<?php /* * Name: Frost * Description: Like frosted glass * Credits: Navigation icons taken from http://iconza.com. Other icons taken from http://thenounproject.com, including: Like, Dislike, Black Lock, Unlock, Pencil, Tag, Camera, Paperclip (Marie Coons), Folder (Sergio Calcara), Chain-link (Andrew Fortnum), Speaker (Harold Kim), Quotes (Henry Ryder), Video Camera (Anas Ramadan), and Left Arrow, Right Arrow, and Delete X (all three P.J. Onori). All under Attribution (CC BY 3.0). Others from The Noun Project are public domain or No Rights Reserved (CC0). * Version: Version 0.4 * Author: Zach P <techcity@f.shmuz.in> * Maintainer: Zach P <techcity@f.shmuz.in> */ use Friendica\App; use Friendica\Core\System; use Friendica\Object\Image; function frost_init(App $a) { $a->videowidth = 400; $a->videoheight = 330; $a->set_template_engine('smarty3'); } function frost_content_loaded(App $a) { // I could do this in style.php, but by having the CSS in a file the browser will cache it, // making pages load faster if( $a->module === 'home' || $a->module === 'login' || $a->module === 'register' || $a->module === 'lostpass' ) { //$a->page['htmlhead'] = str_replace('$stylesheet', System::baseUrl() . '/view/theme/frost/login-style.css', $a->page['htmlhead']); $a->theme['stylesheet'] = System::baseUrl() . '/view/theme/frost/login-style.css'; } if ( $a->module === 'login' ) { $a->page['end'] .= '<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#id_" + window.loginName).focus();} );</script>'; } } function frost_install() { register_hook('prepare_body_final', 'view/theme/frost/theme.php', 'frost_item_photo_links'); logger("installed theme frost"); } function frost_uninstall() { unregister_hook('bbcode', 'view/theme/frost/theme.php', 'frost_bbcode'); logger("uninstalled theme frost"); } function frost_item_photo_links(App $a, &$body_info) { $phototypes = Image::supportedTypes(); $occurence = 1; $p = bb_find_open_close($body_info['html'], "<a", ">"); while($p !== false && ($occurence++ < 500)) { $link = substr($body_info['html'], $p['start'], $p['end'] - $p['start']); $matches = array(); preg_match("/\/photos\/[\w]+\/image\/([\w]+)/", $link, $matches); if($matches) { // Replace the link for the photo's page with a direct link to the photo itself $newlink = str_replace($matches[0], "/photo/{$matches[1]}", $link); // Add a "quiet" parameter to any redir links to prevent the "XX welcomes YY" info boxes $newlink = preg_replace("/href=\"([^\"]+)\/redir\/([^\"]+)&url=([^\"]+)\"/", 'href="$1/redir/$2&quiet=1&url=$3"', $newlink); // Having any arguments to the link for Colorbox causes it to fetch base64 code instead of the image $newlink = preg_replace("/\/[?&]zrl=([^&\"]+)/", '', $newlink); $body_info['html'] = str_replace($link, $newlink, $body_info['html']); } $p = bb_find_open_close($body_info['html'], "<a", ">", $occurence); } }