*/ use Friendica\Core\Addon; use Friendica\Core\Config; use Friendica\Core\PConfig; use Friendica\Core\Logger; use Friendica\Core\Renderer; use Friendica\Core\System; use Friendica\Content\Text\HTML; use Friendica\Content\Text\BBCode; use Friendica\Model\Photo; use Friendica\Object\Image; use Friendica\Util\Network; use Friendica\Core\L10n; use Friendica\Database\DBA; use Friendica\Model\ItemURI; use Friendica\Model\Item; function retriever_install() { Addon::registerHook('plugin_settings', 'addon/retriever/retriever.php', 'retriever_plugin_settings'); Addon::registerHook('plugin_settings_post', 'addon/retriever/retriever.php', 'retriever_plugin_settings_post'); Addon::registerHook('post_remote', 'addon/retriever/retriever.php', 'retriever_post_remote_hook'); Addon::registerHook('contact_photo_menu', 'addon/retriever/retriever.php', 'retriever_contact_photo_menu'); Addon::registerHook('cron', 'addon/retriever/retriever.php', 'retriever_cron'); if (Config::get('retriever', 'dbversion') == '0.10') { q('ALTER TABLE `retriever_resource` MODIFY COLUMN `type` char(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL'); q('ALTER TABLE `retriever_resource` MODIFY COLUMN `data` mediumblob NULL DEFAULT NULL'); q('ALTER TABLE `retriever_rule` MODIFY COLUMN `data` mediumtext NULL DEFAULT NULL'); Config::set('retriever', 'dbversion', '0.11'); } if (Config::get('retriever', 'dbversion') == '0.11') { q('ALTER TABLE `retriever_resource` ADD INDEX `url` (`url`)'); q('ALTER TABLE `retriever_resource` ADD INDEX `completed` (`completed`)'); q('ALTER TABLE `retriever_item` ADD INDEX `finished` (`finished`)'); q('ALTER TABLE `retriever_item` ADD INDEX `item-uid` (`item-uid`)'); Config::set('retriever', 'dbversion', '0.12'); } if (Config::get('retriever', 'dbversion') == '0.12') { q("ALTER TABLE `retriever_resource` ADD COLUMN `contact-id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `id`"); q("ALTER TABLE `retriever_resource` ADD COLUMN `item-uid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `id`"); Config::set('retriever', 'dbversion', '0.13'); } if (Config::get('retriever', 'dbversion') == '0.13') { Config::set('retriever', 'downloads_per_cron', '100'); } if (Config::get('retriever', 'dbversion') != '0.14') { $schema = file_get_contents(dirname(__file__).'/database.sql'); $arr = explode(';', $schema); foreach ($arr as $a) { if (!DBA::e($a)) { Logger::warning('Unable to create database table: ' . DBA::errorMessage()); return; } } Config::set('retriever', 'downloads_per_cron', '100'); Config::set('retriever', 'dbversion', '0.14'); } } function retriever_uninstall() { Addon::unregisterHook('plugin_settings', 'addon/retriever/retriever.php', 'retriever_plugin_settings'); Addon::unregisterHook('plugin_settings_post', 'addon/retriever/retriever.php', 'retriever_plugin_settings_post'); Addon::unregisterHook('post_remote', 'addon/retriever/retriever.php', 'retriever_post_remote_hook'); Addon::unregisterHook('plugin_settings', 'addon/retriever/retriever.php', 'retriever_plugin_settings'); Addon::unregisterHook('plugin_settings_post', 'addon/retriever/retriever.php', 'retriever_plugin_settings_post'); Addon::unregisterHook('contact_photo_menu', 'addon/retriever/retriever.php', 'retriever_contact_photo_menu'); Addon::unregisterHook('cron', 'addon/retriever/retriever.php', 'retriever_cron'); } function retriever_module() {} function retriever_addon_admin(&$a, &$o) { $downloads_per_cron = Config::get('retriever', 'downloads_per_cron'); $template = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('admin.tpl', 'addon/retriever/'); $config = ['downloads_per_cron', L10n::t('Downloads per Cron'), $downloads_per_cron, L10n::t('Maximum number of downloads to attempt during each run of the cron job.')]; $o .= Renderer::replaceMacros($template, [ '$downloads_per_cron' => $config, '$submit' => L10n::t('Save Settings')]); } function retriever_addon_admin_post ($a) { if (!empty($_POST['downloads_per_cron'])) { Config::set('retriever', 'downloads_per_cron', $_POST['downloads_per_cron']); } } function retriever_cron($a, $b) { $downloads_per_cron = Config::get('retriever', 'downloads_per_cron'); // Do this first, otherwise it can interfere with retriever_retrieve_items retriever_clean_up_completed_resources($downloads_per_cron, $a); retriever_retrieve_items($downloads_per_cron, $a); retriever_tidy(); } $retriever_item_count = 0; function retriever_retrieve_items($max_items, $a) { global $retriever_item_count; $retriever_schedule = array(array(1,'minute'), array(10,'minute'), array(1,'hour'), array(1,'day'), array(2,'day'), array(1,'week'), array(1,'month')); $schedule_clauses = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($retriever_schedule); $i++) { $num = $retriever_schedule[$i][0]; $unit = $retriever_schedule[$i][1]; array_push($schedule_clauses, '(`num-tries` = ' . $i . ' AND TIMESTAMPADD(' . DBA::escape($unit) . ', ' . intval($num) . ', `last-try`) < now())'); } $retrieve_items = $max_items - $retriever_item_count; Logger::debug('retriever_retrieve_items: asked for maximum ' . $max_items . ', already retrieved ' . $retriever_item_count . ', retrieve ' . $retrieve_items); do { // TODO: figure out how to do this with DBA module $retriever_resources = q("SELECT * FROM `retriever_resource` WHERE `completed` IS NULL AND (`last-try` IS NULL OR %s) ORDER BY `last-try` ASC LIMIT %d", DBA::escape(implode($schedule_clauses, ' OR ')), intval($retrieve_items)); if (!is_array($retriever_resources)) { break; } if (count($retriever_resources) == 0) { break; } Logger::debug('retriever_retrieve_items: found ' . count($retriever_resources) . ' waiting resources in database'); foreach ($retriever_resources as $retriever_resource) { retrieve_resource($retriever_resource); $retriever_item_count++; } $retrieve_items = $max_items - $retriever_item_count; } while ($retrieve_items > 0); Logger::debug('retriever_retrieve_items: finished retrieving items'); } // Look for items that are waiting even though the resource has completed. This shouldn't happen, but is worth cleaning up if it does. function retriever_clean_up_completed_resources($max_items, $a) { // TODO: figure out how to do this with DBA module $r = q('SELECT retriever_resource.`id` as resource, retriever_item.`id` as item FROM retriever_resource, retriever_item, retriever_rule WHERE retriever_item.`finished` = 0 AND retriever_item.`resource` = retriever_resource.`id` AND retriever_resource.`completed` IS NOT NULL AND retriever_item.`contact-id` = retriever_rule.`contact-id` AND retriever_item.`item-uid` = retriever_rule.`uid` LIMIT %d', intval($max_items)); if (!$r) { $r = array(); } Logger::debug('retriever_clean_up_completed_resources: items waiting even though resource has completed: ' . count($r)); foreach ($r as $rr) { $retriever_item = retriever_get_retriever_item($rr['item']); if (!DBA::isResult($retriever_item)) { Logger::warning('retriever_clean_up_completed_resources: no retriever item with id ' . $rr['item']); continue; } $item = retriever_get_item($retriever_item); if (!$item) { Logger::warning('retriever_clean_up_completed_resources: no item ' . $retriever_item['item-uri']); continue; } $retriever_rule = get_retriever_rule($retriever_item['contact-id'], $item['uid']); if (!$retriever_rule) { Logger::warning('retriever_clean_up_completed_resources: no retriever for uri ' . $retriever_item['item-uri'] . ' uid ' . $retriever_item['uid'] . ' ' . $retriever_item['contact-id']); continue; } $resource = DBA::selectFirst('retriever_resource', [], ['id' => intval($rr['resource'])]); retriever_apply_completed_resource_to_item($retriever_rule, $item, $resource, $a); Logger::info('@@@ retriever_clean_up_completed_resources tried to update id ' . $retriever_item['id'] . ' to finished, better check that it really worked!'); DBA::update('retriever_item', ['finished' => 1], ['id' => intval($retriever_item['id'])], ['finished']); retriever_check_item_completed($item); } } function retriever_tidy() { // TODO: figure out how to do this with DBA module @@@ it is possible q("DELETE FROM retriever_resource WHERE completed IS NOT NULL AND completed < DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 1 WEEK)"); q("DELETE FROM retriever_resource WHERE completed IS NULL AND created < DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 3 MONTH)"); $r = q("SELECT retriever_item.id FROM retriever_item LEFT OUTER JOIN retriever_resource ON (retriever_item.resource = retriever_resource.id) WHERE retriever_resource.id is null"); Logger::info('retriever_tidy: found ' . count($r) . ' retriever_items with no retriever_resource'); foreach ($r as $rr) { q('DELETE FROM retriever_item WHERE id = %d', intval($rr['id'])); } } function retrieve_dataurl_resource($resource) { if (!preg_match("/date:(.*);base64,(.