. * */ namespace Friendica\Content\Conversation\Repository; use Friendica\BaseCollection; use Friendica\Content\Conversation\Collection\UserDefinedChannels; use Friendica\Content\Conversation\Entity; use Friendica\Content\Conversation\Factory; use Friendica\Core\Config\Capability\IManageConfigValues; use Friendica\Database\Database; use Friendica\Database\DBA; use Friendica\Database\DisposableFullTextSearch; use Friendica\Model\Contact; use Friendica\Model\Post\Engagement; use Friendica\Model\User; use Friendica\Util\DateTimeFormat; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; class UserDefinedChannel extends \Friendica\BaseRepository { protected static $table_name = 'channel'; private IManageConfigValues $config; public function __construct(Database $database, LoggerInterface $logger, Factory\UserDefinedChannel $factory, IManageConfigValues $config) { parent::__construct($database, $logger, $factory); $this->config = $config; } /** * @param array $condition * @param array $params * @return UserDefinedChannels * @throws \Exception */ protected function _select(array $condition, array $params = []): BaseCollection { $rows = $this->db->selectToArray(static::$table_name, [], $condition, $params); $Entities = new UserDefinedChannels(); foreach ($rows as $fields) { $Entities[] = $this->factory->createFromTableRow($fields); } return $Entities; } public function select(array $condition, array $params = []): UserDefinedChannels { return $this->_select($condition, $params); } /** * Fetch a single user channel * * @param int $id The id of the user defined channel * @param int $uid The user that this channel belongs to. (Not part of the primary key) * @return Entity\UserDefinedChannel * @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\NotFoundException */ public function selectById(int $id, int $uid): Entity\UserDefinedChannel { return $this->_selectOne(['id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid]); } /** * Checks if the provided channel id exists for this user * * @param integer $id * @param integer $uid * @return boolean */ public function existsById(int $id, int $uid): bool { return $this->exists(['id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid]); } /** * Delete the given channel * * @param integer $id * @param integer $uid * @return boolean */ public function deleteById(int $id, int $uid): bool { return $this->db->delete(self::$table_name, ['id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid]); } /** * Fetch all user channels * * @param integer $uid * @return UserDefinedChannels * @throws \Exception */ public function selectByUid(int $uid): UserDefinedChannels { return $this->_select(['uid' => $uid]); } public function save(Entity\UserDefinedChannel $Channel): Entity\UserDefinedChannel { $fields = [ 'label' => $Channel->label, 'description' => $Channel->description, 'access-key' => $Channel->accessKey, 'uid' => $Channel->uid, 'circle' => $Channel->circle, 'include-tags' => $Channel->includeTags, 'exclude-tags' => $Channel->excludeTags, 'min-size' => $Channel->minSize, 'max-size' => $Channel->maxSize, 'full-text-search' => $Channel->fullTextSearch, 'media-type' => $Channel->mediaType, 'languages' => !empty($Channel->languages) ? serialize($Channel->languages) : null, 'publish' => $Channel->publish, 'valid' => $this->isValid($Channel->fullTextSearch), ]; if ($Channel->code) { $this->db->update(self::$table_name, $fields, ['uid' => $Channel->uid, 'id' => $Channel->code]); } else { $this->db->insert(self::$table_name, $fields, Database::INSERT_IGNORE); $newChannelId = $this->db->lastInsertId(); $Channel = $this->selectById($newChannelId, $Channel->uid); } return $Channel; } private function isValid(string $searchtext): bool { if ($searchtext == '') { return true; } return $this->db->select('check-full-text-search', [], ["`pid` = ? AND MATCH (`searchtext`) AGAINST (? IN BOOLEAN MODE)", getmypid(), Engagement::escapeKeywords($searchtext)]) !