kind: pipeline type: docker name: Check messages.po steps: - name: Run default Xgettext image: friendicaci/transifex commands: - ./bin/ - name: Check default image: friendicaci/transifex commands: - / --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: php7.3-lint steps: - name: Test image: php:7.3 commands: - ./bin/composer.phar run lint --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: php7.4-lint steps: - name: Test image: php:7.4 commands: - ./bin/composer.phar run lint --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: php8.0-lint steps: - name: Test image: php:8.0 commands: - ./bin/composer.phar run lint --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: php-cs check trigger: event: - pull_request steps: - name: Restore cache image: meltwater/drone-cache:dev settings: backend: "filesystem" restore: true cache_key: '{{ .Repo.Name }}_phpcs_{{ arch }}_{{ os }}' archive_format: "gzip" mount: - '.composer' volumes: - name: cache path: /tmp/cache - name: Install dependencies image: composer commands: - export COMPOSER_HOME=.composer - ./bin/composer.phar run cs:install - name: Rebuild cache image: meltwater/drone-cache:dev settings: backend: "filesystem" rebuild: true cache_key: '{{ .Repo.Name }}_phpcs_{{ arch }}_{{ os }}' archive_format: "gzip" mount: - '.composer' volumes: - name: cache path: /tmp/cache - name: Run coding standards check image: friendicaci/php-cs commands: - export CHANGED_FILES="$(git diff --name-status ${DRONE_COMMIT_BEFORE}..${DRONE_COMMIT_AFTER} | grep ^A | cut -f2)" - / volumes: - name: cache host: path: /tmp/drone-cache --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: php7.3-mariadb steps: - name: Restore cache image: meltwater/drone-cache:dev settings: backend: "filesystem" restore: true cache_key: '{{ .Repo.Name }}_php73_{{ arch }}_{{ os }}' archive_format: "gzip" mount: - '.composer' volumes: - name: cache path: /tmp/cache - name: Composer install image: friendicaci/php7.3:php7.3.28 commands: - export COMPOSER_HOME=.composer - ./bin/composer.phar validate - ./bin/composer.phar install --prefer-dist - name: Rebuild cache image: meltwater/drone-cache:dev settings: backend: "filesystem" rebuild: true cache_key: '{{ .Repo.Name }}_php73_{{ arch }}_{{ os }}' archive_format: "gzip" mount: - '.composer' volumes: - name: cache path: /tmp/cache - name: Test Friendica image: friendicaci/php7.3:php7.3.28 environment: MYSQL_HOST: "mariadb" MYSQL_PORT: 3306 MYSQL_DATABASE: "test" MYSQL_PASSWORD: "test" MYSQL_USER: "test" REDIS_HOST: "redis" MEMCACHED_HOST: "memcached" MEMCACHE_HOST: "memcached" commands: - cp config/local-sample.config.php config/local.config.php - if ! bin/wait-for-connection $MYSQL_HOST $MYSQL_PORT 300; then echo "[ERROR] Waited 300 seconds, no response" >&2; exit 1; fi - mysql -h$MYSQL_HOST -P$MYSQL_PORT -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -u$MYSQL_USER $MYSQL_DATABASE < database.sql - phpunit --configuration tests/phpunit.xml services: - name: mariadb image: mariadb:latest environment: MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD: "true" MYSQL_DATABASE: "test" MYSQL_PASSWORD: "test" MYSQL_USER: "test" tmpfs: - /var/lib/mysql - name: memcached image: memcached - name: redis image: redis volumes: - name: cache host: path: /tmp/drone-cache --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: php7.4-mariadb steps: - name: Restore cache image: meltwater/drone-cache:dev settings: backend: "filesystem" restore: true cache_key: '{{ .Repo.Name }}_php74_{{ arch }}_{{ os }}' archive_format: "gzip" mount: - '.composer' volumes: - name: cache path: /tmp/cache - name: Composer install image: