<?php /* * Name: frio * Description: Bootstrap V3 theme. The theme is currently under construction, so it is far from finished. For further information have a look at the <a href="https://github.com/friendica/friendica/tree/develop/view/theme/frio/README.md">ReadMe</a>. * Version: V.0.8 * Author: Rabuzarus <https://friendica.kommune4.de/profile/rabuzarus> * */ use Friendica\App; use Friendica\Core\System; $frio = "view/theme/frio"; global $frio; function frio_init(App $a) { // disable the events module link in the profile tab $a->theme_events_in_profile = false; set_template_engine($a, 'smarty3'); $baseurl = System::baseUrl(); $style = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'frio', 'style'); $frio = "view/theme/frio"; global $frio; // if the device is a mobile device set js is_mobile // variable so the js scripts can use this information if($a->is_mobile || $a->is_tablet) { $a->page["htmlhead"] .= <<< EOT <script> var is_mobile = 1; </script> EOT; } if ($style == "") $style = get_config('frio', 'style'); } function frio_install() { register_hook('prepare_body_final', 'view/theme/frio/theme.php', 'frio_item_photo_links'); register_hook('item_photo_menu', 'view/theme/frio/theme.php', 'frio_item_photo_menu'); register_hook('contact_photo_menu', 'view/theme/frio/theme.php', 'frio_contact_photo_menu'); register_hook('nav_info', 'view/theme/frio/theme.php', 'frio_remote_nav'); register_hook('acl_lookup_end', 'view/theme/frio/theme.php', 'frio_acl_lookup'); register_hook('display_item', 'view/theme/frio/theme.php', 'frio_display_item'); logger("installed theme frio"); } function frio_uninstall() { unregister_hook('prepare_body_final', 'view/theme/frio/theme.php', 'frio_item_photo_links'); unregister_hook('item_photo_menu', 'view/theme/frio/theme.php', 'frio_item_photo_menu'); unregister_hook('contact_photo_menu', 'view/theme/frio/theme.php', 'frio_contact_photo_menu'); unregister_hook('nav_info', 'view/theme/frio/theme.php', 'frio_remote_nav'); unregister_hook('acl_lookup_end', 'view/theme/frio/theme.php', 'frio_acl_lookup'); unregister_hook('display_item', 'view/theme/frio/theme.php', 'frio_display_item'); logger("uninstalled theme frio"); } /** * @brief Replace friendica photo links hook * * This function does replace the links to photos * of other friendica users. Original the photos are * linked to the photo page. Now they will linked directly * to the photo file. This function is nessesary to use colorbox * in the network stream * * @param App $a Unused but required by hook definition * @param array $body_info The item and its html output */ function frio_item_photo_links(App $a, &$body_info) { require_once('include/Photo.php'); $phototypes = Photo::supportedTypes(); $occurence = 1; $p = bb_find_open_close($body_info['html'], "<a", ">"); while($p !== false && ($occurence++ < 500)) { $link = substr($body_info['html'], $p['start'], $p['end'] - $p['start']); $matches = array(); preg_match("/\/photos\/[\w]+\/image\/([\w]+)/", $link, $matches); if($matches) { // Replace the link for the photo's page with a direct link to the photo itself $newlink = str_replace($matches[0], "/photo/{$matches[1]}", $link); // Add a "quiet" parameter to any redir links to prevent the "XX welcomes YY" info boxes $newlink = preg_replace("/href=\"([^\"]+)\/redir\/([^\"]+)&url=([^\"]+)\"/", 'href="$1/redir/$2&quiet=1&url=$3"', $newlink); // Having any arguments to the link for Colorbox causes it to fetch base64 code instead of the image $newlink = preg_replace("/\/[?&]zrl=([^&\"]+)/", '', $newlink); $body_info['html'] = str_replace($link, $newlink, $body_info['html']); } $p = bb_find_open_close($body_info['html'], "<a", ">", $occurence); } } /** * @brief Replace links of the item_photo_menu hook * * This function replaces the original poke and the message links * to call the addToModal javascript function so this pages can * be loaded in a bootstrap modal * * @param App $a Unused but required by the hook definition * @param array $arr Contains item data and the original photo_menu */ function frio_item_photo_menu(App $a, &$arr) { foreach($arr["menu"] as $k =>$v) { if(strpos($v,'poke/?f=&c=') === 0 || strpos($v,'message/new/') === 0) { $v = "javascript:addToModal('" . $v . "'); return false;"; $arr["menu"][$k] = $v; } } $args = array('item' => $item, 