## simplyOpen ## ## Screenshot ![screenshot](screenshot.png) ![screenshot mobile](screenshotMobile.png) ## Options Theme inspired by the mkdocs default theme, without all the datadealer (Google, Twitter, Facebook) stuff. [Federation Widget](https://git.friendi.ca/lubuWest/Federation-widget) in sidebar (works currently only with Friendica). Social links to Mastodon, Matrix, Friendica, Diaspora, Misskey,... It has a menu for easy navigation on mobile. EMail and License is displayed in the footer. Javascript only used for Federation Widget. Configuration in pelicanconf.py: ``` EMAIL='x@y.com' SITEDESCRIPTION = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit ..' # Additional text shown on the start page SITELOGO = 'images/logo.png' # Logo for the site, height is 50px, subdirectory in PATH DISPLAY_PAGES_ON_MENU = True # Markdown files in the 'pages' directory are shown as links in the header SOCIAL = (('Diaspora', 'https://diasp.eu/...'), ('Friendica', 'https://friendica.eu/profile/...'), ('Forgejo', 'https://codeberg.org...'), ('Funkwhale', 'https://abc.de/...'), ('Gitea', 'https://abc.de/...'), ('Github', 'https://github.com/...'), ('Gitlab', 'https://gitlab.com/...'), ('Gnusocial', 'https://www.gnusocial.no/...'), ('Hubzilla', 'https://abc.de/...'), ('Mastodon', 'https://mastodon.social/...'), ('Matrix', 'https://mastodon.social/...'), ('Misskey', 'https://misskey.com/...'), ('Movim', 'https://pod.movim.eu/?q=...'), ('Peertube', 'https://peertube.com/'), ('Pixelfed', 'https://pixelfed.com/...'), ('Pleroma', 'https://pleroma.com/...'), ('Pixelfed', 'https://pixelfed.com/...'), ('Plume', 'http://plume.come/'), ('Pixelfed', 'https://pixelfed.com/...'), ('Pump.io', 'https://pump.io/...'), ('RedMatrix', 'https://red.com/...'), ('XMPP', 'abc@jabber.de')) # License (choose one) LICENSE = 'CC-BY-SA', 'CC-BY', 'CC-BY-NC', 'CC-BY-NC-SA', 'ALL RIGHTS RESERVED' # For federation timeline activate Apache headers module: # a2enmod headers # CORS headers must be set at the Friendica server, add the following to .htaccess # Header add Access-Control-Allow-Origin "https://myblog.com" # Header add Access-Control-Allow-Methods: "GET" FEDERATION_TIMELINE = (('domain','https://loma.ml'), ('user','startrek'), ('max','5'), ('type','user'), # could be 'group' to follow a group ('servertype','friendica'),) # could be 'diaspora', 'friendica' or 'hubzilla' ``` ## Project documentation For displaying project Markdown files as website similar to mkdocs, additional parameters should be set: ``` CATEGORIES_ON_SIDEBAR = 'left' # 'right' or 'none' # If 'left', directory names are used as menu button. If files are not in subdirectories, filenames are used FILENAME_METADATA = '(?P.*)' # to retrieve the title from filename, if there is no Title field in te Markdown file DEFAULT_DATE = 'fs' # to retrieve the date from file savedate of file, if there is no Date field in te Markdown file # last saved file will be used as the start page of the website STATIC_PATHS = ['Screenshots'] # place of image files should be set ``` ## Credits * Icons copyright by their respective owners ## License In line with Federation Widget (https://git.friendi.ca/lubuwest/Federation-widget) this template is under the [WTF Public License](http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING).