"; /** * @var \Cmfcmf\OpenWeatherMap\AbstractCache|bool $cacheClass The cache class. */ private $cacheClass = false; /** * @var int */ private $seconds; /** * @var FetcherInterface The url fetcher. */ private $fetcher; /** * Constructs the OpenWeatherMap object. * * @param null|FetcherInterface $fetcher The interface to fetch the data from OpenWeatherMap. Defaults to * CurlFetcher() if cURL is available. Otherwise defaults to * FileGetContentsFetcher() using 'file_get_contents()'. * @param bool|string $cacheClass If set to false, caching is disabled. Otherwise this must be a class * extending AbstractCache. Defaults to false. * @param int $seconds How long weather data shall be cached. Default 10 minutes. * * @throws \Exception If $cache is neither false nor a valid callable extending Cmfcmf\OpenWeatherMap\Util\Cache. * @api */ public function __construct($fetcher = null, $cacheClass = false, $seconds = 600) { if ($cacheClass !== false && !($cacheClass instanceof AbstractCache)) { throw new \Exception("The cache class must implement the FetcherInterface!"); } if (!is_numeric($seconds)) { throw new \Exception("\$seconds must be numeric."); } if (!isset($fetcher)) { $fetcher = (function_exists('curl_version')) ? new CurlFetcher() : new FileGetContentsFetcher(); } if ($seconds == 0) { $cacheClass = false; } $this->cacheClass = $cacheClass; $this->seconds = $seconds; $this->fetcher = $fetcher; } /** * Returns the current weather at the place you specified as an object. * * @param array|int|string $query The place to get weather information for. For possible values see below. * @param string $units Can be either 'metric' or 'imperial' (default). This affects almost all units returned. * @param string $lang The language to use for descriptions, default is 'en'. For possible values see below. * @param string $appid Your app id, default ''. See for more details. * * @throws OpenWeatherMap\Exception If OpenWeatherMap returns an error. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If an argument error occurs. * * @return CurrentWeather The weather object. * * There are three ways to specify the place to get weather information for: * - Use the city name: $query must be a string containing the city name. * - Use the city id: $query must be an integer containing the city id. * - Use the coordinates: $query must be an associative array containing the 'lat' and 'lon' values. * * Available languages are (as of 17. July 2013): * - English - en * - Russian - ru * - Italian - it * - Spanish - sp * - Ukrainian - ua * - German - de * - Portuguese - pt * - Romanian - ro * - Polish - pl * - Finnish - fi * - Dutch - nl * - French - fr * - Bulgarian - bg * - Swedish - se * - Chinese Traditional - zh_tw * - Chinese Simplified - zh_cn * - Turkish - tr * * @api */ public function getWeather($query, $units = 'imperial', $lang = 'en', $appid = '') { // Disable default error handling of SimpleXML (Do not throw E_WARNINGs). libxml_use_internal_errors(true); libxml_clear_errors(); $answer = $this->getRawWeatherData($query, $units, $lang, $appid, 'xml'); try { $xml = new \SimpleXMLElement($answer); } catch (\Exception $e) { // Invalid xml format. This happens in case OpenWeatherMap returns an error. // OpenWeatherMap always uses json for errors, even if one specifies xml as format. $error = json_decode($answer, true); if (isset($error['message'])) { throw new OWMException($error['message'], $error['cod']); } else { throw new OWMException('Unknown fatal error: OpenWeatherMap returned the following json object: ' . $answer); } } return new CurrentWeather($xml, $units); } /** * Returns the current weather at the place you specified as an object. * * @param array|int|string $query The place to get weather information for. For possible values see below. * @param string $units Can be either 'metric' or 'imperial' (default). This affects almost all units returned. * @param string $lang The language to use for descriptions, default is 'en'. For possible values see below. * @param string $appid Your app id, default ''. See for more details. * @param int $days For how much days you want to get a forecast. Default 1, maximum: 16. * * @throws OpenWeatherMap\Exception If OpenWeatherMap returns an error. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If an argument error occurs. * * @return WeatherForecast The WeatherForecast object. * * There are three ways to specify the place to get weather information for: * - Use the city name: $query must be a string containing the city name. * - Use the city id: $query must be an integer containing the city id. * - Use the coordinates: $query must be an associative array containing the 'lat' and 'lon' values. * * Available languages are (as of 17. July 2013): * - English - en * - Russian - ru * - Italian - it * - Spanish - sp * - Ukrainian - ua * - German - de * - Portuguese - pt * - Romanian - ro * - Polish - pl * - Finnish - fi * - Dutch - nl * - French - fr * - Bulgarian - bg * - Swedish - se * - Chinese Traditional - zh_tw * - Chinese Simplified - zh_cn * - Turkish - tr * * @api */ public function getWeatherForecast($query, $units = 'imperial', $lang = 'en', $appid = '', $days = 1) { // Disable default error handling of SimpleXML (Do not throw E_WARNINGs). libxml_use_internal_errors(true); libxml_clear_errors(); if ($days <= 5) { $answer = $this->getRawHourlyForecastData($query, $units, $lang, $appid, 'xml'); } else if ($days <= 16) { $answer = $this->getRawDailyForecastData($query, $units, $lang, $appid, 'xml', $days); } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Error: forecasts are only available for the next 16 days. $days must be lower than 17.'); } try { $xml = new \SimpleXMLElement($answer); } catch (\Exception $e) { // Invalid xml format. This happens in case OpenWeatherMap returns an error. // OpenWeatherMap always uses json for errors, even if one specifies xml as format. $error = json_decode($answer, true); if (isset($error['message'])) { throw new OWMException($error['message'], $error['cod']); } else { throw new OWMException('Unknown fatal error: OpenWeatherMap returned the following json object: ' . $answer); } } return new WeatherForecast($xml, $units, $days); } /** * Returns the weather history for the place you specified as an object. * * @param array|int|string $query The place to get weather information for. For possible values see below. * @param \DateTime $start * @param int $endOrCount * @param string $type * @param string $units Can be either 'metric' or 'imperial' (default). This affects almost all units returned. * @param string $lang The language to use for descriptions, default is 'en'. For possible values see below. * @param string $appid Your app id, default ''. See for more details. * * @throws OpenWeatherMap\Exception If OpenWeatherMap returns an error. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If an argument error occurs. * * @return WeatherHistory The WeatherHistory object. * * There are three ways to specify the place to get weather information for: * - Use the city name: $query must be a string containing the city name. * - Use the city id: $query must be an integer containing the city id. * - Use the coordinates: $query must be an associative array containing the 'lat' and 'lon' values. * * Available languages are (as of 17. July 2013): * - English - en * - Russian - ru * - Italian - it * - Spanish - sp * - Ukrainian - ua * - German - de * - Portuguese - pt * - Romanian - ro * - Polish - pl * - Finnish - fi * - Dutch - nl * - French - fr * - Bulgarian - bg * - Swedish - se * - Chinese Traditional - zh_tw * - Chinese Simplified - zh_cn * - Turkish - tr * * @api */ public function getWeatherHistory($query, \DateTime $start, $endOrCount = 1, $type = 'hour', $units = 'imperial', $lang = 'en', $appid = '') { if (!in_array($type, array('tick', 'hour', 'day'))) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$type must be either "tick", "hour" or "day"'); } $xml = json_decode($this->getRawWeatherHistory($query, $start, $endOrCount, $type, $units, $lang, $appid), true); if ($xml['cod'] != 200) { throw new OWMException($xml['message'], $xml['cod']); } return new WeatherHistory($xml, $query); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link self::getRawWeatherData()} instead. */ public function getRawData($query, $units = 'imperial', $lang = 'en', $appid = '', $mode = 'xml') { return $this->getRawWeatherData($query, $units, $lang, $appid, $mode); } /** * Directly returns the xml/json/html string returned by OpenWeatherMap for the current weather. * * @param array|int|string $query The place to get weather information for. For possible values see below. * @param string $units Can be either 'metric' or 'imperial' (default). This affects almost all units returned. * @param string $lang The language to use for descriptions, default is 'en'. For possible values see below. * @param string $appid Your app id, default ''. See for more details. * @param string $mode The format of the data fetched. Possible values are 'json', 'html' and 'xml' (default). * * @return string Returns false on failure and the fetched data in the format you specified on success. * * Warning If an error occurred, OpenWeatherMap returns data in