diff --git a/convpath/README b/convpath/README
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..9d1c3072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/convpath/README
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+This addon converts all internal paths according to the current scheme.
+That means that if a page is called via https then all internal links are also converted into https.
+Same happens when you call your page with http.
diff --git a/convpath/convpath.php b/convpath/convpath.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e5dc0b36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/convpath/convpath.php
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ *
+ */
+function convpath_install() {
+ register_hook('page_end', 'addon/convpath/convpath.php', 'convpath_page_end');
+ register_hook('page_header', 'addon/convpath/convpath.php', 'convpath_page_header');
+function convpath_uninstall() {
+ unregister_hook('page_end', 'addon/convpath/convpath.php', 'convpath_page_end');
+ unregister_hook('page_header', 'addon/convpath/convpath.php', 'convpath_page_header');
+function convpath_page_header(&$a, &$o){
+ $o = convpath_convert($o);
+function convpath_page_end(&$a, &$o){
+ $o = convpath_convert($o);
+ $a->page['aside'] = convpath_convert($a->page['aside']);
+Converts a given path according to the current scheme
+function convpath_convert($path) {
+ global $a;
+ if ($path == "")
+ return("");
+ $ssl = (substr($a->get_baseurl(), 0, 8) == "https://");
+ if ($ssl) {
+ $search = "http://".$a->get_hostname();
+ $replace = "https://".$a->get_hostname();
+ } else {
+ $search = "https://".$a->get_hostname();
+ $replace = "http://".$a->get_hostname();
+ }
+ $searcharr = array("src='".$search, 'src="'.$search);
+ $replacearr = array("src='".$replace, 'src="'.$replace);
+ $path = str_replace($searcharr, $replacearr, $path);
+ //$path = str_replace($search, $replace, $path);
+ return($path);
diff --git a/facebook/facebook.php b/facebook/facebook.php
index cb1fdee3..397c104e 100755
--- a/facebook/facebook.php
+++ b/facebook/facebook.php
@@ -558,6 +558,9 @@ function facebook_content(&$a) {
function facebook_cron($a,$b) {
+//del_config('facebook', 'realtime_active');
+//del_config('facebook', 'realtime_err_mailsent');
+//del_config('facebook', 'cb_verify_token');
$last = get_config('facebook','last_poll');
@@ -896,7 +899,7 @@ function facebook_post_hook(&$a,&$b) {
$image = $matches[3];
- if ($image != '')
+ if ($image == '')
$image = $matches[1];
@@ -1006,10 +1009,14 @@ function facebook_post_hook(&$a,&$b) {
'access_token' => $fb_token,
'message' => $msg
- if(isset($image))
+ if(isset($image)) {
$postvars['picture'] = $image;
- if(isset($link))
+ //$postvars['type'] = "photo";
+ }
+ if(isset($link)) {
$postvars['link'] = $link;
+ //$postvars['type'] = "link";
+ }
$postvars['name'] = $linkname;
@@ -1026,11 +1033,18 @@ function facebook_post_hook(&$a,&$b) {
if($reply) {
$url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/' . $reply . '/' . (($likes) ? 'likes' : 'comments');
- }
- else {
+ } else if (($link != "") or ($image != "") or ($b['title'] == '') or (strlen($msg) < 500)) {
$url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/me/feed';
$postvars['actions'] = '{"name": "' . t('View on Friendica') . '", "link": "' . $b['plink'] . '"}';
+ } else {
+ // if its only a message and a subject and the message is larger than 500 characters then post it as note
+ $postvars = array(
+ 'access_token' => $fb_token,
+ 'message' => bbcode($b['body']),
+ 'subject' => $b['title'],
+ );
+ $url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/me/notes';
logger('facebook: post to ' . $url);
@@ -1426,10 +1440,19 @@ function fb_consume_stream($uid,$j,$wall = false) {
+ if (($datarray['app'] == "Events") and $entry->actions)
+ foreach ($entry->actions as $action)
+ if ($action->name == "View")