*)/", $resource['url'], $matches)) { Logger::info('retrieve_dataurl_resource: ' . $resource['id'] . ' does not match pattern'); } else { $resource['type'] = $matches[1]; $resource['data'] = base64url_decode($matches[2]); } // Succeed or fail, there's no point retrying q("UPDATE `retriever_resource` SET `last-try` = now(), `num-tries` = `num-tries` + 1, `completed` = now(), `data` = '%s', `type` = '%s' WHERE id = %d", DBA::escape($resource['data']), DBA::escape($resource['type']), intval($resource['id'])); retriever_resource_completed($resource, $a); } function retrieve_resource($resource) { if (substr($resource['url'], 0, 5) == "data:") { return retrieve_dataurl_resource($resource); } $a = get_app(); $retriever_rule = get_retriever_rule($resource['contact-id'], $resource['item-uid']); $rule_data = $retriever_rule['data']; try { Logger::debug('retrieve_resource: ' . ($resource['num-tries'] + 1) . ' attempt at resource ' . $resource['id'] . ' ' . $resource['url']); $redirects = 0; $cookiejar = ''; if (array_key_exists('storecookies', $rule_data) && $rule_data['storecookies']) { $cookiejar = tempnam(get_temppath(), 'cookiejar-retriever-'); file_put_contents($cookiejar, $rule_data['cookiedata']); } $fetch_result = Network::fetchUrlFull($resource['url'], $resource['binary'], $redirects, '', $cookiejar); if (array_key_exists('storecookies', $rule_data) && $rule_data['storecookies']) { $retriever_rule['data']['cookiedata'] = file_get_contents($cookiejar); DBA::update('retriever_rule', ['data' => json_encode($retriever_rule['data'])], ['id' => intval($retriever_rule["id"])]); //@@@ check the update worked unlink($cookiejar); } $resource['data'] = $fetch_result->getBody(); $resource['http-code'] = $fetch_result->getReturnCode(); $resource['type'] = $fetch_result->getContentType(); $resource['redirect-url'] = $fetch_result->getRedirectUrl(); Logger::debug('retrieve_resource: got code ' . $resource['http-code'] . ' retrieving resource ' . $resource['id'] . ' final url ' . $resource['redirect-url']); } catch (Exception $e) { Logger::info('retrieve_resource: unable to retrieve ' . $resource['url'] . ' - ' . $e->getMessage()); } // TODO: figure out how to do this with DBA module q("UPDATE `retriever_resource` SET `last-try` = now(), `num-tries` = `num-tries` + 1, `http-code` = %d, `redirect-url` = '%s' WHERE id = %d", intval($resource['http-code']), DBA::escape($resource['redirect-url']), intval($resource['id'])); if ($resource['data']) { // TODO: figure out how to do this with DBA module q("UPDATE `retriever_resource` SET `completed` = now(), `data` = '%s', `type` = '%s' WHERE id = %d", DBA::escape($resource['data']), DBA::escape($resource['type']), intval($resource['id'])); retriever_resource_completed($resource, $a); } } function get_retriever_rule($contact_id, $uid, $create = false) { $retriever_rule = DBA::selectFirst('retriever_rule', [], ['contact-id' => intval($contact_id), 'uid' => intval($uid)]); //@@@ check that this worked if ($retriever_rule) { $retriever_rule['data'] = json_decode($retriever_rule['data'], true); Logger::info('@@@ get_retriever_rule returning an actual thing'); return $retriever_rule; } if ($create) { DBA::insert('retriever_rule', ['uid' => intval($uid), 'contact-id' => intval($contact_id)]); //@@@ check that this worked return DBA::selectFirst('retriever_rule', [], ['contact-id' => intval($contact_id), 'uid' => intval($uid)]); } } function retriever_get_retriever_item($id) { return DBA::selectFirst('retriever_item', [], ['id' => intval($id)]); } function retriever_get_item($retriever_item) { $item = Item::selectFirst([], ['uri' => $retriever_item['item-uri'], 'uid' => intval($retriever_item['item-uid']), 'contact-id' => intval($retriever_item['contact-id'])]); if (!DBA::isResult($item)) { Logger::warning('retriever_get_item: no item found for uri ' . $retriever_item['item-uri']); return; } return $item; } function retriever_item_completed($retriever_item_id, $resource, $a) { Logger::debug('retriever_item_completed: id ' . $retriever_item_id . ' url ' . $resource['url']); $retriever_item = retriever_get_retriever_item($retriever_item_id); if (!DBA::isResult($retriever_item)) { Logger::info('retriever_item_completed: no retriever item with id ' . $retriever_item_id); return; } $item = retriever_get_item($retriever_item); if (!$item) { Logger::warning('retriever_item_completed: no item ' . $retriever_item['item-uri']); return; } // Note: the retriever might be null. Doesn't matter. $retriever_rule = get_retriever_rule($retriever_item['contact-id'], $retriever_item['item-uid']); retriever_apply_completed_resource_to_item($retriever_rule, $item, $resource, $a); DBA::update('retriever_item', ['finished' => 1], ['id' => intval($retriever_item['id'])], ['finished']); retriever_check_item_completed($item); } function retriever_resource_completed($resource, $a) { Logger::debug('retriever_resource_completed: id ' . $resource['id'] . ' url ' . $resource['url']); foreach (DBA::select('retriever_item', ['id'], ['resource' => intval($resource['id'])]) as $retriever_item) { retriever_item_completed($retriever_item['id'], $resource, $a); } } function apply_retrospective($a, $retriever, $num) { Logger::debug('@@@ apply_retrospective'); foreach (Item::select([], ['contact-id' => intval($retriever['contact-id'])], ['order' => ['received' => true], 'limit' => $num]) as $item) { Logger::debug('@@@ apply_retrospective got item id ' . $item['id'] . ' uri ' . $item['uri']); Item::update(['visible' => 0], ['id' => intval($item['id'])]); //@@@ check that this works foreach (DBA::select('retriever_item', [], ['item-uri' => $item['uri'], 'item-uid' => $item['uid'], 'contact-id' => $item['contact-id']]) as $retriever_item) { DBA::delete('retriever_resource', ['id' => $retriever_item['resource']]); DBA::delete('retriever_item', ['id' => $retriever_item['id']]); } retriever_on_item_insert($a, $retriever, $item); } } // TODO: Currently this waits until the next cron before actually downloading. Should do it immediately. // TODO: This queries then inserts. It should use some kind of lock to avoid requesting the same resource twice. function retriever_on_item_insert($a, $retriever, &$item) { if (!$retriever || !$retriever['id']) { Logger::info('retriever_on_item_insert: No retriever supplied'); return; } if (!array_key_exists('enable', $retriever['data']) || !$retriever['data']['enable'] == "on") { return; } if (array_key_exists('plink', $item) && strlen($item['plink'])) { $url = $item['plink']; } else { if (!array_key_exists('uri-id', $item)) { Logger::warning('retriever_on_item_insert: item ' . $item['id'] . ' has no plink and no uri-id'); return; } $content = DBA::selectFirst('item-content', [], ['uri-id' => $item['uri-id']]); $url = $content['plink']; } if ($retriever['data']['modurl']) { $orig_url = $url; $url = preg_replace('/' . $retriever['data']['pattern'] . '/', $retriever['data']['replace'], $orig_url); Logger::debug('retriever_on_item_insert: Changed ' . $orig_url . ' to ' . $url); } $resource = add_retriever_resource($a, $url, $item['uid'], $item['contact-id']); $retriever_item_id = add_retriever_item($item, $resource); } function add_retriever_resource($a, $url, $uid, $cid, $binary = false) { Logger::debug('add_retriever_resource: url ' . $url . ' uid ' . $uid . ' contact-id ' . $cid); $scheme = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME); if ($scheme == 'data') { $fp = fopen($url, 'r'); $meta = stream_get_meta_data($fp); $type = $meta['mediatype']; $data = stream_get_contents($fp); fclose($fp); $url = 'md5://' . hash('md5', $url); if (DBA::selectFirst('retriever_resource', [], ['url' => $url, 'item-uid' => intval($uid), 'contact-id' => intval($cid)])) { //@@@ test that this really happens - it should sometimes Logger::debug('add_retriever_resource: Resource ' . $url . ' already requested'); return $resource; } Logger::debug('retrieve_resource: got data URL type ' . $resource['type']); // TODO: figure out how to do this with DBA module // @@@ DBA::update('workerqueue', ['executed' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow()], ['pid' => $mypid, 'done' => false]); q("INSERT INTO `retriever_resource` (`item-uid`, `contact-id`, `type`, `binary`, `url`, `completed`, `data`) " . "VALUES (%d, %d, '%s', %d, '%s', now(), '%s')", intval($uid), intval($cid), DBA::escape($type), intval($binary ? 1 : 0), DBA::escape($url), DBA::escape($data)); //@@@ fix this $r = q("SELECT * FROM `retriever_resource` WHERE `url` = '%s'", DBA::escape($url)); $resource = $r[0]; if (count($r)) { retriever_resource_completed($resource, $a); } return $resource; } if (strlen($url) > 800) { Logger::warning('add_retriever_resource: URL is longer than 800 characters'); } //@@@ fix this $r = q("SELECT * FROM `retriever_resource` WHERE `url` = '%s' AND `item-uid` = %d AND `contact-id` = %d", DBA::escape($url), intval($uid), intval($cid)); if (count($r)) { Logger::debug('add_retriever_resource: Resource ' . $url . ' uid ' . $uid . ' cid ' . $cid . ' already requested'); return $r[0]; } //@@@ fix this q("INSERT INTO `retriever_resource` (`item-uid`, `contact-id`, `binary`, `url`) " . "VALUES (%d, %d, %d, '%s')", intval($uid), intval($cid), intval($binary ? 