<?php /** * Name: NSFW * Description: Collapse posts with inappropriate content * Version: 1.0 * Author: Mike Macgirvin <http://macgirvin.com/profile/mike> * */ use Friendica\App; use Friendica\Core\Hook; use Friendica\Core\Renderer; use Friendica\DI; function nsfw_install() { Hook::register('prepare_body_content_filter', 'addon/nsfw/nsfw.php', 'nsfw_prepare_body_content_filter', 10); Hook::register('addon_settings', 'addon/nsfw/nsfw.php', 'nsfw_addon_settings'); Hook::register('addon_settings_post', 'addon/nsfw/nsfw.php', 'nsfw_addon_settings_post'); } // This function isn't perfect and isn't trying to preserve the html structure - it's just a // quick and dirty filter to pull out embedded photo blobs because 'nsfw' seems to come up // inside them quite often. We don't need anything fancy, just pull out the data blob so we can // check against the rest of the body. function nsfw_extract_photos($body) { $new_body = ''; $img_start = strpos($body, 'src="data:'); $img_end = (($img_start !== false) ? strpos(substr($body, $img_start), '>') : false); $cnt = 0; while ($img_end !== false) { $img_end += $img_start; $new_body = $new_body . substr($body, 0, $img_start); $cnt ++; $body = substr($body, 0, $img_end); $img_start = strpos($body, 'src="data:'); $img_end = (($img_start !== false) ? strpos(substr($body, $img_start), '>') : false); } if (!$cnt) { return $body; } return $new_body; } function nsfw_addon_settings(App &$a, array &$data) { if (!DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId()) { return; } $enabled = !DI::pConfig()->get(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'nsfw', 'disable'); $words = DI::pConfig()->get(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'nsfw', 'words', 'nsfw,'); $t = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('settings.tpl', 'addon/nsfw/'); $html = Renderer::replaceMacros($t, [ '$info' => DI::l10n()->t('This addon searches for specified words/text in posts and collapses them. It can be used to filter content tagged with for instance #NSFW that may be deemed inappropriate at certain times or places, such as being at work. It is also useful for hiding irrelevant or annoying content from direct view.'), '$enabled' => ['nsfw-enable', DI::l10n()->t('Enable Content filter'), $enabled], '$words' => ['nsfw-words', DI::l10n()->t('Comma separated list of keywords to hide'), $words, DI::l10n()->t('Use /expression/ to provide regular expressions, #tag to specfically match hashtags (case-insensitive), or regular words (case-sensitive)')], ]); $data = [ 'addon' => 'nsfw', 'title' => DI::l10n()->t('Content Filter (NSFW and more)'), 'html' => $html, ]; } function nsfw_addon_settings_post(App $a, array &$b) { if (!DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId()) { return; } if (!empty($_POST['nsfw-submit'])) { DI::pConfig()->set(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'nsfw', 'words', trim($_POST['nsfw-words'])); $enable = (!empty($_POST['nsfw-enable']) ? intval($_POST['nsfw-enable']) : 0); $disable = 1 - $enable; DI::pConfig()->set(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'nsfw', 'disable', $disable); } } function nsfw_prepare_body_content_filter(App $a, &$hook_data) { $words = null; if (DI::pConfig()->get(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'nsfw', 'disable')) { return; } if (DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId()) { $words = DI::pConfig()->get(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'nsfw', 'words'); } if ($words) { $word_list = explode(',', $words); } else { $word_list = ['nsfw']; } $found = false; if (count($word_list)) { $body = $hook_data['item']['title'] . "\n" . nsfw_extract_photos($hook_data['item']['body']); foreach ($word_list as $word) { $word = trim($word); if (!strlen($word)) { continue; } $tag_search = false; switch ($word[0]) { case '/'; // Regular expression $found = preg_match($word, $body); break; case '#': // Hashtag-only search $tag_search = true; $found = nsfw_find_word_in_item_tags($hook_data['item']['hashtags'], substr($word, 1)); break; default: $found = strpos($body, $word) !== false || nsfw_find_word_in_item_tags($hook_data['item']['tags'], $word); break; } if ($found) { break; } } } if ($found) { if ($tag_search) { $hook_data['filter_reasons'][] = DI::l10n()->t('Filtered tag: %s', $word); } else { $hook_data['filter_reasons'][] = DI::l10n()->t('Filtered word: %s', $word); } } } function nsfw_find_word_in_item_tags($item_tags, $word) { if (is_array($item_tags)) { foreach ($item_tags as $tag) { if (stripos($tag, '>' . $word . '<') !== false) { return true; } } } return false; }