On to what's new…
New languages:
- Handlebars templates by [Robin Ward][]
- Oracle Rules Language by [Jason Jacobson][]
- F# by [Joans Follesø][]
- AsciiDoc and Haml by [Dan Allen][]
- Lasso by [Eric Knibbe][]
- SCSS by [Kurt Emch][]
- VB.NET by [Poren Chiang][]
- Mizar by [Kelley van Evert][]
[Robin Ward]: https://github.com/eviltrout
[Jason Jacobson]: https://github.com/jayce7
[Joans Follesø]: https://github.com/follesoe
[Dan Allen]: https://github.com/mojavelinux
[Eric Knibbe]: https://github.com/EricFromCanada
[Kurt Emch]: https://github.com/kemch
[Poren Chiang]: https://github.com/rschiang
[Kelley van Evert]: https://github.com/kelleyvanevert
New style themes:
- Monokai Sublime by [noformnocontent][]
- Railscasts by [Damien White][]
- Obsidian by [Alexander Marenin][]
- Docco by [Simon Madine][]
- Mono Blue by [Ivan Sagalaev][] (uses a single color hue for everything)
- Foundation by [Dan Allen][]
[noformnocontent]: http://nn.mit-license.org/
[Damien White]: https://github.com/visoft
[Alexander Marenin]: https://github.com/ioncreature
[Simon Madine]: https://github.com/thingsinjars
[Ivan Sagalaev]: https://github.com/isagalaev
Other notable changes:
- Corrected many corner cases in CSS.
- Dropped Python 2 version of the build tool.
- Implemented building for the AMD format.
- Updated Rust keywords (thanks to [Dmitry Medvinsky][]).
- Literal regexes can now be used in language definitions.
- CoffeeScript highlighting is now significantly more robust and rich due to
input from [Cédric Néhémie][].
[Dmitry Medvinsky]: https://github.com/dmedvinsky
[Cédric Néhémie]: https://github.com/abe33
## Version 7.3
- Since this version highlight.js no longer works in IE version 8 and older.
It's made it possible to reduce the library size and dramatically improve code
readability and made it easier to maintain. Time to go forward!
- New languages: AppleScript (by [Nathan Grigg][ng] and [Dr. Drang][dd]) and
Brainfuck (by [Evgeny Stepanischev][bolk]).
- Improvements to existing languages:
- interpreter prompt in Python (`>>>` and `...`)
- @-properties and classes in CoffeeScript
- E4X in JavaScript (by [Oleg Efimov][oe])
- new keywords in Perl (by [Kirk Kimmel][kk])
- big Ruby syntax update (by [Vasily Polovnyov][vast])
- small fixes in Bash
- Also Oleg Efimov did a great job of moving all the docs for language and style
developers and contributors from the old wiki under the source code in the
"docs" directory. Now these docs are nicely presented at
[ng]: https://github.com/nathan11g
[dd]: https://github.com/drdrang
[bolk]: https://github.com/bolknote
[oe]: https://github.com/Sannis
[kk]: https://github.com/kimmel
[vast]: https://github.com/vast
## Version 7.2
A regular bug-fix release without any significant new features. Enjoy!
## Version 7.1
A Summer crop:
- [Marc Fornos][mf] made the definition for Clojure along with the matching
style Rainbow (which, of course, works for other languages too).
- CoffeeScript support continues to improve getting support for regular
- Yoshihide Jimbo ported to highlight.js [five Tomorrow styles][tm] from the
[project by Chris Kempson][tm0].
- Thanks to [Casey Duncun][cd] the library can now be built in the popular
[AMD format][amd].
- And last but not least, we've got a fair number of correctness and consistency
fixes, including a pretty significant refactoring of Ruby.
[mf]: https://github.com/mfornos
[tm]: http://jmblog.github.com/color-themes-for-highlightjs/
[tm0]: https://github.com/ChrisKempson/Tomorrow-Theme
[cd]: https://github.com/caseman
[amd]: http://requirejs.org/docs/whyamd.html
## Version 7.0
The reason for the new major version update is a global change of keyword syntax
which resulted in the library getting smaller once again. For example, the
hosted build is 2K less than at the previous version while supporting two new
Notable changes:
- The library now works not only in a browser but also with [node.js][]. It is
installable with `npm install highlight.js`. [API][] docs are available on our
- The new unique feature (apparently) among syntax highlighters is highlighting
*HTTP* headers and an arbitrary language in the request body. The most useful
languages here are *XML* and *JSON* both of which highlight.js does support.