1 : 0), DBA::escape($url)); //@@@ fix this $r = q("SELECT * FROM `retriever_resource` WHERE `url` = '%s'", DBA::escape($url)); return $r[0]; } function add_retriever_item(&$item, $resource) { Logger::debug('add_retriever_item: ' . $resource['url'] . ' for ' . $item['uri'] . ' ' . $item['uid'] . ' ' . $item['contact-id']); //@@@ can use selectFirst $r = q("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `retriever_item` WHERE " . "`item-uri` = '%s' AND `item-uid` = %d AND `contact-id` = %d AND `resource` = %d", DBA::escape($item['uri']), intval($item['uid']), intval($item['contact-id']), intval($resource['id'])); if ($r[0]['COUNT(*)'] > 0) { Logger::info("add_retriever_item: retriever item already present for " . $item['uri'] . ' ' . $item['uid'] . ' ' . $item['contact-id']); return; } //@@@ fix this q("INSERT INTO `retriever_item` (`item-uri`, `item-uid`, `contact-id`, `resource`) " . "VALUES ('%s', %d, %d, %d)", DBA::escape($item['uri']), intval($item['uid']), intval($item['contact-id']), intval($resource["id"])); //@@@ fix this $r = q("SELECT id FROM `retriever_item` WHERE " . "`item-uri` = '%s' AND `item-uid` = %d AND `contact-id` = %d AND `resource` = %d ORDER BY id DESC", DBA::escape($item['uri']), intval($item['uid']), intval($item['contact-id']), intval($resource['id'])); if (!count($r)) { Logger::info("add_retriever_item: couldn't create retriever item for " . $item['uri'] . ' ' . $item['uid'] . ' ' . $item['contact-id']); return; } Logger::debug('add_retriever_item: created retriever_item ' . $r[0]['id'] . ' for item ' . $item['uri'] . ' ' . $item['uid'] . ' ' . $item['contact-id']); return $r[0]['id']; } function retriever_get_encoding($resource) { $matches = array(); if (preg_match('/charset=(.*)/', $resource['type'], $matches)) { return trim(array_pop($matches)); } return 'utf-8'; } function retriever_apply_xslt_text($xslt_text, $doc) { if (!$xslt_text) { Logger::info('retriever_apply_xslt_text: empty XSLT text'); return $doc; } $xslt_doc = new DOMDocument(); if (!$xslt_doc->loadXML($xslt_text)) { Logger::info('retriever_apply_xslt_text: could not load XML'); return $doc; } Logger::debug('@@@ retriever_apply_xslt_text: ' . $xslt_text); $xp = new XsltProcessor(); $xp->importStylesheet($xslt_doc); $result = $xp->transformToDoc($doc); return $result; } //@@@ I think this is supposed to update the $item, but it doesn't function retriever_apply_dom_filter($retriever, &$item, $resource) { //@@@ check if id and uri-id are there //@@@ uri-id definitely is not Logger::debug('retriever_apply_dom_filter: applying XSLT to ' . $item['id'] . ' ' . $item['uri'] . ' contact ' . $item['contact-id'] . ' uri-id ' . $item['uri-id']); if (!array_key_exists('include', $retriever['data']) && !array_key_exists('customxslt', $retriever['data'])) { Logger::info('retriever_apply_dom_filter: no include and no customxslt'); return; } if (!$resource['data']) { Logger::info('retriever_apply_dom_filter: no text to work with'); return; } $doc = retriever_load_into_dom($resource); $doc = retriever_extract($doc, $retriever); if (!$doc) { Logger::info('retriever_apply_dom_filter: failed to apply extract XSLT template'); return; } $doc = retriever_globalise_urls($doc, $resource); if (!$doc) { Logger::info('retriever_apply_dom_filter: failed to apply fix urls XSLT template'); return; } $body = HTML::toBBCode($doc->saveHTML()); if (!strlen($body)) { Logger::info('retriever_apply_dom_filter retriever ' . $retriever['id'] . ' item ' . $item['id'] . ': output was empty'); return; } $body .= "\n\n" . L10n::t('Retrieved') . ' ' . date("Y-m-d") . ': [url='; $body .= $item['plink']; $body .= ']' . $item['plink'] . '[/url]'; $uri_id = ItemURI::getIdByURI($item['uri']); //@@@ why can't I get this from the item itself? Consider using item['id'] instead Logger::debug('retriever_apply_dom_filter: XSLT result \"' . $body . '\"'); Item::update(['body' => $body], ['uri-id' => $uri_id]); } function retriever_load_into_dom($resource) { Logger::info('@@@ retriever_load_into_dom start'); $encoding = retriever_get_encoding($resource); $content = mb_convert_encoding($resource['data'], 'HTML-ENTITIES', $encoding); $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); if (strpos($resource['type'], 'html') !