+ $datarray['body'] .= " [url=".$action->link."]".$entry->story."[/url]";
// Just as a test - to see if these are the missing entries
//if(trim($datarray['body']) == '')
// $datarray['body'] = $entry->story;
+ // Adding the "story" text to see if there are useful data in it (testing)
+ //if (($datarray['app'] != "Events") and $entry->story)
+ // $datarray['body'] .= "\n".$entry->story;
if(trim($datarray['body']) == '') {
logger('facebook: empty body '.$entry->id.' '.print_r($entry, true));
@@ -1450,11 +1473,13 @@ function fb_consume_stream($uid,$j,$wall = false) {
//if(($datarray['body'] != '') and ($uid == 1))
// $datarray['body'] .= "[noparse]".print_r($entry, true)."[/noparse]";
- if ($entry->place->name)
- $datarray['coord'] = $entry->place->name;
- else if ($entry->place->location->street or $entry->place->location->city or $entry->place->location->Denmark) {
+ if ($entry->place->name or $entry->place->location->street or
+ $entry->place->location->city or $entry->place->location->Denmark) {
+ $datarray['coord'] = '';
+ if ($entry->place->name)
+ $datarray['coord'] .= $entry->place->name;
if ($entry->place->location->street)
- $datarray['coord'] = $entry->place->location->street;
+ $datarray['coord'] .= $entry->place->location->street;
if ($entry->place->location->city)
$datarray['coord'] .= " ".$entry->place->location->city;
if ($entry->place->location->country)
diff --git a/fromgplus/fromgplus.php b/fromgplus/fromgplus.php
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..09b6c605
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromgplus/fromgplus.php
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+ *
+ */
+function fromgplus_install() {
+ register_hook('plugin_settings', 'addon/fromgplus/fromgplus.php', 'fromgplus_addon_settings');
+ register_hook('plugin_settings_post', 'addon/fromgplus/fromgplus.php', 'fromgplus_addon_settings_post');
+function fromgplus_uninstall() {
+ unregister_hook('plugin_settings', 'addon/fromgplus/fromgplus.php', 'fromgplus_addon_settings');
+ unregister_hook('plugin_settings_post', 'addon/fromgplus/fromgplus.php', 'fromgplus_addon_settings_post');
+function fromgplus_addon_settings(&$a,&$s) {
+ if(! local_user())
+ return;
+ $enable_checked = (intval(get_pconfig(local_user(),'fromgplus','enable')) ? ' checked="checked"' : '');
+ $account = get_pconfig(local_user(),'fromgplus','account');
+ $s .= '
+ $s .= '
' . t('Google+ Import Settings').'
+ $s .= '
+ $s .= '
+ $s .= '
+ $s .= '
+ $s .= '
+ $s .= '
+ $s .= '
+ $s .= '
+ $s .= '
+ return;
+function fromgplus_addon_settings_post(&$a,&$b) {
+ if(! local_user())
+ return;
+ if($_POST['fromgplus-submit']) {
+ set_pconfig(local_user(),'fromgplus','account',trim($_POST['fromgplus-account']));
+ $enable = ((x($_POST,'fromgplus-enable')) ? intval($_POST['fromgplus-enable']) : 0);
+ set_pconfig(local_user(),'fromgplus','enable', $enable);
+ info( t('Google+ Import Settings saved.') . EOL);
+ }
+function html2bbcode($html) {
+ $bbcode = html_entity_decode($html, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
+ $bbcode = str_replace(array("\n"), array(""), $bbcode);
+ $bbcode = str_replace(array("", ""), array("[b]", "[/b]"), $bbcode);
+ $bbcode = str_replace(array("", ""), array("[i]", "[/i]"), $bbcode);
+ $bbcode = str_replace(array("", ""), array("[s]", "[/s]"), $bbcode);
+ $bbcode = str_replace(array("
"), array("\n"), $bbcode);
+ $bbcode = trim(strip_tags($bbcode));
+ return($bbcode);
+function friendicapost($post) {
+ global $friendica;
+ $api = new Statusnet($friendica["user"], $friendica["pw"], "GooglePlus", $friendica["server"]);
+ $ret = $api->updateStatus($post);
+ $api->endSession();
+function handleattachments($item) {
+ $post = "";
+ foreach ($item->object->attachments as $attachment) {
+ switch($attachment->objectType) {
+ case "video":
+ //$post .= "\n\n[url=".$attachment->url."]".
