argc > 2) { for($x = 2; $x < $a->argc; $x++) { if($a->argv[$x] == 'converse') $converse = true; if($a->argv[$x] == 'starred') $starred = true; if($a->argv[$x] === 'category' && $a->argc > ($x + 1) && strlen($a->argv[$x+1])) $category = $a->argv[$x+1]; } } // default permissions - anonymous user $sql_extra = " AND `item`.`allow_cid` = '' AND `item`.`allow_gid` = '' AND `item`.`deny_cid` = '' AND `item`.`deny_gid` = '' "; $r = q("SELECT `contact`.*, `user`.`uid` AS `user_uid`, `user`.`nickname`, `user`.`timezone`, `user`.`page-flags` FROM `contact` INNER JOIN `user` ON `user`.`uid` = `contact`.`uid` WHERE `contact`.`self` = 1 AND `user`.`nickname` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($owner_nick) ); if(! count($r)) killme(); $owner = $r[0]; $owner_id = $owner['user_uid']; $owner_nick = $owner['nickname']; $birthday = feed_birthday($owner_id,$owner['timezone']); $sql_post_table = ""; $visibility = ""; if(! $public_feed) { $sql_extra = ''; switch($direction) { case (-1): $sql_extra = sprintf(" AND `issued-id` = '%s' ", dbesc($dfrn_id)); $my_id = $dfrn_id; break; case 0: $sql_extra = sprintf(" AND `issued-id` = '%s' AND `duplex` = 1 ", dbesc($dfrn_id)); $my_id = '1:' . $dfrn_id; break; case 1: $sql_extra = sprintf(" AND `dfrn-id` = '%s' AND `duplex` = 1 ", dbesc($dfrn_id)); $my_id = '0:' . $dfrn_id; break; default: return false; break; // NOTREACHED } $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `blocked` = 0 AND `pending` = 0 AND `contact`.`uid` = %d $sql_extra LIMIT 1", intval($owner_id) ); if(! count($r)) killme(); $contact = $r[0]; require_once('include/security.php'); $groups = init_groups_visitor($contact['id']); if(count($groups)) { for($x = 0; $x < count($groups); $x ++) $groups[$x] = '<' . intval($groups[$x]) . '>' ; $gs = implode('|', $groups); } else $gs = '<<>>' ; // Impossible to match $sql_extra = sprintf(" AND ( `allow_cid` = '' OR `allow_cid` REGEXP '<%d>' ) AND ( `deny_cid` = '' OR NOT `deny_cid` REGEXP '<%d>' ) AND ( `allow_gid` = '' OR `allow_gid` REGEXP '%s' ) AND ( `deny_gid` = '' OR NOT `deny_gid` REGEXP '%s') ", intval($contact['id']), intval($contact['id']), dbesc($gs), dbesc($gs) ); } if($public_feed) $sort = 'DESC'; else $sort = 'ASC'; $date_field = "`changed`"; $sql_order = "`item`.`parent` ".$sort.", `item`.`created` ASC"; if(! strlen($last_update)) $last_update = 'now -30 days'; if(isset($category)) { $sql_post_table = sprintf("INNER JOIN (SELECT `oid` FROM `term` WHERE `term` = '%s' AND `otype` = %d AND `type` = %d AND `uid` = %d ORDER BY `tid` DESC) AS `term` ON `item`.`id` = `term`.`oid` ", dbesc(protect_sprintf($category)), intval(TERM_OBJ_POST), intval(TERM_CATEGORY), intval($owner_id)); //$sql_extra .= file_tag_file_query('item',$category,'category'); } if($public_feed) { if(! $converse) $sql_extra .= " AND `contact`.`self` = 1 "; } $check_date = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$last_update,'Y-m-d H:i:s'); // AND ( `item`.`edited` > '%s' OR `item`.`changed` > '%s' ) // dbesc($check_date), $r = q("SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN `item`.*, `item`.`id` AS `item_id`, `contact`.`name`, `contact`.`network`, `contact`.`photo`, `contact`.`url`, `contact`.`name-date`, `contact`.`uri-date`, `contact`.`avatar-date`, `contact`.`thumb`, `contact`.`dfrn-id`, `contact`.`self`, `contact`.`id` AS `contact-id`, `contact`.`uid` AS `contact-uid`, `sign`.`signed_text`, `sign`.`signature`, `sign`.`signer` FROM `item` $sql_post_table INNER JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`id` = `item`.`contact-id` AND `contact`.`blocked` = 0 AND `contact`.`pending` = 0 LEFT JOIN `sign` ON `sign`.`iid` = `item`.`id` WHERE `item`.`uid` = %d AND `item`.`visible` = 1 and `item`.`moderated` = 0 AND `item`.`parent` != 0 AND ((`item`.`wall` = 1) $visibility) AND `item`.$date_field > '%s' $sql_extra ORDER BY $sql_order LIMIT 0, 300", intval($owner_id), dbesc($check_date), dbesc($sort) ); // Will check further below if this actually returned results. // We will provide an empty feed if that is the case. $items = $r; //$feed_template = get_markup_template(($dfrn_id) ? 'atom_feed_dfrn.tpl' : 'atom_feed.tpl'); //$atom = ''; $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); $doc->formatOutput = true; $xpath = new DomXPath($doc); $xpath->registerNamespace('atom', ""); $xpath->registerNamespace('thr', ""); $xpath->registerNamespace('georss', ""); $xpath->registerNamespace('activity', ""); $xpath->registerNamespace('media', ""); $xpath->registerNamespace('poco', ""); $xpath->registerNamespace('ostatus', ""); $xpath->registerNamespace('statusnet', ""); $root = ostatus_add_header($doc, $owner); dfrn_add_header($root, $doc, $xpath, $owner); // Todo $hubxml = feed_hublinks(); // Todo $salmon = feed_salmonlinks($owner_nick); // todo $alternatelink = $owner['url']; /* if(isset($category)) $alternatelink .