. * */ namespace Friendica\Moderation\Factory; use Friendica\Capabilities\ICanCreateFromTableRow; use Friendica\Core\System; use Friendica\Moderation\Collection; use Friendica\Moderation\Entity; use Psr\Clock\ClockInterface; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; class Report extends \Friendica\BaseFactory implements ICanCreateFromTableRow { /** @var ClockInterface */ private $clock; public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger, ClockInterface $clock) { parent::__construct($logger); $this->clock = $clock; } /** * @param array $row `report` table row * @param Collection\Report\Posts|null $posts List of posts attached to the report * @param Collection\Report\Rules|null $rules List of rules from the terms of service, see System::getRules() * @return Entity\Report * @throws \Exception */ public function createFromTableRow(array $row, Collection\Report\Posts $posts = null, Collection\Report\Rules $rules = null): Entity\Report { return new Entity\Report( $row['reporter-id'], $row['cid'], $row['gsid'], new \DateTimeImmutable($row['created'], new \DateTimeZone('UTC')), $row['category-id'], $row['uid'], $row['comment'], $row['forward'], $posts ?? new Collection\Report\Posts(), $rules ?? new Collection\Report\Rules(), $row['public-remarks'], $row['private-remarks'], $row['edited'] ? new \DateTimeImmutable($row['edited'], new \DateTimeZone('UTC')) : null, $row['status'], $row['resolution'], $row['assigned-uid'], $row['last-editor-uid'], $row['id'], ); } /** * Creates a Report entity from a Mastodon API /reports request * * @param array $rules Line-number indexed node rules array, see System::getRules(true) * @param int $reporterId * @param int $cid * @param int $gsid * @param string $comment * @param string $category * @param bool $forward * @param array $postUriIds * @param array $ruleIds * @param ?int $uid * @return Entity\Report * @see \Friendica\Module\Api\Mastodon\Reports::post() */ public function createFromReportsRequest(array $rules, int $reporterId, int $cid, int $gsid, string $comment = '', string $category = '', bool $forward = false, array $postUriIds = [], array $ruleIds = [], int $uid = null): Entity\Report { if (count($ruleIds)) { $categoryId = Entity\Report::CATEGORY_VIOLATION; } elseif ($category == 'spam') { $categoryId = Entity\Report::CATEGORY_SPAM; } else { $categoryId = Entity\Report::CATEGORY_OTHER; } return new Entity\Report( $reporterId, $cid, $gsid, $this->clock->now(), $categoryId, $uid, $comment, $forward, new Collection\Report\Posts(array_map(function ($uriId) { return new Entity\Report\Post($uriId); }, $postUriIds)), new Collection\Report\Rules(array_map(function ($lineId) use ($rules) { return new Entity\Report\Rule($lineId, $rules[$lineId] ?? ''); }, $ruleIds)), ); } }