. * */ namespace Friendica\Content; use Friendica\Core\Hook; use Friendica\Core\Logger; use Friendica\DI; use Friendica\Network\HTTPException; use Friendica\Util\ParseUrl; use Friendica\Util\Strings; /** * Extracts trailing URLs from post bodies to transform them in enriched attachment tags through Site Info query */ class PageInfo { /** * @param string $body * @param bool $searchNakedUrls * @param bool $no_photos * @return string * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ public static function appendToBody(string $body, bool $searchNakedUrls = false, bool $no_photos = false) { Logger::info('add_page_info_to_body: fetch page info for body', ['body' => $body]); $url = self::getRelevantUrlFromBody($body, $searchNakedUrls); if (!$url) { return $body; } $footer = self::getFooterFromUrl($url, $no_photos); if (!$footer) { return $body; } $body = self::stripTrailingUrlFromBody($body, $url); $body .= "\n" . $footer; return $body; } /** * @param string $url * @param bool $no_photos * @param string $photo * @param bool $keywords * @param string $keyword_denylist * @return string * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ public static function getFooterFromUrl(string $url, bool $no_photos = false, string $photo = '', bool $keywords = false, string $keyword_denylist = '') { $data = self::queryUrl($url, $photo, $keywords, $keyword_denylist); return self::getFooterFromData($data, $no_photos); } /** * @param array $data * @param bool $no_photos * @return string * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ public static function getFooterFromData(array $data, bool $no_photos = false) { Hook::callAll('page_info_data', $data); if (empty($data['type'])) { return ''; } // It maybe is a rich content, but if it does have everything that a link has, // then treat it that way if (($data['type'] == 'rich') && is_string($data['title']) && is_string($data['text']) && !empty($data['images'])) { $data['type'] = 'link'; } $data['title'] = $data['title'] ?? ''; if ((($data['type'] != 'link') && ($data['type'] != 'video') && ($data['type'] != 'photo')) || ($data['title'] == $data['url'])) { return ''; } if ($no_photos && ($data['type'] == 'photo')) { return ''; } // Escape some bad characters $data['url'] = str_replace(['[', ']'], ['[', ']'], htmlentities($data['url'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false)); $data['title'] = str_replace(['[', ']'], ['[', ']'], htmlentities($data['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false)); $text = "[attachment type='" . $data['type'] . "'"; if (empty($data['text'])) { $data['text'] = $data['title']; } if (empty($data['text'])) { $data['text'] = $data['url']; } if (!empty($data['url'])) { $text .= " url='" . $data['url'] . "'"; } if (!empty($data['title'])) { $text .= " title='" . $data['title'] . "'"; } // Only embedd a picture link when it seems to be a valid picture ("width" is set) if (!empty($data['images']) && !empty($data['images'][0]['width'])) { $preview = str_replace(['[', ']'], ['[', ']'], htmlentities($data['images'][0]['src'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false)); // if the preview picture is larger than 500 pixels then show it in a larger mode // But only, if the picture isn't higher than large (To prevent huge posts) if (!DI::config()->get('system', 'always_show_preview') && ($data['images'][0]['width'] >= 500) && ($data['images'][0]['width'] >= $data['images'][0]['height'])) { $text .= " image='" . $preview . "'"; } else { $text .= " preview='" . $preview . "'"; } } $text .= ']' . $data['text'] . '[/attachment]'; $hashtags = ''; if (!empty($data['keywords'])) { $hashtags = "\n"; foreach ($data['keywords'] as $keyword) { /// @TODO make a positive list of allowed characters $hashtag = str_replace([' ', '+', '/', '.', '#', '@', "'", '"', '’', '`', '(', ')', '„', '“'], '', $keyword); $hashtags .= '#[url=' . DI::baseUrl() . '/search?tag=' . $hashtag . ']' . $hashtag . '[/url] '; } } return $text . $hashtags; } /** * @param string $url * @param string $photo * @param bool $keywords * @param string $keyword_denylist * @return array|bool * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ public static function queryUrl(string $url, string $photo = '', bool $keywords = false, string $keyword_denylist = '') { $data = ParseUrl::getSiteinfoCached($url, true); if ($photo != '') { $data['images'][0]['src'] = $photo; } if (!$keywords) { unset($data['keywords']); } elseif ($keyword_denylist) { $list = explode(', ', $keyword_denylist); foreach ($list as $keyword) { $keyword = trim($keyword); $index = array_search($keyword, $data['keywords']); if ($index !== false) { unset($data['keywords'][$index]); } } } Logger::info('fetch page info for URL', ['url' => $url, 'data' => $data]); return $data; } /** * @param string $url * @param string $photo * @param string $keyword_denylist * @return array * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ public static function getTagsFromUrl(string $url, string $photo = '', string $keyword_denylist = '') { $data = self::queryUrl($url, $photo, true, $keyword_denylist); $taglist = []; foreach ($data['keywords'] as $keyword) { $hashtag = str_replace([' ', '+', '/', '.', '#', "'"], ['', '', '', '', '', ''], $keyword); $taglist[] = $hashtag; } return $taglist; } /** * Picks a non-hashtag, non-mention, schemeful URL at the end of the provided body string to be converted into Page Info. * * @param string $body * @param bool $searchNakedUrls Whether we should pick a naked URL (outside of BBCode tags) as a last resort * @return string|null */ protected static function getRelevantUrlFromBody(string $body, bool $searchNakedUrls = false) { $URLSearchString = 'https?://[^\[\]]*'; // Fix for Mastodon where the mentions are in a different format $body = preg_replace("~\[url=($URLSearchString)]([#!@])(.*?)\[/url]~is", '$2[url=$1]$3[/url]', $body); preg_match("~(?