*/ /* * List of tables and the fields that are checked: * * contact: photo thumb micro about * fcontact: photo * fsuggest: photo * gcontact: photo about * item: body * item-content: body * mail: from-photo * notify: photo * profile: photo thumb about */ use Friendica\Core\Addon; use Friendica\Core\Logger; use Friendica\Object\Image; use Friendica\Database\DBA; use Friendica\Util\Images; use Friendica\Util\DateTimeFormat; use Friendica\DI; if (!defined('PHOTOTRACK_DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE')) { define('PHOTOTRACK_DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE', 1000); } // Time in *minutes* between searching for photo uses if (!defined('PHOTOTRACK_DEFAULT_SEARCH_INTERVAL')) { define('PHOTOTRACK_DEFAULT_SEARCH_INTERVAL', 10); } function phototrack_install() { global $db; Addon::registerHook('post_local_end', 'addon/phototrack/phototrack.php', 'phototrack_post_local_end'); Addon::registerHook('post_remote_end', 'addon/phototrack/phototrack.php', 'phototrack_post_remote_end'); Addon::registerHook('notifier_end', 'addon/phototrack/phototrack.php', 'phototrack_notifier_end'); Addon::registerHook('cron', 'addon/phototrack/phototrack.php', 'phototrack_cron'); if (DI::config()->get('phototrack', 'dbversion') != '0.1') { $schema = file_get_contents(dirname(__file__).'/database.sql'); $arr = explode(';', $schema); foreach ($arr as $a) { if (!DBA::e($a)) { Logger::warning('Unable to create database table: ' . DBA::errorMessage()); return; } } DI::config()->set('phototrack', 'dbversion', '0.1'); } } function phototrack_uninstall() { Addon::unregisterHook('post_local_end', 'addon/phototrack/phototrack.php', 'phototrack_post_local_end'); Addon::unregisterHook('post_remote_end', 'addon/phototrack/phototrack.php', 'phototrack_post_remote_end'); Addon::unregisterHook('notifier_end', 'addon/phototrack/phototrack.php', 'phototrack_notifier_end'); Addon::unregisterHook('cron', 'addon/phototrack/phototrack.php', 'phototrack_cron'); } function phototrack_module() {} function phototrack_finished_row($table, $id) { $existing = DBA::selectFirst('phototrack_row_check', ['id'], ['table' => $table, 'row-id' => $id]); if (!is_bool($existing)) { DBA::update('phototrack_row_check', ['checked' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow()], ['table' => $table, 'row-id' => $id]); } else { DBA::insert('phototrack_row_check', ['table' => $table, 'row-id' => $id, 'checked' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow()]); } } function phototrack_photo_use($photo, $table, $field, $id) { Logger::debug('@@@ phototrack_photo_use ' . $photo); foreach (Images::supportedTypes() as $m => $e) { $photo = str_replace(".$e", '', $photo); } if (substr($photo, -2, 1) == '-') { $resolution = intval(substr($photo,-1,1)); $photo = substr($photo,0,-2); } if (strlen($photo) != 32) { return; } $r = DBA::selectFirst('photo', ['resource-id'], ['resource-id' => $photo]); if (!DBA::isResult($r)) { return; } $rid = $r['resource-id']; $existing = DBA::selectFirst('phototrack_photo_use', ['id'], ['resource-id' => $rid, 'table' => $table, 'field' => $field, 'row-id' = $id]); if (DBA::isResult($existing)) { DBA::update('phototrack_photo_use', ['checked' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow()], ['resource-id' => $rid, 'table' => $table, 'field' => $field, 'row-id' = $id]); } else { DBA::insert('phototrack_photo_use', ['resource-id' => $rid, 'table' => $table, 'field' => $field, 'row-id' = $id, 'checked' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow()]); } } function phototrack_check_field_url($a, $table, $field, $id, $url) { Logger::info('@@@ phototrack_check_field_url table ' . $table . ' field ' . $field . ' id ' . $id . ' url ' . $url); $baseurl = DI::baseUrl()->get(true); if (strpos($url, $baseurl) === FALSE) { return; } else { $url = substr($url, strlen($baseurl)); Logger::info('@@@ phototrack_check_field_url funny url stuff ' . $url . ' base ' . $baseurl); } if (strpos($url, '/photo/') === FALSE) { return; } else { $url = substr($url, strlen('/photo/')); Logger::info('@@@ phototrack_check_field_url more url stuff ' . $url); } if (preg_match('/([0-9a-z]{32})/', $url, $matches)) { $rid = $matches[0]; Logger::info('@@@ phototrack_check_field_url rid ' . $rid); phototrack_photo_use($rid, $table, $field, $id); } } function phototrack_check_field_bbcode($a, $table, $field, $id, $value) { $baseurl = DI::baseUrl()->get(true); $matches = array(); preg_match_all("/\[img(\=([0-9]*)x([0-9]*))?\](.*?)