'wall_thread.tpl', 'wall2wall' => 'wallwall_thread.tpl' ]; private $comment_box_template = 'comment_item.tpl'; private $toplevel = false; private $writable = false; private $children = []; private $parent = null; private $thread = null; private $redirect_url = null; private $owner_url = ''; private $owner_photo = ''; private $owner_name = ''; private $wall_to_wall = false; private $threaded = false; private $visiting = false; /** * Constructor * * @param array $data data array */ public function __construct(array $data) { $a = self::getApp(); $this->data = $data; $this->setTemplate('wall'); $this->toplevel = $this->getId() == $this->getDataValue('parent'); if (x($_SESSION, 'remote') && is_array($_SESSION['remote'])) { foreach ($_SESSION['remote'] as $visitor) { if ($visitor['cid'] == $this->getDataValue('contact-id')) { $this->visiting = true; break; } } } $this->writable = $this->getDataValue('writable') || $this->getDataValue('self'); $author = ['uid' => 0, 'id' => $this->getDataValue('author-id'), 'network' => $this->getDataValue('author-network'), 'url' => $this->getDataValue('author-link')]; $this->redirect_url = Contact::magicLinkbyContact($author); if (!$this->isToplevel()) { $this->threaded = true; } // Prepare the children if (!empty($data['children'])) { foreach ($data['children'] as $item) { // Only add will be displayed if ($item['network'] === Protocol::MAIL && local_user() != $item['uid']) { continue; } elseif (!visible_activity($item)) { continue; } // You can always comment on Diaspora and OStatus items if (in_array($item['network'], [Protocol::OSTATUS, Protocol::DIASPORA]) && (local_user() == $item['uid'])) { $item['writable'] = true; } $item['pagedrop'] = $data['pagedrop']; $child = new Post($item); $this->addChild($child); } } } /** * Get data in a form usable by a conversation template * * @param object $conv_responses conversation responses * @param integer $thread_level default = 1 * * @return mixed The data requested on success * false on failure */ public function getTemplateData($conv_responses, $thread_level = 1) { $result = []; $a = self::getApp(); $item = $this->getData(); $edited = false; // If the time between "created" and "edited" differs we add // a notice that the post was edited. // Note: In some networks reshared items seem to have (sometimes) a difference // between creation time and edit time of a second. Thats why we add the notice // only if the difference is more than 1 second. if (strtotime($item['edited']) - strtotime($item['created']) > 1) { $edited = [ 'label' => L10n::t('This entry was edited'), 'date' => DateTimeFormat::local($item['edited'], 'r'), 'relative' => Temporal::getRelativeDate($item['edited']) ]; } $commentww = ''; $sparkle = ''; $buttons = ''; $dropping = false; $star = false; $ignore = false; $isstarred = "unstarred"; $indent = ''; $shiny = ''; $osparkle = ''; $total_children = $this->countDescendants(); $conv = $this->getThread(); $lock = ((($item['private'] == 1) || (($item['uid'] == local_user()) && (strlen($item['allow_cid']) || strlen($item['allow_gid']) || strlen($item['deny_cid']) || strlen($item['deny_gid'])))) ? L10n::t('Private Message') : false); $shareable = in_array($conv->getProfileOwner(), [0, local_user()]) && $item['private'] != 1; if (local_user() && link_compare($a->contact['url'], $item['author-link'])) { if ($item["event-id"] != 0) { $edpost = ["events/event/" . $item['event-id'], L10n::t("Edit")]; } else { $edpost = ["editpost/" . $item['id'], L10n::t("Edit")]; } $dropping = in_array($item['uid'], [0, local_user()]); } else { $edpost = false; } // Editing on items of not subscribed users isn't currently possible // There are some issues on editing that prevent this. // But also it is an issue of the supported protocols that doesn't allow editing at all. if ($item['uid'] == 0) { $edpost = false; } if (($this->getDataValue('uid') == local_user()) || $this->isVisiting()) { $dropping = true; } $origin = $item['origin']; if (!