+ // "[size=large][b]".html2bbcode($attachment->displayName)."[/b][/size][/url]\n";
+ $post .= "\n\n[bookmark=".$attachment->url."]".html2bbcode($attachment->displayName)."[/bookmark]\n";
+ //if (strpos($attachment->embed->url, "youtube.com"))
+ // $post .= "[youtube]".$attachment->url."[/youtube]\n";
+ //else
+ /// $post .= "[url=".$attachment->url."][img]".$attachment->image->url."[/img][/url]\n";
+ ///$post .= "[quote]".trim(html2bbcode($attachment->content))."[/quote]";
+ break;
+ case "article":
+ //$post .= "\n\n[url=".$attachment->url."]".
+ // "[size=large][b]".html2bbcode($attachment->displayName)."[/b][/size][/url]\n";
+ $post .= "\n\n[bookmark=".$attachment->url."]".html2bbcode($attachment->displayName)."[/bookmark]\n";
+ $post .= "[quote]".trim(html2bbcode($attachment->content))."[/quote]";
+ break;
+ case "photo":
+ //$post .= "\n\n[url=".$attachment->fullImage->url."]".
+ // "[img]".$attachment->fullImage->url."[/img][/url]\n";
+ $post .= "\n\n[img]".$attachment->fullImage->url."[/img]\n";
+ if ($attachment->displayName != "")
+ $post .= html2bbcode($attachment->displayName)."\n";
+ break;
+ case "photo-album":
+ $post .= "\n\n[url=".$attachment->url."]".
+ "[size=large][b]".html2bbcode($attachment->displayName)."[/b][/size][/url]\n";
+ break;
+ default:
+ print_r($attachment);
+ die();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return($post);
+$result = file_get_contents("https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/".$google["id"]."/activities/public?alt=json&pp=1&key=".$google["key"]."&maxResults=".$google["maxfetch"]);
+$activities = json_decode($result);
+$state = array("lastid"=>'');
+if (file_exists($statefile))
+ $state = unserialize(file_get_contents($statefile));
+$lastid = "";
+foreach($activities->items as $item) {
+ if ($item->id == $state["lastid"])
+ break;
+ if ($lastid == "")
+ $lastid = $item->id;
+ switch($item->object->objectType) {
+ case "note":
+ $post = html2bbcode($item->object->content);
+ if (is_array($item->object->attachments))
+ $post .= handleattachments($item);
+ friendicapost($post);
+ break;
+ case "activity":
+ $post = html2bbcode($item->annotation)."\n";
+ //$post .= html2bbcode("♲ ");
+ $post .= html2bbcode("♻ ");
+ $post .= "[url=".$item->object->actor->url."]".$item->object->actor->displayName."[/url]";
+ $post .= " \n";
+ //$post .= "[quote]";
+ $post .= html2bbcode($item->object->content);
+ if (is_array($item->object->attachments))
+ $post .= "\n".trim(handleattachments($item));
+ //$post .= "[/quote]";
+ friendicapost($post);
+ break;
+ default:
+ print_r($item);
+ die();
+ break;
+ }
+if ($lastid != "") {
+ $state['lastid'] = $lastid;
+ file_put_contents($statefile, serialize($state));
diff --git a/fromgplus/tofriendica.php b/fromgplus/tofriendica.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b185ecc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromgplus/tofriendica.php
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+", ""), array("[b]", "[/b]"), $bbcode);
+ $bbcode = str_replace(array("", ""), array("[i]", "[/i]"), $bbcode);
+ $bbcode = str_replace(array("", ""), array("[s]", "[/s]"), $bbcode);
+ $bbcode = str_replace(array("
"), array("\n"), $bbcode);
+ $bbcode = trim(strip_tags($bbcode));
+ return($bbcode);
+function friendicapost($post) {
+ global $friendica;
+ $api = new Statusnet($friendica["user"], $friendica["pw"], "GooglePlus", $friendica["server"]);
+ $ret = $api->updateStatus($post);
+ $api->endSession();
+function handleattachments($item) {
+ $post = "";
+ foreach ($item->object->attachments as $attachment) {
+ switch($attachment->objectType) {
+ case "video":
+ //$post .= "\n\n[url=".$attachment->url."]".
