get_curl_code(), LOGGER_DEBUG); if(($a->get_curl_code() > 299) || (! $s)) return; $j = json_decode($s); logger('poco_load: json: ' . print_r($j,true),LOGGER_DATA); if(! isset($j->entry)) return; $total = 0; foreach($j->entry as $entry) { $total ++; $profile_url = ''; $profile_photo = ''; $connect_url = ''; $name = ''; $network = ''; $updated = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; $location = ''; $about = ''; $keywords = ''; $gender = ''; $generation = 0; $name = $entry->displayName; if(isset($entry->urls)) { foreach($entry->urls as $url) { if($url->type == 'profile') { $profile_url = $url->value; continue; } if($url->type == 'webfinger') { $connect_url = str_replace('acct:' , '', $url->value); continue; } } } if(isset($entry->photos)) { foreach($entry->photos as $photo) { if($photo->type == 'profile') { $profile_photo = $photo->value; continue; } } } if(isset($entry->updated)) $updated = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($entry->updated)); if(isset($entry->network)) $network = $entry->network; if(isset($entry->currentLocation)) $location = $entry->currentLocation; if(isset($entry->aboutMe)) $about = html2bbcode($entry->aboutMe); if(isset($entry->gender)) $gender = $entry->gender; if(isset($entry->generation) AND ($entry->generation > 0)) $generation = ++$entry->generation; if(isset($entry->tags)) foreach($entry->tags as $tag) $keywords = implode(", ", $tag); // If you query a Friendica server for its profiles, the network has to be Friendica /// TODO It could also be a Redmatrix server //if ($uid == 0) // $network = NETWORK_DFRN; poco_check($profile_url, $name, $network, $profile_photo, $about, $location, $gender, $keywords, $connect_url, $updated, $generation, $cid, $uid, $zcid); // Update the Friendica contacts. Diaspora is doing it via a message. (See include/diaspora.php) if (($location != "") OR ($about != "") OR ($keywords != "") OR ($gender != "")) q("UPDATE `contact` SET `location` = '%s', `about` = '%s', `keywords` = '%s', `gender` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s' AND NOT `self` AND `network` = '%s'", dbesc($location), dbesc($about), dbesc($keywords), dbesc($gender), dbesc(normalise_link($profile_url)), dbesc(NETWORK_DFRN)); } logger("poco_load: loaded $total entries",LOGGER_DEBUG); q("DELETE FROM `glink` WHERE `cid` = %d AND `uid` = %d AND `zcid` = %d AND `updated` < UTC_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL 2 DAY", intval($cid), intval($uid), intval($zcid) ); } function poco_check($profile_url, $name, $network, $profile_photo, $about, $location, $gender, $keywords, $connect_url, $updated, $generation, $cid = 0, $uid = 0, $zcid = 0) { $a = get_app(); // Generation: // 0: No definition // 1: Profiles on this server // 2: Contacts of profiles on this server // 3: Contacts of contacts of profiles on this server // 4: ... $gcid = ""; $alternate = poco_alternate_ostatus_url($profile_url); if ($profile_url == "") return $gcid; $urlparts = parse_url($profile_url); if (!isset($urlparts["scheme"])) return $gcid; if (in_array($urlparts["host"], array("", "", "", "", ""))) return $gcid; $orig_updated = $updated; // Don't store the statusnet connector as network // We can't simply set this to NETWORK_OSTATUS since the connector could have fetched posts from friendica as well if ($network == NETWORK_STATUSNET) $network = ""; // The global contacts should contain the original picture, not the cached one if (($generation != 1) AND stristr(normalise_link($profile_photo), normalise_link($a->get_baseurl()."/photo/"))) $profile_photo = ""; $r = q("SELECT `network` FROM `contact` WHERE `nurl` = '%s' AND `network` != '' AND `network` != '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc(normalise_link($profile_url)), dbesc(NETWORK_STATUSNET) ); if(count($r)) $network = $r[0]["network"]; if (($network == "") OR ($network == NETWORK_OSTATUS)) { $r = q("SELECT `network`, `url` FROM `contact` WHERE `alias` IN ('%s', '%s') AND `network` != '' AND `network` != '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($profile_url), dbesc(normalise_link($profile_url)), dbesc(NETWORK_STATUSNET) ); if(count($r)) { $network = $r[0]["network"]; //$profile_url = $r[0]["url"]; } } $x = q("SELECT * FROM `gcontact` WHERE `nurl` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc(normalise_link($profile_url)) ); if (count($x)) { if (($network == "") AND ($x[0]["network"] != NETWORK_STATUSNET)) $network = $x[0]["network"]; if ($updated == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") $updated = $x[0]["updated"]; $created = $x[0]["created"]; $server_url = $x[0]["server_url"]; $nick = $x[0]["nick"]; $addr = $x[0]["addr"]; } else { $created = "0000-00-00 00:00:00"; $server_url = ""; $urlparts = parse_url($profile_url); $nick = end(explode("/", $urlparts["path"])); $addr = ""; } if ((($network == "") OR ($name == "") OR ($addr == "") OR ($profile_photo == "") OR ($server_url == "") OR $alternate) AND poco_reachable($profile_url, $server_url, $network, false)) { $data = probe_url($profile_url); $orig_profile = $profile_url; $network = $data["network"]; $name = $data["name"]; $nick = $data["nick"]; $addr = $data["addr"]; $profile_url = $data["url"]; $profile_photo = $data["photo"]; $server_url = $data["baseurl"]; if ($alternate AND ($network == NETWORK_OSTATUS)) { // Delete the old entry - if it exists $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `gcontact` WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc(normalise_link($orig_profile))); if ($r) { q("DELETE FROM `gcontact` WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc(normalise_link($orig_profile))); q("DELETE FROM `glink` WHERE `gcid` = %d", intval($r[0]["id"])); } // possibly create a new entry poco_check($profile_url, $name, $network, $profile_photo, $about, $location, $gender, $keywords, $connect_url, $updated, $generation, $cid, $uid, $zcid); } } if ($alternate AND ($network == NETWORK_OSTATUS)) return $gcid; if (count($x) AND ($x[0]["network"] == "") AND ($network != "")) { q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `network` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc($network), dbesc(normalise_link($profile_url)) ); } if (($name == "") OR ($profile_photo == "")) return $gcid; if (!in_array($network, array(NETWORK_DFRN, NETWORK_OSTATUS, NETWORK_DIASPORA))) return $gcid; logger("profile-check generation: ".