$origin) { /// @todo This shouldn't be done as query here, but better during the data creation. // it is now done here, since during the RC phase we shouldn't make to intense changes. $parent = Item::selectFirst(['origin'], ['id' => $item['parent']]); if (DBA::isResult($parent)) { $origin = $parent['origin']; } } // Showing the one or the other text, depending upon if we can only hide it or really delete it. $delete = $origin ? L10n::t('Delete globally') : L10n::t('Remove locally'); $drop = [ 'dropping' => $dropping, 'pagedrop' => ((Feature::isEnabled($conv->getProfileOwner(), 'multi_delete')) ? $item['pagedrop'] : ''), 'select' => L10n::t('Select'), 'delete' => $delete, ]; if (!local_user() || ($item['uid'] == 0)) { $drop = false; } $filer = (($conv->getProfileOwner() == local_user() && ($item['uid'] != 0)) ? L10n::t("save to folder") : false); $profile_name = htmlentities($item['author-name']); if (!empty($item['author-link']) && empty($item['author-name'])) { $profile_name = $item['author-link']; } $author = ['uid' => 0, 'id' => $item['author-id'], 'network' => $item['author-network'], 'url' => $item['author-link']]; if (local_user() || remote_user()) { $profile_link = Contact::magicLinkbyContact($author); } else { $profile_link = $item['author-link']; } if (strpos($profile_link, 'redir/') === 0) { $sparkle = ' sparkle'; } $locate = ['location' => $item['location'], 'coord' => $item['coord'], 'html' => '']; Addon::callHooks('render_location', $locate); $location = ((strlen($locate['html'])) ? $locate['html'] : render_location_dummy($locate)); // process action responses - e.g. like/dislike/attend/agree/whatever $response_verbs = ['like', 'dislike']; $isevent = false; $attend = []; if ($item['object-type'] === ACTIVITY_OBJ_EVENT) { $response_verbs[] = 'attendyes'; $response_verbs[] = 'attendno'; $response_verbs[] = 'attendmaybe'; if ($conv->isWritable()) { $isevent = true; $attend = [L10n::t('I will attend'), L10n::t('I will not attend'), L10n::t('I might attend')]; } } $responses = get_responses($conv_responses, $response_verbs, $this, $item); foreach ($response_verbs as $value => $verbs) { $responses[$verbs]['output'] = x($conv_responses[$verbs], $item['uri']) ? format_like($conv_responses[$verbs][$item['uri']], $conv_responses[$verbs][$item['uri'] . '-l'], $verbs, $item['uri']) : ''; } /* * We should avoid doing this all the time, but it depends on the conversation mode * And the conv mode may change when we change the conv, or it changes its mode * Maybe we should establish a way to be notified about conversation changes */ $this->checkWallToWall(); if ($this->isWallToWall() && ($this->getOwnerUrl() == $this->getRedirectUrl())) { $osparkle = ' sparkle'; } $tagger = ''; if ($this->isToplevel()) { $thread = Item::selectFirstThreadForUser(local_user(), ['ignored'], ['iid' => $item['id']]); if (DBA::isResult($thread)) { $ignore = [ 'do' => L10n::t("ignore thread"), 'undo' => L10n::t("unignore thread"), 'toggle' => L10n::t("toggle ignore status"), 'classdo' => $thread['ignored'] ? "hidden" : "", 'classundo' => $thread['ignored'] ? "" : "hidden", 'ignored' => L10n::t('ignored'), ]; } if ($conv->getProfileOwner() == local_user() && ($item['uid'] != 0)) { $isstarred = (($item['starred']) ? "starred" : "unstarred"); $star = [ 'do' => L10n::t("add star"), 'undo' => L10n::t("remove star"), 'toggle' => L10n::t("toggle star status"), 'classdo' => $item['starred'] ? "hidden" : "", 'classundo' => $item['starred'] ? "" : "hidden", 'starred' => L10n::t('starred'), ]; if (Feature::isEnabled($conv->getProfileOwner(), 'commtag')) { $tagger = [ 'add' => L10n::t("add tag"), 