settings[$cat][$key] = $value; } public function reset() { $this->settings = []; } public function saveToConfigFile($name = '') { $saved = false; if (!empty($this->getConfigFullName($name))) { $this->saveConfigFile($this->getConfigFullName($name)); $saved = true; } if (!empty($this->getIniFullName($name))) { $this->saveINIConfigFile($this->getIniFullName($name)); $saved = true; } if (!empty($this->getHtConfigFullName($name))) { $this->saveToLegacyConfig($this->getHtConfigFullName($name)); $saved = true; } return $saved; } /** * Saves a value to either an config or an ini file * * @param string $name The configuration file name ('local', 'addon', ..) * @param string $cat The configuration category * @param string $key The configuration key * @param string $value The new value */ private function saveToCoreConfig($name, $cat, $key, $value) { if (!empty($this->getConfigFullName($name))) { $this->saveConfigFile($this->getConfigFullName($name), $cat, $key, $value); } elseif (!empty($this->getIniFullName($name))) { $this->saveINIConfigFile($this->getIniFullName($name), $cat, $key, $value); } else { return; } } /** * Saves a value to a config file * * @param string $fullName The configuration full name (including the path) * @param string $cat The configuration category * @param string $key The configuration key * @param string $value The new value * * @throws \Exception In case a file operation doesn't work */ private function saveConfigFile($fullName, $cat, $key, $value) { $reading = fopen($fullName, 'r'); if (!$reading) { throw new \Exception('Cannot open config file \'' . $fullName . '\'.'); } $writing = fopen($fullName . '.tmp', 'w'); if (!$writing) { throw new \Exception('Cannot create temporary config file \'' . $fullName . '.tmp\'.'); } $categoryFound = false; $categoryBracketFound = false; $lineFound = false; $lineArrowFound = false; while (!feof($reading)) { $line = fgets($reading); // find the first line like "'system' =>" if (!$categoryFound && stristr($line, sprintf('\'%s\'', $cat))) { $categoryFound = true; } // find the first line with a starting bracket ( "[" ) if ($categoryFound && !$categoryBracketFound && stristr($line, '[')) { $categoryBracketFound = true; } // find the first line with the key like "'value'" if ($categoryBracketFound && !$lineFound && stristr($line, sprintf('\'%s\'', $key))) { $lineFound = true; } // find the first line with an arrow ("=>") after finding the key if ($lineFound && !$lineArrowFound && stristr($line, '=>')) { $lineArrowFound = true; } // find the current value and replace it if ($lineArrowFound && preg_match_all('/\'(.*?)\'/', $line, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { $lineVal = end($matches)[0]; $writeLine = str_replace($lineVal, '\'' . $value . '\'', $line); $categoryFound = false; $categoryBracketFound = false; $lineFound = false; $lineArrowFound = false; // if a line contains a closing bracket for the category ( "]" ) and we didn't find the key/value pair, // add it as a new line before the closing bracket } elseif ($categoryBracketFound && !$lineArrowFound && stristr($line, ']')) { $categoryFound = false; $categoryBracketFound = false; $lineFound = false; $lineArrowFound = false; $writeLine = sprintf(self::INDENT . self::INDENT .'\'%s\' => \'%s\',' . PHP_EOL, $key, $value); $writeLine .= $line; } else { $writeLine = $line; } fputs($writing, $writeLine); } if (!fclose($reading)) { throw new \Exception('Cannot close config file \'' . $fullName . '\'.'); }; if (!fclose($writing)) { throw new \Exception('Cannot close temporary config file \'' . $fullName . '.tmp\'.'); }; if (!rename($fullName, $fullName . '.old')) { throw new \Exception('Cannot backup current config file \'' . $fullName . '\'.'); } if (!rename($fullName . '.tmp', $fullName)) { throw new \Exception('Cannot move temporary config file \'' . $fullName . '.tmp\' to current.'); } } /** * Saves a value to a ini file * * @param string $fullName The configuration full name (including the path) * @param string $cat The configuration category * @param string $key The configuration key * @param string $value The new value */ private function saveINIConfigFile($fullName, $cat, $key, $value) { $reading = fopen($fullName, 'r'); $writing = fopen($fullName . '.tmp', 'w'); $categoryFound = false; while (!feof($reading)) { $line = fgets($reading); if (!$categoryFound && stristr($line, sprintf('[%s]', $cat))) { $categoryFound = true; $writeLine = $line; } elseif ($categoryFound && preg_match_all('/^' . $key . '\s*=\s*(.*?)$/', $line, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { $writeLine = $key . ' = ' . $value . PHP_EOL; $categoryFound = false; } elseif ($categoryFound && (preg_match_all('/^\[.*?\]$/', $line) || preg_match_all('/^INI;.*$/', $line))) { $categoryFound = false; $writeLine = $key . ' = ' . $value . PHP_EOL; $writeLine .= $line; } else { $writeLine = $line; } fputs($writing, $writeLine); } fclose($reading); fclose($writing); rename($fullName, $fullName . '.old'); rename($fullName . '.tmp', $fullName); } private function saveToLegacyConfig($name, $cat, $key, $value) { if (empty($this->getHtConfigFullName($name))) { return; } $fullName = $this->getHtConfigFullName($name); $reading = fopen($fullName, 'r'); $writing = fopen($fullName . '.tmp', 'w'); $found = false; while (!feof($reading)) { $line = fgets($reading); if (preg_match_all('/^\$a\-\>config\[\'' . $cat . '\',\'' . $key . '\'\]\s*=\s\'*(.*?)\'$/', $line, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { $writeLine = $key . ' = ' . $value . PHP_EOL; $found = true; } else { $writeLine = $line; } fputs($writing, $writeLine); } if (!$found) { $writeLine = $key . ' = ' . $value . PHP_EOL; fputs($writing, $writeLine); } fclose($reading); fclose($writing); rename($fullName, $fullName . '.old'); rename($fullName . '.tmp', $fullName); } }