$generation." Network: ".$network." URL: ".$profile_url." name: ".$name." avatar: ".$profile_photo, LOGGER_DEBUG); poco_check_server($server_url, $network); if(count($x)) { $gcid = $x[0]['id']; if (($location == "") AND ($x[0]['location'] != "")) $location = $x[0]['location']; if (($about == "") AND ($x[0]['about'] != "")) $about = $x[0]['about']; if (($gender == "") AND ($x[0]['gender'] != "")) $gender = $x[0]['gender']; if (($keywords == "") AND ($x[0]['keywords'] != "")) $keywords = $x[0]['keywords']; if (($addr == "") AND ($x[0]['addr'] != "")) $addr = $x[0]['addr']; if (($generation == 0) AND ($x[0]['generation'] > 0)) $generation = $x[0]['generation']; if($x[0]['name'] != $name || $x[0]['photo'] != $profile_photo || $x[0]['updated'] < $updated) { q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `name` = '%s', `addr` = '%s', `network` = '%s', `photo` = '%s', `connect` = '%s', `url` = '%s', `server_url` = '%s', `updated` = '%s', `location` = '%s', `about` = '%s', `keywords` = '%s', `gender` = '%s', `generation` = %d WHERE (`generation` >= %d OR `generation` = 0) AND `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc($name), dbesc($addr), dbesc($network), dbesc($profile_photo), dbesc($connect_url), dbesc($profile_url), dbesc($server_url), dbesc($updated), dbesc($location), dbesc($about), dbesc($keywords), dbesc($gender), intval($generation), intval($generation), dbesc(normalise_link($profile_url)) ); } } else { // Maybe another process had inserted the entry after the first check, so it again $x = q("SELECT `id` FROM `gcontact` WHERE `nurl` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc(normalise_link($profile_url)) ); if(!$x) { q("INSERT INTO `gcontact` (`name`, `nick`, `addr`, `network`, `url`, `nurl`, `photo`, `connect`, `server_url`, `created`, `updated`, `location`, `about`, `keywords`, `gender`, `generation`) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d)", dbesc($name), dbesc($nick), dbesc($addr), dbesc($network), dbesc($profile_url), dbesc(normalise_link($profile_url)), dbesc($profile_photo), dbesc($connect_url), dbesc($server_url), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($updated), dbesc($location), dbesc($about), dbesc($keywords), dbesc($gender), intval($generation) ); $x = q("SELECT `id` FROM `gcontact` WHERE `nurl` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc(normalise_link($profile_url)) ); } if(count($x)) $gcid = $x[0]['id']; } if(! $gcid) return $gcid; $r = q("SELECT * FROM `glink` WHERE `cid` = %d AND `uid` = %d AND `gcid` = %d AND `zcid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($cid), intval($uid), intval($gcid), intval($zcid) ); if(! count($r)) { q("INSERT INTO `glink` (`cid`,`uid`,`gcid`,`zcid`, `updated`) VALUES (%d,%d,%d,%d, '%s') ", intval($cid), intval($uid), intval($gcid), intval($zcid), dbesc(datetime_convert()) ); } else { q("UPDATE `glink` SET `updated` = '%s' WHERE `cid` = %d AND `uid` = %d AND `gcid` = %d AND `zcid` = %d", dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval($cid), intval($uid), intval($gcid), intval($zcid) ); } // For unknown reasons there are sometimes duplicates //q("DELETE FROM `gcontact` WHERE `nurl` = '%s' AND `id` != %d AND // NOT EXISTS (SELECT `gcid` FROM `glink` WHERE `gcid` = `gcontact`.`id`)", // dbesc(normalise_link($profile_url)), // intval($gcid) //); return $gcid; } function poco_reachable($profile, $server = "", $network = "", $force = false) { if ($server == "") $server = poco_detect_server($profile); if ($server == "") return true; return poco_check_server($server, $network, $force); } function poco_detect_server($profile) { // Try to detect the server path based upon some known standard paths $server_url = ""; if ($server_url == "") { $friendica = preg_replace("=(https?://)(.*)/profile/(.*)=ism", "$1$2", $profile); if ($friendica != $profile) { $server_url = $friendica; $network = NETWORK_DFRN; } } if ($server_url == "") { $diaspora = preg_replace("=(https?://)(.*)/u/(.*)=ism", "$1$2", $profile); if ($diaspora != $profile) { $server_url = $diaspora; $network = NETWORK_DIASPORA; } } if ($server_url == "") { $red = preg_replace("=(https?://)(.*)/channel/(.*)=ism", "$1$2", $profile); if ($red != $profile) { $server_url = $red; $network = NETWORK_DIASPORA; } } return $server_url; } function poco_alternate_ostatus_url($url) { return(preg_match("=https?://.+/user/\d+=ism", $url, $matches)); } function poco_last_updated($profile, $force = false) { $gcontacts = q("SELECT * FROM `gcontact` WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc(normalise_link($profile))); if ($gcontacts[0]["created"] == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `created` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(normalise_link($profile))); if ($gcontacts[0]["server_url"] != "") $server_url = $gcontacts[0]["server_url"]; else $server_url = poco_detect_server($profile); if ($server_url != "") { if (!poco_check_server($server_url, $gcontacts[0]["network"], $force)) { if ($force) q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `last_failure` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(normalise_link($profile))); return false; } q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `server_url` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc($server_url), dbesc(normalise_link($profile))); } if (in_array($gcontacts[0]["network"], array("", NETWORK_FEED))) { $server = q("SELECT `network` FROM `gserver` WHERE `nurl` = '%s' AND `network` != ''", dbesc(normalise_link($server_url))); if ($server) q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `network` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc($server[0]["network"]), dbesc(normalise_link($profile))); else return; } // noscrape is really fast so we don't cache the call. if (($gcontacts[0]["server_url"] != "") AND ($gcontacts[0]["nick"] != "")) { // Use noscrape if possible $server = q("SELECT `noscrape` FROM `gserver` WHERE `nurl` = '%s' AND `noscrape` != ''", dbesc(normalise_link($gcontacts[0]["server_url"]))); if ($server) { $noscraperet = z_fetch_url($server[0]["noscrape"]."