$link) { if (substr(trim($tag), 0, 1) == "#") { // try to ignore #039 or #1 or anything like that if (ctype_digit(substr(trim($tag),1))) continue; // try to ignore html hex escapes, e.g. #x2317 if ((substr(trim($tag),1,1) == 'x' || substr(trim($tag),1,1) == 'X') && ctype_digit(substr(trim($tag),2))) continue; $type = TERM_HASHTAG; $term = substr($tag, 1); } elseif (substr(trim($tag), 0, 1) == "@") { $type = TERM_MENTION; $term = substr($tag, 1); } else { // This shouldn't happen $type = TERM_HASHTAG; $term = $tag; } if ($message["uid"] == 0) { $global = true; q("UPDATE `term` SET `global` = 1 WHERE `otype` = %d AND `guid` = '%s'", intval(TERM_OBJ_POST), dbesc($message["guid"])); } else { $isglobal = q("SELECT `global` FROM `term` WHERE `uid` = 0 AND `otype` = %d AND `guid` = '%s'", intval(TERM_OBJ_POST), dbesc($message["guid"])); $global = (count($isglobal) > 0); } $r = q("INSERT INTO `term` (`uid`, `oid`, `otype`, `type`, `term`, `url`, `guid`, `created`, `received`, `global`) VALUES (%d, %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d)", intval($message["uid"]), intval($itemid), intval(TERM_OBJ_POST), intval($type), dbesc($term), dbesc($link), dbesc($message["guid"]), dbesc($message["created"]), dbesc($message["received"]), intval($global)); // Search for mentions if ((substr($tag, 0, 1) == '@') && (strpos($link, $profile_base_friendica) || strpos($link, $profile_base_diaspora))) { $users = q("SELECT `uid` FROM `contact` WHERE self AND (`url` = '%s' OR `nurl` = '%s')", $link, $link); foreach ($users AS $user) { if ($user["uid"] == $message["uid"]) { q("UPDATE `item` SET `mention` = 1 WHERE `id` = %d", intval($itemid)); q("UPDATE `thread` SET `mention` = 1 WHERE `iid` = %d", intval($message["parent"])); } } } } } function create_tags_from_itemuri($itemuri, $uid) { $messages = q("SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE uri ='%s' AND uid=%d", dbesc($itemuri), intval($uid)); if (count($messages)) { foreach ($messages as $message) { create_tags_from_item($message["id"]); } } } function update_items() { $messages = dba::p("SELECT `oid`,`item`.`guid`, `item`.`created`, `item`.`received` FROM `term` INNER JOIN `item` ON `item`.`id`=`term`.`oid` WHERE `term`.`otype` = 1 AND `term`.`guid` = ''"); logger("fetched messages: ".dba::num_rows($messages)); while ($message = dba::fetch($messages)) { if ($message["uid"] == 0) { $global = true; q("UPDATE `term` SET `global` = 1 WHERE `otype` = %d AND `guid` = '%s'", intval(TERM_OBJ_POST), dbesc($message["guid"])); } else { $isglobal = q("SELECT `global` FROM `term` WHERE `uid` = 0 AND `otype` = %d AND `guid` = '%s'", intval(TERM_OBJ_POST), dbesc($message["guid"])); $global = (count($isglobal) > 0); } q("UPDATE `term` SET `guid` = '%s', `created` = '%s', `received` = '%s', `global` = %d WHERE `otype` = %d AND `oid` = %d", dbesc($message["guid"]), dbesc($message["created"]), dbesc($message["received"]), intval($global), intval(TERM_OBJ_POST), intval($message["oid"])); } dba::close($messages); $messages = dba::p("SELECT `guid` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = 0"); logger("fetched messages: ".dba::num_rows($messages)); while ($message = dba::fetch(messages)) { q("UPDATE `item` SET `global` = 1 WHERE `guid` = '%s'", dbesc($message["guid"])); } dba::close($messages); } /** * @brief Get alphabetical sorted array of used tags/terms of an user including * a weighting by frequency of use. * * @param int $uid The user ID. * @param int $count Max number of