{{* The contact description (e.g. Name, Network, kind of connection and so on *}}
{{if $contact.account_type}} ({{$contact.account_type}}){{/if}}
{{if $contact.account_type == 'Forum'}}{{/if}}
{{* @todo this needs some changing in core because $contact.account_type contains a translated string which may notbe the same in every language *}}
{{if $contact.alt_text}}
{{if $contact.itemurl}}
{{if $contact.tags}}
{{if $contact.details}}
{{if $contact.network}}
{{* The checkbox to perform batch actions to these contacts (for batch actions have a look at contacts-template.tpl) *}}
{{* if !$no_contacts_checkbox *}}
{{if $multiselect}}
{{* the following part is a nearly a copy of the part above but it is modyfied for working with js.
We use this part to filter the contacts with jquery.textcomplete *}}
{{* This is a wrapper for the contact picture and the dropdown menu with contact relating actions *}}
{{* @todo There is a bug with this class - the browser freezes if the screensize is to small - but only fith textcomplete*}}
{{* The contact description (e.g. Name, Network, kind of connection and so on *}}
{if $account_type} ({$account_type}){/if}
{if $account_type == 'Forum'}{/if}
{{* @todo this needs some changing in core because $contact.account_type contains a translated string which may notbe the same in every language *}}
{if $alt_text}
{if $itemurl}
{if $tags}
{if $details}
{if $network}
{{* The checkbox to perform batch actions to these contacts (for batch actions have a look at contacts-template.tpl) *}}
{{* if !$no_contacts_checkbox *}}
{{if $multiselect}}