diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e75d6319b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+This is my personal fork of https://github.com/friendica/friendica
+If you want to have a stable version of friendica please look there.
diff --git a/boot.php b/boot.php
index 9e40b81dc..8b78c0ee5 100755
--- a/boot.php
+++ b/boot.php
@@ -309,8 +309,12 @@ class App {
. 'library/phpsec' . PATH_SEPARATOR
. '.' );
- if((x($_SERVER,'QUERY_STRING')) && substr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'],0,2) === "q=")
+ if((x($_SERVER,'QUERY_STRING')) && substr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'],0,2) === "q=") {
$this->query_string = substr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'],2);
+ // removing trailing / - maybe a nginx problem
+ if (substr($this->query_string, 0, 1) == "/")
+ $this->query_string = substr($this->query_string, 1);
+ }
$this->cmd = trim($_GET['q'],'/\\');
diff --git a/include/api.php b/include/api.php
index 28d6c3f4b..013f4b97a 100755
--- a/include/api.php
+++ b/include/api.php
@@ -99,6 +99,10 @@
function api_call(&$a){
GLOBAL $API, $called_api;
+ // preset
+ $type="json";
foreach ($API as $p=>$info){
if (strpos($a->query_string, $p)===0){
$called_api= explode("/",$p);
@@ -109,14 +113,14 @@
- logger('API call for ' . $a->user['username'] . ': ' . $a->query_string);
+ logger('API call for ' . $a->user['username'] . ': ' . $a->query_string);
logger('API parameters: ' . print_r($_REQUEST,true));
- $type="json";
+ $type="json";
if (strpos($a->query_string, ".xml")>0) $type="xml";
if (strpos($a->query_string, ".json")>0) $type="json";
if (strpos($a->query_string, ".rss")>0) $type="rss";
- if (strpos($a->query_string, ".atom")>0) $type="atom";
+ if (strpos($a->query_string, ".atom")>0) $type="atom";
$r = call_user_func($info['func'], $a, $type);
if ($r===false) return;
@@ -126,8 +130,8 @@
header ("Content-Type: text/xml");
return ''."\n".$r;
- case "json":
- //header ("Content-Type: application/json");
+ case "json":
+ //header ("Content-Type: application/json");
foreach($r as $rr)
return json_encode($rr);
@@ -139,19 +143,20 @@
header ("Content-Type: application/atom+xml");
return ''."\n".$r;
//echo "
"; var_dump($r); die();
+ logger('API call not implemented: '.$a->query_string." - ".print_r($_REQUEST,true));
$r = 'not implemented';
case "xml":
header ("Content-Type: text/xml");
return ''."\n".$r;
- case "json":
- header ("Content-Type: application/json");
+ case "json":
+ header ("Content-Type: application/json");
return json_encode(array('error' => 'not implemented'));
case "rss":
@@ -162,7 +167,6 @@
header ("Content-Type: application/atom+xml");
return ''."\n".$r;
diff --git a/include/bb2diaspora.php b/include/bb2diaspora.php
index c26b0c334..70d4bec9a 100755
--- a/include/bb2diaspora.php
+++ b/include/bb2diaspora.php
@@ -8,35 +8,54 @@ require_once('include/html2bbcode.php');
// we don't want to support a bbcode specific markdown interpreter
// and the markdown library we have is pretty good, but provides HTML output.
-// So we'll use that to convert to HTML, then convert the HTML back to bbcode,
+// So we'll use that to convert to HTML, then convert the HTML back to bbcode,
// and then clean up a few Diaspora specific constructs.
function diaspora2bb($s) {
+ // for testing purposes: Collect raw markdown articles
+ $file = tempnam("/tmp/friendica/", "markdown");
+ file_put_contents($file, $s);
$s = html_entity_decode($s,ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8');
- $s = str_replace("\r","\n",$s);
+ // Too many new lines. So deactivated the following line
+ // $s = str_replace("\r","\n",$s);
+ // Simply remove cr.