\[\/img\]/ism", $value, $matches); foreach ($matches[4] as $url) { phototrack_check_field_url($a, $table, $field, $id, $url); } } function phototrack_post_local_end(&$a, &$item) { phototrack_check_row($a, 'item', $item); phototrack_check_row($a, 'item-content', $item); } function phototrack_post_remote_end(&$a, &$item) { phototrack_check_row($a, 'item', $item); phototrack_check_row($a, 'item-content', $item); } function phototrack_notifier_end($item) { } function phototrack_check_row($a, $table, $row) { switch ($table) { case 'item': $fields = array( 'body' => 'bbcode'); break; case 'item-content': $fields = array( 'body' => 'bbcode'); break; case 'contact': $fields = array( 'photo' => 'url', 'thumb' => 'url', 'micro' => 'url', 'about' => 'bbcode'); break; case 'fcontact': $fields = array( 'photo' => 'url'); break; case 'fsuggest': $fields = array( 'photo' => 'url'); break; case 'gcontact': $fields = array( 'photo' => 'url', 'about' => 'bbcode'); break; default: $fields = array(); break; } foreach ($fields as $field => $type) { switch ($type) { case 'bbcode': phototrack_check_field_bbcode($a, $table, $field, $row['id'], $row[$field]); break; case 'url': phototrack_check_field_url($a, $table, $field, $row['id'], $row[$field]); break; } } phototrack_finished_row($table, $row['id']); } function phototrack_batch_size() { $batch_size = DI::config()->get('phototrack', 'batch_size'); if ($batch_size > 0) { return $batch_size; } return PHOTOTRACK_DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE; } function phototrack_search_table($a, $table) { $batch_size = phototrack_batch_size(); $rows = DBA::p("SELECT `$table`.* FROM `$table` LEFT OUTER JOIN phototrack_row_check ON ( phototrack_row_check.`table` = '$table' AND phototrack_row_check.`row-id` = `$table`.id ) WHERE ( ( phototrack_row_check.checked IS NULL ) OR ( phototrack_row_check.checked < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH) ) ) ORDER BY phototrack_row_check.checked LIMIT $batch_size"); if (DBA::isResult($rows)) { while ($row = DBA::fetch($rows)) { phototrack_check_row($a, $table, $row); } } $r = DBA::p("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `$table` LEFT OUTER JOIN phototrack_row_check ON ( phototrack_row_check.`table` = '$table' AND phototrack_row_check.`row-id` = `$table`.id ) WHERE ( ( phototrack_row_check.checked IS NULL ) OR ( phototrack_row_check.checked < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH) ) )"); $remaining = DBA::fetch($r)['count(*)']; Logger::info('phototrack: searched ' . count($rows) . ' rows in table ' . $table . ', ' . $remaining . ' still remaining to search'); return $remaining; } function phototrack_cron_time() { $prev_remaining = DI::config()->get('phototrack', 'remaining_items'); if ($prev_remaining > 10 * phototrack_batch_size()) { Logger::debug('phototrack: more than ' . (10 * phototrack_batch_size()) . ' items remaining'); return true; } $last = DI::config()->get('phototrack', 'last_search'); $search_interval = intval(DI::config()->get('phototrack', 'search_interval')); if (!$search_interval) { $search_interval = PHOTOTRACK_DEFAULT_SEARCH_INTERVAL; } if ($last) { $next = $last + ($search_interval * 60); if ($next > time()) { Logger::debug('phototrack: search interval not reached'); return false; } } return true; } function phototrack_cron($a, $b) { if (!phototrack_cron_time()) { return; } DI::config()->set('phototrack', 'last_search', time()); $remaining = 0; $remaining += phototrack_search_table($a, 'item'); $remaining += phototrack_search_table($a, 'item-content'); $remaining += phototrack_search_table($a, 'contact'); $remaining += phototrack_search_table($a, 'fcontact'); $remaining += phototrack_search_table($a, 'fsuggest'); $remaining += phototrack_search_table($a, 'gcontact'); DI::config()->set('phototrack', 'remaining_items', $remaining); if ($remaining === 0) { phototrack_tidy(); } } function phototrack_tidy() { $batch_size = phototrack_batch_size(); DBA::e('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `phototrack-temp` (`resource-id` char(255) not null)'); DBA::e('INSERT INTO `phototrack-temp` SELECT DISTINCT(`resource-id`) FROM photo WHERE photo.`created` < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 2 MONTH)'); $rows = DBA::p('SELECT `phototrack-temp`.`resource-id` FROM `phototrack-temp` LEFT OUTER JOIN phototrack_photo_use ON (`phototrack-temp`.`resource-id` = phototrack_photo_use.`resource-id`) WHERE phototrack_photo_use.id IS NULL limit ' . /*$batch_size*/1000); if (DBA::isResult($rows)) { foreach ($rows as $row) { Logger::debug('phototrack: remove photo ' . $row['resource-id']); DBA::e('DELETE FROM photo WHERE `resource-id` = "' . $row['resource-id'] . '"'); } Logger::info('phototrack_tidy: deleted ' . count($rows) . ' photos'); } DBA::e('DROP TABLE `phototrack-temp`'); $rows = DBA::p('SELECT id FROM phototrack_photo_use WHERE checked < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 14 DAY)'); foreach ($rows as $row) { DBA::e( 'DELETE FROM phototrack_photo_use WHERE id = ' . $row['id']); } Logger::info('phototrack_tidy: deleted ' . count($rows) . ' phototrack_photo_use rows'); }