
Decentralized architecture with no central authority or ownership.

Relationships can be made across any compatible system, creating a network of Internet scale made up of smaller sites.

Seamless wall-to-wall posts and remote comments, even across different network nodes.


Access lists for every item.

Private conversation groups — on these pages all communications are restricted to group members.

One-to-one private messaging on supported protocols.

Optionally "expire" old content after a certain period of time.

Download your personal data. It all belongs to you.


Built-in support for ActivityPub (e.g. Funkwhale, Hubzilla, Mastodon, Pleroma, Pixelfed), OStatus (e.g. StatusNet, GNU social, Quitter) and diaspora* protocols.

Support for email contacts and communications (two-way) via IMAP4rev1/ESMTP.

Import arbitrary websites and blogs into your social stream via RSS/Atom feeds.

Support for other services via plugins.

A personal social network

Keep in contact with people you care about.


Write your thoughts, edit them if you want. Comment, Like and Dislike posts from your contacts.


Share your holiday photos, but only with people you want.


Organize the next meeting of your reading group, or let everybody know about your cool party!


Like in real life, have a public profile and private aspects only for your closest friends. Or keep everything private!

Free software — Free protocols

Friendica is free software and use free protocols.



Run your personal Friendica node on shared hosts.

Friendica runs on PHP with MySQL as a database. If you can run WordPress, you can run Friendica.



Extensible via third-party plugins and themes.

Add functionality, personalize the look and feel, connect to third-party services.

"post" ); $the_query = new WP_Query( $args ); ?>

Last News

have_posts()) { $the_query->the_post(); get_template_part( 'entry', 'home' ); } ?>
have_posts()) { $the_query->the_post(); get_template_part( 'entry', 'home' ); } ?> have_posts()) { $the_query->the_post(); get_template_part( 'entry', 'home' ); } ?>

have_posts()) { $the_query->the_post(); get_template_part( 'entry', 'home' ); } ?> have_posts()) { $the_query->the_post(); get_template_part( 'entry', 'home' ); } ?>