Here's [the detailed post][p] about the feature.
- Two new style themes: a dark "south" *[Pojoaque][]* by Jason Tate and an
emulation of*XCode* IDE by [Angel Olloqui][ao].
- Three new languages: *D* by [Aleksandar Ružičić][ar], *R* by [Joe Cheng][jc]
and *GLSL* by [Sergey Tikhomirov][st].
- *Nginx* syntax has become a million times smaller and more universal thanks to
remaking it in a more generic manner that doesn't require listing all the
directives in the known universe.
- Function titles are now highlighted in *PHP*.
- *Haskell* and *VHDL* were significantly reworked to be more rich and correct
by their respective maintainers [Jeremy Hull][sr] and [Igor Kalnitsky][ik].
And last but not least, many bugs have been fixed around correctness and
language detection.
Overall highlight.js currently supports 51 languages and 20 style themes.
[node.js]: http://nodejs.org/
[api]: http://softwaremaniacs.org/wiki/doku.php/highlight.js:api
[p]: http://softwaremaniacs.org/blog/2012/05/10/http-and-json-in-highlight-js/en/
[pojoaque]: http://web-cms-designs.com/ftopict-10-pojoaque-style-for-highlight-js-code-highlighter.html
[ao]: https://github.com/angelolloqui
[ar]: https://github.com/raleksandar
[jc]: https://github.com/jcheng5
[st]: https://github.com/tikhomirov
[sr]: https://github.com/sourrust
[ik]: https://github.com/ikalnitsky
## Version 6.2
A lot of things happened in highlight.js since the last version! We've got nine
new contributors, the discussion group came alive, and the main branch on GitHub
now counts more than 350 followers. Here are most significant results coming
from all this activity:
- 5 (five!) new languages: Rust, ActionScript, CoffeeScript, MatLab and
experimental support for markdown. Thanks go to [Andrey Vlasovskikh][av],
[Alexander Myadzel][am], [Dmytrii Nagirniak][dn], [Oleg Efimov][oe], [Denis
Bardadym][db] and [John Crepezzi][jc].
- 2 new style themes: Monokai by [Luigi Maselli][lm] and stylistic imitation of
another well-known highlighter Google Code Prettify by [Aahan Krish][ak].
- A vast number of [correctness fixes and code refactorings][log], mostly made
by [Oleg Efimov][oe] and [Evgeny Stepanischev][es].
[av]: https://github.com/vlasovskikh
[am]: https://github.com/myadzel
[dn]: https://github.com/dnagir
[oe]: https://github.com/Sannis
[db]: https://github.com/btd
[jc]: https://github.com/seejohnrun
[lm]: http://grigio.org/
[ak]: https://github.com/geekpanth3r
[es]: https://github.com/bolknote
[log]: https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/commits/
## Version 6.1 — Solarized
[Jeremy Hull][jh] has implemented my dream feature — a port of [Solarized][]
style theme famous for being based on the intricate color theory to achieve
correct contrast and color perception. It is now available for highlight.js in
both variants — light and dark.
This version also adds a new original style Arta. Its author pumbur maintains a
[heavily modified fork of highlight.js][pb] on GitHub.
[jh]: https://github.com/sourrust
[solarized]: http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized
[pb]: https://github.com/pumbur/highlight.js
## Version 6.0
New major version of the highlighter has been built on a significantly
refactored syntax. Due to this it's even smaller than the previous one while
supporting more languages!
New languages are:
- Haskell by [Jeremy Hull][sourrust]
- Erlang in two varieties — module and REPL — made collectively by [Nikolay
Zakharov][desh], [Dmitry Kovega][arhibot] and [Sergey Ignatov][ignatov]
- Objective C by [Valerii Hiora][vhbit]
- Vala by [Antono Vasiljev][antono]
- Go by [Stephan Kountso][steplg]
[sourrust]: https://github.com/sourrust
[desh]: http://desh.su/
[arhibot]: https://github.com/arhibot
[ignatov]: https://github.com/ignatov
[vhbit]: https://github.com/vhbit
[antono]: https://github.com/antono
[steplg]: https://github.com/steplg
Also this version is marginally faster and fixes a number of small long-standing
Developer overview of the new language syntax is available in a [blog post about
recent beta release][beta].
