<?php require_once('include/Contact.php'); require_once('include/socgraph.php'); require_once('include/contact_selectors.php'); function contacts_init(&$a) { if(! local_user()) return; $contact_id = 0; if(($a->argc == 2) && intval($a->argv[1])) { $contact_id = intval($a->argv[1]); $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d and `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval(local_user()), intval($contact_id) ); if(! count($r)) { $contact_id = 0; } } require_once('include/group.php'); require_once('include/contact_widgets.php'); if(! x($a->page,'aside')) $a->page['aside'] = ''; if($contact_id) { $a->data['contact'] = $r[0]; $vcard_widget = replace_macros(get_markup_template("vcard-widget.tpl"),array( '$name' => $a->data['contact']['name'], '$photo' => $a->data['contact']['photo'] )); $follow_widget = ''; } else { $vcard_widget = ''; if (isset($_GET['add'])) $follow_widget = follow_widget($_GET['add']); else $follow_widget = follow_widget(); } $groups_widget .= group_side('contacts','group',false,0,$contact_id); $findpeople_widget .= findpeople_widget(); $networks_widget .= networks_widget('contacts',$_GET['nets']); $a->page['aside'] .= replace_macros(get_markup_template("contacts-widget-sidebar.tpl"),array( '$vcard_widget' => $vcard_widget, '$follow_widget' => $follow_widget, '$groups_widget' => $groups_widget, '$findpeople_widget' => $findpeople_widget, '$networks_widget' => $networks_widget )); $base = $a->get_baseurl(); $tpl = get_markup_template("contacts-head.tpl"); $a->page['htmlhead'] .= replace_macros($tpl,array( '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(true), '$base' => $base )); $tpl = get_markup_template("contacts-end.tpl"); $a->page['end'] .= replace_macros($tpl,array( '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(true), '$base' => $base )); } function contacts_batch_actions(&$a){ $contacts_id = $_POST['contact_batch']; if (!is_array($contacts_id)) return; $orig_records = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `id` IN (%s) AND `uid` = %d AND `self` = 0", implode(",", $contacts_id), intval(local_user()) ); $count_actions=0; foreach($orig_records as $orig_record) { $contact_id = $orig_record['id']; if (x($_POST, 'contacts_batch_update')) { _contact_update($contact_id); $count_actions++; } if (x($_POST, 'contacts_batch_block')) { $r = _contact_block($contact_id, $orig_record); if ($r) $count_actions++; } if (x($_POST, 'contacts_batch_ignore')) { $r = _contact_ignore($contact_id, $orig_record); if ($r) $count_actions++; } if (x($_POST, 'contacts_batch_archive')) { $r = _contact_archive($contact_id, $orig_record); if ($r) $count_actions++; } if (x($_POST, 'contacts_batch_drop')) { _contact_drop($contact_id, $orig_record); $count_actions++; } } if ($count_actions>0) { info ( sprintf( tt("%d contact edited.", "%d contacts edited", $count_actions), $count_actions) ); } if(x($_SESSION,'return_url')) goaway($a->get_baseurl(true) . '/' . $_SESSION['return_url']); else goaway($a->get_baseurl(true) . '/contacts'); } function contacts_post(&$a) { if(! local_user()) return; if ($a->argv[1]==="batch") { contacts_batch_actions($a); return; } $contact_id = intval($a->argv[1]); if(! $contact_id) return; $orig_record = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($contact_id), intval(local_user()) ); if(! count($orig_record)) { notice( t('Could not access contact record.') . EOL); goaway($a->get_baseurl(true) . '/contacts'); return; // NOTREACHED } call_hooks('contact_edit_post', $_POST); $profile_id = intval($_POST['profile-assign']); if($profile_id) { $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `profile` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($profile_id), intval(local_user()) ); if(! count($r)) { notice( t('Could not locate selected profile.') . EOL); return; } } $hidden = intval($_POST['hidden']); $notify = intval($_POST['notify']); $fetch_further_information = intval($_POST['fetch_further_information']); $priority = intval($_POST['poll']); if($priority > 5 || $priority < 0) $priority = 0; $info = fix_mce_lf(escape_tags(trim($_POST['info']))); $r = q("UPDATE `contact` SET `profile-id` = %d, `priority` = %d , `info` = '%s', `hidden` = %d, `notify_new_posts` = %d, `fetch_further_information` = %d WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d", intval($profile_id), intval($priority), dbesc($info), intval($hidden), intval($notify), intval($fetch_further_information), intval($contact_id), intval(local_user()) ); if($r) info( t('Contact updated.') . EOL); else notice( t('Failed to update contact record.') . EOL); $r = q("select * from contact where id = %d and uid = %d limit 1", intval($contact_id), intval(local_user()) ); if($r && count($r)) $a->data['contact'] = $r[0]; return; } /*contact actions*/ function _contact_update($contact_id) { // pull feed and consume it, which should subscribe to the hub. proc_run('php',"include/poller.php","$contact_id"); } function _contact_block($contact_id, $orig_record) { $blocked = (($orig_record['blocked']) ? 0 : 1); $r = q("UPDATE `contact` SET `blocked` = %d WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d", intval($blocked), intval($contact_id), intval(local_user()) ); return $r; } function _contact_ignore($contact_id, $orig_record) { $readonly = (($orig_record['readonly']) ? 0 : 1); $r = q("UPDATE `contact` SET `readonly` = %d WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d", intval($readonly), intval($contact_id), intval(local_user()) ); return $r; } function _contact_archive($contact_id, $orig_record) { $archived = (($orig_record['archive']) ? 0 : 1); $r = q("UPDATE `contact` SET `archive` = %d WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d", intval($archived), intval($contact_id), intval(local_user()) ); if ($archived) { q("UPDATE `item` SET `private` = 2 WHERE `contact-id` = %d AND `uid` = %d", intval($contact_id), intval(local_user())); } return $r; } function _contact_drop($contact_id, $orig_record) { require_once('include/Contact.php'); $a = get_app(); terminate_friendship($a->user,$a->contact,$orig_record); contact_remove($orig_record['id']); } function contacts_content(&$a) { $sort_type = 0; $o = ''; nav_set_selected('contacts'); if(! local_user()) { notice( t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } if($a->argc == 3) { $contact_id = intval($a->argv[1]); if(! $contact_id) return; $cmd = $a->argv[2]; $orig_record = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d AND `self` = 0 LIMIT 1", intval($contact_id), intval(local_user()) ); if(! count($orig_record)) { notice( t('Could not access contact record.') . EOL); goaway($a->get_baseurl(true) . '/contacts'); return; // NOTREACHED } if($cmd === 'update') { _contact_update($contact_id); goaway($a->get_baseurl(true) . '/contacts/' . $contact_id); // NOTREACHED } if($cmd === 'block') { $r = _contact_block($contact_id, $orig_record[0]); if($r) { $blocked = (($orig_record[0]['blocked']) ? 0 : 1); info((($blocked) ? t('Contact has been blocked') : t('Contact has been unblocked')).EOL); } goaway($a->get_baseurl(true) . '/contacts/' . $contact_id); return; // NOTREACHED } if($cmd === 'ignore') { $r = _contact_ignore($contact_id, $orig_record[0]); if($r) { $readonly = (($orig_record[0]['readonly']) ? 0 : 1); info((($readonly) ? t('Contact has been ignored') : t('Contact has been unignored')).EOL); } goaway($a->get_baseurl(true) . '/contacts/' . $contact_id); return; // NOTREACHED } if($cmd === 'archive') { $r = _contact_archive($contact_id, $orig_record[0]); if($r) { $archived = (($orig_record[0]['archive']) ? 