+ $s = str_replace("\r","",$s);
+ // is invalid. Replace it with the valid expression
+ $s = str_replace(" "," ",$s);
$s = preg_replace('/\@\{(.+?)\; (.+?)\@(.+?)\}/','@[url=https://$3/u/$2]$1[/url]',$s);
- $s = preg_replace('/\#([^\s\#])/','\\#$1',$s);
+ // Escaping the hash tags - doesn't always seem to work
+ // $s = preg_replace('/\#([^\s\#])/','\\#$1',$s);
+ // This seems to work
+ $s = preg_replace('/\#([^\s\#])/','#$1',$s);
$s = Markdown($s);
- $s = str_replace('#','#',$s);
- $s = str_replace("\n",' ',$s);
+ $s = str_replace('#','#',$s);
+ $s = str_replace("\n",' ',$s);
$s = html2bbcode($s);
// $s = str_replace('*','*',$s);
+ // Convert everything that looks like a link to a link
+ $s = preg_replace("/([^\]\=]|^)(https?\:\/\/)([a-zA-Z0-9\:\/\-\?\&\;\.\=\_\~\#\%\$\!\+\,]+)/ism", '$1[url=$2$3]$2$3[/url]',$s);
- $s = preg_replace("/\[url\=?(.*?)\]https?:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v\=(.*?)\[\/url\]/ism",'[youtube]$2[/youtube]',$s);
- $s = preg_replace("/\[url\=https?:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v\=(.*?)\].*?\[\/url\]/ism",'[youtube]$1[/youtube]',$s);
- $s = preg_replace("/\[url\=?(.*?)\]https?:\/\/vimeo.com\/([0-9]+)(.*?)\[\/url\]/ism",'[vimeo]$2[/vimeo]',$s);
- $s = preg_replace("/\[url\=https?:\/\/vimeo.com\/([0-9]+)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism",'[vimeo]$1[/vimeo]',$s);
- $s = preg_replace("/([^\]\=]|^)(https?\:\/\/)(vimeo|youtu|www\.youtube|soundcloud)([a-zA-Z0-9\:\/\-\?\&\;\.\=\_\~\#\%\$\!\+\,]+)/ism", '$1[url]$2$3$4[/url]',$s);
+ //$s = preg_replace("/([^\]\=]|^)(https?\:\/\/)(vimeo|youtu|www\.youtube|soundcloud)([a-zA-Z0-9\:\/\-\?\&\;\.\=\_\~\#\%\$\!\+\,]+)/ism", '$1[url=$2$3$4]$2$3$4[/url]',$s);
+ $s = preg_replace("/\[url\=?(.*?)\]https?:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v\=(.*?)\[\/url\]/ism",'[youtube]$2[/youtube]',$s);
+ $s = preg_replace("/\[url\=https?:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v\=(.*?)\].*?\[\/url\]/ism",'[youtube]$1[/youtube]',$s);
+ $s = preg_replace("/\[url\=?(.*?)\]https?:\/\/vimeo.com\/([0-9]+)(.*?)\[\/url\]/ism",'[vimeo]$2[/vimeo]',$s);
+ $s = preg_replace("/\[url\=https?:\/\/vimeo.com\/([0-9]+)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism",'[vimeo]$1[/vimeo]',$s);
// remove duplicate adjacent code tags
$s = preg_replace("/(\[code\])+(.*?)(\[\/code\])+/ism","[code]$2[/code]", $s);
- $s = scale_diaspora_images($s);
+ // Don't show link to full picture (until it is fixed)
+ $s = scale_diaspora_images($s, false);
return $s;
diff --git a/include/bbcode.php b/include/bbcode.php
index cae867eb8..d639b0c39 100755
--- a/include/bbcode.php
+++ b/include/bbcode.php
@@ -12,20 +12,20 @@ function stripcode_br_cb($s) {
function tryoembed($match){
$url = ((count($match)==2)?$match[1]:$match[2]);
// logger("tryoembed: $url");
$o = oembed_fetch_url($url);
//echo "
"; var_dump($match, $url, $o); killme();
if ($o->type=="error") return $match[0];
$html = oembed_format_object($o);
return $html; //oembed_iframe($html,$o->width,$o->height);
-// [noparse][i]italic[/i][/noparse] turns into
-// [noparse][ i ]italic[ /i ][/noparse],
+// [noparse][i]italic[/i][/noparse] turns into
+// [noparse][ i ]italic[ /i ][/noparse],
// to hide them from parser.
function bb_spacefy($st) {
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ function bb_spacefy($st) {
return $new_str;
-// The previously spacefied [noparse][ i ]italic[ /i ][/noparse],
+// The previously spacefied [noparse][ i ]italic[ /i ][/noparse],
// now turns back and the [noparse] tags are trimed
// returning [i]italic[/i]
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ function bbcode($Text,$preserve_nl = false) {
$Text = preg_replace_callback("/\[pre\](.*?)\[\/pre\]/ism", 'bb_spacefy',$Text);
- // Extract a single private image which uses data url's since preg has issues with
- // large data sizes. Stash it away while we do bbcode conversion, and then put it back
+ // Extract a single private image which uses data url's since preg has issues with
+ // large data sizes. Stash it away while we do bbcode conversion, and then put it back
// in after we've done all the regex matching. We cannot use any preg functions to do this.
$saved_image = '';
@@ -71,13 +71,13 @@ function bbcode($Text,$preserve_nl = false) {
$start_fragment = substr($Text,0,$img_start);
$img_start += strlen('[img]');
$saved_image = substr($Text,$img_start,$img_end - $img_start);
- $end_fragment = substr($Text,$img_end + strlen('[/img]'));
+ $end_fragment = substr($Text,$img_end + strlen('[/img]'));
// logger('saved_image: ' . $saved_image,LOGGER_DEBUG);
$Text = $start_fragment . '[$#saved_image#$]' . $end_fragment;
// If we find any event code, turn it into an event.
- // After we're finished processing the bbcode we'll
+ // After we're finished processing the bbcode we'll
// replace all of the event code with a reformatted version.
$ev = bbtoevent($Text);
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ function bbcode($Text,$preserve_nl = false) {
// Perform URL Search
$Text = preg_replace("/([^\]\=]|^)(https?\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\:\/\-\?\&\;\.\=\_\~\#\%\$\!\+\,]+)/ism", '$1$2', $Text);
$Text = preg_replace_callback("/\[bookmark\=([^\]]*)\].*?\[\/bookmark\]/ism",'tryoembed',$Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[bookmark\=([^\]]*)\](.*?)\[\/bookmark\]/ism",'[url=$1]$2[/url]',$Text);
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ function bbcode($Text,$preserve_nl = false) {
// Perform MAIL Search
$Text = preg_replace("/\[mail\]([$MAILSearchString]*)\[\/mail\]/", '$1', $Text);
$Text = preg_replace("/\[mail\=([$MAILSearchString]*)\](.*?)\[\/mail\]/", '$2', $Text);
// Check for bold text
$Text = preg_replace("(\[b\](.*?)\[\/b\])ism",'$1',$Text);
@@ -149,21 +149,20 @@ function bbcode($Text,$preserve_nl = false) {
$Text = str_replace("[*]", "
@@ -1386,7 +1389,7 @@ class Markdown_Parser {
// # We can't call Markdown(), because that resets the hash;
// # that initialization code should be pulled into its own sub, though.