/".$gcontacts[0]["nick"]); if ($noscraperet["success"] AND ($noscraperet["body"] != "")) { $noscrape = json_decode($noscraperet["body"], true); if (($noscrape["fn"] != "") AND ($noscrape["fn"] != $gcontacts[0]["name"])) q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `name` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc($noscrape["fn"]), dbesc(normalise_link($profile))); if (($noscrape["photo"] != "") AND ($noscrape["photo"] != $gcontacts[0]["photo"])) q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `photo` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc($noscrape["photo"]), dbesc(normalise_link($profile))); if (($noscrape["updated"] != "") AND ($noscrape["updated"] != $gcontacts[0]["updated"])) q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `updated` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc($noscrape["updated"]), dbesc(normalise_link($profile))); if (($noscrape["gender"] != "") AND ($noscrape["gender"] != $gcontacts[0]["gender"])) q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `gender` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc($noscrape["gender"]), dbesc(normalise_link($profile))); if (($noscrape["pdesc"] != "") AND ($noscrape["pdesc"] != $gcontacts[0]["about"])) q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `about` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc($noscrape["pdesc"]), dbesc(normalise_link($profile))); if (($noscrape["about"] != "") AND ($noscrape["about"] != $gcontacts[0]["about"])) q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `about` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc($noscrape["about"]), dbesc(normalise_link($profile))); if (isset($noscrape["comm"]) AND ($noscrape["comm"] != $gcontacts[0]["community"])) q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `community` = %d WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", intval($noscrape["comm"]), dbesc(normalise_link($profile))); if (isset($noscrape["tags"])) $keywords = implode(" ", $noscrape["tags"]); else $keywords = ""; if (($keywords != "") AND ($keywords != $gcontacts[0]["keywords"])) q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `keywords` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc($keywords), dbesc(normalise_link($profile))); $location = $noscrape["locality"]; if ($noscrape["region"] != "") { if ($location != "") $location .= ", "; $location .= $noscrape["region"]; } if ($noscrape["country-name"] != "") { if ($location != "") $location .= ", "; $location .= $noscrape["country-name"]; } if (($location != "") AND ($location != $gcontacts[0]["location"])) q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `location` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc($location), dbesc(normalise_link($profile))); // If we got data from noscrape then mark the contact as reachable if (is_array($noscrape) AND count($noscrape)) q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `last_contact` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(normalise_link($profile))); return $noscrape["updated"]; } } } // If we only can poll the feed, then we only do this once a while if (!$force AND !poco_do_update($gcontacts[0]["created"], $gcontacts[0]["updated"], $gcontacts[0]["last_failure"], $gcontacts[0]["last_contact"])) return $gcontacts[0]["updated"]; $data = probe_url($profile); // Is the profile link the alternate OStatus link notation? (http://domain.tld/user/4711) // Then check the other link and delete this one if (($data["network"] == NETWORK_OSTATUS) AND poco_alternate_ostatus_url($profile) AND (normalise_link($profile) == normalise_link($data["alias"])) AND (normalise_link($profile) != normalise_link($data["url"]))) { // Delete the old entry q("DELETE FROM `gcontact` WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc(normalise_link($profile))); q("DELETE FROM `glink` WHERE `gcid` = %d", intval($gcontacts[0]["id"])); poco_check($data["url"], $data["name"], $data["network"], $data["photo"], $gcontacts[0]["about"], $gcontacts[0]["location"], $gcontacts[0]["gender"], $gcontacts[0]["keywords"], $data["addr"], $gcontacts[0]["updated"], $gcontacts[0]["generation"]); poco_last_updated($data["url"], $force); return false; } if (($data["poll"] == "") OR (in_array($data["network"], array(NETWORK_FEED, NETWORK_PHANTOM)))) { q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `last_failure` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(normalise_link($profile))); return false; } if (($data["name"] != "") AND ($data["name"] != $gcontacts[0]["name"])) q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `name` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc($data["name"]), dbesc(normalise_link($profile))); if (($data["nick"] != "") AND ($data["nick"] != $gcontacts[0]["nick"])) q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `nick` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc($data["nick"]), dbesc(normalise_link($profile))); if (($data["addr"] != "") AND ($data["addr"] != $gcontacts[0]["connect"])) q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `connect` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc($data["addr"]), dbesc(normalise_link($profile))); if (($data["photo"] != "") AND ($data["photo"] != $gcontacts[0]["photo"])) q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `photo` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc($data["photo"]), dbesc(normalise_link($profile))); if (($data["baseurl"] != "") AND ($data["baseurl"] != $gcontacts[0]["server_url"])) q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `server_url` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc($data["baseurl"]), dbesc(normalise_link($profile))); $feedret = z_fetch_url($data["poll"]); if (!