== false) { @$doc->loadHTML($content); } else { $doc->loadXML($content); } Logger::info('@@@ retriever_load_into_dom end'); return $doc; } function retriever_extract($doc, $retriever) { Logger::info('@@@ retriever_extract start'); $params = array('$spec' => $retriever['data']); $extract_template = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('extract.tpl', 'addon/retriever/'); $extract_xslt = Renderer::replaceMacros($extract_template, $params); if ($retriever['data']['include']) { Logger::debug('retriever_apply_dom_filter: applying include/exclude template \"' . $extract_xslt . '\"'); $doc = retriever_apply_xslt_text($extract_xslt, $doc); } if (array_key_exists('customxslt', $retriever['data']) && $retriever['data']['customxslt']) { Logger::debug('retriever_extract: applying custom XSLT \"' . $retriever['data']['customxslt'] . '\"'); $doc = retriever_apply_xslt_text($retriever['data']['customxslt'], $doc); } Logger::info('@@@ retriever_extract end'); return $doc; } function retriever_globalise_urls($doc, $resource) { Logger::info('@@@ retriever_globalise_urls start'); $components = parse_url($resource['redirect-url']); $rooturl = $components['scheme'] . "://" . $components['host']; $dirurl = $rooturl . dirname($components['path']) . "/"; $params = array('$dirurl' => $dirurl, '$rooturl' => $rooturl); $fix_urls_template = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('fix-urls.tpl', 'addon/retriever/'); $fix_urls_xslt = Renderer::replaceMacros($fix_urls_template, $params); $doc = retriever_apply_xslt_text($fix_urls_xslt, $doc); Logger::info('@@@ retriever_globalise_urls end'); return $doc; } function retrieve_images(&$item, $a) { // Note that $item doesn't necessarily contain all the fields you would expect, in particular 'id' //@@@ doe sit contain uri-id? //@@@ it definitely does not Logger::debug('@@@ retrieve_images start item id '. (array_key_exists('id', $item) ? $item['id'] : 'undef') . ' uri ' . $item['uri'] . ' uri id ' . $item['uri-id'] . ' plink ' . $item['plink'] . ' guid ' . $item['guid']); $uri_id = ItemURI::getIdByURI($item['uri']); //@@@ why can't I get this from the item itself? $content = DBA::selectFirst('item-content', ['body'], ['uri-id' => $uri_id]); $body = $content['body']; if (!strlen($body)) { Logger::warning('retrieve_images: no body for uri-id ' . $uri_id); return; } // I suspect that the first two are not used any more? preg_match_all("/\[img\=([0-9]*)x([0-9]*)\](.*?)\[\/img\]/ism", $item["body"], $matches1); preg_match_all("/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/ism", $item["body"], $matches2); preg_match_all("/\[img\=([^\]]*)\]([^[]*)\[\/img\]/ism", $item["body"], $matches3); $matches = array_merge($matches1[3], $matches2[1], $matches3[1]); Logger::debug('retrieve_images: found ' . count($matches) . ' images for item ' . $item['uri'] . ' ' . $item['uid'] . ' ' . $item['contact-id']); foreach ($matches as $url) { if (strpos($url, get_app()->getBaseUrl()) === FALSE) { $resource = add_retriever_resource($a, $url, $item['uid'], $item['contact-id'], true); if (!$resource['completed']) { add_retriever_item($item, $resource); } else { retriever_transform_images($a, $item, $resource); } } } } function retriever_check_item_completed(&$item) { // TODO: figure out how to do this with DBA module $r = q('SELECT count(*) FROM retriever_item WHERE `item-uri` = "%s" ' . 'AND `item-uid` = %d AND `contact-id` = %d AND `finished` = 0', DBA::escape($item['uri']), intval($item['uid']), intval($item['contact-id'])); $waiting = $r[0]['count(*)']; Logger::debug('retriever_check_item_completed: item ' . $item['uri'] . ' ' . $item['uid'] . ' '. $item['contact-id'] . ' waiting for ' . $waiting . ' resources'); $old_visible = $item['visible']; $item['visible'] = $waiting ? 0 : 1; if (array_key_exists('id', $item) && ($item['id'] > 0) && ($old_visible != $item['visible'])) { Logger::debug('retriever_check_item_completed: changing visible flag to ' . $item['visible']); Item::update(['visible' => 0], ['id' => intval($item['id'])]); } } function retriever_apply_completed_resource_to_item($retriever, &$item, $resource, $a) { Logger::debug('retriever_apply_completed_resource_to_item: retriever ' . ($retriever ? $retriever['id'] : 'none') . ' resource ' . $resource['url'] . ' plink ' . $item['plink']); if (strpos($resource['type'], 'image') !== false) { Logger::info('@@@ retriever_apply_completed_resource_to_item this is an image must transform'); retriever_transform_images($a, $item, $resource); } if (!$retriever) { return; } if ((strpos($resource['type'], 'html') !