'menu' => $menu); } /** * @brief Replace links of the contact_photo_menu * * This function replaces the original poke and the message links * to call the addToModal javascript function so this pages can * be loaded in a bootstrap modal * Additionally the profile, status and photo page links will be changed * to don't open in a new tab if the contact is a friendica contact. * * @param App $a The app data * @param array $args Contains contact data and the original photo_menu */ function frio_contact_photo_menu(App $a, &$args){ $pokelink = ""; $pmlink = ""; $cid = ""; $cid = $args["contact"]["id"]; $pokelink = $args["menu"]["poke"][1]; $pmlink = $args["menu"]["pm"][1]; // Set the the indicator for opening the status, profile and photo pages // in a new tab to false if the contact a dfrn (friendica) contact // We do this because we can go back on foreign friendica pages throuhg // friendicas "magic-link" which indicates a friendica user on froreign // friendica servers as remote user or visitor // // The value for opening in a new tab is e.g. when // $args["menu"]["status"][2] is true. If the value of the [2] key is true // and if it's a friendica contact we set it to false foreach($args["menu"] as $k =>$v) { if($k === "status" || $k === "profile" || $k === "photos") { $v[2] = (($args["contact"]["network"] === "dfrn") ? false : true); $args["menu"][$k][2] = $v[2]; } } // Add to pm and poke links a new key with the value 'modal'. // Later we can make conditions in the corresponing templates (e.g. // contact_template.tpl) if(strpos($pokelink,'poke/?f=&c='. $cid) !== false) $args["menu"]["poke"][3] = "modal"; if(strpos($pmlink,'message/new/' . $cid) !== false) $args["menu"]["pm"][3] = "modal"; $args = array('contact' => $contact, 'menu' => &$menu); } /** * @brief Construct remote nav menu * * It creates a remote baseurl form $_SESSION for remote users and friendica * visitors. This url will be added to some of the nav links. With this behaviour * the user will come back to her/his own pages on his/her friendica server. * Not all possible links are available (notifications, administrator, manage, * notes aren't available because we have no way the check remote permissions).. * Some links will point to the local pages because the user would expect * local page (these pages are: search, community, help, apps, directory). * * @param App $a The App class * @param array $nav The original nav menu */ function frio_remote_nav($a,&$nav) { // get the homelink from $_XSESSION $homelink = get_my_url(); if(! $homelink) $homelink = ((x($_SESSION,'visitor_home')) ? $_SESSION['visitor_home'] : ''); // split up the url in it's parts (protocol,domain/directory, /profile/, nickname // I'm not familiar with regex, so someone might find a better solutionen // // E.g $homelink = 'https://friendica.domain.com/profile/mickey' should result in an array // with 0 => 'https://friendica.domain.com/profile/mickey' 1 => 'https://', // 2 => 'friendica.domain.com' 3 => '/profile/' 4 => 'mickey' // //$server_url = preg_match('/^(https?:\/\/.*?)\/profile\//2', $homelink); preg_match('/^(https?:\/\/)?(.*?)(\/profile\/)(.*)/', $homelink, $url_parts); // Construct the server url of the visitor. So we could link back to his/her own menu. // And construct a webbie (e.g. mickey@friendica.domain.com for the search in gcontact // We use the webbie for search in gcontact because we don't know if gcontact table stores // the right value if its http or https protocol if(count($url_parts)) { $server_url = $url_parts[1] . $url_parts[2]; $webbie = $url_parts[4] . '@' . $url_parts[2]; } // since $userinfo isn't available for the hook we write it to the nav array // this isn't optimal because the contact query will be done now twice if (local_user()) { // empty the server url for local user because we won't need it $server_url = ''; // user info $r = q("SELECT `micro` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self`", intval($a->user['uid'])); $r[0]['photo'] = (dbm::is_result($r) ? $a->remove_baseurl($r[0]['micro']) : "images/person-48.jpg"); $r[0]['name'] = $a->user['username']; } elseif (!local_user() && remote_user()) { $r = q("SELECT `name`, `nick`, `micro` AS `photo` FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d", intval(remote_user())); $nav['remote'] = t("Guest"); } elseif (get_my_url()) { $r = q("SELECT `name`, `nick`, `photo` FROM `gcontact` WHERE `addr` = '%s' AND `network` = 'dfrn'", dbesc($webbie)); $nav['remote'] = t("Visitor"); } else { $r = false; } if (dbm::is_result($r)) { $nav['userinfo'] = array( 'icon' => (dbm::is_result($r) ? $r[0]['photo'] : "images/person-48.jpg"), 'name' => $r[0]['name'], ); } if (!local_user() && !empty($server_url)) { $nav['logout'] = Array($server_url . '/logout', t('Logout'), "", t('End this session')); // user menu $nav['usermenu'][] = Array($server_url . '/profile/' . $a->user['nickname'], t('Status'), "", t('Your posts and conversations')); $nav['usermenu'][] = Array($server_url . '/profile/' . $a->user['nickname']. '?tab=profile', t('Profile'), "", t('Your profile page')); $nav['usermenu'][] = Array($server_url . '/photos/' . $a->user['nickname'], t('Photos'), "", t('Your photos')); $nav['usermenu'][] = Array($server_url . '/videos/' . $a->user['nickname'], t('Videos'), "", t('Your videos')); $nav['usermenu'][] = Array($server_url . '/events/', t('Events'), "", t('Your events')); // navbar links $nav['network'] = array($server_url . '/network', t('Network'), "", t('Conversations from your friends')); $nav['events'] = Array($server_url . '/events', t('Events'), "", t('Events and Calendar')); $nav['messages'] = array($server_url . '/message', t('Messages'), "", t('Private mail')); $nav['settings'] = array($server_url . '/settings', t('Settings'),"", t('Account settings')); $nav['contacts'] = array($server_url . '/contacts', t('Contacts'),"", t('Manage/edit friends and contacts')); $nav['sitename'] = $a->config['sitename']; } } /** * @brief: Search for contacts * * This function search for a users contacts. The code is copied from contact search * in /mod/contacts.php. With this function the contacts will permitted to acl_lookup() * and can grabbed as json. For this we use the type="r". This is usful to to let js * grab the contact data. * We use this to give the data to textcomplete and have a filter function at the * contact page. * * @param App $a The app data @TODO Unused * @param array $results The array with the originals from acl_lookup() */ function frio_acl_lookup(App $a, &$results) { require_once("mod/contacts.php"); $nets = ((x($_GET,"nets")) ? notags(trim($_GET["nets"])) : ""); // we introduce a new search type, r should do the same query like it's // done in /mod/contacts for connections if ($results["type"] == "r") { $searching = false; if ($search) { $search_hdr = $search; $search_txt = dbesc(protect_sprintf(preg_quote($search))); $searching = true; } $sql_extra .= (($searching) ? " AND (`attag` LIKE '%%".dbesc($search_txt)."%%' OR `name` LIKE '%%".dbesc($search_txt)."%%' OR `nick` LIKE '%%".dbesc($search_txt)."%%') " : ""); if ($nets) { $sql_extra .= sprintf(" AND network = '%s' ", dbesc($nets)); } $sql_extra2 = ((($sort_type > 0) && ($sort_type <= CONTACT_IS_FRIEND)) ? sprintf(" AND `rel` = %d ",intval($sort_type)) : ''); $r = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND NOT `self` AND NOT `pending` $sql_extra $sql_extra2 ", intval($_SESSION['uid'])); if (dbm::is_result($r)) { $total = $r[0]["total"]; } $sql_extra3 = unavailable_networks(); $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND NOT `self` AND NOT `pending` $sql_extra $sql_extra2 $sql_extra3 ORDER BY `name` ASC LIMIT 100 ", intval($_SESSION['uid']) ); $contacts = array(); if (dbm::is_result($r)) { foreach ($r as $rr) { $contacts[] = _contact_detail_for_template($rr); } } $results["items"] = $contacts; $results["tot"] = $total; } } /** * @brief Manipulate the data of the item * * At the moment we use this function to add some own stuff to the item menu * * @param App $a App $a The app data * @param array $arr Array with the item and the item actions<br> * 'item' => Array with item data<br> * 'output' => Array with item actions<br> */ function frio_display_item(App $a,&$arr) { // Add subthread to the item menu $subthread = array(); if ((local_user()) && local_user() == $arr['item']['uid'] && $arr['item']['parent'] == $arr['item']['id'] && (! $arr['item']['self'])) { $subthread = array( 'menu' => 'follow_thread', 'title' => t('Follow Thread'), 'action' => 'dosubthread(' . $arr['item']['id'] . '); return false;', 'href' => '#' ); } $arr['output']['subthread'] = $subthread; }