0 : 1); info((($archived) ? t('Contact has been archived') : t('Contact has been unarchived')).EOL); } goaway($a->get_baseurl(true) . '/contacts/' . $contact_id); return; // NOTREACHED } if($cmd === 'drop') { // Check if we should do HTML-based delete confirmation if($_REQUEST['confirm']) { // <form> can't take arguments in its "action" parameter // so add any arguments as hidden inputs $query = explode_querystring($a->query_string); $inputs = array(); foreach($query['args'] as $arg) { if(strpos($arg, 'confirm=') === false) { $arg_parts = explode('=', $arg); $inputs[] = array('name' => $arg_parts[0], 'value' => $arg_parts[1]); } } $a->page['aside'] = ''; return replace_macros(get_markup_template('confirm.tpl'), array( '$method' => 'get', '$message' => t('Do you really want to delete this contact?'), '$extra_inputs' => $inputs, '$confirm' => t('Yes'), '$confirm_url' => $query['base'], '$confirm_name' => 'confirmed', '$cancel' => t('Cancel'), )); } // Now check how the user responded to the confirmation query if($_REQUEST['canceled']) { if(x($_SESSION,'return_url')) goaway($a->get_baseurl(true) . '/' . $_SESSION['return_url']); else goaway($a->get_baseurl(true) . '/contacts'); } _contact_drop($contact_id, $orig_record[0]); info( t('Contact has been removed.') . EOL ); if(x($_SESSION,'return_url')) goaway($a->get_baseurl(true) . '/' . $_SESSION['return_url']); else goaway($a->get_baseurl(true) . '/contacts'); return; // NOTREACHED } } $_SESSION['return_url'] = $a->query_string; if((x($a->data,'contact')) && (is_array($a->data['contact']))) { $contact_id = $a->data['contact']['id']; $contact = $a->data['contact']; $editselect = 'none'; if( feature_enabled(local_user(),'richtext') ) $editselect = 'exact'; $a->page['htmlhead'] .= replace_macros(get_markup_template('contact_head.tpl'), array( '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(true), '$editselect' => $editselect, )); $a->page['end'] .= replace_macros(get_markup_template('contact_end.tpl'), array( '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(true), '$editselect' => $editselect, )); require_once('include/contact_selectors.php'); $tpl = get_markup_template("contact_edit.tpl"); switch($contact['rel']) { case CONTACT_IS_FRIEND: $dir_icon = 'images/lrarrow.gif'; $relation_text = t('You are mutual friends with %s'); break; case CONTACT_IS_FOLLOWER; $dir_icon = 'images/larrow.gif'; $relation_text = t('You are sharing with %s'); break; case CONTACT_IS_SHARING; $dir_icon = 'images/rarrow.gif'; $relation_text = t('%s is sharing with you'); break; default: break; } $relation_text = sprintf($relation_text,$contact['name']); if(($contact['network'] === NETWORK_DFRN) && ($contact['rel'])) { $url = "redir/{$contact['id']}"; $sparkle = ' class="sparkle" '; } else { $url = $contact['url']; $sparkle = ''; } $insecure = t('Private communications are not available for this contact.'); $last_update = (($contact['last-update'] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') ? t('Never') : datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),$contact['last-update'],'D, j M Y, g:i A')); if($contact['last-update'] !== '0000-00-00 00:00:00') $last_update .= ' ' . (($contact['last-update'] == $contact['success_update']) ? t("\x28Update was successful\x29") : t("\x28Update was not successful\x29")); $lblsuggest = (($contact['network'] === NETWORK_DFRN) ? t('Suggest friends') : ''); $poll_enabled = (($contact['network'] !== NETWORK_DIASPORA) ? true : false); $nettype = sprintf( t('Network type: %s'),network_to_name($contact['network'])); $common = count_common_friends(local_user(),$contact['id']); $common_text = (($common) ? sprintf( tt('%d contact in common','%d contacts in common', $common),$common) : ''); $polling = (($contact['network'] === NETWORK_MAIL | $contact['network'] === NETWORK_FEED) ? 'polling' : ''); $x = count_all_friends(local_user(), $contact['id']); $all_friends = (($x) ? t('View all contacts') : ''); // tabs $tabs = array( array( 'label' => (($contact['blocked']) ? t('Unblock') : t('Block') ), 'url' => $a->get_baseurl(true) . '/contacts/' . $contact_id . '/block', 'sel' => '', 'title' => t('Toggle Blocked status'), ), array( 'label' => (($contact['readonly']) ? t('Unignore') : t('Ignore') ), 'url' => $a->get_baseurl(true) . '/contacts/' . $contact_id . '/ignore', 'sel' => '', 'title' => t('Toggle Ignored status'), ), array( 'label' => (($contact['archive']) ? t('Unarchive') : t('Archive') ), 'url' => $a->get_baseurl(true) . '/contacts/' . $contact_id . '/archive', 'sel' => '', 'title' => t('Toggle Archive status'), ), array( 'label' => t('Repair'), 'url' => $a->get_baseurl(true) . '/crepair/' . $contact_id, 'sel' => '', 'title' => t('Advanced