0, 'uid' => $uid]; DBA::update('push_subscriber', ['push' => 1, 'next_try' => DBA::NULL_DATETIME], $condition); self::requeue($default_priority); } /** * @brief start workers to transmit the feed data * * @param string $priority Priority for push workers */ public static function requeue($default_priority = PRIORITY_HIGH) { // We'll push to each subscriber that has push > 0, // i.e. there has been an update (set in notifier.php). $subscribers = DBA::select('push_subscriber', ['id', 'push', 'callback_url', 'nickname'], ["`push` > 0 AND `next_try` < UTC_TIMESTAMP()"]); while ($subscriber = DBA::fetch($subscribers)) { // We always handle retries with low priority if ($subscriber['push'] > 1) { $priority = PRIORITY_LOW; } else { $priority = $default_priority; } logger('Publish feed to ' . $subscriber['callback_url'] . ' for ' . $subscriber['nickname'] . ' with priority ' . $priority, LOGGER_DEBUG); Worker::add($priority, 'PubSubPublish', (int)$subscriber['id']); } DBA::close($subscribers); } /** * @brief Renew the feed subscription * * @param integer $uid User ID * @param string $nick Priority for push workers * @param integer $subscribe Subscribe (Unsubscribe = false) * @param string $hub_callback Callback address * @param string $hub_topic Feed topic * @param string $hub_secret Subscription secret */ public static function renew($uid, $nick, $subscribe, $hub_callback, $hub_topic, $hub_secret) { // fetch the old subscription if it exists $subscriber = DBA::selectFirst('push_subscriber', ['last_update', 'push'], ['callback_url' => $hub_callback]); // delete old subscription if it exists DBA::delete('push_subscriber', ['callback_url' => $hub_callback]); if ($subscribe) { // if we are just updating an old subscription, keep the // old values for last_update but reset the push if (DBA::isResult($subscriber)) { $last_update = $subscriber['last_update']; $push_flag = min($subscriber['push'], 1); } else { $last_update = DateTimeFormat::utcNow(); $push_flag = 0; } // subscribe means adding the row to the table $fields = ['uid' => $uid, 'callback_url' => $hub_callback, 'topic' => $hub_topic, 'nickname' => $nick, 'push' => $push_flag, 'last_update' => $last_update, 'renewed' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow(), 'secret' => $hub_secret]; DBA::insert('push_subscriber', $fields); logger("Successfully subscribed [$hub_callback] for $nick"); } else { logger("Successfully unsubscribed [$hub_callback] for $nick"); // we do nothing here, since the row was already deleted } } /** * @brief Delay the push subscriber * * @param integer $id Subscriber ID */ public static function delay($id) { $subscriber = DBA::selectFirst('push_subscriber', ['push', 'callback_url', 'renewed', 'nickname'], ['id' => $id]); if (!DBA::isResult($subscriber)) { return; } $retrial = $subscriber['push']; if ($retrial > 14) { // End subscriptions if they weren't renewed for more than two months $days = round((time() - strtotime($subscriber['renewed'])) / (60 * 60 * 24)); if ($days > 60) { DBA::update('push_subscriber', ['push' => -1, 'next_try' => DBA::NULL_DATETIME], ['id' => $id]); logger('Delivery error: Subscription ' . $subscriber['callback_url'] . ' for ' . $subscriber['nickname'] . ' is marked as ended.', LOGGER_DEBUG); } else { DBA::update('push_subscriber', ['push' => 0, 'next_try' => DBA::NULL_DATETIME], ['id' => $id]); logger('Delivery error: Giving up ' . $subscriber['callback_url'] . ' for ' . $subscriber['nickname'] . ' for now.', LOGGER_DEBUG); } } else { // Calculate the delay until the next trial $delay = (($retrial + 3) ** 4) + (rand(1, 30) * ($retrial + 1)); $next = DateTimeFormat::utc('now + ' . $delay . ' seconds'); $retrial = $retrial + 1; DBA::update('push_subscriber', ['push' => $retrial, 'next_try' => $next], ['id' => $id]); logger('Delivery error: Next try (' . $retrial . ') ' . $subscriber['callback_url'] . ' for ' . $subscriber['nickname'] . ' at ' . $next, LOGGER_DEBUG); } } /** * @brief Reset the push subscriber * * @param integer $id Subscriber ID * @param date $last_update Date of last transmitted item */ public static function reset($id, $last_update) { $subscriber = DBA::selectFirst('push_subscriber', ['callback_url', 'nickname'], ['id' => $id]); if (!DBA::isResult($subscriber)) { return; } // set last_update to the 'created' date of the last item, and reset push=0 $fields = ['push' => 0, 'next_try' => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, 'last_update' => $last_update]; DBA::update('push_subscriber', $fields, ['id' => $id]); logger('Subscriber ' . $subscriber['callback_url'] . ' for ' . $subscriber['nickname'] . ' is marked as vital', LOGGER_DEBUG); } }