[beta]: http://softwaremaniacs.org/blog/2011/04/25/highlight-js-60-beta/en/
P.S. New version is not yet available on a Yandex CDN, so for now you have to
download [your own copy][d].
[d]: /soft/highlight/en/download/
## Version 5.14
Fixed bugs in HTML/XML detection and relevance introduced in previous
Also test.html now shows the second best result of language detection by
## Version 5.13
Past weekend began with a couple of simple additions for existing languages but
ended up in a big code refactoring bringing along nice improvements for language
### For users
- Description of C++ has got new keywords from the upcoming [C++ 0x][] standard.
- Description of HTML has got new tags from [HTML 5][].
- CSS-styles have been unified to use consistent padding and also have lost
pop-outs with names of detected languages.
- [Igor Kalnitsky][ik] has sent two new language descriptions: CMake & VHDL.
This makes total number of languages supported by highlight.js to reach 35.
Bug fixes:
- Custom classes on `` tags are not being overridden anymore
- More correct highlighting of code blocks inside non-`` containers:
highlighter now doesn't insist on replacing them with its own container and
just replaces the contents.
- Small fixes in browser compatibility and heuristics.
[c++ 0x]: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B0x
[html 5]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML5
[ik]: http://kalnitsky.org.ua/
### For developers
The most significant change is the ability to include language submodes right
under `contains` instead of defining explicit named submodes in the main array:
contains: [
{begin: '\\n', end: hljs.IMMEDIATE_RE}
This is useful for auxiliary modes needed only in one place to define parsing.
Note that such modes often don't have `className` and hence won't generate a
separate `` in the resulting markup. This is similar in effect to
`noMarkup: true`. All existing languages have been refactored accordingly.
Test file test.html has at last become a real test. Now it not only puts the
detected language name under the code snippet but also tests if it matches the
expected one. Test summary is displayed right above all language snippets.
## CDN
Fine people at [Yandex][] agreed to host highlight.js on their big fast servers.
[Link up][l]!
[yandex]: http://yandex.com/
[l]: http://softwaremaniacs.org/soft/highlight/en/download/
## Version 5.10 — "Paris".
Though I'm on a vacation in Paris, I decided to release a new version with a
couple of small fixes:
- Tomas Vitvar discovered that TAB replacement doesn't always work when used
with custom markup in code
- SQL parsing is even more rigid now and doesn't step over SmallTalk in tests
## Version 5.9
A long-awaited version is finally released.
New languages:
- Andrew Fedorov made a definition for Lua
- a long-time highlight.js contributor [Peter Leonov][pl] made a definition for
Nginx config
- [Vladimir Moskva][vm] made a definition for TeX
[pl]: http://kung-fu-tzu.ru/
[vm]: http://fulc.ru/
Fixes for existing languages:
- [Loren Segal][ls] reworked the Ruby definition and added highlighting for
[YARD][] inline documentation
- the definition of SQL has become more solid and now it shouldn't be overly
greedy when it comes to language detection
[ls]: http://gnuu.org/
[yard]: http://yardoc.org/
The highlighter has become more usable as a library allowing to do highlighting
from initialization code of JS frameworks and in ajax methods (see.
Also this version drops support for the [WordPress][wp] plugin. Everyone is
welcome to [pick up its maintenance][p] if needed.
[wp]: http://wordpress.org/
[p]: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~isagalaev/+junk/highlight/annotate/342/src/wp_highlight.js.php
## Version 5.8
- Jan Berkel has contributed a definition for Scala. +1 to hotness!
- All CSS-styles are rewritten to work only inside `` tags to avoid
conflicts with host site styles.
## Version 5.7.
Fixed escaping of quotes in VBScript strings.
## Version 5.5
This version brings a small change: now .ini-files allow digits, underscores and
square brackets in key names.
## Version 5.4
Fixed small but upsetting bug in the packer which caused incorrect highlighting
of explicitly specified languages. Thanks to Andrew Fedorov for precise
## Version 5.3
The version to fulfil old promises.
The most significant change is that highlight.js now preserves custom user
markup in code along with its own highlighting markup. This means that now it's
possible to use, say, links in code. Thanks to [Vladimir Dolzhenko][vd] for the
[initial proposal][1] and for making a proof-of-concept patch.