displayed tags/terms. * @param int $owner_id The contact id of the owner of the tagged items. * @param string $flags Special item flags. * @param int $type The tag/term type. * * @return arr Alphabetical sorted array of used tags of an user. */ function tagadelic($uid, $count = 0, $owner_id = 0, $flags = '', $type = TERM_HASHTAG) { require_once('include/security.php'); $item_condition = item_condition(); $sql_options = item_permissions_sql($uid); $limit = $count ? sprintf("LIMIT %d", intval($count)) : ""; if ($flags) { if ($flags === 'wall') { $sql_options .= " AND `item`.`wall` "; } } if ($owner_id) { $sql_options .= " AND `item`.`owner-id` = ".intval($owner_id)." "; } // Fetch tags $r = dba::p("SELECT `term`, COUNT(`term`) AS `total` FROM `term` LEFT JOIN `item` ON `term`.`oid` = `item`.`id` WHERE `term`.`uid` = ? AND `term`.`type` = ? AND `term`.`otype` = ? AND $item_condition $sql_options GROUP BY `term` ORDER BY `total` DESC $limit", $uid, $type, TERM_OBJ_POST ); if(!DBM::is_result($r)) { return array(); } return tag_calc($r); } /** * @brief Construct a tag/term cloud block for an user. * * @param int $uid The user ID. * @param int $count Max number of displayed tags/terms. * @param int $owner_id The contact ID of the owner of the tagged items. * @param string $flags Special item flags. * @param int $type The tag/term type. * * @return string HTML formatted output. */ function wtagblock($uid, $count = 0,$owner_id = 0, $flags = '', $type = TERM_HASHTAG) { $o = ''; $r = tagadelic($uid, $count, $owner_id, $flags, $type); if (count($r)) { $contact = dba::select( "contact", array("url"), array("id" => $uid), array("limit" => 1) ); $url = System::removedBaseUrl($contact['url']); foreach ($r as $rr) { $tag['level'] = $rr[2]; $tag['url'] = $url."?tag=".urlencode($rr[0]); $tag['name'] = $rr[0]; $tags[] = $tag; } $tpl = get_markup_template("tagblock_widget.tpl"); $o = replace_macros($tpl, array( '$title' => t('Tags'), '$tags' => $tags )); } return $o; } /** * @brief Calculate weighting of tags according to the frequency of use. * * @param array $arr Array of tags/terms with tag/term name and total count of use. * @return array Alphabetical sorted array of used tags/terms of an user. */ function tag_calc($arr) { $tags = array(); $min = 1e9; $max = -1e9; $x = 0; if (!$arr) { return array(); } foreach ($arr as $rr) { $tags[$x][0] = $rr['term']; $tags[$x][1] = log($rr['total']); $tags[$x][2] = 0; $min = min($min, $tags[$x][1]); $max = max($max, $tags[$x][1]); $x ++; } usort($tags, 'tags_sort'); $range = max(.01, $max - $min) * 1.0001; for ($x = 0; $x < count($tags); $x ++) { $tags[$x][2] = 1 + floor(9 * ($tags[$x][1] - $min) / $range); } return $tags; } /** * @brief Compare function to sort tags/terms alphabetically. * * @param type $a * @param type $b * * @return int */ function tags_sort($a, $b) { if (strtolower($a[0]) == strtolower($b[0])) { return 0; } return ((strtolower($a[0]) < strtolower($b[0])) ? -1 : 1); } /** * @brief Insert a tag cloud widget for the present profile. * * @param int $limit Max number of displayed tags. * @return string HTML formattat output. */ function tagcloud_wall_widget($limit = 50) { $a = get_app(); if(!$a->profile['profile_uid'] || !$a->profile['url']) { return ""; } if(Features::isEnabled($a->profile['profile_uid'], 'tagadelic')) { $owner_id = Contact::getIdForURL($a->profile['url']); if(!$owner_id) { return ""; } return wtagblock($a->profile['profile_uid'], $limit, $owner_id, 'wall'); } return ""; }