*/ class Console extends \Asika\SimpleConsole\Console { /** * @var \Slim\Container */ protected $container; // Disables the default help handling protected $helpOptions = []; protected $customHelpOptions = ['h', 'help', '?']; protected $routes = [ 'directory-add' => \Friendica\Directory\Routes\Console\DirectoryAdd::class, 'directory-poll' => \Friendica\Directory\Routes\Console\DirectoryPoll::class, 'profile-hide' => \Friendica\Directory\Routes\Console\ProfileHide::class, 'profile-poll' => \Friendica\Directory\Routes\Console\ProfilePoll::class, 'server-hide' => \Friendica\Directory\Routes\Console\ServerHide::class, 'server-poll' => \Friendica\Directory\Routes\Console\ServerPoll::class, 'install' => \Friendica\Directory\Routes\Console\Install::class, 'updatedb' => \Friendica\Directory\Routes\Console\UpdateDb::class, 'dbupdate' => \Friendica\Directory\Routes\Console\UpdateDb::class, ]; public function __construct(\Slim\Container $container, ?array $argv = null) { parent::__construct($argv); $this->container = $container; } protected function getHelp() { $commandList = ''; foreach ($this->routes as $command => $class) { $this->out($class); $commandList .= ' ' . $command . ' ' . $class::description . "\n"; } $help = << [] [-v] Commands: $commandList Options: -h|--help|-? Show help information -v Show more debug information. HELP; return $help; } protected function doExecute() { $showHelp = false; $subHelp = false; $command = null; if ($this->getOption('version')) { //$this->out('Friendica Console version ' . FRIENDICA_VERSION); return 0; } elseif ((count($this->options) === 0 || $this->getOption($this->customHelpOptions) === true || $this->getOption($this->customHelpOptions) === 1) && count($this->args) === 0 ) { $showHelp = true; } elseif (count($this->args) >= 2 && $this->getArgument(0) == 'help') { $command = $this->getArgument(1); $subHelp = true; array_shift($this->args); array_shift($this->args); } elseif (count($this->args) >= 1) { $command = $this->getArgument(0); array_shift($this->args); } if (is_null($command)) { $this->out($this->getHelp()); return 0; } // Increasing the logger level if -v is provided if ($this->getOption('v')) { /** @var \Monolog\Logger $logger */ $handler = $this->container->get('logger')->popHandler(); $handler->setLevel(\Monolog\Logger::DEBUG); $this->container->get('logger')->pushHandler($handler); } $console = $this->getSubConsole($command); if ($subHelp) { $console->setOption($this->customHelpOptions, true); } return $console->execute(); } private function getSubConsole($command): \Asika\SimpleConsole\Console { $this->container->get('logger')->debug('Command: ' . $command); if (!isset($this->routes[$command])) { throw new \Asika\SimpleConsole\CommandArgsException('Command ' . $command . ' doesn\'t exist'); } $subargs = $this->args; array_unshift($subargs, $this->executable); $routeClassName = $this->routes[$command]; $consoleRoute = new $routeClassName($this->container); /** @var \Asika\SimpleConsole\Console $subconsole */ $subconsole = $consoleRoute($subargs); foreach ($this->options as $name => $value) { $subconsole->setOption($name, $value); } return $subconsole; } }