Also in this version:
- [Vasily Polovnyov][vp] has sent a GitHub-like style and has implemented
support for CSS @-rules and Ruby symbols.
- Yura Zaripov has sent two styles: Brown Paper and School Book.
- Oleg Volchkov has sent a definition for [Parser 3][p3].
[1]: http://softwaremaniacs.org/forum/highlightjs/6612/
[p3]: http://www.parser.ru/
[vp]: http://vasily.polovnyov.ru/
[vd]: http://dolzhenko.blogspot.com/
## Version 5.2
- at last it's possible to replace indentation TABs with something sensible
(e.g. 2 or 4 spaces)
- new keywords and built-ins for 1C by Sergey Baranov
- a couple of small fixes to Apache highlighting
## Version 5.1
This is one of those nice version consisting entirely of new and shiny
- [Vladimir Ermakov][vooon] created highlighting for AVR Assembler
- [Ruslan Keba][rukeba] created highlighting for Apache config file. Also his
original visual style for it is now available for all highlight.js languages
under the name "Magula".
- [Shuen-Huei Guan][drake] (aka Drake) sent new keywords for RenderMan
languages. Also thanks go to [Konstantin Evdokimenko][ke] for his advice on
the matter.
[vooon]: http://vehq.ru/about/
[rukeba]: http://rukeba.com/
[drake]: http://drakeguan.org/
[ke]: http://k-evdokimenko.moikrug.ru/
## Version 5.0
The main change in the new major version of highlight.js is a mechanism for
packing several languages along with the library itself into a single compressed
file. Now sites using several languages will load considerably faster because
the library won't dynamically include additional files while loading.
Also this version fixes a long-standing bug with Javascript highlighting that
couldn't distinguish between regular expressions and division operations.
And as usually there were a couple of minor correctness fixes.
Great thanks to all contributors! Keep using highlight.js.
## Version 4.3
This version comes with two contributions from [Jason Diamond][jd]:
- language definition for C# (yes! it was a long-missed thing!)
- Visual Studio-like highlighting style
Plus there are a couple of minor bug fixes for parsing HTML and XML attributes.
[jd]: http://jason.diamond.name/weblog/
## Version 4.2
The biggest news is highlighting for Lisp, courtesy of Vasily Polovnyov. It's
somewhat experimental meaning that for highlighting "keywords" it doesn't use
any pre-defined set of a Lisp dialect. Instead it tries to highlight first word
in parentheses wherever it makes sense. I'd like to ask people programming in
Lisp to confirm if it's a good idea and send feedback to [the forum][f].
Other changes:
- Smalltalk was excluded from DEFAULT_LANGUAGES to save traffic
- [Vladimir Epifanov][voldmar] has implemented javascript style switcher for
- comments now allowed inside Ruby function definition
- [MEL][] language from [Shuen-Huei Guan][drake]
- whitespace now allowed between `` and ``
- better auto-detection of C++ and PHP
- HTML allows embedded VBScript (`<% .. %>`)
[f]: http://softwaremaniacs.org/forum/highlightjs/
[voldmar]: http://voldmar.ya.ru/
[mel]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maya_Embedded_Language
[drake]: http://drakeguan.org/
## Version 4.1
- Bash from Vah
- DOS bat-files from Alexander Makarov (Sam)
- Diff files from Vasily Polovnyov
- Ini files from myself though initial idea was from Sam
- Zenburn from Vladimir Epifanov, this is an imitation of a
[well-known theme for Vim][zenburn].
- Ascetic from myself, as a realization of ideals of non-flashy highlighting:
just one color in only three gradations :-)
In other news. [One small bug][bug] was fixed, built-in keywords were added for
Python and C++ which improved auto-detection for the latter (it was shame that
[my wife's blog][alenacpp] had issues with it from time to time). And lastly
thanks go to Sam for getting rid of my stylistic comments in code that were
getting in the way of [JSMin][].
[zenburn]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zenburn
[alenacpp]: http://alenacpp.blogspot.com/
[bug]: http://softwaremaniacs.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1823
[jsmin]: http://code.google.com/p/jsmin-php/
## Version 4.0
New major version is a result of vast refactoring and of many contributions.
Visible new features:
- Highlighting of embedded languages. Currently is implemented highlighting of
Javascript and CSS inside HTML.
- Bundled 5 ready-made style themes!