// $div_content = $this->hashHTMLBlocks($div_content);
// # Run document gamut methods on the content.
// foreach ($this->document_gamut as $method => $priority) {
// $div_content = $this->$method($div_content);
@@ -1414,11 +1417,11 @@ class Markdown_Parser {
$text = str_replace('"', '"', $text);
return $text;
function encodeAmpsAndAngles($text) {
- # Smart processing for ampersands and angle brackets that need to
+ # Smart processing for ampersands and angle brackets that need to
# be encoded. Valid character entities are left alone unless the
# no-entities mode is set.
@@ -1427,7 +1430,7 @@ class Markdown_Parser {
} else {
# Ampersand-encoding based entirely on Nat Irons's Amputator
# MT plugin:
- $text = preg_replace('/&(?!#?[xX]?(?:[0-9a-fA-F]+|\w+);)/',
+ $text = preg_replace('/&(?!#?[xX]?(?:[0-9a-fA-F]+|\w+);)/',
'&', $text);;
# Encode remaining <'s
@@ -1438,7 +1441,7 @@ class Markdown_Parser {
function doAutoLinks($text) {
- $text = preg_replace_callback('{<((https?|ftp|dict):[^\'">\s]+)>}i',
+ $text = preg_replace_callback('{<((https?|ftp|dict):[^\'">\s]+)>}i',
array(&$this, '_doAutoLinks_url_callback'), $text);
# Email addresses:
@@ -1446,9 +1449,17 @@ class Markdown_Parser {
- [-.\w\x80-\xFF]+
+ (?:
+ [-!#$%&\'*+/=?^_`.{|}~\w\x80-\xFF]+
+ |
+ ".*?"
+ )
- [-a-z0-9\x80-\xFF]+(\.[-a-z0-9\x80-\xFF]+)*\.[a-z]+
+ (?:
+ [-a-z0-9\x80-\xFF]+(\.[-a-z0-9\x80-\xFF]+)*\.[a-z]+
+ |
+ \[[\d.a-fA-F:]+\] # IPv4 & IPv6
+ )
@@ -1487,7 +1498,7 @@ class Markdown_Parser {
$addr = "mailto:" . $addr;
$chars = preg_split('/(? $char) {
$ord = ord($char);
# Ignore non-ascii chars.
@@ -1500,7 +1511,7 @@ class Markdown_Parser {
else $chars[$key] = ''.$ord.';';
$addr = implode('', $chars);
$text = implode('', array_slice($chars, 7)); # text without `mailto:`
$addr = "$text";
@@ -1515,7 +1526,7 @@ class Markdown_Parser {
# escaped characters and handling code spans.
$output = '';
$span_re = '{
@@ -1540,17 +1551,17 @@ class Markdown_Parser {
while (1) {
- # Each loop iteration seach for either the next tag, the next
- # openning code span marker, or the next escaped character.
+ # Each loop iteration seach for either the next tag, the next
+ # openning code span marker, or the next escaped character.
# Each token is then passed to handleSpanToken.
$parts = preg_split($span_re, $str, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
# Create token from text preceding tag.
if ($parts[0] != "") {
$output .= $parts[0];
# Check if we reach the end.
if (isset($parts[1])) {
$output .= $this->handleSpanToken($parts[1], $parts[2]);
@@ -1560,14 +1571,14 @@ class Markdown_Parser {
return $output;
function handleSpanToken($token, &$str) {
- # Handle $token provided by parseSpan by determining its nature and
+ # Handle $token provided by parseSpan by determining its nature and
# returning the corresponding value that should replace it.
switch ($token{0}) {
@@ -1575,7 +1586,7 @@ class Markdown_Parser {
return $this->hashPart("". ord($token{1}). ";");
case "`":
# Search for end marker in remaining text.
- if (preg_match('/^(.*?[^`])'.preg_quote($token).'(?!`)(.*)$/sm',
+ if (preg_match('/^(.*?[^`])'.preg_quote($token).'(?!`)(.*)$/sm',
$str, $matches))
$str = $matches[2];
@@ -1597,18 +1608,18 @@ class Markdown_Parser {
- # String length function for detab. `_initDetab` will create a function to
+ # String length function for detab. `_initDetab` will create a function to
# hanlde UTF-8 if the default function does not exist.
var $utf8_strlen = 'mb_strlen';
function detab($text) {
# Replace tabs with the appropriate amount of space.
# For each line we separate the line in blocks delemited by
- # tab characters. Then we reconstruct every line by adding the
+ # tab characters. Then we reconstruct every line by adding the
# appropriate number of space between each blocks.
$text = preg_replace_callback('/^.*\t.*$/m',
array(&$this, '_detab_callback'), $text);
@@ -1617,7 +1628,7 @@ class Markdown_Parser {
function _detab_callback($matches) {
$line = $matches[0];
$strlen = $this->utf8_strlen; # strlen function for UTF-8.