$feedret["success"]) { q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `last_failure` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(normalise_link($profile))); return false; } $doc = new DOMDocument(); @$doc->loadXML($feedret["body"]); $xpath = new DomXPath($doc); $xpath->registerNamespace('atom', ""); $entries = $xpath->query('/atom:feed/atom:entry'); $last_updated = ""; foreach ($entries AS $entry) { $published = $xpath->query('atom:published/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue; $updated = $xpath->query('atom:updated/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($last_updated < $published) $last_updated = $published; if ($last_updated < $updated) $last_updated = $updated; } // Maybe there aren't any entries. Then check if it is a valid feed if ($last_updated == "") if ($xpath->query('/atom:feed')->length > 0) $last_updated = "0000-00-00 00:00:00"; q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `updated` = '%s', `last_contact` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc($last_updated), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(normalise_link($profile))); if (($gcontacts[0]["generation"] == 0)) q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `generation` = 9 WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc(normalise_link($profile))); return($last_updated); } function poco_do_update($created, $updated, $last_failure, $last_contact) { $now = strtotime(datetime_convert()); if ($updated > $last_contact) $contact_time = strtotime($updated); else $contact_time = strtotime($last_contact); $failure_time = strtotime($last_failure); $created_time = strtotime($created); // If there is no "created" time then use the current time if ($created_time <= 0) $created_time = $now; // If the last contact was less than 24 hours then don't update if (($now - $contact_time) < (60 * 60 * 24)) return false; // If the last failure was less than 24 hours then don't update if (($now - $failure_time) < (60 * 60 * 24)) return false; // If the last contact was less than a week ago and the last failure is older than a week then don't update //if ((($now - $contact_time) < (60 * 60 * 24 * 7)) AND ($contact_time > $failure_time)) // return false; // If the last contact time was more than a week ago and the contact was created more than a week ago, then only try once a week if ((($now - $contact_time) > (60 * 60 * 24 * 7)) AND (($now - $created_time) > (60 * 60 * 24 * 7)) AND (($now - $failure_time) < (60 * 60 * 24 * 7))) return false; // If the last contact time was more than a month ago and the contact was created more than a month ago, then only try once a month if ((($now - $contact_time) > (60 * 60 * 24 * 30)) AND (($now - $created_time) > (60 * 60 * 24 * 30)) AND (($now - $failure_time) < (60 * 60 * 24 * 30))) return false; return true; } function poco_to_boolean($val) { if (($val == "true") OR ($val == 1)) return(true); if (($val == "false") OR ($val == 0)) return(false); return ($val); } function poco_check_server($server_url, $network = "", $force = false) { if ($server_url == "") return false; $servers = q("SELECT * FROM `gserver` WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc(normalise_link($server_url))); if ($servers) { if ($servers[0]["created"] == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") q("UPDATE `gserver` SET `created` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(normalise_link($server_url))); $poco = $servers[0]["poco"]; $noscrape = $servers[0]["noscrape"]; if ($network == "") $network = $servers[0]["network"]; $last_contact = $servers[0]["last_contact"]; $last_failure = $servers[0]["last_failure"]; $version = $servers[0]["version"]; $platform = $servers[0]["platform"]; $site_name = $servers[0]["site_name"]; $info = $servers[0]["info"]; $register_policy = $servers[0]["register_policy"]; if (!$force AND !poco_do_update($servers[0]["created"], "", $last_failure, $last_contact)) { logger("Use cached data for server ".$server_url, LOGGER_DEBUG); return ($last_contact >= $last_failure); } } else { $poco = ""; $noscrape = ""; $version = ""; $platform = ""; $site_name = ""; $info = ""; $register_policy = -1; $last_contact = "0000-00-00 00:00:00"; $last_failure = "0000-00-00 00:00:00"; } logger("Server ".$server_url." is outdated or unknown. Start discovery. Force: ".$force." Created: ".$servers[0]["created"]." Failure: ".$last_failure." Contact: ".$last_contact, LOGGER_DEBUG); $failure = false; $orig_last_failure = $last_failure; // Check if the page is accessible via SSL. $server_url = str_replace("http://", "https://", $server_url); $serverret = z_fetch_url($server_url."/.well-known/host-meta"); // Maybe the page is unencrypted only? $xmlobj = @simplexml_load_string($serverret["body"],'SimpleXMLElement',0, ""); if (!$serverret["success"] OR ($serverret["body"] == "") OR (@sizeof($xmlobj) == 0) OR !is_object($xmlobj)) { $server_url = str_replace("https://", "http://", $server_url); $serverret = z_fetch_url($server_url."/.well-known/host-meta"); $xmlobj = @simplexml_load_string($serverret["body"],'SimpleXMLElement',0, ""); } if (!$serverret["success"] OR ($serverret["body"] == "") OR (sizeof($xmlobj) == 0) OR !is_object($xmlobj)) { // Workaround for bad configured servers (known nginx problem) if ($serverret["debug"]["http_code"] != "403") { $last_failure = datetime_convert(); $failure = true; } } elseif ($network == NETWORK_DIASPORA) $last_contact = datetime_convert(); if (!$failure) { // Test for Diaspora $serverret = z_fetch_url($server_url); $lines = explode("\n",$serverret["header"]); if(count($lines)) foreach($lines as $line) { $line = trim($line); if(stristr($line,'X-Diaspora-Version:')) { $platform = "Diaspora"; $version = trim(str_replace("X-Diaspora-Version:", "", $line)); $version = trim(str_replace("x-diaspora-version:", "", $version)); $network = NETWORK_DIASPORA; $versionparts = explode("-", $version); $version = $versionparts[0]; } } } if (!