Invisible new features:
- Highlight.js no longer pollutes global namespace. Only one object and one
function for backward compatibility.
- Performance is further increased by about 15%.
Changing of a major version number caused by a new format of language definition
files. If you use some third-party language files they should be updated.
## Version 3.5
A very nice version in my opinion fixing a number of small bugs and slightly
increased speed in a couple of corner cases. Thanks to everybody who reports
bugs in he [forum][f] and by email!
There is also a new language — XML. A custom XML formerly was detected as HTML
and didn't highlight custom tags. In this version I tried to make custom XML to
be detected and highlighted by its own rules. Which by the way include such
things as CDATA sections and processing instructions (` ... ?>`).
[f]: http://softwaremaniacs.org/forum/viewforum.php?id=6
## Version 3.3
[Vladimir Gubarkov][xonix] has provided an interesting and useful addition.
File export.html contains a little program that shows and allows to copy and
paste an HTML code generated by the highlighter for any code snippet. This can
be useful in situations when one can't use the script itself on a site.
[xonix]: http://xonixx.blogspot.com/
## Version 3.2 consists completely of contributions:
- Vladimir Gubarkov has described SmallTalk
- Yuri Ivanov has described 1C
- Peter Leonov has packaged the highlighter as a Firefox extension
- Vladimir Ermakov has compiled a mod for phpBB
Many thanks to you all!
## Version 3.1
Three new languages are available: Django templates, SQL and Axapta. The latter
two are sent by [Dmitri Roudakov][1]. However I've almost entirely rewrote an
SQL definition but I'd never started it be it from the ground up :-)
The engine itself has got a long awaited feature of grouping keywords
("keyword", "built-in function", "literal"). No more hacks!
[1]: http://roudakov.ru/
## Version 3.0
It is major mainly because now highlight.js has grown large and has become
modular. Now when you pass it a list of languages to highlight it will
dynamically load into a browser only those languages.
- Konstantin Evdokimenko of [RibKit][] project has created a highlighting for
RenderMan Shading Language and RenderMan Interface Bytestream. Yay for more
- Heuristics for C++ and HTML got better.
- I've implemented (at last) a correct handling of backslash escapes in C-like
There is also a small backwards incompatible change in the new version. The
function initHighlighting that was used to initialize highlighting instead of
initHighlightingOnLoad a long time ago no longer works. If you by chance still
use it — replace it with the new one.
[RibKit]: http://ribkit.sourceforge.net/
## Version 2.9
Highlight.js is a parser, not just a couple of regular expressions. That said
I'm glad to announce that in the new version 2.9 has support for:
- in-string substitutions for Ruby -- `#{...}`
- strings from from numeric symbol codes (like #XX) for Delphi
## Version 2.8
A maintenance release with more tuned heuristics. Fully backwards compatible.
## Version 2.7
- Nikita Ledyaev presents highlighting for VBScript, yay!
- A couple of bugs with escaping in strings were fixed thanks to Mickle
- Ongoing tuning of heuristics
Fixed bugs were rather unpleasant so I encourage everyone to upgrade!
## Version 2.4
- Peter Leonov provides another improved highlighting for Perl
- Javascript gets a new kind of keywords — "literals". These are the words
"true", "false" and "null"
Also highlight.js homepage now lists sites that use the library. Feel free to
add your site by [dropping me a message][mail] until I find the time to build a
submit form.
[mail]: mailto:Maniac@SoftwareManiacs.Org
## Version 2.3
This version fixes IE breakage in previous version. My apologies to all who have
already downloaded that one!
## Version 2.2
- added highlighting for Javascript
- at last fixed parsing of Delphi's escaped apostrophes in strings
- in Ruby fixed highlighting of keywords 'def' and 'class', same for 'sub' in
## Version 2.0
- Ruby support by [Anton Kovalyov][ak]
- speed increased by orders of magnitude due to new way of parsing
- this same way allows now correct highlighting of keywords in some tricky
places (like keyword "End" at the end of Delphi classes)
[ak]: http://anton.kovalyov.net/
## Version 1.0
Version 1.0 of javascript syntax highlighter is released!
It's the first version available with English description. Feel free to post
your comments and question to [highlight.js forum][forum]. And don't be afraid
if you find there some fancy Cyrillic letters -- it's for Russian users too :-)
[forum]: http://softwaremaniacs.org/forum/viewforum.php?id=6