get_curl_code() > 299) || (! $s)) return; $j = json_decode($s); foreach($j->entry as $entry) { $profile_url = ''; $profile_photo = ''; $name = ''; $name = $entry->displayName; foreach($entry->urls as $url) { if($url->type == 'profile') { $profile_url = $url->value; break; } } foreach($entry->photos as $photo) { if($photo->type == 'profile') { $profile_photo = $photo->value; break; } } if((! $name) || (! $profile_url) || (! $profile_photo)) continue; $x = q("select * from `gcontact` where `nurl` = '%s' limit 1", dbesc(normalise_link($profile_url)) ); if(count($x)) { $gcid = $x[0]['id']; if($x[0]['name'] != $name || $x[0]['photo'] != $profile_photo) { q("update gcontact set `name` = '%s', `photo` = '%s' where `nurl` = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($name), dbesc($profile_photo), dbesc(normalise_link($profile_url)) ); } } else { q("insert into `gcontact` (`name`,`url`,`nurl`,`photo`) values ( '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s') ", dbesc($name), dbesc($profile_url), dbesc(normalise_link($profile_url)), dbesc($profile_photo) ); $x = q("select * from `gcontact` where `nurl` = '%s' limit 1", dbesc(normalise_link($profile_url)) ); if(count($x)) $gcid = $x[0]['id']; } if(! $gcid) return; $r = q("select * from glink where `cid` = %d and `uid` = %d and `gcid` = %d limit 1", intval($cid), intval($uid), intval($gcid) ); if(! count($r)) { q("insert into glink ( `cid`,`uid`,`gcid`,`updated`) values (%d,%d,%d,'%s') ", intval($cid), intval($uid), intval($gcid), dbesc(datetime_convert()) ); } else { q("update glink set updated = '%s' where `cid` = %d and `uid` = %d and `gcid` = %d limit 1", dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval($cid), intval($uid), intval($gcid) ); } } q("delete from glink where `cid` = %d and `uid` = %d and `updated` < UTC_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL 2 DAY", intval($cid), intval($uid) ); }