriend'); } } } } $tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('contact_block.tpl'); $o = Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, [ '$contacts' => $contacts, '$nickname' => $a->profile['nickname'], '$viewcontacts' => L10n::t('View Contacts'), '$micropro' => $micropro, ]); $arr = ['contacts' => $r, 'output' => $o]; Addon::callHooks('contact_block_end', $arr); return $o; } /** * @brief Format contacts as picture links or as texxt links * * @param array $contact Array with contacts which contains an array with * int 'id' => The ID of the contact * int 'uid' => The user ID of the user who owns this data * string 'name' => The name of the contact * string 'url' => The url to the profile page of the contact * string 'addr' => The webbie of the contact (e.g.) username@friendica.com * string 'network' => The network to which the contact belongs to * string 'thumb' => The contact picture * string 'click' => js code which is performed when clicking on the contact * @param boolean $redirect If true try to use the redir url if it's possible * @param string $class CSS class for the * @param boolean $textmode If true display the contacts as text links * if false display the contacts as picture links * @return string Formatted html */ public static function micropro($contact, $redirect = false, $class = '', $textmode = false) { // Use the contact URL if no address is available if (empty($contact['addr'])) { $contact["addr"] = $contact["url"]; } $url = $contact['url']; $sparkle = ''; $redir = false; if ($redirect) { $url = Contact::magicLink($contact['url']); if (strpos($url, 'redir/') === 0) { $sparkle = ' sparkle'; } } // If there is some js available we don't need the url if (!empty($contact['click'])) { $url = ''; } return Renderer::replaceMacros(Renderer::getMarkupTemplate(($textmode)?'micropro_txt.tpl':'micropro_img.tpl'), [ '$click' => defaults($contact, 'click', ''), '$class' => $class, '$url' => $url, '$photo' => ProxyUtils::proxifyUrl($contact['thumb'], false, ProxyUtils::SIZE_THUMB), '$name' => $contact['name'], 'title' => $contact['name'] . ' [' . $contact['addr'] . ']', '$parkle' => $sparkle, '$redir' => $redir ]); } /** * Search box. * * @param string $s Search query. * @param string $id HTML id * @param string $url Search url. * @param bool $save Show save search button. * @param bool $aside Display the search widgit aside. * * @return string Formatted HTML. */ public static function search($s, $id = 'search-box', $url = 'search', $aside = true) { $mode = 'text'; if (strpos($s, '#') === 0) { $mode = 'tag'; } $save_label = $mode === 'text' ? L10n::t('Save') : L10n::t('Follow'); $values = [ '$s' => $s, '$id' => $id, '$action_url' => $url, '$search_label' => L10n::t('Search'), '$save_label' => $save_label, '$savedsearch' => 'savedsearch', '$search_hint' => L10n::t('@name, !forum, #tags, content'), '$mode' => $mode ]; if (!$aside) { $values['$searchoption'] = [ L10n::t("Full Text"), L10n::t("Tags"), L10n::t("Contacts")]; if (Config::get('system', 'poco_local_search')) { $values['$searchoption'][] = L10n::t("Forums"); } } return Renderer::replaceMacros(Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('searchbox.tpl'), $values); } /** * Replace naked text hyperlink with HTML formatted hyperlink * * @param string $s */ public static function toLink($s) { $s = preg_replace("/(https?\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\:\/\-\?\&\;\.\=\_\~\#\'\%\$\!\+]*)/", ' $1', $s); $s = preg_replace("/\<(.*?)(src|href)=(.*?)\&\;(.*?)\>/ism", '<$1$2=$3&$4>', $s); return $s; } /** * Given a HTML text and a set of filtering reasons, adds a content hiding header with the provided reasons * * Reasons are expected to have been translated already. * * @param string $html * @param array $reasons * @return string */ public static function applyContentFilter($html, array $reasons) { if (count($reasons)) { $tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('wall/content_filter.tpl'); $html = Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, [ '$reasons' => $reasons, '$rnd' => Strings::getRandomHex(8), '$openclose' => L10n::t('Click to open/close'), '$html' => $html ]); } return $html; } /** * replace html amp entity with amp char * @param string $s * @return string */ public static function unamp($s) { return str_replace('&', '&', $s); } }