', '

', '

'], ['
', '
', '
'], $s); // Escaping the hash tags $s = preg_replace('/\#([^\s\#])/', '#$1', $s); $s = Markdown::convert($s); $regexp = "/@\{(?:([^\}]+?); )?([^\} ]+)\}/"; $s = preg_replace_callback($regexp, 'diaspora_mention2bb', $s); $s = str_replace('#', '#', $s); $s = html2bbcode($s); // protect the recycle symbol from turning into a tag, but without unescaping angles and naked ampersands $s = str_replace('♲', html_entity_decode('♲', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), $s); // Convert everything that looks like a link to a link $s = preg_replace('/([^\]=]|^)(https?\:\/\/)([a-zA-Z0-9:\/\-?&;.=_~#%$!+,@]+(?

"], ["
"], $Text); $stamp1 = microtime(true); // Now convert HTML to Markdown $converter = new HtmlConverter(); $Text = $converter->convert($Text); // unmask the special chars back to HTML $Text = str_replace(['&\_lt\_;', '&\_gt\_;', '&\_amp\_;'], ['<', '>', '&'], $Text); $a->save_timestamp($stamp1, "parser"); // Libertree has a problem with escaped hashtags. $Text = str_replace(['\#'], ['#'], $Text); // Remove any leading or trailing whitespace, as this will mess up // the Diaspora signature verification and cause the item to disappear $Text = trim($Text); if ($fordiaspora) { $URLSearchString = "^\[\]"; $Text = preg_replace_callback("/([@]\[(.*?)\])\(([$URLSearchString]*?)\)/ism", 'diaspora_mentions', $Text); } // Restore code blocks $Text = preg_replace_callback('/#codeblock-([0-9]+)#/iU', function ($matches) use ($codeblocks) { $return = ''; if (isset($codeblocks[intval($matches[1])])) { $return = $codeblocks[$matches[1]]; } return $return; } , $Text); Addon::callHooks('bb2diaspora',$Text); return $Text; } function unescape_underscores_in_links($m) { $y = str_replace('\\_', '_', $m[2]); return('[' . $m[1] . '](' . $y . ')'); } function format_event_diaspora($ev) { if (! ((is_array($ev)) && count($ev))) { return ''; } $bd_format = L10n::t('l F d, Y \@ g:i A') ; // Friday January 18, 2011 @ 8 AM $o = 'Friendica event notification:' . "\n"; $o .= '**' . (($ev['summary']) ? bb2diaspora($ev['summary']) : bb2diaspora($ev['desc'])) . '**' . "\n"; // @todo What. Is. Going. On. With. This. Useless. Ternary. Operator? - mrpetovan $o .= L10n::t('Starts:') . ' ' . '[' . (($ev['adjust']) ? day_translate(Temporal::utc($ev['start'], $bd_format)) : day_translate(Temporal::utc($ev['start'], $bd_format)) ) . '](' . System::baseUrl() . '/localtime/?f=&time=' . urlencode(Temporal::utc($ev['start'])) . ")\n"; if (! $ev['nofinish']) { $o .= L10n::t('Finishes:') . ' ' . '[' . (($ev['adjust']) ? day_translate(Temporal::utc($ev['finish'], $bd_format)) : day_translate(Temporal::utc($ev['finish'], $bd_format)) ) . '](' . System::baseUrl() . '/localtime/?f=&time=' . urlencode(Temporal::utc($ev['finish'])) . ")\n"; } if (strlen($ev['location'])) { $o .= L10n::t('Location:') . bb2diaspora($ev['location']) . "\n"; } $o .= "\n"; return $o; }