# Split in blocks.
$blocks = explode("\t", $line);
# Add each blocks to the line.
@@ -1625,7 +1636,7 @@ class Markdown_Parser {
unset($blocks[0]); # Do not add first block twice.
foreach ($blocks as $block) {
# Calculate amount of space, insert spaces, insert block.
- $amount = $this->tab_width -
+ $amount = $this->tab_width -
$strlen($line, 'UTF-8') % $this->tab_width;
$line .= str_repeat(" ", $amount) . $block;
@@ -1634,13 +1645,13 @@ class Markdown_Parser {
function _initDetab() {
# Check for the availability of the function in the `utf8_strlen` property
- # (initially `mb_strlen`). If the function is not available, create a
+ # (initially `mb_strlen`). If the function is not available, create a
# function that will loosely count the number of UTF-8 characters with a
# regular expression.
if (function_exists($this->utf8_strlen)) return;
$this->utf8_strlen = create_function('$text', 'return preg_match_all(
- "/[\\\\x00-\\\\xBF]|[\\\\xC0-\\\\xFF][\\\\x80-\\\\xBF]*/",
+ "/[\\\\x00-\\\\xBF]|[\\\\xC0-\\\\xFF][\\\\x80-\\\\xBF]*/",
$text, $m);');
@@ -1649,7 +1660,7 @@ class Markdown_Parser {
# Swap back in all the tags hashed by _HashHTMLBlocks.
- return preg_replace_callback('/(.)\x1A[0-9]+\1/',
+ return preg_replace_callback('/(.)\x1A[0-9]+\1/',
array(&$this, '_unhash_callback'), $text);
function _unhash_callback($matches) {
@@ -1667,24 +1678,15 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
# Prefix for footnote ids.
var $fn_id_prefix = "";
# Optional title attribute for footnote links and backlinks.
var $fn_link_title = MARKDOWN_FN_LINK_TITLE;
var $fn_backlink_title = MARKDOWN_FN_BACKLINK_TITLE;
# Optional class attribute for footnote links and backlinks.
var $fn_link_class = MARKDOWN_FN_LINK_CLASS;
var $fn_backlink_class = MARKDOWN_FN_BACKLINK_CLASS;
- var $el_enable = MARKDOWN_EL_ENABLE;
- var $el_local_domain = MARKDOWN_EL_LOCAL_DOMAIN;
- var $el_new_window = MARKDOWN_EL_NEW_WINDOW;
- var $el_css_class = MARKDOWN_EL_CSS_CLASS;
- var $ha_enable = MARKDOWN_HA_ENABLE;
- var $ha_class = MARKDOWN_HA_CLASS;
- var $ha_text = MARKDOWN_HA_TEXT;
# Predefined abbreviations.
var $predef_abbr = array();
@@ -1693,15 +1695,11 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
# Constructor function. Initialize the parser object.
- # Add extra escapable characters before parent constructor
+ # Add extra escapable characters before parent constructor
# initialize the table.
$this->escape_chars .= ':|';
- if ($this->el_local_domain === null) {
- $this->el_local_domain = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
- }
- # Insert extra document, block, and span transformations.
+ # Insert extra document, block, and span transformations.
# Parent constructor will do the sorting.
$this->document_gamut += array(
"doFencedCodeBlocks" => 5,
@@ -1718,33 +1716,33 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
"doFootnotes" => 5,
"doAbbreviations" => 70,
# Extra variables used during extra transformations.
var $footnotes = array();
var $footnotes_ordered = array();
var $abbr_desciptions = array();
var $abbr_word_re = '';
# Give the current footnote number.
var $footnote_counter = 1;
function setup() {
# Setting up Extra-specific variables.
$this->footnotes = array();
$this->footnotes_ordered = array();
$this->abbr_desciptions = array();
$this->abbr_word_re = '';
$this->footnote_counter = 1;
foreach ($this->predef_abbr as $abbr_word => $abbr_desc) {
if ($this->abbr_word_re)
$this->abbr_word_re .= '|';
@@ -1752,7 +1750,7 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
$this->abbr_desciptions[$abbr_word] = trim($abbr_desc);
function teardown() {
# Clearing Extra-specific variables.
@@ -1761,29 +1759,29 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
$this->footnotes_ordered = array();
$this->abbr_desciptions = array();
$this->abbr_word_re = '';
### HTML Block Parser ###
# Tags that are always treated as block tags:
var $block_tags_re = 'p|div|h[1-6]|blockquote|pre|table|dl|ol|ul|address|form|fieldset|iframe|hr|legend';
# Tags treated as block tags only if the opening tag is alone on it's line:
var $context_block_tags_re = 'script|noscript|math|ins|del';
# Tags where markdown="1" default to span mode:
var $contain_span_tags_re = 'p|h[1-6]|li|dd|dt|td|th|legend|address';
- # Tags which must not have their contents modified, no matter where
+ # Tags which must not have their contents modified, no matter where
# they appear:
var $clean_tags_re = 'script|math';
# Tags that do not need to be closed.
var $auto_close_tags_re = 'hr|img';
function hashHTMLBlocks($text) {
@@ -1796,7 +1794,7 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
# hard-coded.
# This works by calling _HashHTMLBlocks_InMarkdown, which then calls
- # _HashHTMLBlocks_InHTML when it encounter block tags. When the markdown="1"
+ # _HashHTMLBlocks_InHTML when it encounter block tags. When the markdown="1"
