diff --git a/include/feed.php b/include/feed.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..18d96e6ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/feed.php
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+ $xpath = new DomXPath($doc);
+ $xpath->registerNamespace('atom', "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom");
+ $xpath->registerNamespace('dc', "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/");
+ $xpath->registerNamespace('content', "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/");
+ $xpath->registerNamespace('rdf', "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#");
+ $xpath->registerNamespace('rss', "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/");
+ $xpath->registerNamespace('media', "http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/");
+ $author = array();
+ // Is it RDF?
+ if ($xpath->query('/rdf:RDF/rss:channel')->length > 0) {
+ //$author["author-link"] = $xpath->evaluate('/rdf:RDF/rss:channel/rss:link/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $author["author-name"] = $xpath->evaluate('/rdf:RDF/rss:channel/rss:title/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ if ($author["author-name"] == "")
+ $author["author-name"] = $xpath->evaluate('/rdf:RDF/rss:channel/rss:description/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $entries = $xpath->query('/rdf:RDF/rss:item');
+ }
+ // Is it Atom?
+ if ($xpath->query('/atom:feed/atom:entry')->length > 0) {
+ //$self = $xpath->query("/atom:feed/atom:link[@rel='self']")->item(0)->attributes;
+ //if (is_object($self))
+ // foreach($self AS $attributes)
+ // if ($attributes->name == "href")
+ // $author["author-link"] = $attributes->textContent;
+ //if ($author["author-link"] == "") {
+ // $alternate = $xpath->query("/atom:feed/atom:link[@rel='alternate']")->item(0)->attributes;
+ // if (is_object($alternate))
+ // foreach($alternate AS $attributes)
+ // if ($attributes->name == "href")
+ // $author["author-link"] = $attributes->textContent;
+ //}
+ $author["author-name"] = $xpath->evaluate('/atom:feed/atom:title/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ if ($author["author-name"] == "")
+ $author["author-name"] = $xpath->evaluate('/atom:feed/atom:subtitle/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ if ($author["author-name"] == "")
+ $author["author-name"] = $xpath->evaluate('/atom:feed/atom:author/atom:name/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ //$author["author-avatar"] = $xpath->evaluate('/atom:feed/atom:logo/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $author["edited"] = $author["created"] = $xpath->query('/atom:feed/atom:updated/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $author["app"] = $xpath->evaluate('/atom:feed/atom:generator/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $entries = $xpath->query('/atom:feed/atom:entry');
+ }
+ // Is it RSS?
+ if ($xpath->query('/rss/channel')->length > 0) {
+ //$author["author-link"] = $xpath->evaluate('/rss/channel/link/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $author["author-name"] = $xpath->evaluate('/rss/channel/title/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ //$author["author-avatar"] = $xpath->evaluate('/rss/channel/image/url/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ if ($author["author-name"] == "")
+ $author["author-name"] = $xpath->evaluate('/rss/channel/copyright/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ if ($author["author-name"] == "")
+ $author["author-name"] = $xpath->evaluate('/rss/channel/description/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $author["edited"] = $author["created"] = $xpath->query('/rss/channel/pubDate/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $author["app"] = $xpath->evaluate('/rss/channel/generator/text()')->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $entries = $xpath->query('/rss/channel/item');
+ }
+ //if ($author["author-link"] == "")
+ $author["author-link"] = $contact["url"];
+ if ($author["author-name"] == "")
+ $author["author-name"] = $contact["name"];
+ //if ($author["author-avatar"] == "")
+ $author["author-avatar"] = $contact["thumb"];
+ $author["owner-link"] = $contact["url"];
+ $author["owner-name"] = $contact["name"];
+ $author["owner-avatar"] = $contact["thumb"];
+ $header = array();
+ $header["uid"] = $importer["uid"];
+ $header["network"] = NETWORK_FEED;
+ $header["type"] = "remote";
+ $header["wall"] = 0;
+ $header["origin"] = 0;
+ $header["gravity"] = GRAVITY_PARENT;
+ $header["contact-id"] = $contact["id"];
+ if (!is_object($entries))
+ return;
+ foreach ($entries AS $entry)
+ $entrylist[] = $entry;
+ foreach (array_reverse($entrylist) AS $entry) {
+ $item = array_merge($header, $author);
+ $item["title"] = $xpath->evaluate('atom:title/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ if ($item["title"] == "")
+ $item["title"] = $xpath->evaluate('title/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ if ($item["title"] == "")
+ $item["title"] = $xpath->evaluate('rss:title/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $alternate = $xpath->query("atom:link[@rel='alternate']", $entry)->item(0)->attributes;
+ if (!is_object($alternate))
+ $alternate = $xpath->query("atom:link", $entry)->item(0)->attributes;
+ if (is_object($alternate))
+ foreach($alternate AS $attributes)
+ if ($attributes->name == "href")