$failure) { // Test for Statusnet // Will also return data for Friendica and GNU Social - but it will be overwritten later // The "not implemented" is a special treatment for really, really old Friendica versions $serverret = z_fetch_url($server_url."/api/statusnet/version.json"); if ($serverret["success"] AND ($serverret["body"] != '{"error":"not implemented"}') AND ($serverret["body"] != '') AND (strlen($serverret["body"]) < 250)) { $platform = "StatusNet"; $version = trim($serverret["body"], '"'); $network = NETWORK_OSTATUS; } // Test for GNU Social $serverret = z_fetch_url($server_url."/api/gnusocial/version.json"); if ($serverret["success"] AND ($serverret["body"] != '{"error":"not implemented"}') AND ($serverret["body"] != '') AND (strlen($serverret["body"]) < 250)) { $platform = "GNU Social"; $version = trim($serverret["body"], '"'); $network = NETWORK_OSTATUS; } $serverret = z_fetch_url($server_url."/api/statusnet/config.json"); if ($serverret["success"]) { $data = json_decode($serverret["body"]); if (isset($data->site->server)) { $last_contact = datetime_convert(); if (isset($data->site->hubzilla)) { $platform = $data->site->hubzilla->PLATFORM_NAME; $version = $data->site->hubzilla->RED_VERSION; $network = NETWORK_DIASPORA; } if (isset($data->site->redmatrix)) { if (isset($data->site->redmatrix->PLATFORM_NAME)) $platform = $data->site->redmatrix->PLATFORM_NAME; elseif (isset($data->site->redmatrix->RED_PLATFORM)) $platform = $data->site->redmatrix->RED_PLATFORM; $version = $data->site->redmatrix->RED_VERSION; $network = NETWORK_DIASPORA; } if (isset($data->site->friendica)) { $platform = $data->site->friendica->FRIENDICA_PLATFORM; $version = $data->site->friendica->FRIENDICA_VERSION; $network = NETWORK_DFRN; } $site_name = $data->site->name; $data->site->closed = poco_to_boolean($data->site->closed); $data->site->private = poco_to_boolean($data->site->private); $data->site->inviteonly = poco_to_boolean($data->site->inviteonly); if (!$data->site->closed AND !$data->site->private and $data->site->inviteonly) $register_policy = REGISTER_APPROVE; elseif (!$data->site->closed AND !$data->site->private) $register_policy = REGISTER_OPEN; else $register_policy = REGISTER_CLOSED; } } } // Query statistics.json. Optional package for Diaspora, Friendica and Redmatrix if (!$failure) { $serverret = z_fetch_url($server_url."/statistics.json"); if ($serverret["success"]) { $data = json_decode($serverret["body"]); if ($version == "") $version = $data->version; $site_name = $data->name; if (isset($data->network) AND ($platform == "")) $platform = $data->network; if ($platform == "Diaspora") $network = NETWORK_DIASPORA; if ($data->registrations_open) $register_policy = REGISTER_OPEN; else $register_policy = REGISTER_CLOSED; if (isset($data->version)) $last_contact = datetime_convert(); } } // Check for noscrape // Friendica servers could be detected as OStatus servers if (!$failure AND in_array($network, array(NETWORK_DFRN, NETWORK_OSTATUS))) { $serverret = z_fetch_url($server_url."/friendica/json"); if (!$serverret["success"]) $serverret = z_fetch_url($server_url."/friendika/json"); if ($serverret["success"]) { $data = json_decode($serverret["body"]); if (isset($data->version)) { $last_contact = datetime_convert(); $network = NETWORK_DFRN; $noscrape = $data->no_scrape_url; $version = $data->version; $site_name = $data->site_name; $info = $data->info; $register_policy_str = $data->register_policy; $platform = $data->platform; switch ($register_policy_str) { case "REGISTER_CLOSED": $register_policy = REGISTER_CLOSED; break; case "REGISTER_APPROVE": $register_policy = REGISTER_APPROVE; break; case "REGISTER_OPEN": $register_policy = REGISTER_OPEN; break; } } } } // Look for poco if (!$failure) { $serverret = z_fetch_url($server_url."/poco"); if ($serverret["success"]) { $data = json_decode($serverret["body"]); if (isset($data->totalResults)) { $poco = $server_url."/poco"; $last_contact = datetime_convert(); } } } // Check again if the server exists $servers = q("SELECT `nurl` FROM `gserver` WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc(normalise_link($server_url))); if ($servers) q("UPDATE `gserver` SET `url` = '%s', `version` = '%s', `site_name` = '%s', `info` = '%s', `register_policy` = %d, `poco` = '%s', `noscrape` = '%s', `network` = '%s', `platform` = '%s', `last_contact` = '%s', `last_failure` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc($server_url), dbesc($version), dbesc($site_name), dbesc($info), intval($register_policy), dbesc($poco), dbesc($noscrape), dbesc($network), dbesc($platform), dbesc($last_contact), dbesc($last_failure), dbesc(normalise_link($server_url)) ); else q("INSERT INTO `gserver` (`url`, `nurl`, `version`, `site_name`, `info`, `register_policy`, `poco`, `noscrape`, `network`, `platform`, `created`, `last_contact`, `last_failure`) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", dbesc($server_url), dbesc(normalise_link($server_url)), dbesc($version), dbesc($site_name), dbesc($info), intval($register_policy), dbesc($poco), dbesc($noscrape), dbesc($network), dbesc($platform), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($last_contact), dbesc($last_failure), dbesc(datetime_convert()) ); logger("End discovery for server ".$server_url, LOGGER_DEBUG); return !$failure; } function poco_contact_from_body($body, $created, $cid, $uid) { preg_replace_callback("/\[share(.*?)\].*?\[\/share\]/ism", function ($match) use ($created, $cid, $uid){ return(sub_poco_from_share($match, $created, $cid, $uid)); }, $body); } function sub_poco_from_share($share, $created, $cid, $uid) { $profile = ""; preg_match("/profile='(.*?)'/ism", $share[1], $matches); if ($matches[1] != "") $profile = $matches[1]; preg_match('/profile="(.*?)"