# attribute is found whitin a tag, _HashHTMLBlocks_InHTML calls back
# _HashHTMLBlocks_InMarkdown to handle the Markdown syntax within the tag.
# These two functions are calling each other. It's recursive!
@@ -1805,17 +1803,17 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
# Call the HTML-in-Markdown hasher.
list($text, ) = $this->_hashHTMLBlocks_inMarkdown($text);
return $text;
- function _hashHTMLBlocks_inMarkdown($text, $indent = 0,
+ function _hashHTMLBlocks_inMarkdown($text, $indent = 0,
$enclosing_tag_re = '', $span = false)
# Parse markdown text, calling _HashHTMLBlocks_InHTML for block tags.
- # * $indent is the number of space to be ignored when checking for code
- # blocks. This is important because if we don't take the indent into
+ # * $indent is the number of space to be ignored when checking for code
+ # blocks. This is important because if we don't take the indent into
# account, something like this (which looks right) won't work as expected:
@@ -1827,11 +1825,11 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
# If you don't like this, just don't indent the tag on which
# you apply the markdown="1" attribute.
- # * If $enclosing_tag_re is not empty, stops at the first unmatched closing
+ # * If $enclosing_tag_re is not empty, stops at the first unmatched closing
# tag with that name. Nested tags supported.
- # * If $span is true, text inside must treated as span. So any double
- # newline will be replaced by a single newline so that it does not create
+ # * If $span is true, text inside must treated as span. So any double
+ # newline will be replaced by a single newline so that it does not create
# paragraphs.
# Returns an array of that form: ( processed text , remaining text )
@@ -1840,13 +1838,13 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
# Regex to check for the presense of newlines around a block tag.
$newline_before_re = '/(?:^\n?|\n\n)*$/';
- $newline_after_re =
+ $newline_after_re =
^ # Start of text following the tag.
(?>[ ]*)? # Optional comment.
[ ]*\n # Must be followed by newline.
# Regex to match any tag.
$block_tag_re =
@@ -1879,7 +1877,7 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
'. ( !$span ? ' # If not in span.
# Indented code block
- (?> ^[ ]*\n? | \n[ ]*\n )
+ (?: ^[ ]*\n | ^ | \n[ ]*\n )
[ ]{'.($indent+4).'}[^\n]* \n
(?: [ ]{'.($indent+4).'}[^\n]* | [ ]* ) \n
@@ -1887,12 +1885,12 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
# Fenced code block marker
(?> ^ | \n )
- [ ]{'.($indent).'}~~~+[ ]*\n
+ [ ]{0,'.($indent).'}~~~+[ ]*\n
' : '' ). ' # End (if not is span).
$depth = 0; # Current depth inside the tag tree.
$parsed = ""; # Parsed text that will be returned.
@@ -1904,32 +1902,32 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
# Split the text using the first $tag_match pattern found.
# Text before pattern will be first in the array, text after
- # pattern will be at the end, and between will be any catches made
+ # pattern will be at the end, and between will be any catches made
# by the pattern.
- $parts = preg_split($block_tag_re, $text, 2,
+ $parts = preg_split($block_tag_re, $text, 2,
- # If in Markdown span mode, add a empty-string span-level hash
+ # If in Markdown span mode, add a empty-string span-level hash
# after each newline to prevent triggering any block element.
if ($span) {
$void = $this->hashPart("", ':');
$newline = "$void\n";
$parts[0] = $void . str_replace("\n", $newline, $parts[0]) . $void;
$parsed .= $parts[0]; # Text before current tag.
# If end of $text has been reached. Stop loop.
if (count($parts) < 3) {
$text = "";
$tag = $parts[1]; # Tag to handle.
$text = $parts[2]; # Remaining text after current tag.
$tag_re = preg_quote($tag); # For use in a regular expression.
# Check for: Code span marker
@@ -1949,33 +1947,34 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
- # Check for: Indented code block or fenced code block marker.
+ # Check for: Fenced code block marker.
- else if ($tag{0} == "\n" || $tag{0} == "~") {
- if ($tag{1} == "\n" || $tag{1} == " ") {
- # Indented code block: pass it unchanged, will be handled
- # later.
- $parsed .= $tag;
+ else if (preg_match('{^\n?[ ]{0,'.($indent+3).'}~}', $tag)) {
+ # Fenced code block marker: find matching end marker.
+ $tag_re = preg_quote(trim($tag));
+ if (preg_match('{^(?>.*\n)+?[ ]{0,'.($indent).'}'.$tag_re.'[ ]*\n}', $text,
+ $matches))
+ {
+ # End marker found: pass text unchanged until marker.
+ $parsed .= $tag . $matches[0];
+ $text = substr($text, strlen($matches[0]));
else {
- # Fenced code block marker: find matching end marker.
- $tag_re = preg_quote(trim($tag));
- if (preg_match('{^(?>.*\n)+?'.$tag_re.' *\n}', $text,
- $matches))
- {
- # End marker found: pass text unchanged until marker.
- $parsed .= $tag . $matches[0];
- $text = substr($text, strlen($matches[0]));
- }
- else {
- # No end marker: just skip it.
- $parsed .= $tag;
- }
+ # No end marker: just skip it.
+ $parsed .= $tag;
+ # Check for: Indented code block.
+ #
+ else if ($tag{0} == "\n" || $tag{0} == " ") {
+ # Indented code block: pass it unchanged, will be handled
+ # later.