== false) || (strpos($resource['type'], 'xml') !== false)) { retriever_apply_dom_filter($retriever, $item, $resource); if ($retriever['data']['images'] ) { retrieve_images($item, $a); } } } //@@@ todo: what is this reference for? document if needed delete if not function retriever_transform_images($a, &$item, $resource) { if (!$resource['data']) { Logger::info('retriever_transform_images: no data available for ' . $resource['id'] . ' ' . $resource['url']); return; } $uri_id = ItemURI::getIdByURI($item['uri']); //@@@ why can't I get this from the item itself? $data = $resource['data']; $type = $resource['type']; $uid = $item['uid']; $cid = $item['contact-id']; $rid = Photo::newResource(); $path = parse_url($resource['url'], PHP_URL_PATH); $parts = pathinfo($path); $filename = $parts['filename'] . (array_key_exists('extension', $parts) ? '.' . $parts['extension'] : ''); $album = 'Wall Photos'; $scale = 0; $desc = ''; // TODO: store alt text with resource when it's requested so we can fill this in Logger::debug('retriever_transform_images storing ' . strlen($data) . ' bytes type ' . $type . ': uid ' . $uid . ' cid ' . $cid . ' rid ' . $rid . ' filename ' . $filename . ' album ' . $album . ' scale ' . $scale . ' desc ' . $desc); $image = new Image($data, $type); if (!$image->isValid()) { Logger::warning('retriever_transform_images: invalid image found at URL ' . $resource['url'] . ' for item ' . $item['id']); return; } $photo = Photo::store($image, $uid, $cid, $rid, $filename, $album, 0, 0, "", "", "", "", $desc); $new_url = System::baseUrl() . '/photo/' . $rid . '-0.' . $image->getExt(); if (!strlen($new_url)) { Logger::warning('retriever_transform_images: no replacement URL for image ' . $resource['url']); return; } $content = DBA::selectFirst('item-content', ['body'], ['uri-id' => $uri_id]); $body = $content['body']; Logger::debug('retriever_transform_images: replacing ' . $resource['url'] . ' with ' . $new_url . ' in item ' . $item['uri']); $body = str_replace($resource["url"], $new_url, $body); Item::update(['body' => $body], ['uri-id' => $uri_id]); } function retriever_content($a) { if (!local_user()) { $a->page['content'] .= "
Please log in
"; return; } if ($a->argv[1] === 'help') { //@@@ fix me $feeds = q("SELECT `id`, `name`, `thumb` FROM contact WHERE `uid` = %d AND `network` = 'feed'", local_user()); foreach ($feeds as $k=>$v) { $feeds[$k]['url'] = $a->getBaseUrl() . '/retriever/' . $v['id']; } $template = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('/help.tpl', 'addon/retriever/'); $a->page['content'] .= Renderer::replaceMacros($template, array( '$config' => $a->getBaseUrl() . '/settings/addon', '$feeds' => $feeds)); return; } if ($a->argv[1]) { $retriever_rule = get_retriever_rule($a->argv[1], local_user(), false); if (!empty($_POST["id"])) { $retriever_rule = get_retriever_rule($a->argv[1], local_user(), true); $retriever_rule['data'] = array(); foreach (array('modurl', 'pattern', 'replace', 'enable', 'images', 'customxslt', 'storecookies', 'cookiedata') as $setting) { if (empty($_POST['retriever_' . $setting])) { $retriever_rule['data'][$setting] = NULL; } else { $retriever_rule['data'][$setting] = $_POST['retriever_' . $setting]; } } foreach ($_POST as $k=>$v) { if (preg_match("/retriever-(include|exclude)-(\d+)-(element|attribute|value)/", $k, $matches)) { $retriever_rule['data'][$matches[1]][intval($matches[2])][$matches[3]] = $v; } } // You've gotta have an element, even if it's just "*" foreach ($retriever_rule['data']['include'] as $k=>$clause) { if (!$clause['element']) { unset($retriever_rule['data']['include'][$k]); } } foreach ($retriever_rule['data']['exclude'] as $k=>$clause) { if (!$clause['element']) { unset($retriever_rule['data']['exclude'][$k]); } } //@@@ fix me q("UPDATE `retriever_rule` SET `data`='%s' WHERE `id` = %d", DBA::escape(json_encode($retriever_rule['data'])), intval($retriever_rule["id"])); $a->page['content'] .= "Settings Updated"; if (!empty($_POST["retriever_retrospective"])) { apply_retrospective($a, $retriever_rule, $_POST["retriever_retrospective"]); $a->page['content'] .= " and retrospectively applied to " . $_POST["retriever_retrospective"] . " posts"; } $a->page['content'] .= ".
