
Supported languages:\n"; $langs = $l->getLanguages(); sort($langs); foreach ($langs as $lang) { echo ucfirst($lang), ', '; $i++; } echo "
total $i

"; ?>
Enter text to identify language (at least a couple of sentences):

utf8strlen($q); if ($len < 20) { // this value picked somewhat arbitrarily echo "Warning: string not very long ($len chars)
\n"; } $result = $l->detectConfidence($q); if ($result == null) { echo "Text_LanguageDetect cannot identify this piece of text.

\n"; } else { echo "Text_LanguageDetect thinks this text is written in {$result['language']} ({$result['similarity']}, {$result['confidence']})

\n"; } $result = $l->detectUnicodeBlocks($q, false); if (!empty($result)) { arsort($result); echo "Unicode blocks present: ", join(', ', array_keys($result)), "\n

"; } } unset($l); /* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */ ?>