+ $parsed .= $tag;
+ }
+ #
# Check for: Opening Block level tag or
- # Opening Context Block tag (like ins and del)
+ # Opening Context Block tag (like ins and del)
# used as a block tag (tag is alone on it's line).
else if (preg_match('{^<(?:'.$this->block_tags_re.')\b}', $tag) ||
@@ -1985,9 +1984,9 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
# Need to parse tag and following text using the HTML parser.
- list($block_text, $text) =
+ list($block_text, $text) =
$this->_hashHTMLBlocks_inHTML($tag . $text, "hashBlock", true);
# Make sure it stays outside of any paragraph by adding newlines.
$parsed .= "\n\n$block_text\n\n";
@@ -2000,9 +1999,9 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
# Need to parse tag and following text using the HTML parser.
# (don't check for markdown attribute)
- list($block_text, $text) =
+ list($block_text, $text) =
$this->_hashHTMLBlocks_inHTML($tag . $text, "hashClean", false);
$parsed .= $block_text;
@@ -2026,14 +2025,14 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
$text = $tag . $text;
$parsed .= $tag;
else {
$parsed .= $tag;
} while ($depth >= 0);
return array($parsed, $text);
function _hashHTMLBlocks_inHTML($text, $hash_method, $md_attr) {
@@ -2048,7 +2047,7 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
# Returns an array of that form: ( processed text , remaining text )
if ($text === '') return array('', '');
# Regex to match `markdown` attribute inside of a tag.
$markdown_attr_re = '
@@ -2056,15 +2055,15 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
- (["\']) # $1: quote delimiter
+ (["\']) # $1: quote delimiter
(.*?) # $2: attribute value
- \1 # matching delimiter
+ \1 # matching delimiter
([^\s>]*) # $3: unquoted attribute value
() # $4: make $3 always defined (avoid warnings)
# Regex to match any tag.
$tag_re = '{
( # $2: Capture hole tag.
@@ -2087,9 +2086,9 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
# CData Block
$original_text = $text; # Save original text in case of faliure.
$depth = 0; # Current depth inside the tag tree.
$block_text = ""; # Temporary text holder for current text.
$parsed = ""; # Parsed text that will be returned.
@@ -2108,25 +2107,25 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
# Split the text using the first $tag_match pattern found.
# Text before pattern will be first in the array, text after
- # pattern will be at the end, and between will be any catches made
+ # pattern will be at the end, and between will be any catches made
# by the pattern.
$parts = preg_split($tag_re, $text, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
if (count($parts) < 3) {
# End of $text reached with unbalenced tag(s).
# In that case, we return original text unchanged and pass the
- # first character as filtered to prevent an infinite loop in the
+ # first character as filtered to prevent an infinite loop in the
# parent function.
return array($original_text{0}, substr($original_text, 1));
$block_text .= $parts[0]; # Text before current tag.
$tag = $parts[1]; # Tag to handle.
$text = $parts[2]; # Remaining text after current tag.
# Check for: Auto-close tag (like )
# Comments and Processing Instructions.
@@ -2146,22 +2145,22 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
if ($tag{1} == '/') $depth--;
else if ($tag{strlen($tag)-2} != '/') $depth++;
# Check for `markdown="1"` attribute and handle it.
- if ($md_attr &&
+ if ($md_attr &&
preg_match($markdown_attr_re, $tag, $attr_m) &&
preg_match('/^1|block|span$/', $attr_m[2] . $attr_m[3]))
# Remove `markdown` attribute from opening tag.
$tag = preg_replace($markdown_attr_re, '', $tag);
# Check if text inside this tag must be parsed in span mode.
$this->mode = $attr_m[2] . $attr_m[3];
$span_mode = $this->mode == 'span' || $this->mode != 'block' &&
preg_match('{^<(?:'.$this->contain_span_tags_re.')\b}', $tag);
# Calculate indent before tag.
if (preg_match('/(?:^|\n)( *?)(?! ).*?$/', $block_text, $matches)) {
$strlen = $this->utf8_strlen;
@@ -2169,44 +2168,44 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
} else {
$indent = 0;
# End preceding block with this tag.
$block_text .= $tag;
$parsed .= $this->$hash_method($block_text);
# Get enclosing tag name for the ParseMarkdown function.
# (This pattern makes $tag_name_re safe without quoting.)
preg_match('/^<([\w:$]*)\b/', $tag, $matches);
$tag_name_re = $matches[1];
# Parse the content using the HTML-in-Markdown parser.
list ($block_text, $text)
- = $this->_hashHTMLBlocks_inMarkdown($text, $indent,
+ = $this->_hashHTMLBlocks_inMarkdown($text, $indent,
$tag_name_re, $span_mode);
# Outdent markdown text.
if ($indent > 0) {
- $block_text = preg_replace("/^[ ]{1,$indent}/m", "",
+ $block_text = preg_replace("/^[ ]{1,$indent}/m", "",
# Append tag content to parsed text.
if (!$span_mode) $parsed .= "\n\n$block_text\n\n";
else $parsed .= "$block_text";
# Start over a new block.
$block_text = "";
else $block_text .= $tag;
} while ($depth > 0);