"; } $template = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('/rule-config.tpl', 'addon/retriever/'); $a->page['content'] .= Renderer::replaceMacros($template, array( '$enable' => array( 'retriever_enable', L10n::t('Enabled'), $retriever_rule['data']['enable']), '$modurl' => array( 'retriever_modurl', L10n::t('Modify URL'), $retriever_rule['data']['modurl'], L10n::t("Modify each article's URL with regular expressions before retrieving.")), '$pattern' => array( 'retriever_pattern', L10n::t('URL Pattern'), $retriever_rule['data']['pattern'], L10n::t('Regular expression matching part of the URL to replace')), '$replace' => array( 'retriever_replace', L10n::t('URL Replace'), $retriever_rule['data']['replace'], L10n::t('Text to replace matching part of above regular expression')), '$images' => array( 'retriever_images', L10n::t('Download Images'), $retriever_rule['data']['images']), '$retrospective' => array( 'retriever_retrospective', L10n::t('Retrospectively Apply'), '0', L10n::t('Reapply the rules to this number of posts')), 'storecookies' => array( 'retriever_storecookies', L10n::t('Store cookies'), $retriever_rule['data']['storecookies'], L10n::t("Preserve cookie data across fetches.")), '$cookiedata' => array( 'retriever_cookiedata', L10n::t('Cookie Data'), $retriever_rule['data']['cookiedata'], L10n::t("Latest cookie data for this feed. Netscape cookie file format.")), '$customxslt' => array( 'retriever_customxslt', L10n::t('Custom XSLT'), $retriever_rule['data']['customxslt'], L10n::t("When standard rules aren't enough, apply custom XSLT to the article")), '$title' => L10n::t('Retrieve Feed Content'), '$help' => $a->getBaseUrl() . '/retriever/help', '$help_t' => L10n::t('Get Help'), '$submit_t' => L10n::t('Submit'), '$submit' => L10n::t('Save Settings'), '$id' => ($retriever_rule["id"] ? $retriever_rule["id"] : "create"), '$tag_t' => L10n::t('Tag'), '$attribute_t' => L10n::t('Attribute'), '$value_t' => L10n::t('Value'), '$add_t' => L10n::t('Add'), '$remove_t' => L10n::t('Remove'), '$include_t' => L10n::t('Include'), '$include' => $retriever_rule['data']['include'], '$exclude_t' => L10n::t('Exclude'), '$exclude' => $retriever_rule['data']['exclude'])); return; } } function retriever_contact_photo_menu($a, &$args) { if (!$args) { return; } if ($args["contact"]["network"] == "feed") { $args["menu"][ 'retriever' ] = array(L10n::t('Retriever'), $a->getBaseUrl() . '/retriever/' . $args["contact"]['id']); } } function retriever_post_remote_hook(&$a, &$item) { // Note that $item doesn't necessarily contain all the fields you would expect, in particular 'id' Logger::info('retriever_post_remote_hook: ' . $item['uri'] . ' ' . $item['uid'] . ' ' . $item['contact-id']); $uri_id = ItemURI::getIdByURI($item['uri']); //@@@ why can't I get this from the item itself? $retriever_rule = get_retriever_rule($item['contact-id'], $item["uid"], false); if ($retriever_rule) { retriever_on_item_insert($a, $retriever_rule, $item); } else { if (PConfig::get($item["uid"], 'retriever', 'oembed')) { // Convert to HTML and back to take advantage of bbcode's resolution of oembeds. $content = DBA::selectFirst('item-content', [], ['uri-id' => $uri_id]); $body = HTML::toBBCode(BBCode::convert($content['body'])); if ($body) { $item['body'] = $body; Item::update(['body' => $body], ['uri-id' => $uri_id]); } } if (PConfig::get($item["uid"], 'retriever', 'all_photos')) { retrieve_images($item, $a); //@@@ backwards } } retriever_check_item_completed($item); } function retriever_plugin_settings(&$a,&$s) { $all_photos = PConfig::get(local_user(), 'retriever', 'all_photos'); $oembed = PConfig::get(local_user(), 'retriever', 'oembed'); $template = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('/settings.tpl', 'addon/retriever/'); $s .= Renderer::replaceMacros($template, array( '$allphotos' => array( 'retriever_all_photos', L10n::t('All Photos'), $all_photos, L10n::t('Check this to retrieve photos for all posts')), '$oembed' => array( 'retriever_oembed', L10n::t('Resolve OEmbed'), $oembed, L10n::t('Check this to attempt to retrieve embedded content for all posts - useful e.g. for Facebook posts')), '$submit' => L10n::t('Save Settings'), '$title' => L10n::t('Retriever Settings'), '$help' => $a->getBaseUrl() . '/retriever/help')); } function retriever_plugin_settings_post($a,$post) { if ($_POST['retriever_all_photos']) { PConfig::set(local_user(), 'retriever', 'all_photos', $_POST['retriever_all_photos']); } else { PConfig::del(local_user(), 'retriever', 'all_photos'); } if ($_POST['retriever_oembed']) { PConfig::set(local_user(), 'retriever', 'oembed', $_POST['retriever_oembed']); } else { PConfig::del(local_user(), 'retriever', 'oembed'); } }