Calling Android functions from Qt without using JNI =========================== It is a fork of the [Quick Android]( project that aims to provide a library to access Android functions from Qt/QML without using JNI. Remarks: This project only support gradle build system. Features ======== 1. SystemDispatcher - A message queue for C++/Qt and Java/Android 1. Send message in C++, receive in Java and vice versa. 1. Data type will be converted automatically (e.g QMap <-> java.util.Map). No need to write in JNI. 1. It could be used to write your own Java code 1. Bundled Components 1. Image Picker 1. Toast 1. Wrapper of android.os.Environment / android.os.Debug / MediaScannerConnection C++ API ======= 1. Environment::getExternalStoragePublicDirectory() 1. MediaScannerConnection::scanFile() 1. Debug::getNativeHeapSize() 1. Debug::getNativeHeapAllocatedSize() The functions above do not require to config gradle before using. QML Components ============== ``` import AndroidNative 1.0 ``` 1. ImagePicker 1. Toast SystemDispatcher ================ SystemDispatcher is a message queue component for delivering action message between C++/QML and Java. Data type in message is converted to the target platform automatically (e.g QMap <-> java.util.Map) . So that user doesn't need to write JNI to access their Java functions. Moreover, SystemDispatcher is compilable on a non-Android platform. It doesn't cause any trouble to run on your development host. ``` // C++ Example #include // Load a Java class. It will trigger the code within `static` block SystemDispatcher::instance()->loadClass("androidnative.example.ExampleService"); QVariantMap message; message["value1"] = 1; message["value2"] = 2.0; message["value3"] = "3"; // Dispatch a message SystemDispatcher::instance()->dispatch("androidnative.example.dummyAction", message); ``` ``` // QML Example import AndroidNative 1.0 Item { Component.onCompleted: { var message = { value1: 1, value2: 2.0, value3: "3" } SystemDispatcher.dispatch("androidnative.example.dummyAction", message); } } ``` ``` // Java Receiver public class ExampleService { static { SystemDispatcher.addListener(new SystemDispatcher.Listener() { public void onDispatched(String type , Map message) { if (type.equals("androidnative.example.dummyAction")) { // Process then dispatch a response back to C++/QML SystemDispatcher.dispatch(("androidnative.example.response"); return; } return; } }); } } ``` ``` // Listen from QML Connections { target: SystemDispatcher onDispatched: { // process the message } } ``` Supported data type: | Qt | Java | |--------------|---------| | int | int | | bool | boolean | | QString | String | | QVariantList | List | | QVariantMap | Map | Installation Instruction ======================== [androidnative.pri/ at master · benlau/androidnative.pri]( Example ======= An example program is available at: [androidnative.pri/examples/androidnativeexample at master · benlau/androidnative.pri]( ![example1.png (533×472)](