# Hash last block text that wasn't processed inside the loop.
$parsed .= $this->$hash_method($block_text);
return array($parsed, $text);
@@ -2214,87 +2213,12 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
function hashClean($text) {
# Called whenever a tag must be hashed when a function insert a "clean" tag
- # in $text, it pass through this function and is automaticaly escaped,
+ # in $text, it pass through this function and is automaticaly escaped,
# blocking invalid nested overlap.
return $this->hashPart($text, 'C');
- function _doAnchors_inline_callback($matches) {
- // $whole_match = $matches[1];
- $link_text = $this->runSpanGamut($matches[2]);
- $url = $matches[3] == '' ? $matches[4] : $matches[3];
- $title =& $matches[7];
- $url = $this->encodeAttribute($url);
- $result = "encodeAttribute($title);
- $result .= " title=\"$title\"";
- }
- if ($this->el_enable && preg_match('/^https?\:\/\//', $url) && !preg_match('/^https?\:\/\/'.$this->el_local_domain.'/', $url)) {
- if ($this->el_new_window) {
- $result .= ' target="_blank"';
- }
- if ($this->el_css_class) {
- $result .= ' class="'.$this->el_css_class.'"';
- }
- }
- $link_text = $this->runSpanGamut($link_text);
- $result .= ">$link_text";
- return $this->hashPart($result);
- }
- function _doAnchors_reference_callback($matches) {
- $whole_match = $matches[1];
- $link_text = $matches[2];
- $link_id =& $matches[3];
- $result = '';
- if ($link_id == "") {
- # for shortcut links like [this][] or [this].
- $link_id = $link_text;
- }
- # lower-case and turn embedded newlines into spaces
- $link_id = strtolower($link_id);
- $link_id = preg_replace('{[ ]?\n}', ' ', $link_id);
- if (isset($this->urls[$link_id])) {
- $url = $this->urls[$link_id];
- $url = $this->encodeAttribute($url);
- $result = "titles[$link_id] ) ) {
- $title = $this->titles[$link_id];
- $title = $this->encodeAttribute($title);
- $result .= " title=\"$title\"";
- }
- if ($this->el_enable && preg_match('/^https?\:\/\//', $url) && !preg_match('/^https?\:\/\/'.$this->el_local_domain.'/', $url)) {
- if ($this->el_new_window) {
- $result .= ' target="_blank"';
- }
- if ($this->el_css_class) {
- $result .= ' class="'.$this->el_css_class.'"';
- }
- }
- $link_text = $this->runSpanGamut($link_text);
- $result .= ">$link_text";
- $result = $this->hashPart($result);
- }
- else {
- $result = $whole_match;
- }
- return $result;
- }
function doHeaders($text) {
@@ -2303,7 +2227,7 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
# Setext-style headers:
# Header 1 {#header1}
# ========
- #
+ #
# Header 2 {#header2}
# --------
@@ -2345,36 +2269,15 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
return $matches[0];
$level = $matches[3]{0} == '=' ? 1 : 2;
$attr = $this->_doHeaders_attr($id =& $matches[2]);
- $body = $this->runSpanGamut($matches[1]);
- $body = $this->_doHeaders_selflink($id, $body);
- $block = "$body";
+ $block = "".$this->runSpanGamut($matches[1])."";
return "\n" . $this->hashBlock($block) . "\n\n";
function _doHeaders_callback_atx($matches) {
$level = strlen($matches[1]);
$attr = $this->_doHeaders_attr($id =& $matches[3]);
- $body = $this->runSpanGamut($matches[2]);
- $body = $this->_doHeaders_selflink($id, $body);
- $block = "$body";
+ $block = "".$this->runSpanGamut($matches[2])."";
return "\n" . $this->hashBlock($block) . "\n\n";
- function _doHeaders_selflink($id, $body) {
- if (!empty($id)) {
- $link = 'ha_class) {
- $link .= ' class="'.$this->ha_class.'"';
- }
- $link .= '>'.$this->ha_text.'';
- $body .= $link;
- }
- return $body;
- }
function doTables($text) {
@@ -2396,10 +2299,10 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
[ ]{0,'.$less_than_tab.'} # Allowed whitespace.
[|] # Optional leading pipe (present)
(.+) \n # $1: Header row (at least one pipe)
[ ]{0,'.$less_than_tab.'} # Allowed whitespace.
[|] ([ ]*[-:]+[-| :]*) \n # $2: Header underline
( # $3: Cells
[ ]* # Allowed whitespace.
@@ -2409,7 +2312,7 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
(?=\n|\Z) # Stop at final double newline.
array(&$this, '_doTable_leadingPipe_callback'), $text);
# Find tables without leading pipe.
@@ -2423,10 +2326,10 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
^ # Start of a line
[ ]{0,'.$less_than_tab.'} # Allowed whitespace.
(\S.*[|].*) \n # $1: Header row (at least one pipe)
[ ]{0,'.$less_than_tab.'} # Allowed whitespace.