= "/category/".$category; $atom .= replace_macros($feed_template, array( '$version' => xmlify(FRIENDICA_VERSION), '$feed_id' => xmlify($a->get_baseurl() . '/profile/' . $owner_nick), '$feed_title' => xmlify($owner['name']), '$feed_updated' => xmlify(datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', 'now' , ATOM_TIME)) , '$hub' => $hubxml, '$salmon' => $salmon, '$alternatelink' => xmlify($alternatelink), '$name' => xmlify($owner['name']), '$profile_page' => xmlify($owner['url']), '$photo' => xmlify($owner['photo']), '$thumb' => xmlify($owner['thumb']), '$picdate' => xmlify(datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$owner['avatar-date'] . '+00:00' , ATOM_TIME)) , '$uridate' => xmlify(datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$owner['uri-date'] . '+00:00' , ATOM_TIME)) , '$namdate' => xmlify(datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$owner['name-date'] . '+00:00' , ATOM_TIME)) , '$birthday' => ((strlen($birthday)) ? '' . xmlify($birthday) . '' : ''), '$community' => (($owner['page-flags'] == PAGE_COMMUNITY) ? '1' : '') )); */ call_hooks('atom_feed', $atom); if(! count($items)) { call_hooks('atom_feed_end', $atom); //$atom .= '' . "\r\n"; //return $atom; return(trim($doc->saveXML())); } foreach($items as $item) { // prevent private email from leaking. if($item['network'] === NETWORK_MAIL) continue; // public feeds get html, our own nodes use bbcode if($public_feed) { $type = 'html'; // catch any email that's in a public conversation and make sure it doesn't leak if($item['private']) continue; } else { $type = 'text'; } //$atom .= atom_entry($item,$type,null,$owner,true); $entry = ostatus_entry($doc, $item, $owner); dfrn_entry($entry, $doc, $xpath, $item, $owner); $root->appendChild($entry); } call_hooks('atom_feed_end', $atom); //$atom .= '' . "\r\n"; //return $atom; return(trim($doc->saveXML())); } /** * @brief Adds the header elements for thr DFRN protocol * * We use the XML from OStatus as a base and are adding the DFRN parts to it. * * @root Class XML root element * @doc Class XML document * @xpath Class XML xpath * @owner array Owner record * */ function dfrn_add_header(&$root, $doc, $xpath, $owner) { $root->setAttribute("xmlns:at", ""); $root->setAttribute("xmlns:xmlns:dfrn", ""); $attributes = array("href" => "", "rel" => "license"); xml_add_element($doc, $root, "link", "", $attributes); xml_replace_element($doc, $root, $xpath, "title", $owner["name"]); xml_remove_element($root, $xpath, "/atom:feed/subtitle"); xml_remove_element($root, $xpath, "/atom:feed/logo"); xml_remove_element($root, $xpath, "/atom:feed/author"); $author = dfrn_add_author($doc, $owner); $root->appendChild($author); } function dfrn_add_author($doc, $owner) { $a = get_app(); $author = $doc->createElement("author"); $namdate = datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $owner['name-date'].'+00:00' , ATOM_TIME); $uridate = datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $owner['uri-date'].'+00:00', ATOM_TIME); $picdate = datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $owner['avatar-date'].'+00:00', ATOM_TIME); $attributes = array("dfrn:updated" => $namdate); xml_add_element($doc, $author, "name", $owner["name"], $attributes); $attributes = array("dfrn:updated" => $namdate); xml_add_element($doc, $author, "uri", $a->get_baseurl().'/profile/'.$owner["nickname"], $attributes); $attributes = array("rel" => "photo", "type" => "image/jpeg", "dfrn:updated" => $picdate, "media:width" => 175, "media:height" => 175, "href" => $owner['photo']); xml_add_element($doc, $author, "link", "", $attributes); $attributes = array("rel" => "avatar", "type" => "image/jpeg", "dfrn:updated" => $picdate, "media:width" => 175, "media:height" => 175, "href" => $owner['photo']); xml_add_element($doc, $author, "link", "", $attributes); return $author; } function dfrn_entry($entry, $doc, $xpath, $item, $owner) { $a = get_app(); $author = ostatus_add_author($doc, $owner); $entry->appendChild($author); } function xml_replace_element($doc, $parent, $xpath, $element, $value = "", $attributes = array()) { $old_element = $xpath->query("/atom:feed/".$element)->item(0); $element = $doc->createElement($element, xmlify($value)); foreach ($attributes AS $key => $value) { $attribute = $doc->createAttribute($key); $attribute->value = xmlify($value); $element->appendChild($attribute); } $parent->replaceChild($element, $old_element); } function xml_remove_element($parent, $xpath, $element) { $old_element = $xpath->query($element)->item(0); $parent->removeChild($old_element); }