'Jappix', 'desc' => 'a free social network', 'resource' => 'Jappix', 'lock' => 'on', 'anonymous' => 'on', 'registration' => 'on', 'bosh_proxy' => 'on', 'manager_link' => 'on', 'groupchats_join' => '', 'encryption' => 'on', 'https_storage' => 'off', 'https_force' => 'off', 'compression' => 'off', 'multi_files' => 'off', 'developer' => 'off' ); // Define a default values array $main_default = $main_conf; // Read the main configuration file $main_data = readXML('conf', 'main'); // Read the main configuration file if($main_data) { // Initialize the main configuration XML data $main_xml = new SimpleXMLElement($main_data); // Loop the main configuration elements foreach($main_xml->children() as $main_child) { $main_value = $main_child->getName(); // Only push this to the array if it exists if(isset($main_conf[$main_value]) && $main_child) $main_conf[$main_value] = $main_child; } } // Finally, define the main configuration globals define('SERVICE_NAME', $main_conf['name']); define('SERVICE_DESC', $main_conf['desc']); define('JAPPIX_RESOURCE', $main_conf['resource']); define('LOCK_HOST', $main_conf['lock']); define('ANONYMOUS', $main_conf['anonymous']); define('REGISTRATION', $main_conf['registration']); define('BOSH_PROXY', $main_conf['bosh_proxy']); define('MANAGER_LINK', $main_conf['manager_link']); define('GROUPCHATS_JOIN', $main_conf['groupchats_join']); define('ENCRYPTION', $main_conf['encryption']); define('HTTPS_STORAGE', $main_conf['https_storage']); define('HTTPS_FORCE', $main_conf['https_force']); define('COMPRESSION', $main_conf['compression']); define('MULTI_FILES', $main_conf['multi_files']); define('DEVELOPER', $main_conf['developer']); ?>