+ // "[size=large][b]".html2bbcode($attachment->displayName)."[/b][/size][/url]\n";
+ $post .= "\n\n[bookmark=".$attachment->url."]".html2bbcode($attachment->displayName)."[/bookmark]\n";
+ //if (strpos($attachment->embed->url, "youtube.com"))
+ // $post .= "[youtube]".$attachment->url."[/youtube]\n";
+ //else
+ /// $post .= "[url=".$attachment->url."][img]".$attachment->image->url."[/img][/url]\n";
+ ///$post .= "[quote]".trim(html2bbcode($attachment->content))."[/quote]";
+ break;
+ case "article":
+ //$post .= "\n\n[url=".$attachment->url."]".
+ // "[size=large][b]".html2bbcode($attachment->displayName)."[/b][/size][/url]\n";
+ $post .= "\n\n[bookmark=".$attachment->url."]".html2bbcode($attachment->displayName)."[/bookmark]\n";
+ $post .= "[quote]".trim(html2bbcode($attachment->content))."[/quote]";
+ break;
+ case "photo":
+ //$post .= "\n\n[url=".$attachment->fullImage->url."]".
+ // "[img]".$attachment->fullImage->url."[/img][/url]\n";
+ $post .= "\n\n[img]".$attachment->fullImage->url."[/img]\n";
+ if ($attachment->displayName != "")
+ $post .= html2bbcode($attachment->displayName)."\n";
+ break;
+ case "photo-album":
+ $post .= "\n\n[url=".$attachment->url."]".
+ "[size=large][b]".html2bbcode($attachment->displayName)."[/b][/size][/url]\n";
+ break;
+ default:
+ print_r($attachment);
+ die();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return($post);
+$result = file_get_contents("https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/".$google["id"]."/activities/public?alt=json&pp=1&key=".$google["key"]."&maxResults=".$google["maxfetch"]);
+$activities = json_decode($result);
+$state = array("lastid"=>'');
+if (file_exists($statefile))
+ $state = unserialize(file_get_contents($statefile));
+$lastid = "";
+foreach($activities->items as $item) {
+ if ($item->id == $state["lastid"])
+ break;
+ if ($lastid == "")
+ $lastid = $item->id;
+ switch($item->object->objectType) {
+ case "note":
+ $post = html2bbcode($item->object->content);
+ if (is_array($item->object->attachments))
+ $post .= handleattachments($item);
+ friendicapost($post);
+ break;
+ case "activity":
+ $post = html2bbcode($item->annotation)."\n";
+ //$post .= html2bbcode("♲ ");
+ $post .= html2bbcode("♻ ");
+ $post .= "[url=".$item->object->actor->url."]".$item->object->actor->displayName."[/url]";
+ $post .= " \n";
+ //$post .= "[quote]";
+ $post .= html2bbcode($item->object->content);
+ if (is_array($item->object->attachments))
+ $post .= "\n".trim(handleattachments($item));
+ //$post .= "[/quote]";
+ friendicapost($post);
+ break;
+ default:
+ print_r($item);
+ die();
+ break;
+ }
+if ($lastid != "") {
+ $state['lastid'] = $lastid;
+ file_put_contents($statefile, serialize($state));