/ism', $share[1], $matches); if ($matches[1] != "") $profile = $matches[1]; if ($profile == "") return; logger("prepare poco_check for profile ".$profile, LOGGER_DEBUG); poco_check($profile, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", $created, 3, $cid, $uid); } function poco_store($item) { // Isn't it public? if ($item['private']) return; // Or is it from a network where we don't store the global contacts? if (!in_array($item["network"], array(NETWORK_DFRN, NETWORK_DIASPORA, NETWORK_OSTATUS, NETWORK_STATUSNET, ""))) return; // Is it a global copy? $store_gcontact = ($item["uid"] == 0); // Is it a comment on a global copy? if (!$store_gcontact AND ($item["uri"] != $item["parent-uri"])) { $q = q("SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE `uri`='%s' AND `uid` = 0", $item["parent-uri"]); $store_gcontact = count($q); } if (!$store_gcontact) return; // "3" means: We don't know this contact directly (Maybe a reshared item) $generation = 3; $network = ""; $profile_url = $item["author-link"]; // Is it a user from our server? $q = q("SELECT `id` FROM `contact` WHERE `self` AND `nurl` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc(normalise_link($item["author-link"]))); if (count($q)) { logger("Our user (generation 1): ".$item["author-link"], LOGGER_DEBUG); $generation = 1; $network = NETWORK_DFRN; } else { // Is it a contact from a user on our server? $q = q("SELECT `network`, `url` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` != 0 AND `network` != '' AND (`nurl` = '%s' OR `alias` IN ('%s', '%s')) AND `network` != '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc(normalise_link($item["author-link"])), dbesc(normalise_link($item["author-link"])), dbesc($item["author-link"]), dbesc(NETWORK_STATUSNET)); if (count($q)) { $generation = 2; $network = $q[0]["network"]; $profile_url = $q[0]["url"]; logger("Known contact (generation 2): ".$profile_url, LOGGER_DEBUG); } } if ($generation == 3) logger("Unknown contact (generation 3): ".$item["author-link"], LOGGER_DEBUG); poco_check($profile_url, $item["author-name"], $network, $item["author-avatar"], "", "", "", "", "", $item["received"], $generation, $item["contact-id"], $item["uid"]); // Maybe its a body with a shared item? Then extract a global contact from it. poco_contact_from_body($item["body"], $item["received"], $item["contact-id"], $item["uid"]); } function count_common_friends($uid,$cid) { $r = q("SELECT count(*) as `total` FROM `glink` INNER JOIN `gcontact` on `glink`.`gcid` = `gcontact`.`id` WHERE `glink`.`cid` = %d AND `glink`.`uid` = %d AND ((`gcontact`.`last_contact` >= `gcontact`.`last_failure`) OR (`gcontact`.`updated` >= `gcontact`.`last_failure`)) AND `gcontact`.`nurl` IN (select nurl from contact where uid = %d and self = 0 and blocked = 0 and hidden = 0 and id != %d ) ", intval($cid), intval($uid), intval($uid), intval($cid) ); // logger("count_common_friends: $uid $cid {$r[0]['total']}"); if(count($r)) return $r[0]['total']; return 0; } function common_friends($uid,$cid,$start = 0,$limit=9999,$shuffle = false) { if($shuffle) $sql_extra = " order by rand() "; else $sql_extra = " order by `gcontact`.`name` asc "; $r = q("SELECT `gcontact`.*, `contact`.`id` AS `cid` FROM `glink` INNER JOIN `gcontact` ON `glink`.`gcid` = `gcontact`.`id` INNER JOIN `contact` ON `gcontact`.`nurl` = `contact`.`nurl` WHERE `glink`.`cid` = %d and `glink`.`uid` = %d AND `contact`.`uid` = %d AND `contact`.`self` = 0 AND `contact`.`blocked` = 0 AND `contact`.`hidden` = 0 AND `contact`.`id` != %d AND ((`gcontact`.`last_contact` >= `gcontact`.`last_failure`) OR (`gcontact`.`updated` >= `gcontact`.`last_failure`)) $sql_extra LIMIT %d, %d", intval($cid), intval($uid), intval($uid), intval($cid), intval($start), intval($limit) ); return $r; } function count_common_friends_zcid($uid,$zcid) { $r = q("SELECT count(*) as `total` FROM `glink` INNER JOIN `gcontact` on `glink`.`gcid` = `gcontact`.`id` where `glink`.`zcid` = %d and `gcontact`.`nurl` in (select nurl from contact where uid = %d and self = 0 and blocked = 0 and hidden = 0 ) ", intval($zcid), intval($uid) ); if(count($r)) return $r[0]['total']; return 0; } function common_friends_zcid($uid,$zcid,$start = 0, $limit = 9999,$shuffle = false) { if($shuffle) $sql_extra = " order by rand() "; else $sql_extra = " order by `gcontact`.`name` asc "; $r = q("SELECT `gcontact`.* FROM `glink` INNER JOIN `gcontact` on `glink`.`gcid` = `gcontact`.`id` where `glink`.`zcid` = %d and `gcontact`.`nurl` in (select nurl from contact where uid = %d and self = 0 and blocked = 0 and hidden = 0 ) $sql_extra limit %d, %d", intval($zcid), intval($uid), intval($start), intval($limit) ); return $r; } function count_all_friends($uid,$cid) { $r = q("SELECT count(*) as `total` FROM `glink` INNER JOIN `gcontact` on `glink`.`gcid` = `gcontact`.`id` where `glink`.`cid` = %d and `glink`.`uid` = %d AND ((`gcontact`.`last_contact` >= `gcontact`.`last_failure`) OR (`gcontact`.`updated` >= `gcontact`.`last_failure`))", intval($cid), intval($uid) ); if(count($r)) return $r[0]['total']; return 0; } function all_friends($uid,$cid,$start = 0, $limit = 80) { $r = q("SELECT `gcontact`.*, `contact`.`id` AS `cid` FROM `glink` INNER JOIN `gcontact` on `glink`.`gcid` = `gcontact`.`id` LEFT JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`nurl` = `gcontact`.`nurl` AND `contact`.`uid` = %d WHERE `glink`.`cid` = %d AND `glink`.`uid` = %d AND ((`gcontact`.`last_contact` >= `gcontact`.`last_failure`) OR (`gcontact`.`updated` >= `gcontact`.`last_failure`)) ORDER BY `gcontact`.`name` ASC LIMIT %d, %d ", intval($uid), intval($cid), intval($uid), intval($start), intval($limit) ); return $r; } function suggestion_query($uid, $start = 0, $limit = 80) { if(! $uid) return array(); $network = array(NETWORK_DFRN); if (get_config('system','diaspora_enabled')) $network[] = NETWORK_DIASPORA; if (!get_config('system','ostatus_disabled')) $network[] = NETWORK_OSTATUS; $sql_network = implode("', '", $network); //$sql_network = "'".