Contact Settings'), ) ); $tab_tpl = get_markup_template('common_tabs.tpl'); $tab_str = replace_macros($tab_tpl, array('$tabs' => $tabs)); $lost_contact = (($contact['archive'] && $contact['term-date'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' && $contact['term-date'] < datetime_convert('','','now')) ? t('Communications lost with this contact!') : ''); $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array( '$header' => t('Contact Editor'), '$tab_str' => $tab_str, '$submit' => t('Submit'), '$lbl_vis1' => t('Profile Visibility'), '$lbl_vis2' => sprintf( t('Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your profile securely.'), $contact['name']), '$lbl_info1' => t('Contact Information / Notes'), '$infedit' => t('Edit contact notes'), '$common_text' => $common_text, '$common_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true) . '/common/loc/' . local_user() . '/' . $contact['id'], '$all_friends' => $all_friends, '$relation_text' => $relation_text, '$visit' => sprintf( t('Visit %s\'s profile [%s]'),$contact['name'],$contact['url']), '$blockunblock' => t('Block/Unblock contact'), '$ignorecont' => t('Ignore contact'), '$lblcrepair' => t("Repair URL settings"), '$lblrecent' => t('View conversations'), '$lblsuggest' => $lblsuggest, '$delete' => t('Delete contact'), '$nettype' => $nettype, '$poll_interval' => contact_poll_interval($contact['priority'],(! $poll_enabled)), '$poll_enabled' => $poll_enabled, '$lastupdtext' => t('Last update:'), '$lost_contact' => $lost_contact, '$updpub' => t('Update public posts'), '$last_update' => $last_update, '$udnow' => t('Update now'), '$profile_select' => contact_profile_assign($contact['profile-id'],(($contact['network'] !== NETWORK_DFRN) ? true : false)), '$contact_id' => $contact['id'], '$block_text' => (($contact['blocked']) ? t('Unblock') : t('Block') ), '$ignore_text' => (($contact['readonly']) ? t('Unignore') : t('Ignore') ), '$insecure' => (($contact['network'] !== NETWORK_DFRN && $contact['network'] !== NETWORK_MAIL && $contact['network'] !== NETWORK_FACEBOOK && $contact['network'] !== NETWORK_DIASPORA) ? $insecure : ''), '$info' => $contact['info'], '$blocked' => (($contact['blocked']) ? t('Currently blocked') : ''), '$ignored' => (($contact['readonly']) ? t('Currently ignored') : ''), '$archived' => (($contact['archive']) ? t('Currently archived') : ''), '$hidden' => array('hidden', t('Hide this contact from others'), ($contact['hidden'] == 1), t('Replies/likes to your public posts <strong>may</strong> still be visible')), '$notify' => array('notify', t('Notification for new posts'), ($contact['notify_new_posts'] == 1), t('Send a notification of every new post of this contact')), '$fetch_further_information' => array('fetch_further_information', t('Fetch further information for feeds'), $contact['fetch_further_information'], t('Fetch further information for feeds'), array('0'=>t('Disabled'), '1'=>t('Fetch information'), '2'=>t('Fetch information and keywords'))), '$photo' => $contact['photo'], '$name' => $contact['name'], '$dir_icon' => $dir_icon, '$alt_text' => $alt_text, '$sparkle' => $sparkle, '$url' => $url, )); $arr = array('contact' => $contact,'output' => $o); call_hooks('contact_edit', $arr); return $arr['output']; } $blocked = false; $hidden = false; $ignored = false; $all = false; if(($a->argc == 2) && ($a->argv[1] === 'all')) { $sql_extra = ''; $all = true; } elseif(($a->argc == 2) && ($a->argv[1] === 'blocked')) { $sql_extra = " AND `blocked` = 1 "; $blocked = true; } elseif(($a->argc == 2) && ($a->argv[1] === 'hidden')) { $sql_extra = " AND `hidden` = 1 "; $hidden = true; } elseif(($a->argc == 2) && ($a->argv[1] === 'ignored')) { $sql_extra = " AND `readonly` = 1 "; $ignored = true; } elseif(($a->argc == 2) && ($a->argv[1] === 'archived')) { $sql_extra = " AND `archive` = 1 "; $archived = true; } else $sql_extra = " AND `blocked` = 0 "; $search = ((x($_GET,'search')) ? notags(trim($_GET['search'])) : ''); $nets = ((x($_GET,'nets')) ? notags(trim($_GET['nets'])) : ''); $tabs = array( array( 'label' => t('Suggestions'), 'url' => $a->get_baseurl(true) . '/suggest', 'sel' => '', 'title' => t('Suggest potential friends'), ), array( 'label' => t('All Contacts'), 'url' => $a->get_baseurl(true) . '/contacts/all', 'sel' => ($all) ? 