friendicaci/php7.4:php7.4.18 commands: - export COMPOSER_HOME=.composer - ./bin/composer.phar validate - ./bin/composer.phar install --prefer-dist - name: Rebuild cache image: meltwater/drone-cache:dev settings: backend: "filesystem" rebuild: true cache_key: '{{ .Repo.Name }}_php74_{{ arch }}_{{ os }}' archive_format: "gzip" mount: - '.composer' volumes: - name: cache path: /tmp/cache - name: Test Friendica image: friendicaci/php7.4:php7.4.18 environment: MYSQL_HOST: "mariadb" MYSQL_PORT: 3306 MYSQL_DATABASE: "test" MYSQL_PASSWORD: "test" MYSQL_USER: "test" REDIS_HOST: "redis" MEMCACHED_HOST: "memcached" MEMCACHE_HOST: "memcached" XDEBUG_MODE: "coverage" commands: - phpenmod xdebug - cp config/local-sample.config.php config/local.config.php - if ! bin/wait-for-connection $MYSQL_HOST $MYSQL_PORT 300; then echo "[ERROR] Waited 300 seconds, no response" >&2; exit 1; fi - mysql -h$MYSQL_HOST -P$MYSQL_PORT -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -u$MYSQL_USER $MYSQL_DATABASE < database.sql - phpunit --configuration tests/phpunit.xml --coverage-clover clover.xml - name: Codecov image: plugins/codecov when: repo: - friendica/friendica settings: token: from_secret: codecov-token files: - clover.xml services: - name: mariadb image: mariadb:latest environment: MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD: "true" MYSQL_DATABASE: "test" MYSQL_PASSWORD: "test" MYSQL_USER: "test" tmpfs: - /var/lib/mysql - name: memcached image: memcached - name: redis image: redis volumes: - name: cache host: path: /tmp/drone-cache --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: php8.0-mariadb steps: - name: Restore cache image: meltwater/drone-cache:dev settings: backend: "filesystem" restore: true cache_key: '{{ .Repo.Name }}_php80_{{ arch }}_{{ os }}' archive_format: "gzip" mount: - '.composer' volumes: - name: cache path: /tmp/cache - name: Composer install image: friendicaci/php8.0:php8.0.5 commands: - export COMPOSER_HOME=.composer - ./bin/composer.phar validate - ./bin/composer.phar install --prefer-dist - name: Rebuild cache image: meltwater/drone-cache:dev settings: backend: "filesystem" rebuild: true cache_key: '{{ .Repo.Name }}_php80_{{ arch }}_{{ os }}' archive_format: "gzip" mount: - '.composer' volumes: - name: cache path: /tmp/cache - name: Test Friendica image: friendicaci/php8.0:php8.0.5 environment: MYSQL_HOST: "mariadb" MYSQL_PORT: 3306 MYSQL_DATABASE: "test" MYSQL_PASSWORD: "test" MYSQL_USER: "test" REDIS_HOST: "redis" MEMCACHED_HOST: "memcached" MEMCACHE_HOST: "memcached" commands: - cp config/local-sample.config.php config/local.config.php - if ! bin/wait-for-connection $MYSQL_HOST $MYSQL_PORT 300; then echo "[ERROR] Waited 300 seconds, no response" >&2; exit 1; fi - mysql -h$MYSQL_HOST -P$MYSQL_PORT -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -u$MYSQL_USER $MYSQL_DATABASE < database.sql - phpunit --configuration tests/phpunit.xml services: - name: mariadb image: mariadb:latest environment: MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD: "true" MYSQL_DATABASE: "test" MYSQL_PASSWORD: "test" MYSQL_USER: "test" tmpfs: - /var/lib/mysql - name: memcached image: memcached - name: redis image: redis volumes: - name: cache host: path: /tmp/drone-cache --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: continuous-deployment trigger: repo: - friendica/friendica branch: - develop - 20*-rc event: - push node: node: releaser # This prevents executing this pipeline at other servers than steps: - name: Clone addon image: alpine/git commands: - git clone ./addon - cd ./addon - git checkout $DRONE_REPO_BRANCH - name: Restore cache image: meltwater/drone-cache:dev