$sql_network."', ''"; $sql_network = "'".$sql_network."'"; $r = q("SELECT count(glink.gcid) as `total`, gcontact.* from gcontact INNER JOIN `glink` ON `glink`.`gcid` = `gcontact`.`id` where uid = %d and not gcontact.nurl in ( select nurl from contact where uid = %d ) AND NOT `gcontact`.`name` IN (SELECT `name` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d) AND NOT `gcontact`.`id` IN (SELECT `gcid` FROM `gcign` WHERE `uid` = %d) AND `gcontact`.`updated` != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND `gcontact`.`last_contact` >= `gcontact`.`last_failure` AND `gcontact`.`network` IN (%s) GROUP BY `glink`.`gcid` ORDER BY `gcontact`.`updated` DESC,`total` DESC LIMIT %d, %d", intval($uid), intval($uid), intval($uid), intval($uid), $sql_network, intval($start), intval($limit) ); if(count($r) && count($r) >= ($limit -1)) return $r; $r2 = q("SELECT gcontact.* FROM gcontact INNER JOIN `glink` ON `glink`.`gcid` = `gcontact`.`id` WHERE `glink`.`uid` = 0 AND `glink`.`cid` = 0 AND `glink`.`zcid` = 0 AND NOT `gcontact`.`nurl` IN (SELECT `nurl` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d) AND NOT `gcontact`.`name` IN (SELECT `name` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d) AND NOT `gcontact`.`id` IN (SELECT `gcid` FROM `gcign` WHERE `uid` = %d) AND `gcontact`.`updated` != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND `gcontact`.`last_contact` >= `gcontact`.`last_failure` AND `gcontact`.`network` IN (%s) ORDER BY rand() LIMIT %d, %d", intval($uid), intval($uid), intval($uid), $sql_network, intval($start), intval($limit) ); $list = array(); foreach ($r2 AS $suggestion) $list[$suggestion["nurl"]] = $suggestion; foreach ($r AS $suggestion) $list[$suggestion["nurl"]] = $suggestion; while (sizeof($list) > ($limit)) array_pop($list); return $list; } function update_suggestions() { $a = get_app(); $done = array(); /// TODO Check if it is really neccessary to poll the own server poco_load(0,0,0,$a->get_baseurl() . '/poco'); $done[] = $a->get_baseurl() . '/poco'; if(strlen(get_config('system','directory'))) { $x = fetch_url(get_server()."/pubsites"); if($x) { $j = json_decode($x); if($j->entries) { foreach($j->entries as $entry) { poco_check_server($entry->url); $url = $entry->url . '/poco'; if(! in_array($url,$done)) poco_load(0,0,0,$entry->url . '/poco'); } } } } // Query your contacts from Friendica and Redmatrix/Hubzilla for their contacts $r = q("SELECT DISTINCT(`poco`) AS `poco` FROM `contact` WHERE `network` IN ('%s', '%s')", dbesc(NETWORK_DFRN), dbesc(NETWORK_DIASPORA) ); if(count($r)) { foreach($r as $rr) { $base = substr($rr['poco'],0,strrpos($rr['poco'],'/')); if(! in_array($base,$done)) poco_load(0,0,0,$base); } } } function poco_discover_federation() { $last = get_config('poco','last_federation_discovery'); if($last) { $next = $last + (24 * 60 * 60); if($next > time()) return; } $serverdata = fetch_url(""); if (!$serverdata) return; $servers = json_decode($serverdata); foreach($servers->pods AS $server) poco_check_server("https://".$server->host); set_config('poco','last_federation_discovery', time()); } function poco_discover($complete = false) { // Update the server list poco_discover_federation(); $no_of_queries = 5; $requery_days = intval(get_config("system", "poco_requery_days")); if ($requery_days == 0) $requery_days = 7; $last_update = date("c", time() - (60 * 60 * 24 * $requery_days)); $r = q("SELECT `poco`, `nurl`, `url`, `network` FROM `gserver` WHERE `last_contact` >= `last_failure` AND `poco` != '' AND `last_poco_query` < '%s' ORDER BY RAND()", dbesc($last_update)); if ($r) foreach ($r AS $server) { if (!poco_check_server($server["url"], $server["network"])) { // The server is not reachable? Okay, then we will try it later q("UPDATE `gserver` SET `last_poco_query` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($server["nurl"])); continue; } // Fetch all users from the other server $url = $server["poco"]."/?fields=displayName,urls,photos,updated,network,aboutMe,currentLocation,tags,gender,generation"; logger("Fetch all users from the server ".$server["nurl"], LOGGER_DEBUG); $retdata = z_fetch_url($url); if ($retdata["success"]) { $data = json_decode($retdata["body"]); poco_discover_server($data, 2); if (get_config('system','poco_discovery') > 1) { $timeframe = get_config('system','poco_discovery_since'); if ($timeframe == 0) $timeframe = 30; $updatedSince = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() - $timeframe * 86400); // Fetch all global contacts from the other server (Not working with Redmatrix and Friendica versions before 3.3) $url = $server["poco"]."/@global?updatedSince=".$updatedSince."&fields=displayName,urls,photos,updated,network,aboutMe,currentLocation,tags,gender,generation"; $success = false; $retdata = z_fetch_url($url); if ($retdata["success"]) { logger("Fetch all global contacts from the server ".$server["nurl"], LOGGER_DEBUG); $success = poco_discover_server(json_decode($retdata["body"])); } if (!$success AND (get_config('system','poco_discovery') > 2)) { logger("Fetch contacts from users of the server ".$server["nurl"], LOGGER_DEBUG); poco_discover_server_users($data, $server); } } q("UPDATE `gserver` SET `last_poco_query` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($server["nurl"])); if (!$complete AND (--$no_of_queries == 0)) break; } else { // If the server hadn't replied correctly, then force a sanity check poco_check_server($server["url"], $server["network"], true); // If we couldn't reach the server, we will try it some time later q("UPDATE `gserver` SET `last_poco_query` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($server["nurl"])); } } } function poco_discover_server_users($data, $server) { if (!isset($data->entry)) return; foreach ($data->entry AS $entry) { $username = ""; if (isset($entry->urls)) { foreach($entry->urls as $url) if($url->type == 'profile') { $profile_url = $url->value; $urlparts = parse_url($profile_url); $username = end(explode("/", $urlparts["path"])); } } if ($username != "") { logger("Fetch contacts for the user ".