== false; } /** * Checks if one of the user-defined channels matches the given language or item text via full-text search * * @param string $haystack * @param string $language * @return boolean * @throws \Exception */ public function match(string $haystack, string $language): bool { $users = $this->db->selectToArray('user', ['uid'], $this->getUserCondition()); if (empty($users)) { return false; } $uids = array_column($users, 'uid'); $usercondition = ['uid' => $uids]; $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($usercondition, ["`languages` != ? AND `include-tags` = ? AND `full-text-search` = ? AND `circle` = ?", '', '', '', 0]); foreach ($this->select($condition) as $channel) { if (!empty($channel->languages) && in_array($language, $channel->languages)) { return true; } } $search = ''; $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($usercondition, ["`full-text-search` != ? AND `circle` = ? AND `valid`", '', 0]); foreach ($this->select($condition) as $channel) { $search .= '(' . $channel->fullTextSearch . ') '; } return (new DisposableFullTextSearch($this->db, $haystack))->match(Engagement::escapeKeywords($search)); } /** * List the IDs of the relay/group users that have matching user-defined channels based on an item details * * @param string $searchtext * @param string $language * @param array $tags * @param int $media_type * @param int $owner_id * @param int $reshare_id * @return array * @throws \Exception */ public function getMatchingChannelUsers(string $searchtext, string $language, array $tags, int $media_type, int $owner_id, int $reshare_id): array { $condition = $this->getUserCondition(); $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($condition, ["`account-type` IN (?, ?) AND `uid` != ?", User::ACCOUNT_TYPE_RELAY, User::ACCOUNT_TYPE_COMMUNITY, 0]); $users = $this->db->selectToArray('user', ['uid'], $condition); if (empty($users)) { return []; } if (!in_array($language, User::getLanguages())) { $this->logger->debug('Unwanted language found. No matched channel found.', ['language' => $language, 'searchtext' => $searchtext]); return []; } $disposableFullTextSearch = new DisposableFullTextSearch($this->db, $searchtext); $filteredChannels = $this->select(['uid' => array_column($users, 'uid'), 'publish' => true, 'valid' => true])->filter( function (Entity\UserDefinedChannel $channel) use ($owner_id, $reshare_id, $language, $tags, $media_type, $disposableFullTextSearch, $searchtext) { static $uids = []; // Filter out channels from already picked users if (in_array($channel->uid, $uids)) { return false; } if ( ($channel->circle ?? 0) && !$this->inCircle($channel->circle, $channel->uid, $owner_id) && !$this->inCircle($channel->circle, $channel->uid, $reshare_id) ) { return false; } if (!in_array($language, $channel->languages ?: User::getWantedLanguages($channel->uid))) { return false; } if ($channel->includeTags && !$this->inTaglist($channel->includeTags, $tags)) { return false; } if ($channel->excludeTags && $this->inTaglist($channel->excludeTags, $tags)) { return false; } if ($channel->mediaType && !($channel->mediaType & $media_type)) { return false; } if ($channel->fullTextSearch && !$disposableFullTextSearch->match(Engagement::escapeKeywords($channel->fullTextSearch))) { return false; } $uids[] = $channel->uid; $this->logger->debug('Matching channel found.', ['uid' => $channel->uid, 'label' => $channel->label, 'language' => $language, 'tags' => $tags, 'media_type' => $media_type, 'searchtext' => $searchtext]); return true; } ); return $filteredChannels->column('uid'); } private function inCircle(int $circleId, int $uid, int $cid): bool { if ($cid == 0) { return false; } $account = Contact::selectFirstAccountUser(['id'], ['pid' => $cid, 'uid' => $uid]); if (empty($account['id'])) { return false; } return $this->db->exists('group_member', ['gid' => $circleId, 'contact-id' => $account['id']]); } private function inTaglist(string $tagList, array $tags): bool { if (empty($tags)) { return false; } array_walk($tags, function (&$value) { $value = mb_strtolower($value); }); foreach (explode(',', $tagList) as $tag) { if (in_array($tag, $tags)) { return true; } } return false; } private function getUserCondition(): array { $condition = ["`verified` AND NOT `blocked` AND NOT `account_removed` AND NOT `account_expired` AND `user`.`uid` > ?", 0]; $abandon_days = intval($this->config->get('system', 'account_abandon_days')); if (!empty($abandon_days)) { $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($condition, ["`last-activity` > ?", DateTimeFormat::utc('now - ' . $abandon_days . ' days')]); } return $condition; } }