{{* we have modified the navmenu (look at function frio_remote_nav() ) to have remote links. $nav.userinfo is a new variable and replaces the original $userinfo variable *}}
{{if $nav.userinfo}}
{{* {{$langselector}} *}}
{{* show on remote/visitor connections an other logo which symols that fact*}}
{{if $nav.remote}}
{{* #logo-img is the the placeholder to insert a mask (friendica logo) into this div
For Firefox we have to call the paths of the mask (look at the bottom of this file).
Because for FF we need relative paths we apply them with js after the page is loaded (look at theme.js *}}
{{* The navbar for users which are not logged in *}}
{{if $nav.userinfo == ''}}
{{* The second navbar which contains nav points of the actual page - (nav points are actual handled by this theme throug js *}}
{{*The second part of the notifications dropdown menu. It handles the notifications *}}
{{if $nav.notifications}}
{{* This is the mask of the firefox logo. We set the background of #logo-img to the user icon color and apply this mask to it
The result is a friendica logo in the user icon color.*}}