settings: backend: "filesystem" restore: true cache_key: '{{ .Repo.Name }}_php74_{{ arch }}_{{ os }}' archive_format: "gzip" mount: - '.composer' volumes: - name: cache path: /tmp/cache - name: Composer install image: friendicaci/php7.4:php7.4.18 commands: - export COMPOSER_HOME=.composer - composer validate - composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader - name: Create artifacts image: debian commands: - apt-get update - apt-get install bzip2 - mkdir ./build - export VERSION="$(cat VERSION)" - # Create artifact - export RELEASE="friendica-full-$VERSION" - export ARTIFACT="$RELEASE.tar.gz" - tar --transform "s,^,$RELEASE/," -X mods/release-list-exclude.txt -T mods/release-list-include.txt -cvjf ./build/$ARTIFACT - # calculate SHA256 checksum - cd ./build - sha256sum "$ARTIFACT" > "$ARTIFACT.sha256" - ls -lh - # output the sha256 sum for checking - cat "$ARTIFACT.sha256" - sha256sum "$ARTIFACT" - name: Upload artifacts image: alpine environment: LFTP_HOST: from_secret: sftp_host LFTP_USER: from_secret: sftp_user LFTP_KEY: from_secret: ssh_key LFTP_PORT: "22" LFTP_SOURCE: "build" LFTP_TARGET: "/http" commands: - apk add lftp openssh openssl - touch drone.key - chmod 400 drone.key - echo "$LFTP_KEY" | openssl base64 -A -d > drone.key - lftp -c " set net:timeout 5; set net:max-retries 2; set net:reconnect-interval-base 5; set sftp:auto-confirm true; set sftp:connect-program 'ssh -q -a -x -i drone.key'; connect sftp://$LFTP_USER:@$LFTP_HOST:$LFTP_PORT; cd $LFTP_TARGET; mput $LFTP_SOURCE/*; " - rm drone.key volumes: - name: cache host: path: /tmp/drone-cache --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: release-deployment trigger: repo: - friendica/friendica branch: - stable event: - tag node: node: releaser # This prevents executing this pipeline at other servers than steps: - name: Clone addon image: alpine/git commands: - git clone ./addon - cd ./addon - git checkout $DRONE_REPO_BRANCH - name: Restore cache image: meltwater/drone-cache:dev settings: backend: "filesystem" restore: true cache_key: '{{ .Repo.Name }}_php74_{{ arch }}_{{ os }}' archive_format: "gzip" mount: - '.composer' volumes: - name: cache path: /tmp/cache - name: Composer install image: friendicaci/php7.4:php7.4.18 commands: - export COMPOSER_HOME=.composer - composer validate - composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader - name: Create artifacts image: debian commands: - apt-get update - apt-get install bzip2 - mkdir ./build - export VERSION="$(cat VERSION)" - mkdir ./build - export VERSION="$(cat VERSION)" - # Create artifact - export RELEASE="friendica-full-$VERSION" - export ARTIFACT="$RELEASE.tar.gz" - tar --transform "s,^,$RELEASE/," -X mods/release-list-exclude.txt -T mods/release-list-include.txt -cvjf ./build/$ARTIFACT - # calculate SHA256 checksum - cd ./build - sha256sum "$ARTIFACT" > "$ARTIFACT.sha256" - ls -lh - # output the sha256 sum for checking - cat "$ARTIFACT.sha256" - sha256sum "$ARTIFACT" - name: Upload artifacts image: alpine environment: LFTP_HOST: from_secret: sftp_host LFTP_USER: from_secret: sftp_user LFTP_KEY: from_secret: ssh_key LFTP_PORT: "22" LFTP_SOURCE: "build" LFTP_TARGET: "/http" commands: - apk add lftp openssh openssl - touch drone.key - chmod 400 drone.key - echo "$LFTP_KEY" | openssl base64 -A -d > drone.key - lftp -c " set net:timeout 5; set net:max-retries 2; set net:reconnect-interval-base 5; set sftp:auto-confirm true; set sftp:connect-program 'ssh -q -a -x -i drone.key'; connect sftp://$LFTP_USER:@$LFTP_HOST:$LFTP_PORT; cd $LFTP_TARGET; mput $LFTP_SOURCE/*; " - rm drone.key volumes: - name: cache host: path: /tmp/drone-cache