'class' => "", ]; } } } else { $indent = 'comment'; } if ($conv->isWritable()) { $buttons = [ 'like' => [L10n::t("I like this \x28toggle\x29"), L10n::t("like")], 'dislike' => Feature::isEnabled($conv->getProfileOwner(), 'dislike') ? [L10n::t("I don't like this \x28toggle\x29"), L10n::t("dislike")] : '', ]; if ($shareable) { $buttons['share'] = [L10n::t('Share this'), L10n::t('share')]; } } $comment = $this->getCommentBox($indent); if (strcmp(DateTimeFormat::utc($item['created']), DateTimeFormat::utc('now - 12 hours')) > 0) { $shiny = 'shiny'; } localize_item($item); $body = prepare_body($item, true); list($categories, $folders) = get_cats_and_terms($item); $body_e = $body; $text_e = strip_tags($body); $name_e = $profile_name; if (!empty($item['content-warning']) && PConfig::get(local_user(), 'system', 'disable_cw', false)) { $title_e = ucfirst($item['content-warning']); } else { $title_e = $item['title']; } $location_e = $location; $owner_name_e = $this->getOwnerName(); // Disable features that aren't available in several networks if (!in_array($item["network"], [Protocol::ACTIVITYPUB, Protocol::DFRN, Protocol::DIASPORA]) && isset($buttons["dislike"])) { unset($buttons["dislike"]); $isevent = false; $tagger = ''; } if (($item["network"] == Protocol::FEED) && isset($buttons["like"])) { unset($buttons["like"]); } if (($item["network"] == Protocol::MAIL) && isset($buttons["like"])) { unset($buttons["like"]); } $tags = Term::populateTagsFromItem($item); $tmp_item = [ 'template' => $this->getTemplate(), 'type' => implode("", array_slice(explode("/", $item['verb']), -1)), 'suppress_tags' => Config::get('system', 'suppress_tags'), 'tags' => $tags['tags'], 'hashtags' => $tags['hashtags'], 'mentions' => $tags['mentions'], 'txt_cats' => L10n::t('Categories:'), 'txt_folders' => L10n::t('Filed under:'), 'has_cats' => ((count($categories)) ? 'true' : ''), 'has_folders' => ((count($folders)) ? 'true' : ''), 'categories' => $categories, 'folders' => $folders, 'body' => $body_e, 'text' => $text_e, 'id' => $this->getId(), 'guid' => urlencode($item['guid']), 'isevent' => $isevent, 'attend' => $attend, 'linktitle' => L10n::t('View %s\'s profile @ %s', $profile_name, $item['author-link']), 'olinktitle' => L10n::t('View %s\'s profile @ %s', htmlentities($this->getOwnerName()), $item['owner-link']), 'to' => L10n::t('to'), 'via' => L10n::t('via'), 'wall' => L10n::t('Wall-to-Wall'), 'vwall' => L10n::t('via Wall-To-Wall:'), 'profile_url' => $profile_link, 'item_photo_menu' => item_photo_menu($item), 'name' => $name_e, 'thumb' => $a->removeBaseURL(ProxyUtils::proxifyUrl($item['author-avatar'], false, ProxyUtils::SIZE_THUMB)), 'osparkle' => $osparkle, 'sparkle' => $sparkle, 'title' => $title_e, 'localtime' => DateTimeFormat::local($item['created'], 'r'), 'ago' => $item['app'] ? L10n::t('%s from %s', Temporal::getRelativeDate($item['created']), $item['app']) : Temporal::getRelativeDate($item['created']), 'app' => $item['app'], 'created' => Temporal::getRelativeDate($item['created']), 'lock' => $lock, 'location' => $location_e, 'indent' => $indent, 'shiny' => $shiny, 'owner_url' => $this->getOwnerUrl(), 'owner_photo' => $a->removeBaseURL(ProxyUtils::proxifyUrl($item['owner-avatar'], false, ProxyUtils::SIZE_THUMB)), 'owner_name' => htmlentities($owner_name_e), 'plink' => get_plink($item), 'edpost' => Feature::isEnabled($conv->getProfileOwner(), 'edit_posts') ? $edpost : '', 'isstarred' => $isstarred, 'star' => Feature::isEnabled($conv->getProfileOwner(), 'star_posts') ? $star : '', 'ignore' => Feature::isEnabled($conv->getProfileOwner(), 'ignore_posts') ? $ignore : '', 'tagger' => $tagger, 'filer' => Feature::isEnabled($conv->getProfileOwner(), 'filing') ? $filer : '', 'drop' => $drop, 'vote' => $buttons, 'like' => $responses['like']['output'], 'dislike' => $responses['dislike']['output'], 