json format ALWAYS * * There are three ways to specify the place to get weather information for: * - Use the city name: $query must be a string containing the city name. * - Use the city id: $query must be an integer containing the city id. * - Use the coordinates: $query must be an associative array containing the 'lat' and 'lon' values. * * Available languages are (as of 17. July 2013): * - English - en * - Russian - ru * - Italian - it * - Spanish - sp * - Ukrainian - ua * - German - de * - Portuguese - pt * - Romanian - ro * - Polish - pl * - Finnish - fi * - Dutch - nl * - French - fr * - Bulgarian - bg * - Swedish - se * - Chinese Traditional - zh_tw * - Chinese Simplified - zh_cn * - Turkish - tr * * @api */ public function getRawWeatherData($query, $units = 'imperial', $lang = 'en', $appid = '', $mode = 'xml') { $url = $this->buildUrl($query, $units, $lang, $appid, $mode, $this->weatherUrl); return $this->cacheOrFetchResult($url); } /** * Directly returns the xml/json/html string returned by OpenWeatherMap for the hourly forecast. * * @param array|int|string $query The place to get weather information for. For possible values see below. * @param string $units Can be either 'metric' or 'imperial' (default). This affects almost all units returned. * @param string $lang The language to use for descriptions, default is 'en'. For possible values see below. * @param string $appid Your app id, default ''. See for more details. * @param string $mode The format of the data fetched. Possible values are 'json', 'html' and 'xml' (default). * * @return string Returns false on failure and the fetched data in the format you specified on success. * * Warning If an error occurred, OpenWeatherMap returns data in json format ALWAYS * * There are three ways to specify the place to get weather information for: * - Use the city name: $query must be a string containing the city name. * - Use the city id: $query must be an integer containing the city id. * - Use the coordinates: $query must be an associative array containing the 'lat' and 'lon' values. * * Available languages are (as of 17. July 2013): * - English - en * - Russian - ru * - Italian - it * - Spanish - sp * - Ukrainian - ua * - German - de * - Portuguese - pt * - Romanian - ro * - Polish - pl * - Finnish - fi * - Dutch - nl * - French - fr * - Bulgarian - bg * - Swedish - se * - Chinese Traditional - zh_tw * - Chinese Simplified - zh_cn * - Turkish - tr * * @api */ public function getRawHourlyForecastData($query, $units = 'imperial', $lang = 'en', $appid = '', $mode = 'xml') { $url = $this->buildUrl($query, $units, $lang, $appid, $mode, $this->weatherHourlyForecastUrl); return $this->cacheOrFetchResult($url); } /** * Directly returns the xml/json/html string returned by OpenWeatherMap for the daily forecast. * * @param array|int|string $query The place to get weather information for. For possible values see below. * @param string $units Can be either 'metric' or 'imperial' (default). This affects almost all units returned. * @param string $lang The language to use for descriptions, default is 'en'. For possible values see below. * @param string $appid Your app id, default ''. See for more details. * @param string $mode The format of the data fetched. Possible values are 'json', 'html' and 'xml' (default) * @param int $cnt How many days of forecast shall be returned? Maximum (and default): 16 * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If $cnt is higher than 16. * @return string Returns false on failure and the fetched data in the format you specified on success. * * Warning If an error occurred, OpenWeatherMap returns data in json format ALWAYS * * There are three ways to specify the place to get weather information for: * - Use the city name: $query must be a string containing the city name. * - Use the city id: $query must be an integer containing the city id. * - Use the coordinates: $query must be an associative array containing the 'lat' and 'lon' values. * * Available languages are (as of 17. July 2013): * - English - en * - Russian - ru * - Italian - it * - Spanish - sp * - Ukrainian - ua * - German - de * - Portuguese - pt * - Romanian - ro * - Polish - pl * - Finnish - fi * - Dutch - nl * - French - fr * - Bulgarian - bg * - Swedish - se * - Chinese Traditional - zh_tw * - Chinese Simplified - zh_cn * - Turkish - tr * * @api */ public function getRawDailyForecastData($query, $units = 'imperial', $lang = 'en', $appid = '', $mode = 'xml', $cnt = 16) { if ($cnt > 16) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$cnt must be 16 or below!'); } $url = $this->buildUrl($query, $units, $lang, $appid, $mode, $this->weatherDailyForecastUrl) . "&cnt=$cnt"; return $this->cacheOrFetchResult($url); } /** * Directly returns the xml/json/html string returned by OpenWeatherMap for the daily forecast. * * @param array|int|string $query The place to get weather information for. For possible values see below. * @param \DateTime $start The \DateTime object of the date to get the first weather information from. * @param \DateTime|int $endOrCount Can be either a \DateTime object representing the end of the period to * receive weather history data for or an integer counting the number of * reports requested. * @param string $type The period of the weather history requested. Can be either be either "tick", * "hour" or "day". * @param string $units Can be either 'metric' or 'imperial' (default). This affects almost all units returned. * @param string $lang The language to use for descriptions, default is 'en'. For possible values see below. * @param string $appid Your app id, default ''. See for more details. * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * * @return string Returns false on failure and the fetched data in the format you specified on success. * * Warning If an error occurred, OpenWeatherMap returns data in json format ALWAYS * * There are three ways to specify the place to get weather information for: * - Use the city name: $query must be a string containing the city name. * - Use the city id: $query must be an integer containing the city id. * - Use the coordinates: $query must be an associative array containing the 'lat' and 'lon' values. * * Available languages are (as of 17. July 2013): * - English - en * - Russian - ru * - Italian - it * - Spanish - sp * - Ukrainian - ua * - German - de * - Portuguese - pt * - Romanian - ro * - Polish - pl * - Finnish - fi * - Dutch - nl * - French - fr * - Bulgarian - bg * - Swedish - se * - Chinese Traditional - zh_tw * - Chinese Simplified - zh_cn * - Turkish - tr * * @api */ public function getRawWeatherHistory($query, \DateTime $start, $endOrCount = 1, $type = 'hour', $units = 'imperial', $lang = 'en', $appid = '') { if (!in_array($type, array('tick', 'hour', 'day'))) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$type must be either "tick", "hour" or "day"'); } $queryUrl = $this->weatherHistoryUrl . $this->buildQueryUrlParameter($query) . "&start={$start->format('U')}"; if ($endOrCount instanceof \DateTime) { $queryUrl .= "&end={$endOrCount->format('U')}"; } else if (is_numeric($endOrCount) && $endOrCount > 0) { $queryUrl .= "&cnt=$endOrCount"; } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$endOrCount must be either a \DateTime or a positive integer.'); } $queryUrl .= "&type=$type&units=$units&lang=$lang"; if (!empty($appid)) { $queryUrl .= "&APPID=$appid"; } return $this->cacheOrFetchResult($queryUrl); } /** * Fetches the result or delivers a cached version of the result. * * @param $url * * @return string * * @internal */ private function cacheOrFetchResult($url) { if ($this->cacheClass !== false) { /** @var \Cmfcmf\OpenWeatherMap\AbstractCache $cache */ $cache = $this->cacheClass; $cache->setSeconds($this->seconds); if ($cache->isCached($url)) { return $cache->getCached($url); } $result = $this->fetcher->fetch($url); $cache->setCached($url, $result); } else { $result = $this->fetcher->fetch($url); } return $result; } /** * Build the url to fetch weather data from. * * @param $query * @param $units * @param $lang * @param $appid * @param $mode * @param string $url The url to prepend. * * @return bool|string The fetched url, false on failure. * * @internal */ private function buildUrl($query, $units, $lang, $appid, $mode, $url) { $queryUrl = $this->buildQueryUrlParameter($query); $url = $url . "$queryUrl&units=$units&lang=$lang&mode=$mode"; if (!empty($appid)) { $url .= "&APPID=$appid"; } return $url; } /** * Builds the query string for the url. * * @param $query * * @return string The built query string for the url. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the query parameter is invalid. * * @internal */ private function buildQueryUrlParameter($query) { switch ($query) { case (is_array($query) && isset($query['lat']) && isset($query['lon']) && is_numeric($query['lat']) && is_numeric($query['lon'])): return "lat={$query['lat']}&lon={$query['lon']}"; case (is_numeric($query)): return "id=$query"; case (is_string($query)): return "q=" . urlencode($query); default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Error: $query has the wrong format. See the documentation of OpenWeatherMap::getRawData() to read about valid formats.'); } } }