$username." from the server ".$server["nurl"], LOGGER_DEBUG); // Fetch all contacts from a given user from the other server $url = $server["poco"]."/".$username."/?fields=displayName,urls,photos,updated,network,aboutMe,currentLocation,tags,gender,generation"; $retdata = z_fetch_url($url); if ($retdata["success"]) poco_discover_server(json_decode($retdata["body"]), 3); } } } function poco_discover_server($data, $default_generation = 0) { if (!isset($data->entry) OR !count($data->entry)) return false; $success = false; foreach ($data->entry AS $entry) { $profile_url = ''; $profile_photo = ''; $connect_url = ''; $name = ''; $network = ''; $updated = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; $location = ''; $about = ''; $keywords = ''; $gender = ''; $generation = $default_generation; $name = $entry->displayName; if(isset($entry->urls)) { foreach($entry->urls as $url) { if($url->type == 'profile') { $profile_url = $url->value; continue; } if($url->type == 'webfinger') { $connect_url = str_replace('acct:' , '', $url->value); continue; } } } if(isset($entry->photos)) { foreach($entry->photos as $photo) { if($photo->type == 'profile') { $profile_photo = $photo->value; continue; } } } if(isset($entry->updated)) $updated = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($entry->updated)); if(isset($entry->network)) $network = $entry->network; if(isset($entry->currentLocation)) $location = $entry->currentLocation; if(isset($entry->aboutMe)) $about = html2bbcode($entry->aboutMe); if(isset($entry->gender)) $gender = $entry->gender; if(isset($entry->generation) AND ($entry->generation > 0)) $generation = ++$entry->generation; if(isset($entry->tags)) foreach($entry->tags as $tag) $keywords = implode(", ", $tag); if ($generation > 0) { $success = true; logger("Store profile ".$profile_url, LOGGER_DEBUG); poco_check($profile_url, $name, $network, $profile_photo, $about, $location, $gender, $keywords, $connect_url, $updated, $generation, 0, 0, 0); logger("Done for profile ".$profile_url, LOGGER_DEBUG); } } return $success; } function get_gcontact_id($contact) { $gcontact_id = 0; if ($contact["network"] == NETWORK_STATUSNET) $contact["network"] = NETWORK_OSTATUS; $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `gcontact` WHERE `nurl` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc(normalise_link($contact["url"]))); if ($r) $gcontact_id = $r[0]["id"]; else { q("INSERT INTO `gcontact` (`name`, `nick`, `addr` , `network`, `url`, `nurl`, `photo`, `created`, `updated`, `location`, `about`, `generation`) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d)", dbesc($contact["name"]), dbesc($contact["nick"]), dbesc($contact["addr"]), dbesc($contact["network"]), dbesc($contact["url"]), dbesc(normalise_link($contact["url"])), dbesc($contact["photo"]), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($contact["location"]), dbesc($contact["about"]), intval($contact["generation"]) ); $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `gcontact` WHERE `nurl` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc(normalise_link($contact["url"]))); if ($r) $gcontact_id = $r[0]["id"]; } return $gcontact_id; } function update_gcontact($contact) { $gcontact_id = get_gcontact_id($contact); if (!$gcontact_id) return false; $r = q("SELECT `name`, `nick`, `photo`, `location`, `about`, `addr`, `generation`, `birthday`, `gender`, `keywords`, `hide`, `nsfw`, `network` FROM `gcontact` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($gcontact_id)); if ($contact["generation"] == 0) $contact["generation"] = $r[0]["generation"]; if ($contact["photo"] == "") $contact["photo"] = $r[0]["photo"]; if ($contact["name"] == "") $contact["name"] = $r[0]["name"]; if ($contact["nick"] == "") $contact["nick"] = $r[0]["nick"]; if ($contact["addr"] == "") $contact["addr"] = $r[0]["addr"]; if ($contact["location"] =="") $contact["location"] = $r[0]["location"]; if ($contact["about"] =="") $contact["about"] = $r[0]["about"]; if ($contact["birthday"] =="") $contact["birthday"] = $r[0]["birthday"]; if ($contact["gender"] =="") $contact["gender"] = $r[0]["gender"]; if ($contact["keywords"] =="") $contact["keywords"] = $r[0]["keywords"]; if (!isset($contact["hide"])) $contact["hide"] = $r[0]["hide"]; if (!isset($contact["nsfw"])) $contact["nsfw"] = $r[0]["nsfw"]; if ($contact["network"] =="") $contact["network"] = $r[0]["network"]; if ($contact["network"] == NETWORK_STATUSNET) $contact["network"] = NETWORK_OSTATUS; if (($contact["photo"] != $r[0]["photo"]) OR ($contact["name"] != $r[0]["name"]) OR ($contact["nick"] != $r[0]["nick"]) OR ($contact["addr"] != $r[0]["addr"]) OR ($contact["birthday"] != $r[0]["birthday"]) OR ($contact["gender"] != $r[0]["gender"]) OR ($contact["keywords"] != $r[0]["keywords"]) OR ($contact["hide"] != $r[0]["hide"]) OR ($contact["nsfw"] != $r[0]["nsfw"]) OR ($contact["network"] != $r[0]["network"]) OR ($contact["location"] != $r[0]["location"]) OR ($contact["about"] != $r[0]["about"]) OR ($contact["generation"] < $r[0]["generation"])) { q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `photo` = '%s', `name` = '%s', `nick` = '%s', `addr` = '%s', `network` = '%s', `birthday` = '%s', `gender` = '%s', `keywords` = %d, `hide` = %d, `nsfw` = %d, `location` = '%s', `about` = '%s', `generation` = %d, `updated` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s' AND (`generation` = 0 OR `generation` >= %d)", dbesc($contact["photo"]), dbesc($contact["name"]), dbesc($contact["nick"]), dbesc($contact["addr"]), dbesc($contact["network"]), dbesc($contact["birthday"]), dbesc($contact["gender"]), dbesc($contact["keywords"]), intval($contact["hide"]), intval($contact["nsfw"]), dbesc($contact["location"]), dbesc($contact["about"]), intval($contact["generation"]), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(normalise_link($contact["url"])), intval($contact["generation"])); } return $gcontact_id; } ?>