'responses' => $responses, 'switchcomment' => L10n::t('Comment'), 'comment' => $comment, 'previewing' => $conv->isPreview() ? ' preview ' : '', 'wait' => L10n::t('Please wait'), 'thread_level' => $thread_level, 'edited' => $edited, 'network' => $item["network"], 'network_name' => ContactSelector::networkToName($item['network'], $item['author-link']), 'received' => $item['received'], 'commented' => $item['commented'], 'created_date' => $item['created'], ]; $arr = ['item' => $item, 'output' => $tmp_item]; Addon::callHooks('display_item', $arr); $result = $arr['output']; $result['children'] = []; $children = $this->getChildren(); $nb_children = count($children); if ($nb_children > 0) { foreach ($children as $child) { $result['children'][] = $child->getTemplateData($conv_responses, $thread_level + 1); } // Collapse if (($nb_children > 2) || ($thread_level > 1)) { $result['children'][0]['comment_firstcollapsed'] = true; $result['children'][0]['num_comments'] = L10n::tt('%d comment', '%d comments', $total_children); $result['children'][0]['hidden_comments_num'] = $total_children; $result['children'][0]['hidden_comments_text'] = L10n::tt('comment', 'comments', $total_children); $result['children'][0]['hide_text'] = L10n::t('show more'); if ($thread_level > 1) { $result['children'][$nb_children - 1]['comment_lastcollapsed'] = true; } else { $result['children'][$nb_children - 3]['comment_lastcollapsed'] = true; } } } if ($this->isToplevel()) { $result['total_comments_num'] = "$total_children"; $result['total_comments_text'] = L10n::tt('comment', 'comments', $total_children); } $result['private'] = $item['private']; $result['toplevel'] = ($this->isToplevel() ? 'toplevel_item' : ''); if ($this->isThreaded()) { $result['flatten'] = false; $result['threaded'] = true; } else { $result['flatten'] = true; $result['threaded'] = false; } return $result; } /** * @return integer */ public function getId() { return $this->getDataValue('id'); } /** * @return boolean */ public function isThreaded() { return $this->threaded; } /** * Add a child item * * @param object $item The child item to add * * @return mixed */ public function addChild(Post $item) { $item_id = $item->getId(); if (!$item_id) { logger('[ERROR] Post::addChild : Item has no ID!!', LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } elseif ($this->getChild($item->getId())) { logger('[WARN] Post::addChild : Item already exists (' . $item->getId() . ').', LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } /* * Only add what will be displayed */ if ($item->getDataValue('network') === Protocol::MAIL && local_user() != $item->getDataValue('uid')) { return false; } elseif (activity_match($item->getDataValue('verb'), ACTIVITY_LIKE) || activity_match($item->getDataValue('verb'), ACTIVITY_DISLIKE)) { return false; } $item->setParent($this); $this->children[] = $item; return end($this->children); } /** * Get a child by its ID * * @param integer $id The child id * * @return mixed */ public function getChild($id) { foreach ($this->getChildren() as $child) { if ($child->getId() == $id) { return $child; } } return null; } /** * Get all our children * * @return object */ public function getChildren() { return $this->children; } /** * Set our parent * * @param object $item The item to set as parent * * @return void */ protected function setParent($item) { $parent = $this->getParent(); if ($parent) { $parent->removeChild($this); } $this->parent = $item; $this->setThread($item->getThread()); } /** * Remove our parent * * @return void */ protected function removeParent() { $this->parent = null; $this->thread = null; } /** * Remove a child * * @param object $item The child to be removed * * @return boolean Success or failure */ public function removeChild($item) { $id = $item->getId(); foreach ($this->getChildren() as $key => $child) { if ($child->getId() == $id) { $child->removeParent(); unset($this->children[$key]); // Reindex the array, in order to make sure there won't be any trouble on loops using count() $this->children = array_values($this->children); return true; } } logger('[WARN] Item::removeChild : Item is not a child (' . $id . ').', LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } /** * Get parent item * * @return object */ protected function getParent() { return $this->parent; } /** * Set conversation * * @param object $conv The conversation * * @return void */ public function setThread($conv) { $previous_mode = ($this->thread ? $this->thread->getMode() : ''); $this->thread = $conv; // Set it on our children too foreach ($this->getChildren() as $child) { $child->setThread($conv); } } /** * Get conversation * * @return object */ public function getThread() { return $this->thread; } /** * Get raw data * * We shouldn't need this * * @return array */ public function getData() { return $this->data; } /** * Get a data value * * @param object $name key * * @return mixed value on success * false on failure */ public function getDataValue($name) { if (!isset($this->data[$name])) { // logger('[ERROR] Item::getDataValue : Item has no value name "'. $name .'".', LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } return $this->data[$name]; } /** * Set template * * @param object $name template name * * @return void */ private function setTemplate($name) { if (!x($this->available_templates, $name)) { logger('[ERROR] Item::setTemplate : Template not available ("' . $name . '").', LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } $this->template = $this->available_templates[$name]; } /** * Get template * * @return object */ private function getTemplate() { return $this->template; } /** * Check if this is a toplevel post * * @return boolean */ private function isToplevel() { return $this->toplevel; } /** * Check if this is writable * * @return boolean */ private function isWritable() { $conv = $this->getThread(); if ($conv) { // This will allow us to comment on wall-to-wall items owned by our friends // and community forums even if somebody else wrote the post. // bug #517 - this fixes for conversation owner if ($conv->getMode() == 'profile' && $conv->getProfileOwner() == local_user()) { return true; } // this fixes for visitors return ($this->writable || ($this->isVisiting() && $conv->getMode() == 'profile')); } return $this->writable; } /** * Count the total of our descendants * * @return integer */ private function countDescendants() { $children = $this->getChildren(); $total = count($children); if ($total > 0) { foreach ($children as $child) { $total += $child->countDescendants(); } } return $total; } /** * Get the template for the comment box * * @return string */ private function getCommentBoxTemplate() { return $this->comment_box_template; } /** * Get the comment box * * @param string $indent Indent value * * @return mixed The comment box string (empty if no comment box) * false on failure */ private function getCommentBox($indent) { $a = self::getApp(); $comment_box = ''; $conv = $this->getThread(); $ww = ''; if (($conv->getMode() === 'network') && $this->isWallToWall()) { $ww = 'ww'; } if ($conv->isWritable() && $this->isWritable()) { $qc = $qcomment = null; /* * Hmmm, code depending on the presence of a particular addon? * This should be better if done by a hook */ if (in_array('qcomment', $a->addons)) { $qc = ((local_user()) ? PConfig::get(local_user(), 'qcomment', 'words') : null); $qcomment = (($qc) ? explode("\n", $qc) : null); } // Fetch the user id from the parent when the owner user is empty $uid = $conv->getProfileOwner(); $parent_uid = $this->getDataValue('uid'); if (!is_null($parent_uid) && ($uid != $parent_uid)) { $uid = $parent_uid; } $template = get_markup_template($this->getCommentBoxTemplate()); $comment_box = replace_macros($template, [ '$return_path' => $a->query_string, '$threaded' => $this->isThreaded(), '$jsreload' => '', '$wall' => ($conv->getMode() === 'profile'), '$id' => $this->getId(), '$parent' => $this->getId(), '$qcomment' => $qcomment, '$profile_uid' => $uid, '$mylink' => $a->removeBaseURL($a->contact['url']), '$mytitle' => L10n::t('This is you'), '$myphoto' => $a->removeBaseURL($a->contact['thumb']), '$comment' => L10n::t('Comment'), '$submit' => L10n::t('Submit'), '$edbold' => L10n::t('Bold'), '$editalic' => L10n::t('Italic'), '$eduline' => L10n::t('Underline'), '$edquote' => L10n::t('Quote'), '$edcode' => L10n::t('Code'), '$edimg' => L10n::t('Image'), '$edurl' => L10n::t('Link'), '$edvideo' => L10n::t('Video'), '$preview' => ((Feature::isEnabled($conv->getProfileOwner(), 'preview')) ? L10n::t('Preview') : ''), '$indent' => $indent, '$sourceapp' => L10n::t($a->sourcename), '$ww' => $conv->getMode() === 'network' ? $ww : '', '$rand_num' => random_digits(12) ]); } return $comment_box; } /** * @return string */ private function getRedirectUrl() { return $this->redirect_url; } /** * Check if we are a wall to wall item and set the relevant properties * * @return void */ protected function checkWallToWall() { $a = self::getApp(); $conv = $this->getThread(); $this->wall_to_wall = false; if ($this->isToplevel()) { if ($conv->getMode() !== 'profile') { if ($this->getDataValue('wall') && !$this->getDataValue('self')) { // On the network page, I am the owner. On the display page it will be the profile owner. // This will have been stored in $a->page_contact by our calling page. // Put this person as the wall owner of the wall-to-wall notice. $this->owner_url = Contact::magicLink($a->page_contact['url']); $this->owner_photo = $a->page_contact['thumb']; $this->owner_name = $a->page_contact['name']; $this->wall_to_wall = true; } elseif ($this->getDataValue('owner-link')) { $owner_linkmatch = (($this->getDataValue('owner-link')) && link_compare($this->getDataValue('owner-link'), $this->getDataValue('author-link'))); $alias_linkmatch = (($this->getDataValue('alias')) && link_compare($this->getDataValue('alias'), $this->getDataValue('author-link'))); $owner_namematch = (($this->getDataValue('owner-name')) && $this->getDataValue('owner-name') == $this->getDataValue('author-name')); if (!$owner_linkmatch && !$alias_linkmatch && !$owner_namematch) { // The author url doesn't match the owner (typically the contact) // and also doesn't match the contact alias. // The name match is a hack to catch several weird cases where URLs are // all over the park. It can be tricked, but this prevents you from // seeing "Bob Smith to Bob Smith via Wall-to-wall" and you know darn // well that it's the same Bob Smith. // But it could be somebody else with the same name. It just isn't highly likely. $this->owner_photo = $this->getDataValue('owner-avatar'); $this->owner_name = $this->getDataValue('owner-name'); $this->wall_to_wall = true; $owner = ['uid' => 0, 'id' => $this->getDataValue('owner-id'), 'network' => $this->getDataValue('owner-network'), 'url' => $this->getDataValue('owner-link')]; $this->owner_url = Contact::magicLinkbyContact($owner); } } } } if (!$this->wall_to_wall) { $this->setTemplate('wall'); $this->owner_url = ''; $this->owner_photo = ''; $this->owner_name = ''; } } /** * @return boolean */ private function isWallToWall() { return $this->wall_to_wall; } /** * @return string */ private function getOwnerUrl() { return $this->owner_url; } /** * @return string */ private function getOwnerName() { return $this->owner_name; } /** * @return boolean */ private function isVisiting() { return $this->visiting; } }