([-:]+[ ]*[|][-| :]*) \n # $2: Header underline
( # $3: Cells
.* [|] .* \n # Row content
@@ -2442,10 +2345,10 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
$head = $matches[1];
$underline = $matches[2];
$content = $matches[3];
# Remove leading pipe for each row.
$content = preg_replace('/^ *[|]/m', '', $content);
return $this->_doTable_callback(array($matches[0], $head, $underline, $content));
function _doTable_callback($matches) {
@@ -2457,7 +2360,7 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
$head = preg_replace('/[|] *$/m', '', $head);
$underline = preg_replace('/[|] *$/m', '', $underline);
$content = preg_replace('/[|] *$/m', '', $content);
# Reading alignement from header underline.
$separators = preg_split('/ *[|] */', $underline);
foreach ($separators as $n => $s) {
@@ -2466,13 +2369,13 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
else if (preg_match('/^ *:-+ *$/', $s)) $attr[$n] = ' align="left"';
else $attr[$n] = '';
- # Parsing span elements, including code spans, character escapes,
+ # Parsing span elements, including code spans, character escapes,
# and inline HTML tags, so that pipes inside those gets ignored.
$head = $this->parseSpan($head);
$headers = preg_split('/ *[|] */', $head);
$col_count = count($headers);
# Write column headers.
$text = "
return $this->hashBlock($text) . "\n";
function doDefLists($text) {
# Form HTML definition lists.
@@ -2552,7 +2455,7 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
function _doDefLists_callback($matches) {
# Re-usable patterns to match list item bullets and number markers:
$list = $matches[1];
# Turn double returns into triple returns, so that we can make a
# paragraph for the last item in a list, if necessary:
$result = trim($this->processDefListItems($list));
@@ -2567,7 +2470,7 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
# into individual term and definition list items.
$less_than_tab = $this->tab_width - 1;
# trim trailing blank lines:
$list_str = preg_replace("/\n{2,}\\z/", "\n", $list_str);
@@ -2576,11 +2479,11 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
(?>\A\n?|\n\n+) # leading line
( # definition terms = $1
[ ]{0,'.$less_than_tab.'} # leading whitespace
- (?![:][ ]|[ ]) # negative lookahead for a definition
+ (?![:][ ]|[ ]) # negative lookahead for a definition
# mark (colon) or more whitespace.
- (?> \S.* \n)+? # actual term (not whitespace).
- )
- (?=\n?[ ]{0,3}:[ ]) # lookahead for following line feed
+ (?> \S.* \n)+? # actual term (not whitespace).
+ )
+ (?=\n?[ ]{0,3}:[ ]) # lookahead for following line feed
# with a definition mark.
array(&$this, '_processDefListItems_callback_dt'), $list_str);
@@ -2596,33 +2499,20 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
(?= \n+ # stop at next definition mark,
(?: # next term or end of text
[ ]{0,'.$less_than_tab.'} [:][ ] |
return $text . "\n";
@@ -2655,7 +2545,7 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
# ~~~
$less_than_tab = $this->tab_width;
$text = preg_replace_callback('{
# 1: Opening marker
@@ -2663,7 +2553,7 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
~{3,} # Marker: three tilde or more.
[ ]* \n # Whitespace and newline following marker.
# 2: Content
@@ -2671,7 +2561,7 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
# Closing marker.
\1 [ ]* \n
@@ -2688,7 +2578,7 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
return "\n\n".$this->hashBlock($codeblock)."\n\n";
function _doFencedCodeBlocks_newlines($matches) {
- return str_repeat(" empty_element_suffix",
+ return str_repeat(" empty_element_suffix",
@@ -2698,19 +2588,19 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
# work in the middle of a word.
var $em_relist = array(
- '' => '(?:(? '(?<=\S)(? '(?<=\S)(? '(?:(? '(?<=\S|^)(? '(?<=\S|^)(? '(?:(? '(?<=\S)(? '(?<=\S)(? '(?:(? '(?<=\S|^)(? '(?<=\S|^)(? '(?:(? '(?<=\S)(? '(?<=\S)(? '(?:(? '(?<=\S|^)(? '(?<=\S|^)(? $value) {
$value = trim($this->runSpanGamut($value));
# Check if this should be enclosed in a paragraph.
# Clean tag hashes & block tag hashes are left alone.
$is_p = !preg_match('/^B\x1A[0-9]+B|^C\x1A[0-9]+C$/', $value);
if ($is_p) {
$value = "
$grafs[$key] = $value;
- # Join grafs in one text, then unhash HTML tags.
+ # Join grafs in one text, then unhash HTML tags.
$text = implode("\n\n", $grafs);
# Finish by removing any tag hashes still present in $text.
$text = $this->unhash($text);
return $text;
### Footnotes
function stripFootnotes($text) {
# Strips link definitions from text, stores the URLs and titles in
@@ -2765,15 +2655,15 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
[ ]*
\n? # maybe *one* newline
( # text = $2 (no blank lines allowed)
- (?:
+ (?:
.+ # actual text
- \n # newlines but
+ \n # newlines but
(?!\[\^.+?\]:\s)# negative lookahead for footnote marker.
- (?!\n+[ ]{0,3}\S)# ensure line is not blank and followed
+ (?!\n+[ ]{0,3}\S)# ensure line is not blank and followed
# by non-indented content
- )
+ )
array(&$this, '_stripFootnotes_callback'),
@@ -2788,7 +2678,7 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
function doFootnotes($text) {
- # Replace footnote references in $text [^id] with a special text-token
+ # Replace footnote references in $text [^id] with a special text-token
# which will be replaced by the actual footnote marker in appendFootnotes.
if (!$this->in_anchor) {
@@ -2797,20 +2687,20 @@ class MarkdownExtra_Parser extends Markdown_Parser {
return $text;
function appendFootnotes($text) {
# Append footnote list to text.
- $text = preg_replace_callback('{F\x1Afn:(.*?)\x1A:}',
+ $text = preg_replace_callback('{F\x1Afn:(.*?)\x1A:}',
array(&$this, '_appendFootnotes_callback'), $text);
if (!empty($this->footnotes_ordered)) {
$text .= "\n\n";
$text .= "