'active' : '', 'title' => t('Show all contacts'), ), array( 'label' => t('Unblocked'), 'url' => $a->get_baseurl(true) . '/contacts', 'sel' => ((! $all) && (! $blocked) && (! $hidden) && (! $search) && (! $nets) && (! $ignored) && (! $archived)) ? 'active' : '', 'title' => t('Only show unblocked contacts'), ), array( 'label' => t('Blocked'), 'url' => $a->get_baseurl(true) . '/contacts/blocked', 'sel' => ($blocked) ? 'active' : '', 'title' => t('Only show blocked contacts'), ), array( 'label' => t('Ignored'), 'url' => $a->get_baseurl(true) . '/contacts/ignored', 'sel' => ($ignored) ? 'active' : '', 'title' => t('Only show ignored contacts'), ), array( 'label' => t('Archived'), 'url' => $a->get_baseurl(true) . '/contacts/archived', 'sel' => ($archived) ? 'active' : '', 'title' => t('Only show archived contacts'), ), array( 'label' => t('Hidden'), 'url' => $a->get_baseurl(true) . '/contacts/hidden', 'sel' => ($hidden) ? 'active' : '', 'title' => t('Only show hidden contacts'), ), ); $tab_tpl = get_markup_template('common_tabs.tpl'); $t = replace_macros($tab_tpl, array('$tabs'=>$tabs)); $searching = false; if($search) { $search_hdr = $search; $search_txt = dbesc(protect_sprintf(preg_quote($search))); $searching = true; } $sql_extra .= (($searching) ? " AND (name REGEXP '$search_txt' OR url REGEXP '$search_txt' OR nick REGEXP '$search_txt') " : ""); if($nets) $sql_extra .= sprintf(" AND network = '%s' ", dbesc($nets)); $sql_extra2 = ((($sort_type > 0) && ($sort_type <= CONTACT_IS_FRIEND)) ? sprintf(" AND `rel` = %d ",intval($sort_type)) : ''); $r = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self` = 0 AND `pending` = 0 $sql_extra $sql_extra2 ", intval($_SESSION['uid'])); if(count($r)) { $a->set_pager_total($r[0]['total']); $total = $r[0]['total']; } $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self` = 0 AND `pending` = 0 $sql_extra $sql_extra2 ORDER BY `name` ASC LIMIT %d , %d ", intval($_SESSION['uid']), intval($a->pager['start']), intval($a->pager['itemspage']) ); $contacts = array(); if(count($r)) { foreach($r as $rr) { switch($rr['rel']) { case CONTACT_IS_FRIEND: $dir_icon = 'images/lrarrow.gif'; $alt_text = t('Mutual Friendship'); break; case CONTACT_IS_FOLLOWER; $dir_icon = 'images/larrow.gif'; $alt_text = t('is a fan of yours'); break; case CONTACT_IS_SHARING; $dir_icon = 'images/rarrow.gif'; $alt_text = t('you are a fan of'); break; default: break; } if(($rr['network'] === 'dfrn') && ($rr['rel'])) { $url = "redir/{$rr['id']}"; $sparkle = ' class="sparkle" '; } else { $url = $rr['url']; $sparkle = ''; } $contacts[] = array( 'img_hover' => sprintf( t('Visit %s\'s profile [%s]'),$rr['name'],$rr['url']), 'edit_hover' => t('Edit contact'), 'photo_menu' => contact_photo_menu($rr), 'id' => $rr['id'], 'alt_text' => $alt_text, 'dir_icon' => $dir_icon, 'thumb' => $rr['thumb'], 'name' => $rr['name'], 'username' => $rr['name'], 'sparkle' => $sparkle, 'itemurl' => $rr['url'], 'url' => $url, 'network' => network_to_name($rr['network']), ); } } $tpl = get_markup_template("contacts-template.tpl"); $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array( '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(), '$header' => t('Contacts') . (($nets) ? ' - ' . network_to_name($nets) : ''), '$tabs' => $t, '$total' => $total, '$search' => $search_hdr, '$desc' => t('Search your contacts'), '$finding' => (($searching) ? t('Finding: ') . "'" . $search . "'" : ""), '$submit' => t('Find'), '$cmd' => $a->cmd, '$contacts' => $contacts, '$contact_drop_confirm' => t('Do you really want to delete this contact?'), '$batch_actions' => array( 'contacts_batch_update' => t('Update'), 'contacts_batch_block' => t('Block')."/".t("Unblock"), "contacts_batch_ignore" => t('Ignore')."/".t("Unignore"), "contacts_batch_archive" => t('Archive')."/".t("Unarchive"), "contacts_batch_drop" => t('Delete'), ), '$paginate' => paginate($a), )); return $o; }