+ $item["plink"] = $attributes->textContent;
+ if ($item["plink"] == "")
+ $item["plink"] = $xpath->evaluate('link/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ if ($item["plink"] == "")
+ $item["plink"] = $xpath->evaluate('rss:link/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $item["plink"] = original_url($item["plink"]);
+ $item["uri"] = $xpath->evaluate('atom:id/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ if ($item["uri"] == "")
+ $item["uri"] = $xpath->evaluate('guid/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ if ($item["uri"] == "")
+ $item["uri"] = $item["plink"];
+ $item["parent-uri"] = $item["uri"];
+ $published = $xpath->query('atom:published/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ if ($published == "")
+ $published = $xpath->query('pubDate/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ if ($published == "")
+ $published = $xpath->query('dc:date/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $updated = $xpath->query('atom:updated/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ if ($updated == "")
+ $updated = $published;
+ if ($published != "")
+ $item["created"] = $published;
+ if ($updated != "")
+ $item["edited"] = $updated;
+ $creator = $xpath->query('author/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ if ($creator == "")
+ $creator = $xpath->query('atom:author/atom:name/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ if ($creator == "")
+ $creator = $xpath->query('dc:creator/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ if ($creator != "")
+ $item["author-name"] = $creator;
+ if ($pubDate != "")
+ $item["edited"] = $item["created"] = $pubDate;
+ $creator = $xpath->query('dc:creator/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ if ($creator != "")
+ $item["author-name"] = $creator;
+ //$item["object"] = $xml;
+ $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `uri` = '%s'",
+ intval($importer["uid"]), dbesc($item["uri"]));
+ if ($r) {
+ logger("Item with uri ".$item["uri"]." for user ".$importer["uid"]." already existed under id ".$r[0]["id"], LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // To-Do?
+ // Ausland
+ //
+ $attachments = array();
+ $enclosures = $xpath->query("enclosure", $entry);
+ foreach ($enclosures AS $enclosure) {
+ $href = "";
+ $length = "";
+ $type = "";
+ $title = "";
+ foreach($enclosure->attributes AS $attributes) {
+ if ($attributes->name == "url")
+ $href = $attributes->textContent;
+ elseif ($attributes->name == "length")
+ $length = $attributes->textContent;
+ elseif ($attributes->name == "type")
+ $type = $attributes->textContent;
+ }
+ if(strlen($item["attach"]))
+ $item["attach"] .= ',';
+ $attachments[] = array("link" => $href, "type" => $type, "length" => $length);
+ $item["attach"] .= '[attach]href="'.$href.'" length="'.$length.'" type="'.$type.'"[/attach]';
+ }
+ if ($contact["fetch_further_information"]) {
+ $preview = "";
+ // Handle enclosures and treat them as preview picture
+ foreach ($attachments AS $attachment)
+ if ($attachment["type"] == "image/jpeg")
+ $preview = $attachment["link"];
+ $item["body"] = $item["title"].add_page_info($item["plink"], false, $preview, ($contact["fetch_further_information"] == 2), $contact["ffi_keyword_blacklist"]);
+ $item["tag"] = add_page_keywords($item["plink"], false, $preview, ($contact["fetch_further_information"] == 2), $contact["ffi_keyword_blacklist"]);
+ $item["title"] = "";
+ $item["object-type"] = ACTIVITY_OBJ_BOOKMARK;
+ unset($item["attach"]);
+ } else {
+ $body = trim($xpath->evaluate('atom:content/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue);
+ if ($body == "")
+ $body = trim($xpath->evaluate('content:encoded/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue);
+ if ($body == "")
+ $body = trim($xpath->evaluate('description/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue);
+ if ($body == "")
+ $body = trim($xpath->evaluate('atom:summary/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue);
+ // remove the content of the title if it is identically to the body
+ // This helps with auto generated titles e.g. from tumblr
+ if (title_is_body($item["title"], $body))
+ $item["title"] = "";
+ $item["body"] = html2bbcode($body);
+ }
+ logger("Stored feed: ".print_r($item, true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ $notify = item_is_remote_self($contact, $item);
+ $id = item_store($item, false, $notify);
+ //print_r($item);
+ logger("Feed for contact ".$contact["url"]." stored under id ".$id);
+ }
diff --git a/include/items.php b/include/items.php
index 5915e2ece..6d5c35d5e 100644
--- a/include/items.php
+++ b/include/items.php
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ require_once('include/threads.php');
@@ -2251,16 +2252,20 @@ function edited_timestamp_is_newer($existing, $update) {
function consume_feed($xml,$importer,&$contact, &$hub, $datedir = 0, $pass = 0) {
if ($contact['network'] === NETWORK_OSTATUS) {
if ($pass < 2) {
- // Test - remove before flight
- //$tempfile = tempnam(get_temppath(), "ostatus");
- //file_put_contents($tempfile, $xml);
logger("Consume OStatus messages ", LOGGER_DEBUG);
ostatus_import($xml,$importer,$contact, $hub);
+ if ($contact['network'] === NETWORK_FEED) {
+ if ($pass < 2) {
+ logger("Consume feeds", LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ feed_import($xml,$importer,$contact, $hub);
+ }
+ return;
+ }